m iSi 28.198S.: SIM w rCT"»BWg' IMM '̂ mWm iH IMS *«i- WKST VANOOETVHIR SCHOOL B A K 0 »'-.'• "i- ...... ,.w« t r * n a & ^ n p •rt" ■ ; i ^ W » l3 I B i l S ( W M l < ^ T O . * . , ^ 7 ' ' * - ' • iNOi*l^|QOP>/SCM^3^,i.'.'.7 . , Fr id a y ; n o v e s i b e r - 1st, ms VtiiCKETS -' ( ..... .■■-i-'pi-.-i.i. ......... 1̂ ̂ ̂ V * 7'̂ * t p' *" ̂ T' » Mr* a»d Mre* B; R. Morrison A daughter was bom last Sat-' Vancouver are urdi^^ at the Vancouver Getiei^; against coMs can best be ana lamuy OI v»nwuver aiv ww moving into a house at 1129 Hospital to and Esplanade. Mr. Morrison is con- D, G. Brooks, 2384 Hayvirood nected with' the Provincial Avenue, Folioe. Newitrocodol 5 0 c • f l , .0 0 Mr. and Mra. Howcr of Win- b e K ^ t tHta'summer on Ho) ((■J*. < IJ f t h e o E i o m a L WOOL A im ; K N T im O Wby not k n it your X m a s .G ifts th is year? :Sed.'J:aclkeib».t' :■ Sllpp'e)F.8,; W oollies for tbe.fclddles. Full Insti^cdons given witii purchase of wool With small deposit,;, wool wlll.be held for i reasonable period. ORDERS TAKEN NOW FOR XMAS DECIVERY. .i/nm HFLD ALREADY tWO MONTHS WILL BE PUT BACK IN STOCÎ IF NOT WOOL Ĥ p̂̂ p̂ cHASED WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THIS ANNOUNCEMENT * ' nipeg, have moved into a house bum Ridge." At West ^ at 1201 Duchess Avenue. Camp a large house is • * • constructed for ^he Spencer jsKi Mr, and Mrs. Wood moved on Club, also anoth^ club house oi Monday from„ 2266 Bellevue sligMly smaller Avenue into a house at 11 th and the Edith Cavell S(A^1 ski ̂ Keith Road. as well as a th i^ ebb hou^ ̂ * • * . the Vancouver Technical School.. Miss Madge Frazer, 2̂322 * *...* ^ ,s. i, Bellevue Avenue, is spending a The Annual Militoy Ball of Gemmiirs triig Store Th« Btor« of Sorvlco* 1586 Marino Drlvo West 87 or West 607 Emorgoney Phono West 881 (After 10 p.m.) holiday at her home in Falkland, the Officers' institute near ay at Kamioops. Canadian tegioii, West;Vancouver FR ID A Y -- .November 1 s t -- Danc^j . : ' WEDNESDAY -- November ;6th -- Smoker and Cribbage Tournament. FRIDAY ~ November 8th -- W hist Drive and Dance. _____ Everybody Welcome. Refreshments, place in the Crystal BaUrj^m Hotel Vancouver^ on M ^y » The West Vancouver Junior 15th November, the first M day Orchestral Society played a pro- after Armistit^^ gram at 9:30 p,m. last Tuesday and Military officers desiring in- over CKFC. - vitations may obtain same b^ • . communicating with C^Ptain Frankie Corbett, who recently J. Archer, not later than 28th underwent an operation for ap- Ootober. Seymour 5954; even- pendicitis ait the North Vancou- ings. West 261X. -ver General ,Hospital, has now .p returned and is comfortably con- Nelson Creek is. full of dog valescing at his home, 1280 Es- salmon. There are also big runs football JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL n o t e s ;; quimalt Avenue.>.• i ... * * of steelheads, cut - throats and cohoes in the Capilano and Sey mour. _ , - ,k '. Stratton's BAKERY r.II Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Ci^es Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes Cinnamon Buns, . Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning 4 Note Address; - . 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 LEGION W. A. The regular meeting ' of the W, A. to the Canadian Legion _________ ________ _ ____ ________ _____ C, .Ray, l# h , and/BellSVue T nof QnfiivdAv at Kerrisdale ......-- Avenue, returned last week from Last Satu y , j oh Friday/ October 11th, Mr. an extended visit to his old homfe Park. IXL- defeated Kemsd^e. g - V a n b o i v e r ; gaveaVety ih Nova Scotia. • - 2-1. This was the first, goa, interesting lecture on fire pro- , ' . * ̂ tt, unc scored against IXL this season.