West Van. News (West Vancouver), 12 Sep 1935, p. 3

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Hugh Hodgsoft left here th is " Reeve l ie y l^ d aM Coundllcw«" ►n.' ................................g< by ^ a y of the Panam a Canal and ___syh week to Join Mrs. Hodgson and Fiddes and Dickinson are attend rh " .T p tU N ilN O N MODEL CA.1 Price $124.00 TIIADE IN * . \tVII offer a Rcnaroua RCA Victor Clobft Trotter Radio Raâ boeoDM ajraotay. moua with proven thoit long wav« radio. Now in tha now Gloho Ttoltcte for lP35«St̂ world*wido norfonnanoo reacliea a now peak of perfocilotli ̂ Raitor and mor«. accurate tu n ^ of Eutopoan. American abort wava ata> tiona u well aa the aUndard ware programa. Brilliant tone qtmlitjr. 'Lovely cabinete. See --bear diem at our rtore., Wide choice of modela . . . at moderate pricea. Eaay tetma. kC A ViaoR allowance on your, prcaeiit ael Luck lot tht Homo "G M t Trelltr" o h tht Mol of $bi rodlo. R A D I O with METAL TUBES B R O W N & M U N T O N 1542 Marine Drive West 366 MEMBERS ASSOCIATED RADIO TECHNICIANS OP B.O, her daughter in England, going ing the UrB.CM. convention th is week a t Harrison Hot Springs, the W est Indies* He expects ♦ ♦ * • . they will aU re tu rn together to Mr. F itzpatrick o f Vandm- the ir home here in about a year's ver, has moved into a house on time on Miss Beatrice Hodgson the E a s t Beach, completing her musical studies ♦ * ♦ in London. * W. R. Yates, 16th S treet, is a patient in. the N orth Vancou- Mrs, W, T. Watson, 15th and ver General hosp ital.. Fulton Avenue, is away on a * ♦ * trip to Seattle and Portland. Mr. and Mrs* J. U. Holt and ... daughter^ " 17th - and"^M ai'ine T. J . Bellas o f Vancouver, has Drive, ai'e spending a holiday a t purchased the Wyckoif property Kelowna, a t 104a^ Clyde Avenue. * • ♦ '- * ' * ' * Word has been received from Mr. Higgins has moved from the Misses Clara and Katherine; the city into a house a t 24th and Wilson th a t they arrived in Nelson Avenue. * Sydney, A ustralia, a f te r a very * * * ,, pleasant voyage lasting th irty - About th irty of Dr. and Mrs. four days, during which the A. C., N ash's friends gave them ship did not call a t any port. A t a su]^rise party a t their new the tim e of w riting they were home, 1891 Marine Drive, last still in Sydney. Saturday night. A delightful ih ♦ tim e was spent in music, re- Mrs. Harold E. Walker, 1461 , freshm ents being served a t the 24th S treet, has been ordered to conclusion of the evening. Christie S treet Hospital, Toron- * * * to, fo r treatm ent. She leaves M rk Robert Bell, 1231 Marine early next week. Drive, has* moved into her house ♦ * ♦ at 13th and Duchess Avemie. A t Pauline Johnson School a' receiving class of 88 were en- SADDLE H O R SE S fo r H IR E F o r r a t e s a o d r e s e r v a t i o n s . P h o n e W e s t 4 3 7 Y 1 Miss Betty Short of Vancou­ ver, ha^ returned home afte r spending a few weeks as the rolled, and 25 taken into other grades, making a total of , 804 pupils for the school. The re- guest of Miss Ora W right a t the ceivihg class a t Hollyburn School Mrs. W. R. White and Lulu Kay left Tuesday morning on a two months' t r i p . to Colorado, New Mexico and California. . HOLLYBURN HALL la tte r's summer home, "Saltair, West Bay. