I " ----------------- ------- - 4 /. ̂ f}̂ ( '>'« ■mv^ '̂fiikii î 1 and P e r s o n a l.. "" Ŵ: . ■ • m was slacted The Canadian' .• president of tWHdyalXife S a v - s u W s t i o n - in^ Society! British Columbia regarding the P*iacti<» of ^the Bw inch7ortiielhiSi year in sue- BwSshi il^egipn*^ In c?hnwti6n ' ■ ' with the disposal of the ^ p n s T H E ^ IR -C O O L E D BRIGGS & STRATTON « The modern inboard pow«r for small boats. RELIABLE EASY TO START 10-12 hours per eallon Runs,all day a t trolling speed. FRO M $ 5 9 . 0 0 ' ON DISPLAY AT L . © . BROWN 2492 MARINE DRIVE MARINE SALES * SERVICE LTD. 1878 Georgia St. W. Trin. 2819 j o, ̂ j3 »0 * I f T *-*-n Inboard'power from 1-2 to 200 h.p. cession at the tvirenty-fourth an̂ „„„ -- nual banquet recen ^ held in of remembrance. T hp0 to p n s "TancOttyer*:XtC»*Bttf^s elect-aw ---gathered ^ ed treasurer. order that the ashes may be 4 * ♦ taken to Pranoe and strewn over Mr, and Mrai Maokay have the battlefields ^hich . moved into a house at 2168 Belle- visited by the Vimy vue Avenue. n e x t July. More details w ill b e . ♦ * * ' announced as to local arrange- J. T..W att, 17th* and Marine ments in next week's Issue. Drive, is away on a business trip . * ' * J - to California. " ̂ Mr. Last» an old tim er of W^st• ♦ , Vancouver̂ residing at 14th and . Captain Taylor, late of. the Inglewood, is spending riie wm- West Vancouver Ferries, has ter with his brother m Kelowna. been given command of the mot- .* ^ uu n biir or ferry running out of Brent- Mrs. Denton of Cam|pbeU\Riv- .wopd..Vwioouyer. Island. . . f , j.s the p e s t o« her brothw-. ♦ *' * in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, * Mr. Hoffman, 24tb and Math- R, Phillips, 19th and Bellevue ers Avenue, who is seriously ill, Avenue. ̂ * is a patieni 'ih the North Van- c* couver General Hospital. . A number of friends of E. S. * ̂ Pearce gave .him a. surprise Eric Ajello,> son of Mr. and party at his honie, 19th and Mrs. L.'^'Ajello, 2393 Mathers Bellevue Avenue, last Monday Avenue, is" back at His home evening bn the occasion of his after recently undergoing an birthday; A very enjoyable time, operation at^the North Vancou- was spent in cards and music, ' ver General Hospital. ..dainty refreshments being serv- „ , * . * / . * " ed at the conclusion. Those pres- An auto collided with the fire ent included Mri and Mrs. E, S; Look Tkrongli Your Summer Snapshot! and get your extra prints to coipplete your album. GemmilTs Drag Stora Tht Stora of Sorrlco. . 1686 MaHue Drivo West 87 or W ait 607 Emergency Phono W eit' 821 (After 10 p.m.) Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cokes, Pastries,. Birthday, Christening, and Wedding Cokes Meat pies, Sausage Bolls, ̂ Banbury Cokes Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 THURSpAY, Oct. 31st, at 8 p,m. hydrant in front o t Hollyburn Pearce, Mrs. Mulcahy and Miss Postĵ Office some time Saturday M. Mulcahy of Lynn XJreek, Mrs.; WEST VANCOUVER SWIMMING CLUB night,, knocking it off its base. Denton of Campbell River, Mr. So far the driver ̂ of the car is and Mrs. F. Dutton -pt Lynn not; known. » Creek, Mr; and Mrs. R, Phillips^ ' * ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. ,R. Froud, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Tears, 1244 Ingle- Mrs. A. F. Gibson, Mrs. LeShure; wood Avenue, has left for.;a,,trip J.Tite. _________ j to Vermillion, Alberta. . -ni w * ♦ ♦ ♦ Miss Ruth Peters who has F U N H o U y b u m P a v i f i o n "THE .YAiGABONDS" 8-piece Orchestra / Adm ission ̂ 3 5 c .