^ ij a > I i% i'«i* » ' / . 'i , 'i |,, f/U, .4̂ ■>' H *1K* ^\h Pfn?>t, tlf<**S*',;»/ f If f*d V. vf ■; ^ 1. irt I ■ 'M 'I 4¥|' I ' '̂ :•> ;:|.'I , (>"'̂1 4 i '* i l l '.'f f t -V «!• ff ,-| W M̂'̂ ■ »"i! i'Ji '? 'I'r, III»1 'i <1 ■>* t l[- ■¥, 4 1-811 .JMf, .■■• s-L*|| II:' I t i l ' " i l l ' i i w r T4JI i iN i i i |i B«v« filiU t W iiclit, lU ttiiitiv .. . fhmS»y' iM fiibi 1|}!5 «.m.« 7;1$ p.m. yStuidijr'ir- muff i HtfM§ ..Ciliiti 10 Stranawn A Viaitoira W«l«»m«. BAfVW OBUSOK' P»it«r: Rev. » . P/ Ku»pli»«yi, {{evidence: 1843 SajriroM, Avi. Phone West 262B. • Suundep Jktrwh»i«v>wivllA^ . fil6 P A . Bundajr School,; 10 0̂0 ».in« m Gift o/rRim** Coloring Service to DiBoriminafing Womentî . PonotratcH the hair ahaft and Jmparta color an natural aa naturê M own. LeaVea the hafr Ho/t and in per/cct condition. for permanent waving'. , Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe. 1048 Marina Drlva Weet 117 3 GOOD SPECIALS- 10-ox. llottle Norwegian Cod Liver Oil for ................. .......00 cento 16-ox. lidttle Liquid Petrolatum (ItUMMlan O il)................. 49 centa Heiherling Hot Water llottle 09 eta. HOLLYBDim HALL Comer of 14th and Duebeaa FUIDAV EVENING, OCT. 25, at 7:80 . Young People's Service IlluHtrated by lantern views. 'ilaidaii tfjip * MU. JOHN ANDERSON , HUNDAY, Oct, 27th, at 10 a.m. .Sunday School and Young Men's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING at 7.30 Gospel Address Speaker: MR, S'l'ANLEY NORTH 1'UKSDAY, at 8 p.in. I'rayc*r and Bible Study. W B S T ra^C O in rB E ' Scieace CttVirai EDIPICE 20th anA MsftAiirii, Hrilyburn Thia Society la a Branch of ̂ I. Tha %tlmr Church Tka Flrat Chtirch of Chriat/ Sclaatlat, in Boston, . ICaiaachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, October 27th Subject: ̂ ^*iprobaU(m A fter Death" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. u At, tr*-"" 4 -»• ' CORPORATION OP THE DISTRICT OP I « ' ¥ O T E R S ! Ir0 3 6 Persons desiring and entitled to have their names placed on the Voters' List for 193(7jm Houeeholdera, Liwnce or Poll Tax Holders, must file a d e c l« :§ ^ h ' (which iuny be made be fore a Notary Public or the underSlgned) in the forioi provided, on or before the 31st day of October, 1936. ' Forms may be obtained a t the Municipal Hal!. Dated this 17th day of October, 1985. . . . !: I . WM. HERRIN, Hollyburn, B. C. Municipal Clerk. T: The public Is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings., ., .MEMORIAL SERVICE? FOR 3. G. TEARE A largely attended memorial E990, of which the deceased l)ad service for the late Brother John, been Chapla^^ and a chartered Honro-A T^nrp was held last Tues- juember. R ^ h t ' Worshipful.G eorgeTearew asheldlastTues- ^ ANBLESIDE PHARNACY KER, 14U1 W. L. KER, Prop. Marine Phone: . Drive West 323 FREE DELIVERY a t un- D R . G. D . H . S E A L E r [-D.D.S.,-L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. OiHco Hours 9 to 6 p.m. ̂ " > Evenings by appointment. Phono West 72 UNITED CHURCH Kev. Hillis W right, Minister Service of public worshig 31:15 a.m, and 7:15 p.m. day School a t lO'a.m. The Young Ladies' Choir will lead the praise service the evening service next Sabbath. The Young People's Society will hold its regular-meeting fol- ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Father C. A. MacLeod, 2323 Inglewood Ave. West 240-R Sunday Masses Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass & Sermon - a.m. Rosary and Benediction p.m. Catechism and Bible History every Saturday -- 9 ;30 a.m. Week-day Services Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. , /-V