t,. •*» H s 'r 4I ?/■ ^+1' !. 'S i.l j 4 »'t u J K i M' ^ «Im I ̂« f 141̂1 ¥ r ■Nf •"I* «(),r / I >ili Ir̂ «> I ^ ̂P ih' - }jl.^' !| ,i 1 '! ►.if h*'; ,i'.' 11 ft ^ ■ -4>b.- / 0 f»/ f ît> i . * : f t i!"'f i 't a'4 ' f . 'i /■ % i t M *.v̂ L̂\ \h Pi ife OTB WEST VAN NEWS ------------------------ 1835. Pficei Got)d Friday li^ îiBtiifday, Oct# 2Sth *Sc Mth, BUOAK, a a Granulated, irltit 11.00 Grocery Order....... 10 IIm, 50« HrUAWBBKKY i A H Z . 4 lb. Un dfto l^fNBAPPGK, Slnirapore, alie«4L No. 2 tin ...... . Out tfl^ MINCEMEAT .................2 Iba. 2$e Kid ik White PUMPKIN, 2Vjh ................................2 Una'2Se Ited & White PUMPKIN 1»IB SPICB 2 tins ...... .............. ................ I6e liU'ITEIt W A FEUS, Craii S ox, p k t ....................................17c. Ked & White CATSUP.. .12 on. Jar 14c NABOB HIIBIM PS..................tin 20c Bed & White 'I'OMATOBS, 2'/ia Solid, lintid Pocked..............tin 11c BLUE & WHITE PEAS, No. 4, 2 o .............................................. tin 12c BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE H oz. ja r 10c; 16 ox. Jar..., 35c Bed & White SHAKER SALT 2 lb, carton ........... ,.................... 8c Bed & White COFFEE. 1 lb, tin 35c McIntosh a p p l e s ....... ...6 Iba. 26c Meacs, Phone West 370 SPECIAL Picnic H am f, 1 8 c Ih. (O'lTAGE ROLLS, per I HECUBITY BACON, Fr r Ib........... 25c Ib, pkt. 15c , f HOMAS : Thij pretty johurch o f St. Ste- pheifi wait | l | 4 scene bn S a tu rd ay " evening, the 0 th instant, of th e '^iwddiBlTBf^hlittoce^HoreneeH^* daughter of Mrs. Thomas and ' the late Capt W. B. Thomas of West VanctHiver, and Mr, Rich ard George,Hamilton Davenport, second son 6 f Mrs. B urdette Davenpeni; and the late C. Dav enport of West Vancouver. The ceremony was performed by .Rev, J..P , Dingle, assisted by Rev, F., A.-Ram.sey. A utum n leaves and flowers Termed the -Je f f e r ik - ' G p v e r n iu ii l; | |i |^ M ^ '"HABIS COLD MEATS OF A i | ( , i i T O > S £ |^ . 1 s to re a t ............................... > " ' ■■ ■ niAAl/IVlA I iy/»ViV/AV| 7/ iVc pâ a# J*av ICicawl7P olill AAUVvl; v*n«-» " ■...17̂ and guests were ushered t 9 l i t by Mr. H. G. Avery, Mr. AlecKIPI'EBS .......1............. 2 lb«. for 25c POItK SAUSAGE, per Ib.............20c BF.HF SAUSAGE ..............2 lbs. 26c LE(;S OF LAMB. Top Quality, lb, 23c SilOULDEB LAMB (Whole) I'cr Ib........................... 14c BLADE POT ROASTS (I'rline licet), per Ib, .............. 12c BUMP BOASTS, per lb.......... .....18c BKHF - POBK LAMB -- VEAL VEItY FINEST QUALITY Bed Ji While BAKING POWDER 12 »z, tin ....................................17c THE BURNING BUSH By Bubadar , " A rm strong, Mr, Hugh Montgom ery and M r. R. Li ve.sey. ^ , Given in, marriage • by her uncle, Mr. Richard Moss, *the bride w as charming in w hite siiede lace over crepe black satin , h e r gown fashioned with bishop sleeves and a moled silhouette and finished with a long train . H er tulle veil gathered a t the nape of th e neck with a bandeau of gardenias covered the full length of th e train and she.phr^- ried a w hite p rayer book, show ered w ith lily o f the valley and a n d ^ s iT " ' ' B i l L b i N o W EST VANCOUVER ̂ -̂----- fo r r e a l s a t is f a c t io k CO. LTD. Phone West 115 . . . , - . I t is said to boTundam ontal in the hum an consciousness th a t the earth is immovable, and th a t consequently earthquakes tend to drive men niorc mud than is ' usually the case. So fa r they have only made me wish I was drunk or else stream lined and so able to leg it across the local scenery fa s te r than a moonbeam. I am rem inded of a friend of mine stum bling out of .the club during a (fuake in the tropics and mumbling to himself, "M ost sh tro rd inary , I only had sixsh .'