Siiill !;|iiiip lii#SfWli W03 iss00^ 3] '?;9ii i!:toelgSffe#«*i!| » ?**!» »# •i(,0m.. ... ■̂■*MA8 DHAWING ' f ' " ̂ ̂ B P bApiMi m ih. I '■' ,' ' ' . d f; prims in tha leg ion 17th Annual Christmas Drawing. Prizes don- 1;-'̂ 1 •• T? Hi iu: ph^ * I ; ̂f ft 'Ts *'4 ^ i f M xf '!.*» 4 H <V .*'> '\m '̂ L '; : ;r<; ; I V ' i l H f # J.» i r ^ i v.i ,tl5 ';jfi' .tlMik': *Bh- 'I' *P%<fl " i w lii-'i;i/ f'f"i .'l!) ■ h ■VII > I JT*: - i '5, :■■•' •1 ! * fS ■} f 'K il '#t f»Pki m f w i l i l * f i l l l i fmmmM mf V*'" ' awu ujf-.-jnasiw .. . . .... . , , . , .. .. ..... . . . . . . . .../!■ mettwW#sti¥Bncouver#^:'TO ■■ o n th is d ra w liig m ay be ob ta ined from membefs of the Canadian Thura*, Friday Sc 31st and Nov. 1st: and, 2nd/ ,j>igldn,u:..For; donations hiridly K«d & White GitKEN CUT BEANS Tender -- Garden Freeh, Un,,,. lOe Ited & White PUMPKIN, l9r$»2Vi »i*e tin ........................ lOe Red & White TEA, lb...... :;.......... 42« Red & White PASrUV FLOUft 7-11). Sack ............. ;................ 23c Rcil ^ White TOMATOES, Solid fwnd packed, larse atxe tin lOc lUd & White JBLUY I>OWDBRB ' Aaaorted Flavor*'......... 4 pkta. 19c i.YNN VALLEY PEACHES, No. 2 . Hf/uat t i l l .................................... 17c întario New Pack, Freestonta. HIIELLEI) WALNUTS Gmid Clerfr, White iMece» HHEI,LKI> ALMONDS SHELLED BRAZILS M eats Phone West 370 S P E C I A L P i c n i c H a n u , 1 8 c I h . ...... 21c phone Bert Williamson, West 418B. Govei COLD MEATS OP A U , 1 Store at K h ' , ^ ■' P®M1S w m :re BOIi.ING FOWL, pcr ib 8W1H4IUHAMOND A BACON Mrs, W. H ; Green, Esquimalt Avenue, cash donation; M ^o n s Transfer, 8 sacks McLeod Kiver coaI;-Eexall Drug Store, not nam ed; West Vancouver Imperi al .Oil Service Station,- X gal. motor oil; Lion's Gate Confec tion, box chocolates; Mr. E. PHONBJWKST4 V| . each Vi H>. lOe rtttiayin . i i T i J k t . ' ..........nt? ; white, Idth-and Lawson, tjO'iTAGE ROLLS, per lb..............25c rooster )i Mrs, King, Marcel Shop, FINN AN HADDIB, per lb......... 15c niarcel and finger wave; Bob FiLLErs, I,er lb . ........................17« Black Transfer, :1 sacks coal. K II'I 'E R S .......................2 Iba. for 25c Bob Seeds Motor Service, 5 rivfu gal. gas; Fox Shoe Repairs, 1 iMiH OI. I.AMB. l a i r rfip i^rs; M and W a, Peter Starlln, NOVEMnBII III, any purchfisc will entitle ;kou to on* KivinE you u choice of U 8H DINNBRWARB and SIL- VERWARE, This applies to any ({imxIh wb atock -- HARDWARE, i»AINT8 and MEATS aa well as (iROCERIES. 8IIOULDKR o f' LAMB (Wbolo) . ,pair slippers; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Per lb. ......;....... ........ I4c Wait, Hot named | Mr. Mclutyre, n t h and Kings, 6 dozen eggs; f(. 1̂ * "I 111 fMAgPBRlALS \VEST VANCOUVER lUMBER CO. LTD. -FOR REAL SATISFACTION. Phone West 115 »r've BLADE I*OT ROASTS (Prime Beef), per Ib. ............... 12c RUMP ROASTS, per Ib. ............. 