West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Sep 1935, p. 2

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:■ i A i ♦ ■■ f-*" « - if I ff: f; » f ̂ i ̂ft * m11< 1,a ' ̂ ' «i ' 1 »U„ f. I"•̂i?i '̂ ?f ■ . ̂iv v) ill ^ '-I it '>tr ' V i/K J ",li '■- r iV(i- f / i t ̂J -*f % i'k i f l i l l l f l l!'fl ip III? i ;p ?J ||,fati > M w m t j m w m m € m m m ' ^ Mm. m m Wrim> MMOm Sonday Sekool aod Blbl« d « ia 10 BJOL "mkngim'^&^yM PmUfti B*f» H* F< Bm»im$jr$t Keaidvtice: 1048 Haywood Ave. ■ TPEottf^BI^I 1S0IKJ Sufidiyt'|lt>'vie«a •<« 11 turn, anil ' ̂ , MO jî .̂ Sunday School, 10:00 mM» • ^ w s a t f A s c o x j v m Scienci Society Bao/t to School with a brand new j>erm«neijit wave, that will mako you tho envy of your claes mateal W« have de'aiifncd o'echool g'ir) coif­ fure with jaunty up-turned end* and amooth wavea that will meet all demands of an active. curnpuH life. Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe IS46 Hu Im D rin SCHOOL SUPPLIES Bcribblera , Exerciae Hooka Note Hooka l*cna and PencMa Ink and Eraaera^ * School Painta" liULLIDUliiv IIAiJu Corner of 14th and Ihichefia SUNHAV, 8EI*T. 8 t |, 1935 .Sunday School and Bible Ciaaaea a t 10 a«m. Soya and Girla, Vountp Men and Maidena (gladly welcomed to above At 7:30 In evening; a very Stifclnl Meeting will be held for old and young. * , AIko in the Afternoon a t 3 o'clock, an Open Air Gospel Itally at Hollyourn Wharf. ,'Conn\anU hear and I Will de«' dare what He hath done for my Hoiil,"--Psalms 06: 10. HeMidents and visitors heartily welcomed. «0th and Baquimalt, HoUyburn Thii Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service; 11:80 a.m. Sunday, SaptemlWr 8, 1935 T^Teacher of Piano a0'.:^eory Musical Festival, if desired. , 100% succesaes at Toronto Conservatory Exatnia'with Orat class honors or honors. , , , , Ke-opens Tuei8^y/Septei|ito Studio;-2309 Marine Drive. , . l West 88-X Subject: " M AN" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m, Testimony Meeting Wednesday ' s t 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings. UNITED CHURCH Itev. Hillis Wright, Minister. ANBLESIDE PHARNACY ' W. L. KBE, 1401 Marine Drive West 823 FREE DELIVERY Prop. l*hone: DR. G. D. H. SE A LE D.D.S., L.D.B. D m m r Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr, Offlee Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 The W. A. of the United Church will resume their regu- ^lar meetings in the Church Hall, Tuesday afternoon, September lOlh. All ladies in the church- . are cordially invited to attend' these meetings. ' . Dr. GEORGE 8. MACDONALD If D.D.S., D.D.C., \* ' ' 1* -I'm a "■ Dental Surgeon ' |<s Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. - € 1 Evenings by appolntmont Royal Bank Bldg., Telephone West Vancouver, West 446" , ___ ________ E stab lish^ on North Shore ̂ } r | 25 Years(Lady Assistemt) ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. P*. A. Ramsey Rectok': September 8th, 1935 12th Sunday after Trinity. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. f0:00 a.m,--Sunday School. M:15a.m.~ 7 :T5' p.m.- mon. Tuesday, 8:15 p.m. -- Church Committee. BAPTIST CHURCH j Cor. 16th and Duchess Pastor; Rev. H. P. Humphreys Sunday, Sept. 8th, 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. Clas.s- eg for,all ages. 11:00 a.m,-- Morning Worship. Pastor will preach: topic, "What Have They Seen in Thy House." The Choir will resume their places. 7:15 p.ih.