% A t th e tim e I was w aving in th e c L A s s i i ? ' i , E t e : ; ' ' A ® s ^ RADIO SPECIALISTS -- Hayward &r Prebble--Have your set overhauled now. Phone West 539. ■ a trial for your next, shpeT repairs,. .2468. Marine.. Drive. B. C. EI.ECTRIC SY M PH O N Y H O U R ................ TO B E RESUM ED Ophelia rosebuds 'I'lic B. Q. E lectric Sym phony , A ttend ing her were Miss Edna liour, which was adm itted ly one Thomas, h er sister, as maid of of the finest sym phony program s honor. Miss Lucille Moss; her rnone on the Pacifio (IJoast la st year, cousin, and Miss Dorothy Hope. -------- -̂------- r will resume over radio sta tion . They w ere dressed alike in yel- GIVEJWEBB'S (.TiCJV and -CJO R on Monday> -low crepe w ith full sleeves finish- October 28th, from 8:30 to 0:30 ed w ith a narrow cuff to m atch r i? n ' way TVnfnrv pnhiir n.m. Under the direction Qf Al- th e neckband. The sk irt was - * lard de Ridder, the well-known sh irred a t th e hips, extending conductor v of the Vancouver into a fan train . Matching tu r- Symf)hony O rchestra, a selection bans w ere triihm ed with stiffen- ha.s been made of the leading ed, tulle. They carried show er nm.sicians from V ancouver's bouquets of yellow and bronze well known, orchestra . chrysanthem um s. The wedding T'he B. C. E lectric Sym phony group was preceeded by th e ring hour is a continuatioh of the B* bearer, M aster Donald -McLeod, C, Electrio's policy of b ring ing w earing a Lord Fauntl® ^y su it symphony music by. the w orld's and ca rry in g the ring on'a satin ' tif i*ri ̂ 4* /»/\W) -v% > nvv«4*Lt S ' *4> . /̂ i t t i. ' X -. Is Tl - The rate for Claasified Advertisementa is 2 cent# per word, minimum 25 centa. Except In the case of .those, having regalar aceounts, all cla8ii> fleds are payable strictly in advance. Remember Classifieds in the West .Van Newa get Immediate results. FOR RENT r - Large room over Hoi. lyburn Post - Office, reasonable. . Phone West 378-L..^ Estate and Insurance. 21 or Seymour 1260. Real Phone West 1927, PONTIAC SEDAN $85.00- motor .in.good.condition: no license . W est 129-K; • , i J HOUSES FOR SALE or RENT -- mortgages, insurance, listings want ed. C. J. Archer Ltd,, West 226, Seymour 595,4. SALE -- Exceptional bargains, Holly-~ burn Gift Shop, B.C. -- All dresses . values to $3.95 for $1.49, Friday and Saturday only. Join our library, 35c to end of year. Wool oddmenta to olear' half nrira. WELLi-KNOWN 'Empire-Wide Organ- ization has opening for a good sales, man to work w ith manager. Pref erence, given man who has handled such.lines as sowing machines, vac uum cleaners, etc: Salary guaran- tee -|vith every,help given in clos- * .mg sales., Jfranspbrtation furnished. P re fe r resident of .North Shore. Box 34, West Van News. BLACKSMITHIN6 Repairs to . washing, and'..sewing machines or . anything. .West 46. DRES^SMAKING, ALTERATIONS - ' S u its ;, Children's ' Clothes; home or. by day.- -Mrs. Robbins, 2791 Marine „ _ West 619-R.- , . or very solid. Of ti)o la tte r fact any way, there i.s no doubt, be cause, if the recent-fuiniinations iiouncement th a t the Vancouver L ate r a reception was held a t Symphony O rchestra would play th e h o m e o f th e bride's m other, in Stanley P ^ k , sponsored b y 2748 W est M arine, where a four- ^ $2.00 :• a , year. 'Ladyship, Wools'. 