* tebtion, also announcing that, Mr. Baird is, building a new will be-held on Monday, the 28th and was the result Of, a penalty, the Vancouver Fire Prevention, house on Keith Road betweep instant, at 2:15 ;p.m.» in the The game was hard fought and Board had offered, a:prize of $5- 10th and Hth SJ;reets. -- was played ^ O e r S u mention from this school."̂ ® Mr. and Mrs_. Philpott have re- 5Tf\r."nnrw Tr S e r a i ' The names of the house foot- turned to them home at Caul- did the scoring lor t e ,, .. Vioii cyrasm hockev cantains feild. * "Next Saturday, October 26th, at ball. .grass noexey capiauia , * ♦ ♦ Ambleside Park IXL play,Knight I irn<ran • Canip Artaiban this year won Road Merchants. This, promises H o u ^ I . Football, P,w,Fagan, fQj,*the third time in succession to be a good game and a large--Hocked;. Dale E r i^ e n . and~now"hold permanently the xwjt/vr.u v,.. ----- -- turnout of spectators IS request- House H. 7̂ Footb^^ Lord. Dessbdrough Challenge change submitted at the last ed. Kick.off.at 3_p.m.j-------Hitching; -Hockey,^Kva.:Murch.,_- Cup-for the highest number of- reg'ular meeting by-̂ Mrs. RrPid- ------------------ - House'III;--'Football John points, in life, saying. The cup des, convener, was, in part, as region'Hall; It is! asked that ad many members as possible make an ^ o r t to attend as arrange ments for the Armistice dinner will be under discussion. I.OD.E. BOOK EXCHANGE The report on the Book Ex- TO OUR READERS W right/ Hockey, Martha, yon . Ziiben;......... .XXX **'*-'̂ uco. convener, was, *xx ,/.»»», is a valuable one,'being worth follows: number of used books several hundred dollars," and is gent in for sale 1174; total value..... . • > . x-ikik/v,**. , - - . - , , ' < tscvizxax xxuxxvxxv̂ u v.v.*.k.kkF, jstrxil. HI iux ocxxc; Anyhouseholdernot-receivingui , Ah. Inter Junior .High, Schbol. .oomjpeted for t h ^ .Can- . bf the.,,books a copy of this,paper on any and- paper'has been formed^ to he ada.. ̂ ̂ . hands was pflp.h TTmrsdav evehinff. is .re-. riiiKHiKofi. iraTt+lir Kv tbp'.Tiimor . . I , , 1 .< . . . i . x ' books were marked at half-price.-M ra.'H el/*Firn> daughter of \Uj\n4*'OaQ Vv% 4".Vi Q+i4"T*i a High Schools of Vancouver and - Mrs.- R. J. Baltey,̂ 1733 29th at a value OJ Hollyburn Theatre FRIDAY and SAT. MATINEE October 26th and 26th DOUGLAS MONTGOMERY EVELYN VENABLES " H A R M O N Y ; LANE" also Comedy, 'Cartoon, News, etc. SAT.-EVENING & MONDAY October 20th and 28th MATHESON LANG JA N E BAXTER ATHENE- SBYLER " D rak e o f E n g lan d " I wir<!OT tw th » e m i. High'Schools of Vancouver and ^alte,.; 1733 29th 1 S may be w ^ractef We shall West Vancouver. ̂ Each , school street,-- left on IkMaay -for Qak- X r ^ n y a ^ h ^ ; a l A v - : -has dts own editorial staff, that G a h f o m a .* w ^ I or, as it is our only way of check-; - of West Vancouver being-- - ofSfr Kplpman ping up on our deliveries.- r Our EditOT-in-chief: Alistair McLean sister, M . E, Kele boys have strict instructions, to Literary Editor: Winifred Hope, place a paper on the^verandah Social Editor: Ruth McLeod, of every house bn their routes. , ^ r t & Features: George Allen, F. FRANCIS LOySGROVE Sports Editor: Helena Clegg, Don McKenzie. at a value of $208.95. Total num ber of books handled 1,441. Total value of books sold $645.12 K.W.Sa¥ory ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr, and Mrs. W.^Mayhew, who have been spending the'Spring and summer at' Whitewood, Saskatchewan, have returned to - theiriiome"at"18th"and"Bellevue Avenue. / - .• /* - * ♦ Mrs. S. Paton of, 774 15th 0»-E„. S» 1443 Marine-Drive / , .Ah appeaL-for_ stories, jokes, poems, etc., Has been sent out and;it is to be hoped ̂ tbab t l^ , students will,- give their whole- px̂ ô x̂x̂ *xx x -Tearted support to the venture- Hospital convalescing after a recent operation. " * ♦ ♦ / -■ " - The members of TSfaomi Chap ter No. 26, O.E.S., were 'the , guests of Buyrard Chapter No. 3 last Wednesday evening on the occasi(^M"their 26th"birthday. ' The'^^wing circle of Naomi , Chapter met at the home of_'Mrs._ TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY -' >October 29th' and 30th - " ^FREDERICK MARCH "ThejAffairs: o f Cellini'* Once, only a t 8:20 also "N ight L ife o f th e G ods" (a t 7:10 and 9:45) ___ ------ -- --- George Clarke, 29th Street, on Street, is a t present in St. Paul's Tuesday afternoon. A young woman, a foreigner, living ■' .»Y.W.C.A. hom e'while she took BEV. H. p; HUMPHBbYS LEAVING HERE low est 340 Evenings, West 143 _____.