18c BEEF PORK -- LAMB ~ VEAL VERY FINEST QUALITY McCORMKJK'S FIG BARS FrbHiiIy made, Ib................ 18c ANNUAL TENNIS CLUB DANCE PROVINCIAL RECREATION CENTRES The annual dunce of the W est Vancouver Tennis - Club will be "held on Friday, November 8th, in the Orange Hall. Marie Ab ram's Orchestra will be in a t tendance, and dancing will take place from 9 to 12. Refresh ments will also be served. Dur ing the evening the prizes won at ,the tournament this summer will bo presented to the success ful contestants. Tickets, 35c, Marine Grocery. Marine & 22nd, not named;, Cranwill's Confec tionery, can of tobacco; Amble- side Meat Market, 1 ham; Green wood's Grocery, box Xmas crack ers; West Van. Sheet Metal, coal scuttle; West Van. Lumber, cash donation; Candy Box Store, ' 2 large tooth, paste; Granger's grocery, 1 box apples; Gemmill's rug Store, not named. - '̂ 'Canadiari 'Legion' Rpstf^iGp,,. Xmas cheer; Roy Lowes Orches tra,' orchestra for dance; Stratr ton's Bakery,;Xmas cake; Am- C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rate for Classified AdvertlM m euts is 2 cents per word, minimnm 25 cents. Except In the case of those having re g n U r; accounts, all classi fieds are payable strictly in advance. Remember Classifieds in the W «st Van New s get im m ediate results, UNEMPLOYMENT ASS'N Last year this Department conducted classes in three dif- ¥ forent Centres on the 'Nortb Shore. This year one more will . bleside Tea I^poms, not named; be added, as the Committee in Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe, per- charge of Ihe Lynnmour Com- manent wave^ Geo. Tite^ Boots 'iminily Hall has 'offered the & Shoes, 1 pair slippers; Clark's use of the hall. FolIqwiBg is a Confectionery, box chocolates; complete time table for West B- C. Electric, not naified; I. T. Vancouver: Meglaughlin, mgr. B.C.E., carton West Van. High School lam ps; Mrs. W. Carley, Marine Women's Classes: Mon. & Wed; ^ nights form 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Hamel, Men's C to e s : Mon. & Wed. Photographer,. 1 8x10 portrait West Van. Cleaners, cash dona- PARTLY FURNISHED CCTITAGE, SEA VIEW COl4yALESCENT HOME Bellevue Avenue; four rooms and 184B Bellevue Avenue,--; Graduate sun-room. West 547-L or 329-L,' Nurse's. Phone'W est'353L. . evenings. LOST -- Child's waggon from 791 15th Street. Finder kindjy return. WANTED -- $500- cash for stoves, ranges and furniture. Highest prices paid.„North 431. ' FURNACE OIL BURNER (Sunset Glow) for sale in perfect condition, $25.00; also CJoleman Gas Fire, $16. ' 'West ai. ■' ;• FOR SALE -- Westinghouse electric range. Good condition. What offers,' West 108. ' .V. F o r RiSNT. W cottage; nicely .furnished, "West Bay, Phone ; T rim V 5 1 5 6 ; . , ' , .i INSTALLATIONS-^Electric Repairs, convenience outlets installed. J. 'H. Paterson, West 108. . . TO L E T '-- 'Furnished or would rent; partly, funiishedi ;six room semi-, , bungalow; strictly' modern, Avail-/ able November 1st. West 547-L oi* 329-L evenings, ' ' LOWER 4-Rbomed 'Furnished Suite. 1358 Clyde,. Avenue, _ BLAGKSMITHING -- Repairs to washing and setving machines The West Vancouver Unemr ployment Association-are-hold ing their election of officers a t 7:80 p»m. next Thursday, Nov ember 7th, in the Legion Hall. This will be foIlowechSnrtiance a t 9 p.m. withr refreshment.