West Van. News (West Vancouver), 12 Sep 1935, p. 2

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| i «.'»;j«iMiai( T (Mil •4»WilMI( I TOE W ia f VAN NEWS i i s k ; ■ ^ Wfe '( ' *-*.r.̂' $ I •*• * •a, *4 I <':̂ \ f/r;- I'r- t ; 't* % ' Ilf; ifrt. i : » 'B 1 " VIST TAif v j m m 'G m m m B0V, HUJif W rifbt. Mi«i«t«r 1 j I s ' iCm.,**lrTil V«»r^ Sunday School and Bihla Claaa 8 tr a n g tr § Viaitora Wakorna. I S j s b s . B A n u f t t m m c i r itealiionce: JS43 Haywood Ava... Thone Weat a62K. Sunday Servicea -- 11 a.m. and Sunday School lO.'OO a,m< SUMMER 0 8 FALL BEAU TY Thv ru»x'*fre«, wind blowiii and sun drenched hair of Kummor must bo reconditioned and re­ styled to meet l"al)'« more foriiiui demands, .■<" .....We 'pay'Special' dtt»?fltldn 16 leconditicmltiK and , re-shaitfn]^ your hair for permiinents, Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe Marina Drlra164S EOLLYB0RII m u x iUtmer of I4th and Ducheaa SUNIJAY, SKIT. I6 th /1935 Sunday School and Bible Classea a t 10 a,m. In the Kveniiljf ot 7s30 Mr. Hurojid SunUnera, Banker, Vancouver will present the 'i/NHBAHCirABLK IticilES" OF ClfRISr* l*JeuKe come and claim your ishitre. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock at. IfoIIyburn Wharf (D.V.) another Open Air Gospel Sbr- All cordiolly invited tovice, - ahovi*. w ^ i f A m o m m X u n a t i a n - S c i e D C S o c ie ty.... .. ..... CHHitCH EBIFICB 20tb and jESaiiaiioaJU IloUylrarn Thia Sodaty is a Branch of Tlio Mother Church Th# FIrat Church of Chrlat, Sdantlat, ■ in Bostoii Miiaacbusetta Sunday Sarvice; 11:80 a.m. E LO C U TlO N ^antL S P E E C H T R A IN IN G Class for Children, Address: 21 OS Gordon Avenue* jJunday, September 16, 1935 Subject: „ "SUJ^TANCEE" •"■ Sunday School'nt 10:00.a ;n i;'- Teatimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings. The SCHOOL CHILDREN'S DENTAL CLINIC will be coniinucd privately at this office. . All records of work-done, etc., will be'kept here.. .. . - . 'u - .'ll.. ;. ....... ...... ...... ...fe .. .a...........L .A, ■[ ... a- .,■ .1. ........ . .. -. ... .. . .. ... . .. . L. ...r -1, , ,W ..P, Inlli iitm IM* llni.. ..i. 11 tf-.M ilTrf iftilllTJi-- I rM 'i i < -pM' 'Ifint rl i-fitf n* ' . Saturday Mornings will be reserved for school children exclt^fively. George S. Macdonald ' Member Dominion'Dental Council o(,Canaela, BAPTIST CHURCH FOR THE BABY I'BBDKItH--Itigu and Fyrex J. & J. BABY CHKAM HABY FOODS (Jen. Health UNITED CHURCH R('v. Ilillis Wright, Minister. Cor, 15th and Dluchess Pastor: Rev, H. P. n NIFFI.HS--KIKO, Anil CoJIĉ DHXTIU,. MALTOHK . BABY.'l'AI.CUAlS & SOAI»S ' I.ACrOGKN & ALLKNBUUY Soothcra & Teething Hinge Morning Service, 11:15 a.m'. Kvening Servk'cc, 7:15 pirn. and m'h.' AN6LESIDE PHARMACY HUI Marino Drive W. L, KEH, Prop, Pnune; f r e e d e l iv e r y West 828 DU. G. D. H. SEALE B.D.S., L.D.8. D E N T I S T H.ay Block, 14th and Marino Dr. Office Jloura S) to 6 p.m. Eveningfl by appointment. Phone West 72 Dr. GEORGE 8. MACDONALD P.D.S.,, D.D.C., Dentol Surgeon Hours; 9:80 «.m. to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment Royal Blink BJdg., 'IVlophone _ Wo«t Vancouver, West 449 A larg<; and enthusiastic meet­ ing of the'W .A. of the United '̂ (.'liurch -̂w'as. held in the Church 'Hall Tuesday afternoon. Sep­ tember 10th. Plans for tne fall and winter work of the church and community were made. . Arrangements were concluded foi' a tea to be held in the Church hall Tuesday afternoon, Septem­ ber 2dth. A speaker will be st'curetr ami Miss Frame will have charge of the music. Com­ mittees appointed were; pro-' gram,JVIi^s.. Rush, and Mrs. Chil­ ton; tea, Co-conveners, Mrs.- Howieson, Mrs. Harris, assisted by Mrs. Parmim and Mrs. Addy; decoi'ati.ng, Mrs. O'Donnell, Mrs. Blaii* and Mr§. Addison; home­ cooking, Mrs. Moncrieff,.._Mrs.