1678 Marine Drive. West 601... of Gerry and Dr. Telford could . his company. F ive concerts were tie r wedding cake,, surroundedAf rl J13 4 II 1*1 X 4 K 1 AAVk 1 l A i » 4 - n , ,vLTlVAII . flf 4if* • nvirli • U..rrî 1 1 •• V>: ^not disturb the local nature gods,, wo should be- immune. But it did bring on our autumn rains, and for that they both dc.serve to be assassinated. Affd, broth- °er, don't, be alarmed by my i'e- marks! You are going to be buried some day in any ca.so, so what'.s the odds who does the burying? We sec pictures ili the pairers m an sleeves of m a tc h in g lace today of the praparatioiis boiiiB c l ? S s f e l f o f broadcloth made m tu ro p e by imn-copibnt- and h er Ite t and accessories w ere an ts -- largely of course, women oyrapnony Or- .rv u ........ and children---against a ir raids, . i. .. - And then in th is day and gener- r ation we boa.st about our civiliza- JP* ^ P o tio n . No wonder the old Ethi- w ai^^suoh-Q utstandirig-^oiorstSi opian chief a f te r an Italian .in keeping bombing a ttack rem arked bitter- ly-^'A nd-thoy-call ns ^a va ge s ! -- " Such a civilization as ours is an " excrescence. We need not pride w in w ^ ' mil] ourselves on our g rea t progress i V f oviiw ith scorn on the wsi ^ v e n a t th a t tim^e and w ere byTalism an rosebuds and yeilow Heard by tens of thousands of tapers centred th e table. Pour- persons, p x s t w in te r the B. C. ing were Mrs, D, B. Montgom- E lectric Symphony O rchestra, ery, M rs. V. 'Jesson, Mrs. M. under Mr. de Ridder, not only Miles and Mrs; G. Lancaster, b rought many fine com positions Mrs. P. R; McLeod w as in charge in to the homes of th e people of of table arrangem ents. Vancouver via th e radio, b u t in- mv rw ̂ ^ a r t f s 't f ln S S n g ^ K y th e ^ ^ by m otor fo r San S S ^ o . ^ t h e B u rn s3 o p ra n o ;iV Ia d e le in e -M o n -- h & e ® ir e p r d r e & * & tu r in t^ ^ ^nier, celhst; and Jean de Rim- si|P®es S WILLIAM H. VASS, Chiroprartor-- Hours 9:30 to 5:30. Lady attendant. Room 10, 515 Granville Street, Sey mour 5856. ' HANDY 'ANN SH OPPE Dundarave, -- .Fireworks,;; Novelties, Notions,' Stationery, Naila;..Hardware. Your patronage' eaimestly requested. WEST TANCOUyER M A,C HIN E , SHOP Repairs' Spray Pumps, j Household articles.' 1449 Marine, j FOR SALE -- 27 Hupp Sedan, low mileage; perfect copdition, 2459 Mathers. TORRENT ~ 2 Room furnished house suitable for one. Apply 1479:Clyder- MARCEL'SHOP .Thermique Steam , Permanent; .Try our fatigue facial » - fo r tired housewife or business | woman. West 304. 17th and Marine J over Royal Bank. POE RENT -- 4 Rooms, plastered; __fireplace; _new,_range. -.Apply, .25th_ and Ottawa. t RADIO REPAIRS; Tubes; Ariels, etc. J . L. Pettigrew, The Radio Man, 1890 Marine; W est 146. ^ black. They will tak e up re s i dence a t Bralorhe. and look down w im scorn on ino u ' Dark Ages. A t least noiic 'of en thusi their mailed arinies had anv ^ , force specially trained to blow . • .1̂ * ; y e a r s b roadcasts whispered the collector, to pieces or suffocate horriblv over CRCV, th is aioney is for the heathen." . yeair they have been extended to -- " - _j;A certain millionaire did notl. ap prove of foreign missions. One Sun- day at' church, when the collection was being taken up for_these_missions, the - collector approached the millionaire and held out, the collection box. The' millionaire shook,'hia head. I never whispered. "Then take something out. of the 'CLEIARANCE .SALE of_ Used Yaciijum Cleaners, We have seventeen re-' conditioned vacuum cleaners, of all makes, all in -running order, some as good as new, a t a-fraction of original cost, from $5.00. None over $22.60. Beatty Washer Store, 91 Lonsdale Ave.", North Vancouver. North 907. SADDLE HORSES. FOR _HIRE-For .ra tes and-,reservations phone West - -4 3 7 rY - l im S y J ? ^ ttr^ ------- SHOE REPAIRS Get the best mat- , erial. .ahd^wozkmaxuship at Fox's, 14th atFeyiy.4 >. . - DAINTY