West Van. News (West Vancouver), 31 Oct 1935, p. 2

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t , ' ■' V > ' -■' ...... .. . t»At»TTa^ r» ttrm « ^ £pAi Ĵlss#» %̂ImIw;Pwlî Hi_'. mm r' ' - i l ; j : > >'A% v;:!f 'P. 0 f '4 } w . U »' J *' v«' ' .0 't:i ; Ifl ti J'4;' 't*'̂i i' ' i i '! Ml! :', ' I "V '■ !< h.t ' :) t | II'"'I ft ' I i I ' ■Si iifT*.--»--~ *■•■•■-ry tr.f k W i l H i ■' pif Mill3i' n̂ V ■ illMil :«! i i l ' ' ; h M " t i l 11:15 ».iii„ 7U0 pjtt. ' :ky ScIwbl^'-l^BIMi .........f T s i f ... ■.. Stjr«n«^a St VMUmt Wfl«onit.' IflWeiiceM'ISIt" mfwtm"^AMr- Phone West 252R. ^ HuncJfy School, 10:00 e.m« m Gift of **Roux** * Coloring Serviom to DiBoriminatmi Womom JVnctrotoH the heir shaft and imparts color os natural as nature's own. J.Mi!avcs the hair soft ami in perfect condition for permanent wavin^r. Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1546 Marine Drire West m Wampole's Extract of Cod Liver Oil HOLLYBDRN BALL Corner of 14th and Duchess * ritlDAY EVENING, NOV. 1st, a t 7:30 Younjf People's Service Subject: •'Moses, the Friend of Cod* JlluHtruted hy lantern views. SUNDAY, NOVEMBBU 3rd, Sunday School and,' Youiik Men's Bible Class a t 10 a.m. SUNDAY EVENING a t 7.30 MIt. A. SIMPSON will speak o n ; "|.enrnliiK, Listeninif, Leanlnif." CMDEC^ EDIFICE 30tli a iil Ms^niaalt, HoUjrbarii This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, ■ Messeehusetti Sunder Service: H:30 e.m. M.Ati Entirely mwst̂ ^W-'̂ Kxm Sunday, November 3rd Subject: "Everlastingf P u n is h m e n t," The NeyV aid Larger Chatsli feature many improvements in radio, design that make for bcu ter reception in aU wave bandi Sunday School a t 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meetini; Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m« "TARGET-TUNING DIAL." The public is cordially In­ vited to attend, our services and meetings. TUESDAY, a t 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. A n, excellent tonic . for fall and winter $1.00 a bottle ANBLESIDE PHARNACY W. L, KEIt, Prop. 1401' Marine Phono; Drive ' West 323 FREE DELIVERY UNITED CHUECH Eev. Hillis Wright. Minister 3'hc Hcrvice next Sabbath morning will be a Memorial Ser­ vice to the late Dr.' W. T. Rush. This service will be held at 11:15 a.m. , , . Service as u.sual in the evening at 7:15 o'clock. Prayer meeting and Bible study on Wednesday night at 8 ô cIock November 10th will be Anni­ versary Sunday in West Vancou-. ver United Church, when Rev. Saturd^s ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Father C. A. MacLeod, 2328 Inglewood Ave." West 240-R Sunday Masses Low M ass.-- 8 :15 a.m. , _ High Mass & Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. . . „ _ Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :15 p.m. Catechism and Bible History every Saturday ~ 9 :30 a.m. Week-day Services Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. Fridays :-- Rosary, Benediction, Confessions -- 7 :45 p.m. - Confessions from visible from any anglc-̂ - station selector: for easy, accuratcl' MODEL TEN SIXTY-FIVE $ 1 3 9 2 2 , COME IN BROWN & MUNTON •f»|X'Vv̂West;366 MBMUlSKS ASSOCIATED BADIO TEOHNIOIANS OF B.O. 