--^Evening Worship. Topic, "What Is,Faith?" Song service at com­ mencement. Monday, 8 p.m. -- B. Y. P. U. Open mieeting. Election of of­ ficers,. All young people over MARGARET M d fN iy ilE Licentiate of the College of Violinists, London, Eng., (late Royal Manchester College of Music) 'tbachervof A/r-'V ' .wf w ». .... m .<t .̂ 1 * 'I. 'll* jm :, wwa « 'vioiiii 3iiii nfliiio" i' ̂ ̂ ̂ ' Mrs. T. E. Snelgroye, Associate T easer Classes re-open Thursday, September 5th, Studio--17th Street (over Holly burn I^st-Office) . Studio Phone; . West 378L FALL TERM NOW IN PROGRESS. S p r o t t - S h a w Offei You the Key to Success -- Rapid Progress -- Opportunity -- Attainment -- The Best in Business Education at your service, Main School-- v. Phono, Seymour 1810 ' 815 West Hastings Street. or Seymour 9002 Day and.Night . C l a s s . .......... ... Individual Instruction permits student to enter any, day during the term'. .. - , „ .16, heartily welcome. . :5Ja^i?10:ad^^mon. Wednesday 8 p.m.--Erayer-and-- •Evensong and Ser- praise meeting with short ad­ dress. Thursday 8 p.m,--Choir practice. HifLRRON BROS. LTD. IFunerai S tre c to rs Wedne.sday,-8 p.m.--Choir prac- BARBARIANS' RUGBY CLUB ,,, « ' . . , ' A. meeting of the executive ht. r rancis-in-the-Woods, and members of the Barbarians - : . Caulfield - v -:____ "9 R5 ■ a.m. mon. 'Matins "and Ser- Rugby Glub-will-be held-in :the basement of the Orange Hall at W est V ancouver N ursery School -A- Modern Kindergarten ̂Specialising iuT Open-air Activities •, Autumn Term opens Thursday, September 5th. Mrs. C. Claxton . 2832 Bellevue Ave., - Graduate :'Froebel Training (College, . Telephone ___ Bedford,_ England. _______' ______1.. West 86-X-2 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 1.3-1 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ^ L 23rd and Inglewood Ave. ------------ V ' Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Aveiiiie East Phone Fair. 13d" Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:45 a.m." ' « High Mass & Sermon -- 10:45 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :15 8 p.m. next Wednesday, Septem­ ber 11th. All members and those jnterest̂ ĉ are asked to be present, as arrangements will be made then for the coming season. For any further infor­ mation please phone E. Lane, West 21lt. C. C. F. NEWS p.m. ------------ - Catechism and Bible History Canyon View Hotel, Cap The Klondyke Jamboree to be C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER NOW OPEN ■FULL TIME 14th & Marine, Phone West 135 eyerySaturday -- 9;S0~aym. Promises to be a unique -Week-day Services ' -r ' ^utertainment in .that one can pR. G. D.H, SEALE wishes to announce-his* appointment as school dentist (succeeding Dr. McCubbin), by the Trustees of the School Board. The West Vancouver School Dental Clinic will now be located in Suite 3, Hay Block, 14th and Marine Drive. ' - Dr. Se^e will continue his general practice of dentistry-in all its branches as heretofore; Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. ̂ * millionaire for the day and Fridays -- Rosary, Benediction, "Soapy ----- Confewoirs"="7i45-pnnr^----- pDth..