----- -A very enjoyable evening was; ling preparatory to enga^ng spent last"Saturday, at the home . The Rev. H. P. Humphreys is in the v ^ rk of;a^ foreign missionary, qf Mr. and Mrs. .,T, Consta,bIe, preaching'his farewell sermons invaiiabiy attended the daily evening 1298 Gordon Avenue, the ocr on Sunday as pastor of the WestÎXiVclXiCtLFX̂ OVi/CXXVlVU. \*1***J •„v̂ *»***o \JlV/AVtVJlX ^̂ VV5X.LC'\̂ ̂ UXXc; L̂X.1 KJLtliLlCX̂ ̂dD JJClrO'l/VlX i/X LXiw TTV>OL 7>rayer meetings and invariably made casion being their! 7tb/wedding Vancouver Baptist Church, hav- very long extempore prayers. One anniversary. Card games' and ing accepted a call to the First .•■-.•yj AM ■ ■■ I'M111 fVdî r'nM A ::*D A M'4r1 r t X * ; : ' i M ■•yXjT a1 AVVTM A 13 Real Esktie ̂ :C «X X ^X X ■̂ :..v.'••XXXJg;■■i.:. lA ^ v X ' r . d '^ ^ v d X X '-v ) , V v X 7 ;; '7 v X l^ ,;^ evening ̂ a., new boarder attended dancing were indulged in,'at the Baptist Church in Kelowna, B C. prayer meeting and made so long a conclusion of which a bufi^et Mr. Humphreys has been minis prayer th a t all others were silenced, supper was served. The invited tering for the past six years in A fter meeting, the foreign mission guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. West Vancouver, where he has student hurried to her. Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. J.Morri made many friends, and his de- y O U : ' . . * n . * - T -b T T r „ i _ l - X . o FOR RADIOS ISANGES R ange 1*1 OIL BURNERS ■ ' ' see' " S •;r West 37 North 5S6 w xxcx. vrT̂ xoxx, xrxx. C4-XXIX xuxM. u . xTxv/xxxowxx,, xxxexxxt; UMiiy xxxcxiuo, a>ixu xxxb ix^- lu mean-, interfering Mt-and Mrs. B. Wright, Mr. and -cision.to leaveJhere will be gen-t. rers in m.eefing?'? she Mrs. W. Slater, Mr. and Mrs. P. / erally regretted in the munici- IpH* "A fter th is vou Ward.' -Mrs, Griesdale. Wallv nfllifv - ' ' - / 'W hat do and-making p ra y e rs -----, „ , -- . . . -------- , . ---------.. ------ ^ wrathiiy demanded.* "A fter th is you Ward, Mrs. Griesdale, Wally pality. be still./ You don't nede to pray." Spence and Miss June Wright. ------- The News ^ "I-- need much to 'night-_I_need_to_pray.- English." pray. Every -It_helps-m y_ _JHOLLYBURN-HALL THE FERRY tEMDING LIBRARY See the 1935'.and-1936 Catalogue of British and American Books. and get that C h r is ta s 'G if t settled. A small deposit will reserve your order. 1 - 7 *f**7 >. r -T-s, to riv e ; . ,2.> i- 1 k-r < ̂ ^ _TKere will be a young people's service, illustrated with A ite m views at 7:30 p.m. tonight in Hollyburn Hall, at which the speaker will be John Anderaon. Sunday School and young men's Bible Class as usual a t .lO a.m. next Sunday, October At> the 7 :B0 p.m. service next Sun day -Stanley North will give a Gospel Address, prayer and Bible study a t 8 p.m; next Tues- 'day.A' DUN<:AN L A W SO N CHAPTER i.O.D.E. SB YOUNGER SET DANCE (HALLOWE'EN) ^ FRIDAY, OCT. 2 S th T IC K E T S la Hollyburn ' Pavilion' Marie Abram's Orchestra 3 5 ? R efreshm en^, St WEST VANCOUVER.. SWlMMING-CLUB '} '-<41 HOLLYBURN RAINFALL TTie wet spell of last week : marked by two days of continu- ̂ ous rain. On Wednesday, 16th . instant) the rainfall fafter 8:a.iri. was .2.16 inches. <)n'\Thurs^^ " ife w a s^ 0 9 -in c h e s .7 7 |;^ # -- ;^ d ;£ ;^ ; 7 H o U y b a ^ l ^ ^ o i i i , THURSDAY, OUT. a t 8 p.m . F U N , "'THE VAGABONDS'/ Sipiece Orchestra F A V O R S ' A D M iasfe