West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Sep 1935, p. 3

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--. .71 ■«aŝ ~ ^ . . .■ , , „ . . * . , v . - l ^ « - -- - . r - * **g p j g i g " r a w wmiiiiiiwii <»msmm '* > « l l l ' « f WIO B »V A W ' KBWro *fr.SA n 'iA.S/.iw .■Jc.j West V ancouver H o r ticu ltu m l' A aaoclatton 19TH A N N U A t r - ^ .L q CtbI d u d P lc r s Q j id l o f F lo w e r a i' ' .^ i> S e iW F r u l t t . D o m e s t i c ' i c i o i o B '*'." Mtds M a rg m t Robson, 22nd Labor Day week end in victoria.* - - * ' ' e Captain and Mrs. H. I. Vince ahd fandly Wave returned from a trip up ooast. > , , i * OrmgeHall^ Admission 25c.' Chikiren, 16c SADDLE HORSES for HIRE F o r r a t e s a n d r e s e r v a t i o n s . . P t a o n e ^ M m t . 4 3 7 X 1 . 1 ' . J Burrard Laundry Ltd; > ^ c s i P O 'FOR , d e p e n d a b l e i ' DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancou ver; Representative Phones--West 691L or North 1310 Deorge Hay haa had the win- Strefet. dow of his office at 14th and Marine Drve enlarij^ and a hardwood floor laid do^n ̂also a large electric sign erected out­ side. <1 I V A Mrs. J. F. Sibley, who ha ̂ been visiting her, uncle, Arthur Pflmer of 546 16th Street, has returned to her home in San Francisco,I . 4̂1., * 4i J. Sweeney. 650 11th Street, has moved into a house at 2204 Bellevue Avenue. Mr. and. Mrs. Bert Gisby have moved from 1280 Fulton Avenue into a house at 1829 Fulton Ave­ nue. , ^ - Mrs, A. H. Chatwin has moved * f io K T i8 5 6 " " G k > id m n A ^ is occupying a nouse at 1817 Bellevue Avenue. V ;•* ;# /♦' ' \'T Mr.' IhiJ * Mrs.'̂ 'A¥"E**'I^aoohk'; ■ -have -̂ iMoved ̂'*ftrom̂ «576 Street into a house at 660 11th ,Mr. and Mrs; Hoy, who have been occupying a house on East Travers Avenue. •'* Bob Timhrell, 20th and ingJ«- wood Avenue, left here this week for Liverpool, England, where he will join the training ship. "Conway.'*, , . 4l > ♦ ♦ * r Vi. , Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Nutt have moved from 2186 Gordon Ave­ nue, into a house at 2091 Belle­ vue Avenue. ... A ♦ * III. ■(.. , 1 ̂ ' Adjutant Margaret Stfatton and Captain Henderson; who have been spending their holi­ days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stratton, 1468 Marine Drive, have return­ ed to Regina. . , i , ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Heard is-now occupying her homle again at 31st and 3 SPECIALS fo r the-BABY^ Aristo Nipples, Black Band ' 6 for 29c Aristo Nipples, Ordinary 0 for 21ki Rubber Crib Sheets I square yarxf..... ..... 89c each Bring the baby in to be weighed. Gemmill's Drag Store The Store of Servlea 1686 Marino Drive Weal 87 or Weat 607 Emergency Phono Weat 821 (After 10 p.xn.) Beach for the past three mpnths. Strattoa's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening, and Wedding Cakes Meat Pies; Sausage. Rolls, Banbury Cakes I,. , Cinnamon Buns; Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every i^rning ^ Note Address; 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 .WEST VAN ... „ . Sheet Metal Works Phone Weat 39 Furnace and Range, .Eepairs, Sawdust Burners ' Mr; and Mrs.. Tom Davison have returned to the city. . and daughter of Tldmonton, are ' ♦ ■ the guests of the f o m ^ s par- Mrs^ Higgins of" Vancouver, ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Davison, i,as- moved into a house at 24th . Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Garland and family,'2248 Bellevue Ave-' 17th and Inglewood Avenue, K. W. SsTory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside -Phone-West 340- Evenings, West 143 Listings Wanted ̂ \ i;4 . 3 ^ r ~ Real Estate Finance and The gamje warden shot a bear yesterday morning which was destroying Mrs. Smith's garden at 22nd and Mathers Avenue. '"TheTanimal"measured"6 "feet"8~ inches. and Nelson Avenue. Mr. ICirkham has moved from 1329 Fulton Avenue into the Cook house- at 18th and Keith _Road;_-__J.