^Saloon^^just~--as--the-^ Saturdays -- Confessions from 7:30 p.m, to 8:30 p.m. W. C. T. U, RADIO REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed Experience Insures Snlis^ction BROWN & MUNTON 1542 Marine West 366 The West Vanwuver W. C. T. U. will hold thetrVegular month­ ly meeting at-the hpme of Mrs. A. L. Beamer, corner of 17th and Ottawa Avenue, on Thurs­ day,- September 12th, at 2:15' p.m. . A Scotchman wont to town for n and a f r iond-ihct4iim-wander- ̂ BOARD NOTES (Contributed) ■fortyniners of old did in those uproarious times. Fr^ r transportation is pro­ vided leaving 14th and Marine at 1:30 p.m. and at 8 p.m. for the dance. j The next -regular ̂ business meeting of the 'club will take place in the Headquarters at 8 p.m. on Monday, September 9th. All members are urgently re­ quested to be present as-business of the utmost importance is to be transacted. . . T h e S c i e n c e a n d A r t o f . E I T O C U T I O N , CLASSES, RESUMING SATURDAY, SEP'R 7th.; ^ Children 9:3Q a.m. Ladies) 10:30 a .k Gentlemen: Public Speaking Class, 7:30 pirn., Monday) Sept. 9th Private ^uition arranged.' REV. DA.VIB A. A LLA N - 1494 Inglewood Avenue big down the street- with a pair of trousers on his arm, "Whore are yo goin', Sandy?" "Ho reriied: "Oh A*hfm lookin' for the 'Aberdeen Free Pjreas'," THB W est Van.Nezvs Publlolied Brery Thuraday - Fuldiaher • P. P. LOVKGROVE Phone-W€Sl"363-- Baaineaa and Bditorlal Office: • ITtii and Marine Drive (Next to RoDyham P.0,) Phone West 363 . Mail Addrcaa; P*0. Box 61,- RoUybam, B.C The following notice of motion was,, made at meeting ef the Board of School Ti-ustees held on August 22nd: "The cost of operating the ̂ auditorium during the even­ ing having been shown to be_ " approximately $1.26 per , hour, that charge of this amount will be made for all ' activities Involving the use of the. auditorium apart . from authorized school res- - em tions, an additional dol­ lar l^ihg ohai^l^ for use of -CHURCHES^P-GHRISTr SCIENTIST the kitchens," J 0:^e Board accepted tender of Afessrs. Evans, Coleman and Evans for supply of fuel for the yeAr. m an ' will be the subject, of tne Lesson --Sermon in all Chuphes of Christ, Scientist, on . The Golden Text is: "Blessed m m'an that trusteth in- the and whose hope the Lord IS. (Jeremiah 17; 7), Among, the citations-which Lesson - Sermon is "fe ll?J^heve Me • that I am ' ip the Father, and the Father In Me: -or-else-believe -Me~"for the^ery works' M r s . M a r g e r y R . C l a r k ELOCUTIONIST ̂ (Grold Medallist, B. C, Musical Festival, 1935) SPEECH ARTS ENGLISH PHONETICS " ; DICTION Etc. Studio:--2291 Marine Drive, Phone'W est 526-L. HOLLYBURN RAINFALL CORRESPONDENCE The Editor, Dear, Sir:;rL.I write to you with _ Total rainfall for July, 2.16 ■ waiuc ...... Total rainfall for August, 1.27 ' ®̂8Tard , to*, the 'High Level bus, inches. _ which we use ^ Rainless days, July, 22. ôto. - , ^ - Ga^s seem to; escape in some peculiar fashion cauang a mosi , ju iy , 252, V Rainless days, August," 23. .North' Vancouver. Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. 11.^ X year curlw: 13.00 x'year • Mr; and Mrs. P. G, Corbett, 1280 Esciuimalt Avenue, and Mr. ;;and'- Mrs. W., Gentleman, 1263:^aywobd_ Avenue, spent Labor Day week end in .Seattle sake," (John 14; 11). jesson - Sermon also « .L, following passage The wet n̂pii ^ j. Peculiar f a s h io n causing a muai. 9h**istian Science text- come about Augurt^l2th^^^n offensive smeUr and in some ?f^«ace and Health with this year on July 30th making the women feel good advertisement for the place if a s our v is i t o r s o f t e n comment - " ehM. on this., and; s ^ that the city ~ 7 . \ buses are; quite .; different, ano Sev«y\hnd^lh^ and privilege . making a total of and-,woman,