't, SEE AND HEAR THESE NEW. MUSCLE MOO£LS, j .1 5 4 2 ,Marine Drive DEATH OF DR. W. T. RUSH CHURCHES OP CHRIST, SCIENTIST DR, G, D. H, SEALE D.D,8., L.D.S. D E N T I S T Hoy Block, 14th and Marine Dr, Oillco Hours 8 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 A. McKay of Trinity United Church, Vancouver, former min­ ister, Will be the speaker in the "morning sjfisdce. ...... . ' The R e O l. E. Horton of St. George's. United Church, South Vancouver, will-be-the preacher in the evenirig. On the Tuesday night follow­ ing the Women's Association will serve a supper in the Church 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Dr. W.. T. Rush, a well known ' ^ pttmtqw resident of West Vancouver,..... passed away Tuesday morning M BN^ will be the subject of at his home, 2166 Argyle Ave- .. ^ nue, in his sixty-eighth year. He *. Churches o f Christ, Scientist, on had been ill in St. Paul's Hospital ,, . . for some time, but was removed . ..The Gpldeja,Te3ct id: "Create to his home about a week ago. in mi'e a clean hewt, 0 God; and' Tf The deceased was a prominent renew a right spirit within me." prairie physician, coming some : (Ps^nis 51: 10). ^ years ago to this province, and̂ ̂/ Among, the citations which_.„ while here made several trips ̂ Lesson - Sermon j „ , , ^ , 1 j the Orient as relief doctor on the is the following from the Bible; 1 10:00 a.ni.--S^unday School and Empress' liners. He leaves to - "Let no man fsaŷ ' when, he is and Adult Bible CJ^s. mourn his loss his wife, one son; tempted, I ani tempted of God: | 11:00 a.m. -- Rev. ih G. .Esta- j) Spring for God cannot be tempted with brook. Island, and| a sister. Mrs.,, L: , evil, neRiher tempteth He any; ' BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys Services; man." (James 1 1 ,18)., Dr. GEORGE S. MACDONALD D.D.S., D.D.C., Dental Surgeon Hours: 9:80 a.m. to 6-p.m. Evenings'by appointment Royal Bank Bldg., Tolophono U'est Vancouver. West 440 7:16 p.ni.-^Mr. I^^ie Braddick Thornton of Toronto. Funeral » ouMMw Q -nn services were held at. 2:30 p.m. 'The Lesson:- Sermon also in- v; Hall, when the Rev. A. McIntosh, W^ednesday,Noyeml^r 6th, 8.00 y^gterday in "West Vancou'^f / eludes 7the"l4folIbirag. passage r, r. ... o. n m _ W .m l Chiirch Meet- United Church, the Rev. Hillis from the Christian Scien^ text- ' Wright officiating, and> inter-,; .book, "Science and Health with ment under the auspices of King Key to the Scriptures" by Mary David Lodge No. OS,*" A.F. & A. ' M., was made in the: Masonic section, Capilano View Ceme­ tery. . . ; ; : B.D., of St. Giles United Church, p.m.--Special Church Meet city, will deliver an address. ;.i , . 'i'iie regular meeting of the Thursday 8 p.m.--Choir practice Unitedy Chiuroh Young People At the close, ,pf morning ser- -EatabliHlicd on North Shore- 25 Yeatfl " (.Lady ABsistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. I f u n e r a l ^ t r e c t o r s North Vancouver Parlors ~^~l22-WeijrSi'Xt]rSlreeT'^ Plione North 134 Vancouver Parlors 56 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 1,34 will bp held in the Church hall on Sunday, November 3rd, fol­ lowing the- evening service. The topic "Progress of Transporta­ tion," will be discu88ed by Nor­ man Wellington. All Young People are given a special invita­ tion to be present. The regular meeting of . the W. A". of the United Church will be vice the ordinance of Lord's Sup­ per will be obsenred. ■ Baker Eddy: ."T^e design_of Love is to reform i:he sinner." . RUGBY ̂ A fter their defeat by the "North Shore All Blacks" a t Confederation Park last week, when they w ere. on the losing end of a 6-0 score, the West H51d In 'the 'C hdf^^ ~Vancouver-^'Barbarians"-show;ed . afternoon, November 5th. ̂ A ll "thati^hejrm nT'ealiy-play Tugby _ members _and friends - are re- by^ defeating a husky, figM ii^ Mrs. C. Read of Horseshoe Bay, has returned from a holi­ day in Seattle. Mr. and, Mrs,' Baird of Van­ couver,.: have moved into a house at 11th and Duchess Avenue, while their house is being built on Keith Road.'