< F A V O R S Miss Maisie Kitching, 1448 been the guest of Mrs. May Butt, Argyle Avenue,. who has been Little Mountain, returned to her. very ill at her home, is now con- home on Sunday. Miss Peters valescent___L:., . ̂ ^ 1 o n ^ r about Noymber 15th,' ' ' bpen 'theXouise Beauty Shop at Engagem ent WEST VANCOUVER UNEMPLOYMENT ASSOCIATION ELECTION OF OFFICERS and DANCE ■ in the LEGION iSALl. T H U R S D A Y , i « O V . 7 t l i , a t 7 . 3 0 p . | n Everybody Welcome - - . Admission Free_______ Refreshments The engagemontlis announced o f . ShOila Webb, 2897 Bellevue Avenue, second daughter^pf Mr. InvQrmere, B. C 4> If .K' A son was born on Tuesday at xi.y^«uF, -- • the North Vaucouver General ̂ and", M rs.. David" Waddell of • Hospital;to Mr. and Mrs. J. W v Whitecraigs, Scotland, to Ernest Alexander Robinson; elder son of Mr.. David Robinson of 'North Burnaby.' The wodding will take place in Washington. U.S.A., on- December 10th. .;. Stewart, 2670. Bellevue Avenue.■' , . , f\ . 1 ̂ jf * t LEGION NOTES K .W . S a v o ry 1443 Marine' Drive Amblraide Phone West 340 Evenings,' W ^ t 143 Listings Wanted Real Estate LEGION W. A. I. 0. D. E. The next general meeting of the. local branch will be held at 8 p.m. sharp Wednesday,. Nov-' ember 6th. Members plpase take Hollyburn Theatre O' THURSDAY, FRIDAY and* SATURDAY MATINEE Oct. Slat; November Ist & 2nd 'The Lost City' with WILLIAM BOYD (The picture that is 100 years ahead of its time) SAT. EVENING & MONDAY _ _ November. 2nd_and 4th_ > CHARLES LAUGHTON FREDRIC MARCH ROCHELLE HUDSON Les Miserabies TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY November 5th and 6th " R Sh" i l " inee, 2876- 5 * 1 ^ Avenue;. Miss A.._J. .Dnuph-i„„be jn the„hai^^^ secreta^ not later than the last general meeting in November. The elec-j ' DOUGLAS SOCIAL CREDIT tion of officers for the year 1936 ' will take place at the first gener- *«The A ffa irs o f G elliiii*', also " N i g h t L i f c - o f t h e G o d s " cenvener of the dinner. !Mrs. D. ' W., Graham has chargexof the _______ _____ _______ tabiesrand Mrs.^Wil^^ Arrangements will'be- made al meeting in December. 1935. the cwkm g week for establishing a All members are .u|*ged to see mvited West Vancouver Branch of the that they are in good standing. ~ ^ e v p and B. C. Douglas Social Credit All members on the branch roll ^yd 'Mrs. MacNic , . League. Further informatibn and- are invited to attend the Arm- Mj-s. Leyland,, Canon D _ details will be announced later. istice Supper a t-6:30 p.m. in the Legion Hall Monday, November - 11th. and Mrs. D'Eaaum. - :f^ r s . T. E./Batchelor IS con vener for the Poppy Tea