West Van. News (West Vancouver), 12 Sep 1935, p. 4

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^ A'l SALMON Katana Rad SpHitf , VtK t*n ...... ............... . 'I ^EAS - - Sew Rarlt -*« wjth ill Ota dclicioua flavor of Fricati rklcadl .|»«a». ' u HLUB & WHITE, Sleva 4 .. 2 No# 2 llna Side HLUB 4k WHITE, Ungraded 2 No. 2 S(|uat tina l*INEAI»I»LE CUBES, Crawfords Ciant Flat.T in .......... lOe Rrd & Whito AFKICWS No, 2 t in , ...... ................ ..'..„E«ch TSe Red & Whito CATSUF, Made from ripe iomaloea.......12 oz. Bottle 14c HNKAFPLB JUICIfi. Dole'a, made from Hawaiian Pineapple 14 oz. till ........................ 10c iledlund'a BAKEP BEANS . 16 oz. tin t ........ . v«*»*«4*M**J« l ie Quaker I r ra d ia t^ CORN FLAKES 1 Leiteroua 'I Hal I*ackage Free with 3 Pkta. 21^ RED & WHITE COFFEE Vacuum aeali^, Una.......,.,1 lb. SJJc AUNT MARY'S fcoFFEE, packed in lined aealed baga...........I lb. 20c IIILLA COFFEE Good VilOei - I lb, bag ...... ..... ... ......... . 24cI IM. oag .......... .................... 24c COMPLEXION SOAP - Lady (Rnflyn Face Cloth FREE with purchaac of 4 OflKOH ^ , , H 4 , .'Meats Phone West 370 SPtEJraU p'pIBPLA 'lfAT FALL SHOW SMALL SALMON, 3 to 4 lb. each 2$c ■ ifOoiltfliiiiufii from Pjotp IlliHNB' BIDE BACON (b , tk . ~ i T « « R . B. VIRtHNIA BAKED HAM, Ih.......flSc o ^ d . Urn. H. P. Allen. FiNJiST BOILED HAM, lb....... soe Perennials -- Ist, Mrs. A. F. *•...... ^ J R. B. Rhodes. IIOlIJNti FOWL fy a ^ ;,^ p ir ii, 1 |J gnd iT T ' ROASTINT CHICKEN, Wib».... 30c Mclavish. H W IFrs COINAGE ROLLS. Ib. 27c _ . . A pples ISP®'...., o tv J I I ty M M I%\9MJt i V W l U i l ^ # l i f e a w fC j r i i | / | / l t » C T IIKKF ~ PORK - r I.AMB - VEAL , ■ W calth y ^ ls t, Mrs. A. Hutch. , le ry Hneat Qua ity ^ in so n : 2nd . W. D ickinson.Inspn; 2nd, W. Dickinson. Gravenstain -- 1st, K, A. R ay; I k , '{ikn 2nd. Mrs. A. P. Albfm iV r& W w r s X i ^ r m X witfc „ O"®'*®** ®f O d en b u rB _ . III. K K .l..t e r e froM th e 's iw it..... C o le ; 2nd. D. M cT avish. ingredienta. A bopie ahould never A .O .V .'-- le t , A. M c A rth u r: f e . n l "' v , ;; 2nd , M ias A . M. M cA rthur. [ A thU r^ 2 n d ^M rs~ C C o fe ^ 'RED I'LUM JAM, Columbia ^ With lidded Pectin.......4 lb. Un 32c o f B lack b erries -- l.st, Red & wiilte BAKING POWDER M rs. S. G isby ,* 2nd M rs. W. T ln - «z. tin ................................;... 17c n ev R. d & White CHICKEN HADDIB P earA fearIvS 1st Mr« A V DeliclouH with White Sauce a lu ' ^ , ,i'»rge t i n ......................;..... ....... i 3 c A lb in ; 2nd , JMbss E . M. M illard. . ---------------------------- --, P e a r s (w in te r) _ 1st. A. Mc- ■ A r th u r ; 2nd , M rs. C, Cole, WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER cO " -- FOR REAL 8 A '0 a F A C T b N i& } ^ * v 9 ^ ,'w ^^i i e , t, ' iif's' I !j;* *«*#*#•*'■' Phone West 115 y THE BUBII ' ̂ AlAo in Canada'wo have too By Subadiir niany undigested foreignks for ................>̂ otir own safety and comfort. 