-- Cush ing and-Mrsr-Waiter iTumphreys Sunday^ Sept. 15ti^ 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and and Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a .m .-- Morning Worship. Preacher: Rev. Henry Knox, pastoi* Vancouver CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST COUNCIL NOTES "SUBSTANCE" will be the, subject of the Lesson • Sermon in all Churches of, Christ, Scien­ tist, on Sunday. The Golden^Text is; "Ye had compassion on me in my boiids,' n A' n 11 ii •i'* W. E. Seller came before the council to ask th a t permission be given to bring Shetland ponies to Amblesisde Beach. Permission was granted subject to public lipbility insurance being carried by the owner and also to can-HpiVhfs iLmtiHf Uhiirnh compassion on me in my bonds, to can- A ^ m ' Uhurch. joyfull.y the spoiling cellation for cause and the usual 7:16 p.m.--Evening Wors)iip. of;your goods, knowing in your- ' Pastor will preach, topic: selves th a t ye have in heaven a - "Shall We Know Bach „®"4stance." (Hebrew 10: 34). corn- o th er in Heaven." Song service at mencemeiit, A cordial invitation to all. Monday^ 8 p.m. -- B. Y, P. U. Phil. Basham will preside. Pastor.will speak on "Leader­ ship." All young people over 16, welcome. Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "The works of His hands are verity and judgment; all His commandments are sure." -- (Psialms 111: 7). The Lesson - Sermon also in- Wednesday, 8:00 p .m .-- Prayer eludes the following passage Meeting with short address. , from the Christian Science text- Thursday 8 p.m.--Choir practice book, "Science and Health with • ----- ------------ :-- Key to the Scripturies" by Mary B utt --- Edwards Baker Eddy; "Spirit is the only s u bstanoe, -the in visible and in--u.i.u.,.„ic™rHp-vvaue^------------- After the devotional ..period St. Stephen .s Churchc, West spiritual and e te rnar a re su h ,,tea was served. The hostesses -Tancouver, a quiet wedding was W are .sub- for the afternoon w ere Mr.s. ^olemnized, when Rev. F.- A license fee being paid. " n * n The departm ent of lands and the departm ent of public works wrote the council re obstruction on foreshore D; L. 557, Block 1, Lot 7A, and D.L. 558 ̂EVo, Block B, Lot 1. 'The engineer was instructed to supply the information and communicate fu rthe r with the government. ♦ ♦ ♦ The m atter of the logs tied up a t Dundarave P ier was refer:; red by the council to the chief' of police, with instructions to ar­ range for the ir removal.------- « >l> Ik Hi The Wonlo„-« Mis.sionary , O ttaw l A v /n u rw h o h a7 'b ^ eS ^ » f R oyarT rnst Company: Eatabliahcd on North Skore 25 VeurH' (Lady AHsislanl) HARRON BROS: LTD7 HFuimal iirwtorB ~Norlh Vancouver. Parlors 122 West Sixth Street -------Phono"North~.l34-- r r Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. J84 were Mrs. Reid, Mrs.. Parnum-- and Miss united in marriage Phillips, ". Kathleen IsobeJ, younger daugh The Worrieirs Missionary So- ^ ciety will resume their m e e t i n g s ^ mv - - - ----- ' on' Tuesday, afternoon,-Septem- ^Hd Mr. Thomas James Butt, " ■ ' -- elder son of Mrs. A.M. Butt, 975 Duchess Avenue, and the~Iate Corporal Charles Henry Butt. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Molly Edwards, and Mr. Jack Butt._j3upported his brother. Following the wedding breakfast--the-coupleH eft-fora Madame A. Finqueneisel wrote stantial. 'Things material and council re refuse on Glen- temporal are insubstantial." eagles Drive. ̂ The m atter was --------------------- i I . referred to the sanitary inspec- Miss Mary Murray, 25th and up with Mr. English' her 17th, a t 2:15, the president, Mis. Hillis Wright, in the-chair. The topic for consideration will -be 'Tlightights ofP the Year's Work." All ladies cordially in­ vited. attending the .B . G. School of * Pharmacy and Science, has sue- Astley wrote the council re cessfully passed four Junior on Forest Lane, opposite Matriculation subjects in the L. 811, Block 2, Lof 2L Rg? September departmental exam- ferred to the engineer for re- inations. - . port.