^. Admission free.' Everybody wel-. CH)me. nights from 8 :30 to 10:30 p.m. r»- i ^ i. Instructors: Miss M. Edwards anything;\'W or. and M. S. Hallmaik, ' West Van. Electric, kinkless Pi-ogram: Danish and Swedish iron cord; Tearoe & Son, 5 sacks Exercises, tumbling and pyramid coal; Ambleside, Service Station, building apparatus, basketball, change of oil; ̂ Dainty Cake Shop, and volleyball, boxing and wrest- -Xmas cake; Brown & Munton Hand basin, sink with, fittings in good shape, $50.00. Phone W est'225 Film Star; *'Oh, no, I don't think, thirteen is an - unlucky number. My latest husband is the best Tve ever had!" Jing .. Also tap, rhythmic, and natural dancing classes. Full particulars will be given by any instructor. These classes are for "youths and adults of 16 years and over and are free. Radio Shop,. flash ligh t; Mrs. Marling, Hdllyburn Gift Shop, wool; Jefferies, .Meat Market, roast beef; Vernon Feed Store, 24 lb. sack flour. Astbury.'s Builders' Supplies, cash donation; . Smith; Red & CHEAP HOME, Dundarave--4 Rooms,, ■ full plumbing; good lot, 'g a tag e , $1250 terms; . $1150 cash.;^../Sale agents, C. J. Archer Ltd.j West"225, 'Seymour 5964. . . - ' DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS - 1 Suits,, Children's Clothes; home ori by day; Mrs'. Robbins, 2791 Marine't? W est 619-R.a ■, ^ HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave, , Fireworks, Novelties, Notions,; Stationery, Nails, Hardware. Yonr patronage earnestly requested. • « FOR RENT -- Modem six-room house, unfurnished:~ Phone W est- 664-Y. - WEST VANCOUVER.M ACHINE SHOP --r Repairs' Spray Pumps, Household articles. ,1449 Marine. ; WANTED -- Birdcage for canary. .W est'363.* . ■ ' White Stores, 49 lb. sack flour; GIVE WEBB'S a tria l fo r yonr ®extrrM Ti ir • ' i* *■! « v I t - • . A a/ora * --•. B e s i d e ^ ^ - Downtown :-- ^ fj. For th e W in te r A s E c o n o m i c a l a s a t . H o m e Abundance of Heal, Hot Water and Light Y O RK B O TEL H ow e at R obson St. M on th ly R ates fro in « 3 0 w i t h b a t h f 2 5 w i t h o u t b a t hs w ' V e r y L o w G a p ^ : i ^ l M ' .;' COORlinus A U R o d i m s o n " o u i s m i ^ ^ t i l d i i ^ R b o F J. H. CRANE, Manager S e y m o u r : 6 ^ The Marina Cafe, hot named; Ambleside Sheet JVIetal; cash donation; --G rigorr-D ry Goods Store, n o t named; Ambleside : Pharmacy, 1401. Marine Drive, hot water bottle; 'I^e Ridge Service Station, ho t named; J. H.s Fletcher, HoIIyburn Theatre, , theatre pass; Farquharson Shoe Store, 1 pair children's shoes; J. R. Watkins Co.', facial powder. Brooks Dry Goods, 1 pair tow els; Tweedies Piano Shop, 584 Richards St., 1/radio ornarhent ; The Rex Cafeteria, Hastings St.> box,chocolate^; David Spen cer's, turkey; F raser Yalley Milk milk ticket; West Van Motors,' chassis lubrication ;Gamage N ur sery, 2 rose bushes; West Van Florist, Xmas plant; E. S; Pearce Picture Shop, picture; Ferguson Transfer, 2 sacks Welsh brick- ettes. _ " ' . Limited space does no_t_aUow a fiill list. Watch for further iis ts in this paper; / ̂ ' shoe repairs. ̂2463:Maruie Drive. MARCEL SHOP ~ T herm ique Steam'. Perm anent,. ouT fatigue facial < for tired housewife qt ̂ business woman.' West-804. 