̂ ...,:. (i I. O. D. E. The regular meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. 0. D. E.,-will be held: at the home iof:Mrs.:H.;;B;iGray7- 2935^Marine r Drive, at 2:15 on Monday, Sep­ tember 9th. * •* '* Captain W. R.' Clark, 2991 Marine Drive, is, a patient in Shaughnessy Military Hospital. Mr. and Mrs., Ellis of Whyte- cliff, have moved into a- house at_2186 Argyle-Avenue.-,-- - > nue,' have moved into a / house aV2206 Marine Drive. ' ■ ■ ■:. > ■» . i"' , ■ ; 1 I 'M . . 'A ' j / . " . r I'.. , ' ' I ♦ 4ĉ , , r Captain C, J. Archer of C. J. ̂ Archer Ltd., has returned from " a vacation "at Qualicum Beach. ♦ ♦ ♦ \ Dr. and Mrs. A; C. Nash and, ' family7"2206 Marine Drive, have • ' i _____Jmoved into their new home at 19th and Marine Drive. ̂ ♦ Hi Miss Phyllis Bloxham, 23rd and Inglewood Avenue, has started, her course of training as a riurse_ at St. Paul's Hos­ pital.--- LADIES'" PROVINCIAL ̂ vRe CREATTON* CLASSES TO OUR READERS Any householder not receiving West Vancouver merhbers con­ tributed dance and rhythmic exercise numbers in a filial dis­ play held in: the Marion Malkin Memorial Shell, Stanley Park, last, Friday, ̂at 7:30 p.m. , A' group was chosen to dance , at the Kiwanis Convention gar­ den xjarty at the home "of W. H. Malian. Grecian, classic dances and an Indian spene were much enjoyed by the visitors.. .Xater Mrs. Charles Ridley, 29th and Bellevue Avenue, has returned from a two months' .visit' to rel­ atives in,S^linas„California. \ V ' ♦ , - Mrs. Ollason of Vancouver, has taken a house .at 23rd and Bellevue Avenue and is now oc­ cupying same*r Thos. -Fyfe, who has been spending the summer at 25th and Bellevue Avenue, has" re­ turned to Vancouver. ( * * * Mr; and Mrs. E.. Nightingale, 2426 Marine Drive', have moved into a house ar22frd anTl~Queen' ̂ Avenue. » ♦ ♦ . ' a copy of this paper on "any and dancers were treated to aan/iVi J..'.. ___ -each Thursday evening, is .re-,--̂ pleasant evening when entertain Quested to kindly phone us at ^ by J; H. Griffiths and Miss ♦ ♦ ♦ . Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adams of Blind Man Valley, Alberta, are the guests. of .Mi", and. Mrs. E. Keith, 16th and Marine Drive. The visitors have been more than twenty-eight years on the prairie and this is their first visit to the Pacific Coast. They purpose returning to Alberta to sell their holdings and then com­ ing back to B ^ . to' settle. ' \ , lit . Raymond'Olson, who has been spending a vacation with his mother, Mrs. O. T. Olson, 1561 24th Street, has returned to his , -home_in_Moose^Ja.w./^______ X_1 . ♦ _4t -------------- ------- - - _____________ To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE Sept. 6th, 6th' and ,7th. JAMES BARTON 'Captain Hurricane' also • T a i l s p i n T o m m y ' *' A 1 1 S e a l e d U p tf SAT. EVENIf^G & MONDAY ^^^^^jj^eptember 7th and 9th RONALD COLMAN - - LORETTA YOUNG - CLIVE OF INDIA' (The man, who won India for England) News, Cartoons, and other short subjects TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Sept.' 10th and 11th. 'The Wedding Night' also **MAYBE IT*S -L LOVE" ---------- at-4fl0-and-9; BOr-n------- West 363, in order that the omis sion may be corrected; We shall esteem any such phone as a fav­ or, as it is pur only way of check­ ing up on our deliveries.' ,Our boys have strict instructions to place a paper onjthe verandah of every_houseon-their-routes Florence Griffiths at a beach party. . ^ -- Winter recreation classes com­ mence in October." ^ HOLLYR^JRN HALL A party mjade up ^f J. Tite, Mr. and-MrsT-Glover and child­ ren, Mr. and Mrs., Percy And­ rews, .and Miss Molly -Andrews, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morris and fam|ily and Mrs. Rob- Ridley (nee Emma Thorpe), at the North, Vanco-uver .Hospital, September 1st,--a son, Herbert Arthur Mumjby. - - - -- ♦ ♦ ' Mrs. H. Harrison and family ______ ... b i „ d f S r ^ ^ fhere^will-be-Sunday_Scfa.QoJ-_B.eaclp.