- ' ST. ANTHONY^S eATHOfcIC CHURCH __23rd_and_JngIewoqd_JbLQ _̂ Ambleside Sheet Metal L. SPECK: Proprietor O U k s S'*-' • -> 1 ^J"/' ■' \ ' C. J. OveriagtonfI P IO N E E R B A R BER•"1 NOW open 1' , FULL TIME 14ih & Marine, Phono West i;j5 1 Sunday Services Low Mass ~ 8:45 a.m. High Mass & Sermon -- a.m. Rosary and Benediction - p.m. motor tour on Vancouver Island. On their return they will take up residence in West Vancouver. 10:45 - 7:15 Pretious -- Neville The wedding took place last Saturday at Chbwn United Church Manse, Vancouver, of Blanche Elizabeth, only daugh- -Catechism--and=^ible~HH[istory-- of--Miv-and Mrsl N. Stewart every Saturday -- 9:30 a.m. yiest 10th Avenue, Week-day Services- |f9 Ldward Sinclair, only son of Mass, daily --- 8 a.m. Anne Pretious, 1541 Esqui- M a i ^ e r i t e ^ i l c o x r T e a c h e r o f P i a i i o f o r t e Associate of Kenneth Ross Pianoforte School. Theory and History oF Music included in tuitiori. STUDIO--3285 Marine Drive (hext door t6 the Gables) Phone W est 364R2 Fridays -- Rosary, Benediction, JJ^lt Avenue, West Vancouver. Confessions -- 7:45 pjn. A. E. Whitehouse of- "SafUfdays -- Confessions from "ciated. 7:80 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. , ' ' ; THE ■ W est Van News Published Brerjr Thursday ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A, Ramsey Rector: September 16th -- 13th Sun­ day ..after Trinity. - 8 :00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10:00 & 11:05 a.m. -- Sunday Schools, 11:16 a.m,--Matins and Sermon 7;15 p.m,--Evensong and Ser- nxon. Wednesday, September 18th a t P. T. A. NEWS Publisher - F . F, LOVEGROVB Phone West 363 Business aiid Bditorisl Office: 17^. and Marine DrWe (Next to Hollyburn P, p.) Phone West 363 Mill Addreaa: P. O.T30X 61, Hollybnm. a c . N orth Vancouver' OlHce: 123 Lonsdale Ave. A meeting of the executive was held in Inglewood School on Monday, September 9 th ; mem­ bers in attendance, T. E. W. Rus- chairman, Mrs. Patterson; Mrs. Meglaughlin, Mrs. Richard- vson and J. R, Mitchell. A letter of resignation was received froiii .the .secretary, Mrs. Reid, and was referred to ..........___ _____ _ the general meeting fo r .consid- 2:30 p.m. -- Monthly .meeting -A t-the jnexV general of Inglewood (St. 'Stephen's ̂ A. prize (a Branch), W.A., 11th and Ingle- Presented to the wo6d, ^ s . Storey from the - '̂^Khest stedent with a ̂Diocesan Board will speak on iMTatriculatioh. ^VTunior Girls' Work." A full ^ p e y will be the re- attendance is requested. cipieiit. ^ St. Franci$^iii4he*Woods, ' wRI be asked to pro- Caulfield ^ide a musical. 3 :00 p,m. -- Evensong and Ser- J ® «^xt mon. general meeting be devoted to . ̂ -- :-- ;----------- : Tuture activities of ^ 'T , A. and. parents and U ■r. -1 Good-bye to worry --we have a y i I used to be so upset when we .were without a telc> phone, said f^rs, Dropton. " I kept wondering how we d get help in .a case of sudden illness, fire or burglary. The Husband: "I t has* been proven ana . parents an d that the g ^ a te s t imbeciles marry, the ' th o J u l " 9^9 11.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year mail. mostibeautiful women.*̂ His Wlf« (amiling): "You flatter­ e d " . . ^S e a t 8 p . .k r A " S J d ia 'i r v iS io n «( But I've saia good-bye to w orry;-w e have a tefe phone now,' The telephone, is a great protection at a small cost B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY ' ' .,1 2 A' 4 ' 't ' m