West Van. News (West Vancouver), 12 Sep 1935, p. 1

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West Vimt̂ u'iliilf̂ Amhtesidef./HoU^uiritl Dundarave ^100 p6f yCAT*,'*" Cypress Parh Q4ulf§iid, Whyteciiff, :EicJ- -V-' per copy a t newAst&nds uV> Vol. X H ^ tL Y jfU K ii P.O., W SEPTEM BER 'ip® ^ No. 21 CHORAL SOCIETY LEOION NOTES As we stated some WMk's ago, a ir efforts to prevent a *ar between J ta iy > d ;;E tK io p fe W The next general m eeting ot, the loeal branch will be'held -at ' S*Jiii>rp be blame fo r anyone, i t m ust fall on the ^ a jP Je of I t i n s In the old days having regard to the p ro tob le-^ l- mm consequences to the whole world of such action, Mus- t S f r S m ^ e t o W S l ^ d in the immediate ■ barring of the way. by a_ strong nciikhVet with the m oral backing of th e nations behind it. Hall. That would have given,Mussolini ^ ^ h a n ro ,to;^save £ s ^ fa ro hi^ovvn people. Instead, he Was iallowed to despatch )InS.ni ds of troops to A frica ;: while the League only fhim Dutting him in a position where he could not draw S short of such term s fronTEthiopia as no' self-respecting people could be expected , to give. ; ■ _ Not so many weeks ago. a prom inent Italian spokesman said that ."Italy was not worried." To any student of in ter­ national affairs it w as quite obvious then th a t the objections raised by the League and more particularly by Britain and France as member nations had driven-Mussolini into the arms of Hitler, himself a variety, of Fascist-and a ' dictator. I t will not be surprising if it i^d iscovered-that . a ^ t h a ^ ^ two dictators got together on the basis o f , Italy s allowing Germany to assume contrbl of A ustria i h ^ t u r n fw Germany s The West Vancouver Choral Society held Its t o t meeting of the season last k^nday evening, when the members had the pleas­ ure ̂ ol meeting the new.conduc tor, Mr, Wallace Gillman, of Don't forget the Legion Smpk«r Vancouver, and of disccussing er in the club rooms following with him and the executive plans the meeting. * ' for the year's work. A short --------- MISS RICHAEDSON 'TO TEACH ELOCUTION i,**o jwva* v»*i# MV ,-7T . Miss M argaret Richardson^ 8 p.m. Wednesday, Septem ber teacher of elocution and speech- 18th, in the Legion Memorial training, is forming a tiny tots J.VJI 1/i.AV ^ M V practice was., held and a s ta r t At the meeting of the L o^er miade on soihe of the new music Mainland Branch's executives for the first concert. Regular held last Monday in the Legion practices will begin next Mon- Hall, South Burnaby, arrange-, day evening, September 16th, a t ments for the forthcoming Dom- 8:16 in the Legibiti Hall. As the inion convention to be hbld in ladies' section of-the choir is a t Vancouver next March were dis- present numerically stronger cusaecL/ . than the male . section, the ex- ------ ecutive announced tha t enroll- Every Legion member is earn-^; class. This class will include speech-training, - reciting, panto­ mime, and manners, Miss Richardson is an ad­ vanced student of Miss Anno Mossman, L.T.C.L., with whom she has made a special, study of child training* hnd the develop-, ment of latent' ability. STEVENS .CLUB MEETING A meeting of the men and women members of the W estf Vancouver i Stevens Club wak aimv/ujiivxso vnxvi*- x̂ jwxjr xxxv>xx«wwx xn, ̂ hcld last Friday ovoning a t tholr m ent , in th a t section is , temper- estly requested to attend com ing , headquarters, 2462 Marine