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. S tew art has moved from Fisherm an's Cove into a house a t 2257 Marine Drive. numbered 20, the total school registration being 240. iB )|< iB Mrs. F. A. Ramsey had the m isfortune to slip on the .floor of a friend's house last Satur-* 'day, fracturing her hip. She was taken to St. Paul's Hospital, K. W. SuTory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone. West 340 ̂ J Evenings, West 143 Listings Wanted Real E s ta te a n i Mr. and M rs*J, H arry Alex- S e n & '2^ f t fh T l O Rhflippa Alexander and Milfard where she is n o ^ a patient. spending September a t Horse- shoe Bay. . . ..day, Harold Summer»7"b"anker, Vancouver, , will present "Th^a. Unsearchable" Rich^""of"Christ"." " Please come and claim your share. A t 3 p.m. in the a fte r­ noon another Open A ir Gospel Service will be held .at Holly­ burn W harf to which all are cordially invited. .. W. T. W alker ha^ moved into his new home a t 2.5th and .Math­ ers Avenue. „ will be speakers a t Two parlor ^ e r t i n g s to be held on Wed- ries, Septem ber' 18fh, a t 3 and BUILDING PERMITS, - $23,370. The municipal hall la«t Aug­ ust issued 20. perm its for a total -of-$23,370,-made-upfas-follows 9 dwellings,, $19,350; 1 store, -$2,000-;_6-_additions,-^l,330-;---l-- Mrs. William Thompson of A tam e, Saskatchewan, is spend­ ing a month visiting her sister, Mrs. Reid Markland of Vancou­ ver,land her sister-in-law. Mrs. J. F. Lennox, '2211 Bellevue Avenue. - . ♦ ♦ ♦ : __Mr... and_M_rs_i_K^n_nedy,_24th- apd Haywood Avenue, have 7 :30 p.m.. Subject for the a fte r­ noon, *'The Garden of the Lord."*' Evening subject, "A Study in Contrasts." Address, 2174 Ar- gyle Avenue. A co.rdial invitac tion is extended to everyone.* ♦ ♦ , ' Mrs. E." S. Hbwdle and daugh­ ters, Muriel and Doris, of 2046 Esquim alt; Avenue, returned home, on Saturday night after* spending a two weeks' holiday a t. Banff and Saskatoon. ' alteration, $310; 1 garage, $30; 2 miscellaneous,»$350. ' , ^ This is an increase of $13,720 over .the figures for August of last year, which were $9,650, and .$5,820 in ekeess of the July total of,$17,550. moved to West Bay.; ijP' Ih e TERRY LENDING LIBRARY Among other nevy autumn books now in circulation ; .the,late;CplGnel Lawrence's ^ uerr 1 n*.T Wisdom" ^ W.' W; Hawtin, 2939 M athers Ayebue, left last week for a trip to the Old Country. Mr. and Mrs. V;-C. Griffin of Vancouver, are 'guests of the Clachaii., it it it rf ̂ ̂ . Councillor and Mrs. L. Gar- thorne have left ' fo r a two weeks' motor trip in the Cariboo country. BOWLING-NOTES The West Vahebuver Ladies'. .Bowling Club put on a Maggie and Jiggs doubles' tournam ent last Saturday on ' the club, greens, which proved very, suc­ cessful. Play was progressive and twenty-four ladies entered, the prize going to Mrs. Taylor and Ben .Kloepfer. STEVENS' HEADQUARTERS e n t e r e d ------ WEST VANCOUVER PING PONG LEAGUE V. "The 1935-36 Season will commence in a few weeks. . New teams wishing- to enter may obtain full information by phoning - J. BAXTER, a t W ek 156Y ingle players unable to form a team may send in 'their names and teams will be formed for them, if possible, Mrs. Sorley, who h a s ' been visiting her sister, Mrs. DunCan, 1126 Esquim alt Avenue, for the past th ree weeks', has returned to her home in Edm onton., lie * Mr. and l ^ s . A. F. McDuffee of Vancouver, with