^r the holjidag s ^ ---- 3--to -J iio r t-fV a L is^ n to io ,7 a n ^ ^ ^ „ . ° , , other eastern points. Miss A. . ---- ' Watson Xas^ moved - Millburn of Brandon, niece of Traffic -was heavy ̂ and tlie jY^urn I|all.j A t 7 .30 p.m. from Vancouver into a house at Mrs. Harrison, returned with woman driver; talcing th e car â v e ^ 2626 Bellevue Avenue. her on a three w eeks'-visit. Mrr. F. FRANCIS LOVEGROVE and Bible,Classes at 10 a.m. neirt Sunday,. September 8th, at Hoi- VERNON FE E D STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone Weat 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders* Supplies -downtown-for-the-firstrtime^ivas-- will--be-held--for^old-anXyoung,- in XT..___iL ■ also:in th e afternoon at 3 o clockin difficulties. HemmS in bn/ Rally at H o l & R e r . AU'wffl be cordi- pulled 'ow^tnto^a lafet^^ ̂ ' ally, welcomed at these services. and stopp^ to get her bearings.' ' ̂ o "Lady, this is a safety zOne," -I- . , ^enry Got a Shock warned the policeman in , his . Carl; That, horse knows as kindliest tone. much as I do. Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, also a guest. Walter Webber-of "Brandon, is 23rd and Bellevue Avenue, have moved to South Pender Island. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Hanbury. ̂ • IlltICXi «cl2l> J- LlvF# " 1 *1 Lfs. of course," she answer- . - Henry: Don't tell anybody, eo with a smile of-gratitude. You - might want to sell him that s why I drove, in here." . . some day. Mr. and Mrs. Hanbury,and family of (^aulfeild have moved to Vancouver. . : - . ' " ♦ ♦ ♦ ^ Miss Margery Phillips was the Miss Kathleen Wenmouth has gone to Alert Bay where she has obtained a position in the t)vo- room "lyhite" school there. ♦ ♦ ♦ "' Mr. and Mrs. W. Wedley have moved from 14th and" Mathers guest of honor on the evening Avenue into a house at 1361 of her birthday, Tuesday.Aug-; 25th'Street. SPECIAL SALE R a n g e Oil B urners - Complete Installed $3952 . Smalltown paymbnl.. Easy Terms F p rs t's L td . -.North686 - Wost37661iOnsdale Ave. North Vancouver WEST VANCOUVER STEVENS CLUB A meeting of the Men and Women Members ' 7 ,} will,he held ^ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6thV at 8 p.m. at ';thb';Cjub̂ Hê ^̂ ̂ 'Marine^Drive. , ust 27th, at a party airanged and given for her by^Mrs; Harry Levinson, in the absence of Mr. and- Mrs. Phillips, yrho are en­ joying a holiday in--Saskatche- wan.. The yojung people sp^nt a delig^htful , evening I j^Pwing PRODUCE FRUIT a n d WEST VANCOUVER YOUNG LIBERALS ASSOCIATION in the 'ORANGE HALL,' at 9 p.tn., - .. ,, Fr id a y ; septsim beb eth, Marie Abraham arid '; . ' • ' ■ ' Admiasion. Oentlemen, 26 cento Her. Orchiestra. Ladies Free. games in rooms decorat^ with sweet peas. Eefreshni^en ŝ were serired from a tasteM y appoint­ ed table at which Mrs;; ̂ vinsbn poured; The guests., iheluded: The, Misses Margery r Phillips, Dpr^n : Toddi Dons -, Tickell,.' Dorothy Westwood ̂ .Audrey Todd, and Lily Martin ;'.Ross Mê Culloch, George Radlete,;. Bill Picker, Bob: Wilson, 'Tom ■ Shirt,- arid.Bill Wilson. ; ■ • ; , T he Old Store FRESH DAILY , .^574 Marine, Drive, Hollyburn- .Phone West 186. Free Delivery ; iA » ' ' i i f VI f-i ."?•/ r H .' m - i v m r i . - 4 ; %f, < 4' '*. t MW. 1-1S. h h i'4%i "M'n e.t i > ^ KLONDYKE JAMBOREE k BASKET PICNId CANYON VIEW HOTEL, CAPILANO , SATURDAY, SEPTi'Tth, a t ,1:30 p.m: Dance in Evening:, 8;20:P;m. ^Sports and AmusCmente. ' ' Free transportation leaving'l^tfi & Marine 1:30 p.m.' - ' ar\A nf fi n m -TU..' A__ ' ^ Iand at 8 p.m. for dance; ̂ -Mi.-: /I 'l '^r 1?̂ X'-uSliv 1. •i'l