. ' luested to be present as plans " police team'a r^ forjthe. Anniversary Supper and the ChristmasrBazaar "Will be completed.. C. J. Overington P IO N E E R B A R B E R N O W O P E N F U L L TIM E- 14th & Marino, Fhemo West 135 r SiiS. Ambl̂ e Sheer MetalJĈ SPECK. Proprietor W o r k s ST, STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey Rector: Sunday, November 3rd, 8 :00 a.m.--;Holy Communion. 11:15 a.m.-- Ĥoly Communion & Sernion. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong and Ser­ mon; ~ Str Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild .3:00 p.m.--Evensong and Ser­ mon. The W, A. held their fjlr ̂soci­ al afternoon under the new cal­ endar system. last Tyfesdgy. In Park, Saturday, October 26th, by a score of 9.-0. The game started fast with the Barbarians taking the ball into the Mounties .twenty-five yard line, and keep­ ing it there for the greater part of the game, and only the. over anxiousness of the locart>oys prevented them from scoring several more,tries. 'The Mounties were inclined to be a little rough in .getting their, man, but the West Vancouver boys can take it, and when the game was over it was the, Mounties who looked the worse for wear. Watson scored the only points.in the first half, when he booted a penalty kick through the uprights for 3 points.. Just after::4:he second ACeiDENT-REeiPE N«. 3 a-feW-words the rectorigj^ijamed__ that, this system, of free will witL an/Sv. f^ fenng had superseded the form- both or custom of raising money by ^ W j ( i -M (L f i l l THE The next game Saturday, Nov> was Queen's 1- ■ sal^s'ofr work,, ete., and gave a West Van News maftagrf.';The*wfvrt4teK th?'Ev u . . . . J ~ . were' attractively arranged to u ̂ Ex-bouth Burnaby; should . PiibBihri Bwry Tfcnt«<l«T suggest the special ch a ^ ter is- h S f ̂ f®" ®' PoMtoher fjes Of each month giving scope " ®"P- ■ P P I OVUrBftvif for ingfenuity or originality. Rec- ® ^ F. F. LOVEGROVB itations rendered by Mrs.- W. R. Saturday m (Next to HoUybum P.O.) Phone/West 368 Men Address: P. O. Box 61, RdUybanie B.C. Clark-and songs by Mrs; F. F. "® I.ovegrov6-and Mrs.; C. Powell Pj?-' ®® foUows: i]^,much-^ppreciated-by the a' ?*̂ PP®» Î ^̂ ser, kaadienbe. : ' . ^ W Phone West 363 ___ ______ ___ ̂ * . *. Business and Bdltorial Office: Lovegrovo an^ Mwk̂ C. PowpH p.m., as follows: :l7thfAnd~lll^ "we; lar CARD, OP THAi^S Watson, Irish, Miles, Atwood," Watt, Fennihgs and ' North Yancottver Officê :. 123 Lonsdale Ave. \The Rov. H. P. Humphreys and Mbs.i;iHoiaphreys L̂ vnah: to t̂ehder their-sincere, Rmhks to their mai^ 61.00 a. year, by currier: 62,00 a,year She; "Why don't you like g irls?" Fte; *"They*re too biased." , She:. "Biased?" ' this and bias tiL t,until I*m broke.'* ■D O U B L E P A R K IN G - Double paring ishjn excellent wa^ to gum up a busy street as welL as to cause a few good accidents.-At any rate DLlncreases the Row of cuss words and wears out brake linings, both on automobiles and street cars on whosê ̂ tracks motorists have tO'swerve. - Be fair to your fellow motorist, and your stoeet ^ service-don't park, in the second .line. . . - ; ' V CAsu>dian q f the fety o fm ,0 0 0 a U s e n B . m m "mm >■̂1 j-ir ,,,