arily closed, Tt ' i s hoped that, meetings, in o rd e r to keep post-r Drive. Mrs. Edward Mahon, the as th e ih a le , section of the choir ed on the activities of .this com- Stevens candidate in Vancouver S i n g in her Ethibpian yenture. Prob,afely.also Germany has arranged for Italy's support in .the fo rm e rs approaching mand for the return of her. lost A frican colonies. Nor need there be any wbhder if a th ird partner is ad­ mitted in the shape of Communistic Russia,' controlled by a small cocterie of dictators. F or the killing of a fewlthousand .Communists in Germany will .be .Of no account whatever, should it appear th a t such a: combination offers a good op­ portunity for the destruction of a capitalistic B ntish Empire, And, after all the Prussian is-a Russian. ■ - The ..question has already arisen to whether. Canada will remain neutral in the, event of B ritain's becoming involved' in war. In the first place she.has obligation^ as a member o f , • the League of Nations,-and " secondly, if there are any who think that nations a t war-with B ritain are going to leave us alone merely because we decide to rem ain-neutral, they a r e \ due for, a very big surprise. I t m ig h t, also Ibe, stated. -- and„,,- as uie lUttie.BBuwuii ua tuc cu w** uuc vjl w**.- oLuveiia cujiujuaue m viuiwuvci M s-built u p 'to the desired num- ing^ event. Non-penmonfers CS-J Centre, and A rthur Cowley of her, fu rthe r enrollment of lady pecially are urged ,to lend, every; North Vancouver, gave short ad- members may be^possible. LadL. support in 'th e next few m onths,' dresses on the conduct of the es desiring to join may cbm- to the effort^ being niade a t thb^ coming campaign,,, m unicate witli the , secretary, present moment by all branches ; relating to the nomination of a Miss M argaret Wilson, or the who are showing an increasing' candidate for this 'riding were president, H. Hobson, who will determination , to improve thb-t discussed notify them when vacancies are conditions o f relief, aiid unem-." Last Monday evening Reeve to be filled in ,th e alto and sop- ployment, as it now affects them,> Leyland was chosen as West rano sections. • and .their dependents.' - Vancouver's nominee for the convention, which it is expected vyill take place tomorrow. The Ladies' Club a re continu­ ing their Telephone Bridge all of next week. Prizes are tb be and .their dependents.; PIN E DliSPLAY Tavish; 2nd, W. Dickinson, ., • AT FALL SHOW . Rhubarb 1st, W. J. Clifford; 2nd W:'Dickinson. Shaw, W est 442-L. BARBARIANS' AUXILIARY "The- A n n u an F a ll: Exhibition i i ? S | u | s h | p | | i a p | ^ ^ p u t on last ^ tu rd ay ^fte rn ^^^^ Mrs. F Richardso M due for,a very big surprise, i t m ignt.m so De-statea -- ana„,,- couver A ^ c u J tu i^ > n d Horti-^ Vegetable M airbw (green) gease get in.touch with Mrs. A. ___ .v : cessfuL There was a lai^e disr., Vegetable Marrow (white) -- play o f exhibits and the quality 1st, W. J. Clifford. , th roughou t' was excellent -and _ Pumpkins ■-- 1st, Mrs. A. F. drew very favorable bomjmexxte Albin; .2nd, Donald Robertson, from -the ju d g es ,'-who were in Biggest Pumpkin in Show i-- the fru it and vegeta/ble-section, 1st, Donald Robertsori. Andrew Leitch of the Vancouver Parks Board and P. Kilgbur of ^ t ^ to DeKnoTx^-as tne ^uuca- yancouver, Mrs. BoWdeh of New to find our true mission in lite, tional" com m ittee,' was. formed W estm inster adjudicating the and by "the giving of