Miss M argar- Some' person or persons un­ known broke into the Stevens Club H eadquarters a t 2462 Marine Drive last Sunday after­ noon, obtaining en try through the back door. They tore the posters off every window except one- and- .damaged the large -W ezz R e p e a t Have your Prescriptions dispensed here. W e have been doing it for others for 15 years in W est Vancooyerl t ' li G em m iirs D n i j S to re Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, C hrisibhing. - and Wedding Cakes , Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note A ddress: • 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, Sopt.. 12., ONLY "THE NIT WITS" with WHEELER & WOOLSEY FRIDAY & SAT. MATINEE' September 13th & 14th ' A Dog oI Flanders ' also' ' T a i l s p i n T o m m y ' SAT. EVIENING & MONDAY September 14th & 16th -MAU RICE^CHEVALIER- **The F o llies B ergere" from the famous Parisian - Music Hail Also News, Cartoon, etc. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Sept. 17th and 18th DREW STER'S MILLIONS'- also ' ^Four Hours, to Kiir a t 7:10,and 9:50. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEA RLE Phone W est 9 Fertilizers _oi Ali_ Kinds .Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies WKiLLLl" C .C .F . C A M P A I G N M E E T I N G Legion Hall - TUESDAY, Sept. 17thi a i 8 p.m . s p e a k e r s : ■REV. ROBT. CONNELL, M.L.A. Leader of the B.C. Opposition. R. B. SWAiLES,"M.L.A.; for Delta. Y O U 'are invited to come and hear the tru th about Bennett, King, Stevens, e ta l. et McDuffee h3ve been spending painted banner which is to be a few weeks a t Horseshoe' Bay. .erected on the outside of. the * * - building. So .far-no trace has Billy Lewis of the Tllachan, been obtained as to the ir ident- has left for a week's , m otoring ity. Mr. Robinson, .the owner of trip w ith friends-to Seattle. ♦ ♦ ♦ ■" An illustrated lectu re , on "Pom peii: .The Rqinahce. O'f _a Buried City" wiil be given a t th e Parish Hall, Caulfeiid, on F ri­ day, September 20th, a t 8 p^ih., by D rr J . Williams Ogden, D.D., One hundred and th ir ty m agni­ ficent colored plates. the building, is offering a $10 reward fo r information leading to their a rres t and conviction. SPEOIAL VALUES New 1936 Radios .Victor, Marconi; Rogers, General ' Electric, , Majestic, De Forest 'Crdsley.*^ . Fofst'sLtd. ■Nortli-525 . West 37 , 66 Lionsdfile Avo> North Vsneouver . TEAROE &- SpN , 1474 Marine Drive C oncrete Cfonit'actbrs excavation* AND FOUNDATION WORK. . LIME, SAND, CEMENT A L L b u i l d i n g m a t e r i a l s for quick delivery. P H O N E W E S T 8 4 ^ , . Engagement Mrs. W. Bryson' Thomas an-- x nouncea th e engagement of her younger daughter, Constancec Florence, to Mr. George Hamil- , ton Davenport,, secondson . of Mrs. - B urdette Davenport of West Vancouver. The wedding will take place in St. Stephen's Church, W est V ancouver, on October 12th, a t 7 :30 p.m. CANADIAN LEGION, W E S T VANCOUVER ■ D A i M p 'E " FRIDAY, Sept, l^h . Admission 15c.' in the Legion Hall a t 9 p.m. ' Roy Lowe's Orchestra -------------- t - W EST VAN PRODUCE FRUIT an d VEGETABLES FRESHDAILY H ie O ld Store 1574 Marine Drive, Hoiiyliurn Phone West 186. Free Delivery plMilS#; j:'.~ Th* Star* of Senlc*. 1686 Marine Drive West 17 or Went 607 Emergency' Phone W est 321 " (After 10 p.m.) - i l l --