CAKE SHOPPE • - made- bread, cakes t and West 514. --■ Home- pastries. WANTBD ---°6ne -furnished and one unfurnished 4-room cottage near , ferry. Phone West 340 or West 148 give to missions," ̂ he PRINTING -- For aU kinds of printing phone West Van News, West 363. , CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- The Old Country way; ; Satisfaction guaran teed. E ; Paliher,' Garden Avenuft Capilanoi Phone" N orth 811R2. wom eirand childreiTaird old men Q i Our progress has been purely Stephens, a regular vihitor-in scientific a n d - n ia te r m |- a T r d -w f^ ^ f i ; t ] ? ^ |t ;^ ^ ^ ^ the-doeterV^ m , 'Started on a longI3i\it«i411̂ 1 ii l^irP6uS LilRlT̂ ifl iTYinraOGiKÎ j # ' ̂ ^spiritual grow th in exactly the I'cverse ratio . We seem to' have been rem arkably sucoesful in u T -li "■"»-- wm m aking peace filthy and tak ing . a^yay th e few decencies chivalrv d ram a tis t. The put into war, ATter these ro- fo r O ctober 28th, fol- re g re ts t h a r i t is impossible to ad im t an audience to th ^ broad casts.'^ A nnouncing th is year will Wouldn't Understand , , "One day, a counseT of the old hectoring type was cross-exaniining a hostile witness' who'/was rather plainly dressed;-a 'GORDON ROBSON; .Barrister, Solic itor;* 1447 ^Marine,' .mornings; 610 Hastings ,St:; Seymour 4199. after- noons. ,' , ■ ' . ' i # ! * ■ p ro g ram fo r O ctober .m a rk s U h in k IwJlFnow . side and m ake a noise like a blue ^* '**tha . p o to w ........ Moskowski story of her afflictions. The medical man endured it patiently and gave her another bottle of medicine. At last she started out and the doctor was congratulating", himself When she stopped--land,,.,.exclaimed. Why, doctor, you didn't look to see if my tongue was-coated,'j "I know it isn't," he !wearily re- -'T, presume, my good fello^," h e . began, "that you are a laborer." "You'r e r ig h t ; T am a -workman, s|v,'- replied the witness, who was a civil i engineer;- f u r n i s h e d a n d xw furnishbd Houses to 'Rent. 'Houses, lots, and acreage \,for' sale, j J<An Lawson, WINDOW S H A j) l^ :^ D AWNINGS 'made- to measurements or repaired. Estim ates 'free ,' Picture framing. Pearce, J890 Marine, West 529 or ade W .b W T B 'S .W O O L & K N lT T IN C VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone Waat $ F^tilizei^ of AU Kinds Wood, Coal, SulidersV SuppUes ■ ̂ (b) "H arlequ in^ Serenade" spade and shovel. I;p resum e?!'/ "To some extent. But thbse;are not the principal instruments o f mv trade." - ' , "Perhaps you will condescend to enlighten me as to your principal in strum ents?" ' . 2474 , Marine^ "~>Ck>mpIete line w o o ls .V .F ree^n iti^ School. Violet and^ Kathleen . Clement; proprietors. ■"F a s l i a c c F ^ . . . ' p 'vvnif t - t« i - " ■ V arf k^rily worth whUe; yoaTI a„t . "Ib the gS - from "The Rue- ? SiM' t h e WELPARB;ASSOCIATION re- quires, ; d is^ id ra i clothing. P«®®* 'W est '37/ahd^'trnck will-coUect. on ^•} s V e u a i n g ^ -..-uO Idm ark ■ *"° ^ n g what they a re " .......... .. .Bartered,, r e q S X tfe the placed on the ^ " " e d ., ■ ; _ HEAilQUAR'rM S for -Brands-.ol-Cigarettes and Tobi - also Fishihg'Gadgits for local wat- /ers.*"'* * -- ah Popular ITobaccos; . Ambl^ide' Tea Rooms.W "■ ■ f :■ , - ,* r W "I g ) h e ^ S - " w S r to S I S ® " ^ ' " e d . Offic t . works to a S e f f ^ a t e « 5F ira t H nngsrlan R h a p s ^ ;- - w h ra other ? ? ■"f.fsectfon3:\-ar>; ily.i- Ar \ ____ 1 _____ r ̂ manyni Office Simp.: "Does, bigamy-k'ean Officer W ise. Guy: "Not'lnecessar- man can have/one ̂wife too aoL bigMniSb."l i l i I P P P AIM Blxperience Insizrea Satisfaction ' ■■ utt'M'PA'N'BIE^OWN & MDNTON :West 366 , '1-, -, \T£'̂ s}