correct'^ to .take charge of all propaganda / I cAiPTIPP : TtepVPvLi&Vlandi-̂ THE SCIENCE OF ; : NUMEROLOGY a C. F. NEWS V- ' " . * Is the Science of Numbers, whereby it is possible to prove - all things. Tt enables each of -us A t the business mieeting held , on Jilonday evening much busi­ ness of considerable importancce was transacted. A new commit­ tee to be known-as the "Educa- ------r-'-- • ".'v/xwi X.MXXXXXXXXVMV, *-------------- Westminster, aujuaicaLmg utue by "the giving of, correct - to .take charge of all propaganda jj^j^^gtic science. Reeve Leyland names and the changing of .and 'literature. . , made brief address in the ethers not in harmonjr, i t is pos- offer of the Communist evening. -- ' ■- - -sible-to-harmonize„ahy.- individu-_-^ Election Committee- To give-all------The-winners were - as~f ollpws: al with,.his or her true mission the ir support a t the forthcom- in life." A name a t .discord-m th Tng election on the basis of a one's true mission ' brings sick- ."United F ron t" was very defin- ness and failure. A nam e-in , Rely declined by the 'm eeting . The Girls' Auxiliary to the Barbarians' Rugby Club held their first m eeting last Tuesday'- A j-ruii«iu AVMMcx v.=>vrx. evening a t th e home of the 'fum ipsl--- 1st, A. Garthorne Misses Ruth and Marion Blair, (any variety) T527 Gordon Avenue, when the Turnips -- 1st, G .J.W adsley. ifollowing officers were elected Collection of Vegetables--1st, fo r the s e ^ o n : president, Mias D. McTavish; 2nd , C.-F. Powell. Ruth B lair; secretary. Miss Children's Collection-of'■Veg- M argaret Saunders; treasurer, etables -- 1st, Duncacn MoTav- . Miss Josie Leyland. -------------------- ---------L-,.i^-_PIans _for._a_-dance--were-ten- Beans - Bowl of Sweet Peas --- 1 s t, '. tatively. didcussedt in which con- Bush, Wax--2nd; :c. F. Powell. Mrs. R. B. Rhodes; 2nd, A. Me- " eutiop a fu r th e r announcement B usii.G reen -ls t; 0 . McTavlsh Arthur. ., . ; •, will be made la te r .- ness and failure. A name--in , Rely declined by the 'm eeting . Scarlet, R u n n e r s 1st, M rs .' Basket oL Cut Flowers -- 1st,-, ' r x harmony with one's true mission Mrs; ,H."̂ 'GIeed and H. Davison. W iltshire; 2nd; D. Me- A. Hammond; 2nd, Mrs. Rhodes. - - LEGION DANCE "brings happines~s and success. ' were appointed as delegates' to TaVish. ' , _ Double N asturtium s -- 1st,, ' --------- / ITirough my knowledge of the . the. Unemployment Conference Pole -- 1st, Mrs. W. G. Wilt- Mrs. D .'M cTavish; 2iid, Mrs. , ; The second of The series of Science of Num'erol'Qgy 1 am which is now under, the contro l' sh ire ; 2nd, W. Dickinson. ' Rhodes. ' - ' ^ n c e s arranged by the West ablp fn orivo on/q o/iTTforx /a. A r< T? piflTiniTio* Hommit- Beets ° ̂ Single N asturtium s -- 1 s t.' Vancouver Branch of the Can- Globe 1st, A. M cArthur; Mrs. M. J. B arker; 2nd,. 1 ^ ^ . I * J* < 1 UX XY »II1 .. W ll ic n -IB IWW - UXXWXJX , I/XXX, wxxyx_»^x able to give and advise c^irect, of 'l^e C.C.F. Planning Commit- names and change others when tee. ' . necessary. Write or, phone, John - The next W hist Drive will be Couehman, 1520-Argyle-Avenue," - held^^at the Headquarters a t 8:30- West 397-L. ' ' NOTICE p.m; on Wednesday, September 18th. 2nd, Mrs. M. McDonald.; ~Swis ŝ" " Chard - r : l s t i ; G." Ft^ f. The 1935 - 36 Season; o f 'th e Vvest Vancouyer K ng- .Pong League will commence in the course of a few weeks.: CxC.F. Campaign Meeting G. i ; ^ e next Election C ai^aign ^meeting