't « i '» f«- ■[» J •( C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rate for'Claesifled Advertiacmenta ia. 2 centa per word, minitnum 25 centa. Except In the case of thoae having regulair accounts, kll claasi. fieds are payable strictly in advance. Remember Classifleda in the Weat Van „ News get immediate reaulta. r * , ̂( II Li Plums Blue; -- 1st, C. J. Wadsley; 2nd, M rs.:A rF. Albin. Yellow -- 1st, G. Guest. H J 2nd,W. J. Clifford, Greengages -- 1st, W. Dickin,- son. Dam/sons -- 1st, Mrs. P. Mast- J < The Americans arc" going to , . . . , kMp out o t war r^ard less of Jl have ju st discovered the ■if."iL ^ "̂ E®o Europe and remedy for all our banditry, and jAfrica. Mr. Borah says so most liavc .sent thareeipe. to Gerry by cmphatioally. Maybe ' so /a n d -- sp(?cial messenger. The same maybe not, / was tried out in New York some uam sons -- 1st Mrs P 8kys"a r o u r T l ^ w S ' P , h ^ b y the editor of ermallT2nd,.Mrk s" gi's& . the U.S. have u little Europo.and almomiced tha t all the animals P. Masterman " ̂ $10,00 REWARD - Whl be paid for WANTED -- Girl for housewrfrk and information leading to the arrest plain cooking.' West 362-L-l. and conviction of the person or per-I COIAM W*1 V 1VV4W1* \/Jk VlAv V* 4 yr ' > > ) . , , , ,, .......... sons who illegally broke into the , FOR SALE -- Moffatt, Electric Range premises No. 2402 Marine Drive, . with kitchen heater to match. Phone . ■ 111174^444' .. 'Xr** ihB* ^ 411*̂ * r t / J '■ V. V ' V . ' ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' 5 3 4 * 1 - 4 ' ■West Vancouver, now occupied b y , the Hon. H. H. Stevens Committee.■ V1«V. AJkVAA* '4.4.* ' AA4 KfV\^e\ ,l lO 11 VVVr V' , - , , i ,..*i . . ....... V " , T , ■ . . Rooms, about 6 pm. Sunday even- _TO RENT :-- Good'fuiDusbed house. mg. Walter J. Robinson. Apply 1678 M arine'Drive. West 601 From October 1st; com- DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS -- Suits, Children's, Clothes; home or by day. Mrs. Robbins, 2791 Marine West 619-R. ' , ■ , GIVE THE W IPE A REAL CHANGE •Take her to Hunter's Coffee Shop. Luncheons, teas, dinners.-W est 61o!' • I S f I '* ' ' thorn. t'* f varied nntioIjftHtierSJralbrwi?! tl'v,biggest practical joke ever Emb. Luncheon Cloth -- 1st, it lnto"tho1r to . ".u York, and Miss T, Kerrison; 2nd, Mrs. F. W "" l d r t ^ 4 ? ^ ^ " ^ w e S - 1st M r, F. X 'd o T h r i he WANTED r-- Girl for domestic s^er- - vice. Phone West 283-L-l after 6 p.m. ' GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your, next shoe repairs. 246p .Marine Drive. >1 ' M FOR SALE -- Range in good condi- tipn. ^Cash, $12.50., Phone-'W est- " •West 639 98-R-2. RADIO SPECIALISTS -- Hayward & Prebble -- H ave'your se t over­ hauled now; summer pricesi Phone TTT_ J - 8 " 'I ;> y -riV -,V A-i-<' j - i j -• ill work InsaTthT^aua * I, announcement I n " ~ C r ^ ^ i t e r --" lkrMr$7G¥i^TrANpY-Ai^rrsHOPPE,-T>Mda1^^ ni worK m s u i t in ^ iH g s , eapociaL th e V ancouver presig would k eep la n d : 2nd . L u lu R av --Notions, Novelties, statioriery, For sale or re n t.. W est 220-L, ellows like H itle r thn ..rr p i ' / . .. School Supplies, Nails, Hard^wkre! ■:---------- -- ^ ^ SHOB REPAIRS -- Get the best mat- e m l Md workmanship, at,. Pox's, f 14th a t Perry. ■ ' COLIN t u r n e r ; 'B uilder And Con- tractor -- A lterations,and repairs. Phone West 679R. .