T r „ i r > x>xwi/Ut;i Jtx> m , x x a i i u i i , i-aftt; day evening in the Orange Hall, Mp^ter, „ presided, the under the auspices of L.O.L. JNo. order of service being as follows: 10:15 7:15 lowing the" evening -service. Charles Baldwin will lead the dlBciission taking as Hla subject jv ldays -- Eosary, Benediction, "World Pcace-rBy What Means . Confessions' -- 7 :45 p.m. Can We,Hope to A ttain to It? Saturdays -- Confessions from Every young person in stne 7 :80 p.m. to 8 :30 church is earnestly invited to at- OPENING PRAYBR--Bro, G, Bryan, Acting Chaplain. SCRIPTURE READING--Bro, Rev, H".-P. Humphreys, HYMN--"Blest Be the Tie 17*at Binds" ADDRESS--Right Worshipful, Bro. J. Ferguson, County Master. SOLO--"0 Love That Wilt Not Let Me Gb". . Worshipful Bro. W. Mudle DRAPING OF CHARTER--J. Parker, Worshipful Master T. K. Lightly, Deupty Master ADDRESS--Bro. Rev. H. P. Humphreys HYMN--"Nearer, My God. to Theel" ' ADDRESS--Reeve J. B. Leyland . , BENEDICTION--Bro. RevV H.' P; Humphreys Miss Alice Hutchinson .Pianist --:........-- ' Right Worshipful Bro., A. E. Harron, PaSt Gr n̂d rMaster, presiding. - p.m. LITERARY SOCIETY P.-T. A. NEWS Dr. GEORGE S. MACDONALD D.D.8., D.D.C., Dental Surgcofii Hours: 0:80 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings by appointment • Royal Bank Bldg.,, Telephone West Vancouver, West 440 tend and Bhare in a profitable t HE REV. j&f. P. HUMPHREY'S hour of fellowship. ^ Prayer service on Wednesday - Established on North Shore -- ------ 25 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. Y u n e r a l - g ir e c t o r ^ North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver !*arlois 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 night at 8 p.m. Choir practice on Thursday night a t 8 o'clock. Give part of your time to wor ship, come ̂to Church,. ' iHsh Lecture ' The lecture on Northern Ire land given on Wednesday even ing of last week by the Rev. HiHis Wright was most interest ing and educational. I t . was The first meeting of the soci ety for thp ensuing winter ses- ______ sion will be held in the usual A meeting will be held in the plabe, the lower hall of the FAREWELL Baptist Church, 15th and Esqui- malt,- next Monday, October- 28th, a t 8 p.rau, to bid farewell to Pastor. Humphreys who ,Js leaving West Vancouver to take up a pastorate a t Kelowna. Pastor Humphreys has spent more than 6 years in West Van- will United Church; on Thursday evening, -October 31st, ■ a t 8 The next meeting of the West Vancouver, P.-T. A. will be held in the Junior High School next Tuesday, October. 29th, a t 8 p.m. Mr. McDonald, chairman of the Board, w ilLberthe speaker couver, and will be leaving be- .sponsored by the W. A., and the hfhd him a host of friends, who, -^•hurch-haJl was -crowded- with- - without-exceptioiir wish him suc- an attentive audience. Mr. cess in his work, and renewed Wright was born and brought up .. strength of body in his new loca- in that part of Ireland, and his ^ lecture dealt in detail with its o'clock, when papers will be read and the subject will be the "De fer discussion-on ' "Two Engin- veiopinenf of "Education^in'this 'eers of Large Achievenient." Province to the Present Day, The treatm ent of the subject and its fu ture in the light of the will be on broad lines suitable K ing'Report,".; as the King Ee- for general discussion insjtead of po rt ̂ recommends the " gradual merely technical ones. A llfriends taking over .the cost of education«vvli 1 ' i *■ _^ Jwho ai;e intei^ested^ are-cordially invited