Held.on the afternoon of November 9th, at 1474 Marine Drive; the ladies ' assisting on the committee, are: Mrs.'Blanchflower, Mrs. Barnett, Mrsh Hampson. Mrs. , ,W. H; FAREWELL TO . REV. H. P. HUMPHREYS PULL GOSPEL HALL On Tuesday evening, between^ thirty and forty friends and ad- -- Brother and Sister Collings of herents of the Baptmt* Church North Vancouver, will conduct FOR RADIOS ii'r:-j;;,';RA»rGES R an ee OIL BURNERS SEE' ' O R S T 'S west 87 North 626 A Mean Man Make all you can honestlyr-'- , Save all you can prudently. Give all you can, possibly. _ - , * "-iî Wesley. ; • Mrŝ >. Hampson^ Mrŝ ^̂ . ^he home oTPastor ahd^ ̂ s e r X s at t T O - ' ̂ ShlcK will b Jheld ^ 4 firstweek Humphreys to show their J gion, 25th and Marine Drive, on heading man, '̂when I played 'Hamlet' nfrj!a!.PTTi"hpr Further details of interest and confidence m Sunday/November 3rd, at 3 p.m. the audience took fifteen minutes to S u n L d Ster. W k - and. to and on Wodiesdny, November • leave the honee." which will be a n n o --------- -- ---vrisĥ t̂hem̂ ĵ 'God-Speed^onTleav--- ethT-aT^S^ oollectiorn 1 . w ,'<n i » DUNDARAVE LIBRARY and GIFT SHOP , . : 247 6 MARINE DRIVE 1 - - . Order your : "r '-; * P e c s b n s d ^ here. From: $1.00 yer dozen ,,.Also- P e i r a b n a l S t a t i o n e r y Suitable for gifte. ̂ $1.00 package. Both^maonfactuiied in Vamcouver. l ib r a r y SUBSCRIFTIONS 50 cents a month. vv N-n %* Ff w** ,* • VlvXlĵ Mrl/ O •̂AXX* XvA ing West Vancouver to take up Everybody welcome, the pastorate at Kelowna. The program ;was in the hands of ' Mr. Walter Loucks and included • several short addresses/' each eulogising the work'of the pastbr '" and his , wife with regrets for their departure, and these werie intersper^d with musical items,, ' At the close of the evening on hehalf of the assembled company , "Ah, indeed," said the ex^comedian viciously,'- "IVas he lame?" TY Canadiaa Legion West Vancouver FRIDAY -- November 1st Dance" WEDNESDAY -- November ith -- Smoker and Cribbage , Tournament.^ FRIDAY -- November 8 th Drive and Dance. liveryl^y^Welcome. Pcepsire fi|r'̂ ' F o r t B E ST ;-,Q U ^ti|iW i|;;® |,!»R O Ittarrae,0riTO; Mr. TiOucks presented : :td ; the:- . pastor and his wife>^h/addi^esa, -" * ̂accompanied with .-aV, cash and anialbum containing ontriekVr from their friends m W est V an -,/ oouver. Mrs. Faulknor also prcr sented Mrs. Humphreys; w ith /a , ̂ bouquetjof flovs^ers;?The evening^/ , d o s ^ with the serving, of da;inty' r refreshments, and] the. parting .guests ywisHod Mr̂ ;; ,,and , Mrs. r . Humphreys a pleasant,}journey,,, on the following d a y :as they. ' motored t<x.their new homej ' THE FOUR^B l̂fTmJl '̂W'-vyl"' "I' ' i i i i i c i ' Under the auspices of King David.Lodge Ko.,98, A.FI. & A.M. vrill be held in the 0range.,Ha11,̂ rWe8t Vancouver o l t - r F B H I A Y , , N o v ^ i ^ j ^ i , 5 G l , v ; 1 9 3 5 ^ Dancing 9.6̂ to 1,00 GARDEN'S ORCHESTRA. Refreshments, Admission-Couple $1.00 As admission is by invitatioh (mly; any desirous .o f same "please,apply to J."Lowdon, o r ^ / R; Mitchell, W est476X .̂ 1' 'fi it, . r c-i