________ _ -P V I f H0URSi40N-ST0P Cut Work --r ' i k , Mrs. Gar- --T? ' Henrickson. ____ _ _________ Emb" Cushion -- 1st, Mrs.. VERY NICElGround Floor Furnish uAuvfov/x-xi I vaiax iteinueiy / ,dooks Regular $2.00 .each, for,$7.5Q£Phone Bayview 7911-L WANTED ;-- One fammbed and one unfurnished 4-rodm cottage near ' ferry. - Phone W est 340 or West 143 Henrickson; 2ndi-Miss T. Kerri- "soji: CHIMNEY S W E m N G ^ i / tK e Old eed Suite in h7m; 'oTWaTd'tate_____g "' SALE-*^Bd, 2nd, M rs . J. H T-Eaterson^-- --new " paying guests; West 686^3^ Capilano, Phone-North 811R2. enuer l a " d ° M r l ^ O ^ F & ^ W A N T p CoogeiaP ^aV deS an d P>-™«waat'isa- ± M ----------- * M l*#JU iar T -- T t c i S I Z Estate^and Insurance.;; Phone West 21 or, Seymour; 1260.»;? ; M f • i G : I f i w k S r ^ d , mTsS f o b s a l e U ai,.e Dinette Set. . " t e ® ° S 4 ? ® S ^ t o E ileen D en t. ® \ Majestic Radio, and, oddments; all H astin ffr^ f 'C ro c h e t (a n y ;a v tic ie ) _ 1st, ■» a ° ° J ^ n d i t i , ^ V e r t Ide-L/ . ^ ^ ^ S t . , S eym o« 4199. after- M i^ A t M. M cAkhur; 2nd, Mrs. WANTED> -- Waterfront' property; HGAnbfTA'P'rwnb * - *n » i F. Ray. bargain? cheap for dish. Apply ^ox "^1® 9^A R T E R S for; All Popular Domestic Science , . n W est Van W * Whit^ Loaf -- 1st, Mrs. K Masterman; 2nd, Mrs. A. G. M r« ' A'® 1 Home, 4 rooms and Dinette, $27.50.Mrs, A. G. Hawkes; 2nd, Mrs. Box 14, West Van News. - ■ tflSDy. ̂ ̂ • w«, , TkTrnm^ " . ' , v* S ponge C ak ^ ---- '1 Qt M»»ci Q <-- An Unfurnished Room :?^S; S .- in home; convenient' to .fe rry ; fo" WANTED -- Home for wMte Persian kitten, female. Phone W est 119-R-l alsuT ishm g G adi^ts'for local wat- ers. Ambleside Tea 'Rooms. CAPT. E. GALLANT, . Registered Chiropractor,l712 Hobson St.. Van­ couver.. Seymbur:8790a Millard; 2nd, Mrs. W. J. Kane, Gingerbread -- 1st, Mrs.* F. Richardson. . - . " Layer Cake -- 1st, Miss T. Kernson ; 2nd, Mrk. Powell (Continued in Next Issue) FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. , Houses, lots, and acreage yfbr . ^ l e l . J o h n Lawson, I7th arid Marme;:Ph'one West 55. 'the winter. Ferry Lending Librar.y HOUSEKEEPING ROOM dr BOARD w rv rin d d cxt'a i i W ' «^ntTTxin o I?, comfortable home, - dose in. AWNINGS rhone West 350-̂ X. ' D4 v̂ r ------------------- - xxee. v, Jitricrure iraramg. HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP, R C.. -- fearce ,,1890 M arine,.W est 529 or Join Our Library: 25c a moAth; ̂ ^ m p i '; to .r . ■' ' ' I I ' A i f t A P f i i t A ' ' ' ' n r V L C A P I L A N O ̂ V. < » A U C T I O N 'U $2.00 'a " 'y e r r r - '"La<iyshi; W ^ s ' ~ - ---------- ------------------------- 1678 Marine Drive. West^eoi. ' LAWN MOWERS'SHARPENED -o -- -------. Repairs, all makes* W est Vancou- $8.00 FOR RENT -- Three "room f urn. Machinio Shopr i449 Marine. -Ill®5l350-X, DAINTY CAKE 'SHOPPE -- Home- made bread, ^cakes ;sand pastries.