to be present. C. J. Overington P IO N E E R BA RBER NOW OPEN FULL TIME 14Ui & Murine, Phone Wcut 135 architectural, and natural beaut ies as well as with the life of the people, in which he was greatly helped by the many lantern slides prepared and shown by Mr. Porter, Mr. Addy sang a t iiitervals'a nlimber of Idcarirish songs in^his- usual pleasing man ner, which added considerably to the enjoyment of the lecture. tion. E. Davies and other members of the Baptist .Home Mission, are expected to be present. There will be mlusical items, etc., and a social time a t the close. Miss CJollett Brennand, who has been spending the supimer a t Kamloops, returned on Tues day to her home a t 24th and W aterfront. by the ProvinciaT .Government and the consequent loss of local autonomy. This subject is of in terest to all. taxpayers and should create a lively discussion. Mrs. Harrison of Caulfeild, moved on Tuesday ,to the city. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, Ambleside Sheet Metal Works L. SPECK. Proprietor ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. P, A, Ramsey * Rector: Sunday, October 27th 11:15 a.m.--^Matins and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon; Preacher, the Rev. M. which the Lord Sohso -- StnMq. thinking:. -- A lot of nbiao in a hurry. -- Water p:ono erazy with the Horae JaxK - Steam heat. A William Tell Tie - which you pull the bow apple. ' AVhirJpool -- A merry-g:t).round i<n\ liah'. Coleman, Wejjterh Canada , . Padre for Toe H. Monday -- St. Simon & St. Jude -- 10:16 a.m. -- Holy (jom- munion. 4:30 p.m-- ^A.Y.P.A. a t home of, F . Parkes, 2227 Ingle wood Avenue. " P R O B A T I O N AFTER DEATH" will be the subject of the Lesson SerndOn inT all ■ Churches of Christ, Scientist, on ' Sunday. The Golden Text i s : "Blessed IS the. man that' ehdureth temp tation : for when he is tried, he shall receive the.crown of life, hath promised to them that love Him," (James 1 :1 2 ). „ ' ^ Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible:. Blessed are they th a t keep His testimonies, that seek Him w |th Uie whole heart.'? (Psalms 11 - One with ami hit 'ITiesday, 8 - 6--^W. A. Calendar 2). 9: Tea in Parish Hall. Musical programl St* Prancis-in-the-Wood . Caulfeild 9 :45:a.m,--Holy Communion. ' THE; ■ : > J W est V aii N i^ s .BAPTISTjCHDRCH Pabtiahed Breri^^Tburaday Pastor.*̂ ijev. H. P. Humghreys The Lesson - Sermon also in- oludes the following passage" from the Christian Science tex t book, ^Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy iV " 'This is life eteraal,! says_.Jesus,- -- . is; hot shall be; and then H e defines everlasting life a s , a present PiiMiahar F , F* LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Baaittaaa and Editorial Off lea: 17tlt and . Marine Drive (Next to RoUybum P. O.)'̂ Phone West 363 MaU A ddt^: P. O. Bex 61, RoUybum, EC Sundh^, October 271 10 :(W a.^ -^ unday Schwl and taowl^ge" of His P^the/^^d^of Adult .Bible Class (Lesson Himself, the knowledge of N orth V iu u ^ v e r Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. ̂ Dan; 5; 17-28). 11:00 " a;m.--^Morning Worship. Pastor tvlU pm eh: topic, : "The Pre-eminent Christ." 7116 p.m.^Evening Worship, ';Tp^o: ^Good News." Song Senrice at commtehoê * ' :̂ '7'̂ ' | try in West Vancouver on r; 8 p.m;--Prayer and Love, Ti'uth, and Life." With friends all things are in com mon. , CARD OP THANKS ^ extend our grateful * J kindly assisted and for the words of sym- beautiful floral offeriSs the'death of our.fe- loved husband and father. ' MRS. N. T. SHIRLAW and Family.