17th and Marine over Royal Bahk.^ . » GEO. -HAY, N otary Public -- Real Estate and Insurance. Phone'W est 21 or Seymour 1260. ' • RADIO REPAIRS; Tubes; Ariels, etc. J . L. Pettigrewi; The Radio Man, 1890 Marine; W est 145. WANTED-- Small furnished' house near ferry. Reasonable. Year round. Box 33, West Van News., SADDLE HORSES^ FOR HIRE-For rates and reservations phone West 437-Y-l. " • ' HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP, B. C., -- Join Our Librai^r: ,25c a month; $2.00 a year, ' Ladyship Wools. . i678 Marine Drive. Wfest 601.' SHOE REPAIRS -r^ Get the best mat erial and worKmahship at Fox's, 14th a t Perry;^, . - WILLIAM- H. VASS, Chiropractor-- Hours 9:30 to 6:30. Lady attendant. Room 10, 515 Granville Street, Sey mour 5856. ' WANTED'.--• One funiished and one unfurnished^ 4-room, cottage near ferry.; Phone tWest 340 or West 148 DAINTY CAKE SHOPPE r - Home- ' made bread, . cake's ' and ~ pastries. West 514. ' ; C H IM N E t "SW El^IN G -- The Old < Country'way. Satisfaction guaran-. teed. , Rainier: ^Garden Avenue, ; Capilahd. /PhonA N orth 8 1 1R2. ' ?; WEST VAN : : . . Sheet Metal Works Phone West 39 • . Furnace and R ange' Repairs, Sawdust Burners . ROVER CREW The 2nd W^est Vancouver Boy. Scout Group Committee have de- a d ^ upon the .. desirability of building a R over^D ^ for the Rover Crew, which is sponsored by th e committee and Toe H. As sufficient funds are not on hand fo r purchasing the necessary lumber, etc., re quired, a 10 cent canvass is to be made by the members of the - committee and .Tdc H for this I t is , requested, th a t p e y be received aa kindly as possible in view of the go<id work oeing done among boys of 17 Bover section of the Boy Scouts. ^ GK)RDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solifr;,, ito r; 1447 Marine, mornings; 510,» H astily 'S tV 'S ey m o u r 4199. after- noons.' / ' > f u r n i s h e d AND UNFURNISHED , Houses';to"'Rent.' Houses, lots, and acreage . for * sale- John Lawson,. -- l-7th-amd-Mafine; Phone-^West-Dft^-i VERNON TEED STORie A. C. SEARLE T hone'W M t 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Co^ V Buildera' Supplies*' WINDOW SHADES AND AWNINGS ' made 'to measurements or repaireU' Estim ates' free. ; Picture framm8*> Pearce,-rl890...Marine, West 529 or LLOYD'S WOOL & KNITTING SHOP 2474 ' M arine Co'mplbte line fU . ,wooIk,,Fre^{Khitting School. Violet . and Kathleen .Clement, proprietors. THE WELFAIsB ; ASSOCIAWON ^ om zea-discarded clothing. PW"* W est 87 said truck will collect__ H £A D Q U A RT:^S for AH Popni" Braifds^ of rCigairettes and Toba^s; also T id in g 'G a d g its fo r local wat- ers.V:AinbIeside .Tea Rooms. ' . Schoolboy Howler . ^ave the Duke of Well- m ^o n a lovely funeral. It-took -Siximeu to caiT3̂ the beer. 2 WEST VANCONVER RATEPAYES*^ ASSOCIATION . M E E T ■: ,3 |}| TK iifliiSpiltiy. "Tffi R E F R K H M E N M '^ 'S C ^:^^ Welcm# ' ij