will be -held "in the «xoc ux a xtjw weeKs. Legion .Hall a t 8 p.m. on. T u ^ - New teams'Wishing to enter . d ay ;'September l^ tk , when the may obtain fu rther information speakers will.be Rev. Root. Con- oy phoning J. Baxter; W.156-^Y. ' nell,- M.L:A., and R. B. Swailes, Single players, linableRo formi TM.L.A., supporting the (^ndidat- ateam, may send in the ir names voce o f C. G rant MacNeil as the and teams will be formed if pos- "C.C*F. s tandard , bearer in the Slble. I ' '-----'D'.Wi-nfV ■' Powell; 2nd, A. Garthoime: Cabbage 5, Pointed -- 1st, Mrs, A. Hawkes; 2rid, C. J. W addey. Round -- 1st, Mrs. J . S.- Mar­ tin ; 2iid, D. McTavish. . • " Savoy -- 1st, D.. McTavish; 2nd, C. F. Powell. Carrots; Rhodes. , was postponed owing to 'another -- ^Display-of Garden F lo w e rs -^ . dance-i-occurring on the_sam_e_ 1st, Mrs. McTavish. . night:' I t will,now take place to- Dahlias • ^rmorrow (Friday) evening, Sep- wx--- •• ----- Interm ediate -- lst,„„I)* Me- _ ------ and R. B. Swailes, »povigh- 2nd, T. E„B atchelor.; -D . McTavish; 2nd, Mrs. R. B. 'Decorative -- 1st, G. G u e s t; ' tem ber.lS th , in the Legion Hall. 2nd K ' A Ray ' Dancing will s ta r t a t 9 o'clocck p W o n i -- 1st, H. Rowden;-, w ith R o /L o w es Orchestra sup=. 2nd, Mrs. A. Hammond. .. Plymg th e , music. Admission, B e s t -6 -Dahlias -- 1st, H. l ? cents. . .. Brboksbank; 2nd, Mrs. D. Me-' T avish .. Collection Lilies -- 1st, Mrs. MISS WILCOX TO RESUME TEACHING Vancouver North Riding. Mrs. Albiii Nelson ..of Ocean' DNEMPLQYED ASSOCIATION from ^ '̂ ' i*®® A tiirned Short 2nd, Mrs. Celery C om -, A. Garthorne Miss M arguerite Wilcox is «!?? up the coast to th e ir camp 'Che regular meeting of the Altnedeigh," a t 26th and Palm- W est Vancouver Unmiployed W on Avenue, to hold a family: Association will be,held a t the Cucumbers -- lBt,.D*'McTa!v- ish ; 2nd, Alfted Busste " ' xxoLcxo -- xoij,xTix.o. x,*x,x.v, / 'Sggs^-Marine Drive, (next d'oor "ish ; 2nd, Mrs. R: B. Rhodes. - to the jGables). Miss Wilcox is Gladiolus-- 1st, Mrs. R h o d e s a n associate of the Kenneth"Ross" Thosepretent";:w ere r-•' i l^ ^ o ii ■ H all, on Thursday, ̂Sep- "li's: W. Bell andM tei-A sa'More-'^ teimber 12th, a t nousf - - . . . .house and daughter from Ed-- C^ganizktion for„winter ac tiv -- gonton, (mlother khd ^sister); -itteS^anff o and l6*s. Tom Call, Vahebu- ter^'^will be under discussion and ' L e ttu ce--.1 st, D. l^ T a v ish ;, G. Guest; 2nd, Mrs.^D. McTav- 2nd, A. M c A r th u r ; .^ : ; . . . , . . i s h . ̂ .V Onions --̂ 2 n d ,'A.TMcAri:hur. , .Marigolds (A*O.V.) -- 1st. - . . ; Eschalots--2nd^ W. //C liffo rd Mrs. A. F: A lbin; 2nd, Mrs. R. B.' ^ . ParsleyL-^ ls t, T);;"MpTavish;. Rhodes. ̂ / . . A sm oker will be held jn the 2nd. Miss E.. M. M la rd : . . .. Michaelmas Daisies -- 1st,. , Lfegion Club rooms Wednesday LEGION SMOKER Parsnips I s t"!).' McTkvish. Mrs. H ., P. _ A llen; 2nd, ̂Mrs. > Septem ber 18th, a t ,8 :30 p.m. Leeks -- Rhodes. . ; ̂ ̂ ) A CnbhsLge Tournam ent will . Tom atoes-- Ist^D , McTavish Chrysanthemums -- 1st, Mrs.̂ ,̂ be„̂ held "commencing a t ff p.m. Potatoes (white) 1st, D .' W. Dickinson; 2nd, Mrs. H a m -L e g io n m em bers and especially M c T a v ish 2nd, A; Gatrthome. 'mond* < ' / th e i r friends ' are invited to Potatoes (red) Xst, D. Me- (Continued on Page 4)._ ' above smoker. A' ,'jC' '•h/5 ""i I""-/ 1,'*' ■i-s ^ . ,1 N 1 J H *■i'f. iS" iff ' r / , . , " .!"r<, i'l F ' ! * V* U l ' T . J Y •'4.f