' Circulating in the District of West Vancouverî Ambieside, Holiyhurn $1 .0 0 per year. . Cypress Park, Cauifeiid, Mifhytecliff, Etc» i p c i ■■ ■■..v'wr ......... . ' * i' . Dundarave 6c per copy a t newsstanda. ,b.c .- THOĴ 8 bAyif:6 ,di^ 8 NATIONALAUTUMN Autumn, "the tim e of faUintf leaves*?-la w ith ..us again, and the morning frosts give warning th a t w inter app r^ch es. On the farm there is much activity,and[ considerable thank* LEST ^ E FORGET iJjT\iT*'h T .. "To you fromiaiUlMf hands we throw The torch, fie^y^s to hold it high. Hhi' fulness for the cropa now being stored for th e Winter as well as for the prospeot of a little more leisure a f te r the summer»s strenuous labors. . . : . . ' 'V ^ ' t. V ^ • j " But for us of the city; it is the, most melancholy period of the year. We tu rnV ut ih the darkening and cold mornings and our spirits fall w ith the falling rain and, leaves. Later, when the winter activities are in. full swing >nd we have airain become accustomed to overcoats and fires and umbrellas our spirits will somewhat recover.' A t present we are inclined fp take a jaundiced view of things. * ; \ Yesterday we, celebrated. Thanksgiving,, and ,probably many of us wonderied jlis t w hat we had to be thankful for, because again we have left, the farm and do not realize th a t after all our continued-existence, however wealthy or poor we may be, is in the last analysis bound up w ith the crops. . Civilization has brought us many comforts, but it has also standardized our lives to th a t point w here.w eJive a most ,. humdrum existehoe; And i t is possible th is ju s t as much as the-- depressionJa {.responsible...for^.the.lpresent_discon-___ tents. If the early Canadian pioneers \ydrked hard and, lived hard they had a t least-the healthy dangers and risks of the wilderness and m arauding Indians tp give color to the ir lives, not the unhealthy ̂ excitement of our present city , life, which bringl little sa tisfac tipn^ t the.tim e .and' none .after i t is over. Although for fear of ridicule, few will openly say so, nearly all of us. a re " wondering^ ju s t how mpch .longer our . civilization can last, and many have a great fear of . the future. - Yet, if it do fall as a iresult o f 'o u r .inab ility ,to, synchronize consumption and fproduction, it m ight h o t be. an altogether / unmiixed blessing,'for yd a return to "the simple lif^ we should If ye break faith, with us who die. Wo shall'not sleep, though .popples Caitailiait Fesitvials*Jh. grow . In Plandera** fields." this vear. for Thursday; . 24th All the fun, nonsense and tra- b is OQto r̂* it is interesting to.re* difions of this-jolly season of iver, TYiembpr that in Canada national Hallowe'en is assured. . Marie Saturday,' November 9th, Pohpy Day im W est Vancouver, tnemiber th a t in C an ad a . , , ^ m The ,W. A ., to , the Canadi^i thanksgiving fo r harvest., dates Abrams' 5-piece Orchestra will Legion Post 60 Wish to announce back to remote ages. Long before be there and A. J. Gleam will act th a t poppies wilbbe available a t the white man came to Canada, as Master of Ceremonies. Come their headquarters on Marine certain days were set apak*t fo r .uml bring a party . Drive on th a t ;d^y. During the public acknowledgement , to t j i e ---------------------- week members will call a t every Great Spirit for abundant.crops. COMING EVENTS home. The, W; A ' The aboriginal Natives , of Gap- -- -- for ,a generous response as the ^da, like the Israelites ahd.othe;r Friday, November 8th -- Annual TONIGHT I Attention! Don't forget the big "LO.D.E. Hallowe'en Dance'^ for the "Younger ̂ ^ t " tonight, In view of the ' advehiif oif Friday, October 25th, from 9 to Thanksgiving Day in Canada 12:30 in the Hollyburn-Pavilion. proceeds are urgently needed for ancient peoples, did not crowd ex-service men And their famil- their public thanksgiving into ies. The public are asked to buy one day, n o r did they confine,it poppies in W est Vancouver., For to one season. Besides the-m ain orders for w reaths and poppies, thanksgiving in late fall o r early please phope W est 245-L or W est winter for all crops of the year* 218rR. ™ .1 ^ ... ---------- - -there -were public ceremonies-for jj"""':".:"'":..", ̂ "thanks .for *<th e ' ' rising-*'blithie. Dance of the W est Vancouver Tennis Club in the Orange Hall. Memorial Service -- The council-granted-the Dun can Lawson Chapter, T.O.D*E., permission to hold a Memorialmaple, for the ripening of fru its ^ _____ ____ _ _______________ and berries, and ,for the plahtmipr Service a t the Memorial Arch (Uia) and ripening of c6rn^v': , ,i;.ŵ^̂ ̂ Remembrance Day, N ovem ber The Huron a n d IroqUoiahipa^^^ 11th. ? tio n s , had at' least' six % niilj thanksgiving festivals^ thrbdgh piit the year, culminating Jn .tp e LEGION DANCE are givingfa., ' ................. swihiihini hs Usual iverV^M^""*̂ <̂5®̂ *'~wae planted ;ahbtMtLpl__ dance at the Legion Hail on Fri-'.: regainourlostsan ityof outlook, and, having that,^also recover Leavo W est.Vancouver on , seven days when, the, cprtt>'whs . day, November 1st, th is being that peace of mind,-the: absence of which is the greet'.curse :of; -y-thei^30^l iri Yerr^ ' " -------> greed; a - th i r ^ festival :p^ one of the series of social affairs . -- --1---"̂"'" * . . . • . . ' . • * , . • ' days when t^e corn was*darVe '̂̂ ̂ which are being staged by them ed, and a fourth, the-greet midr this; fall̂ -̂̂ music has beeri. . winter , festival ^of general arranged for, and those attend- tiA our civilization;* COUNCIL NOTES V The - Ridge In s i^ td rf s\ report ments in arrears and to forward a registered letter. to the delin quents advising them",.that, if the amount outstanding was not '■ fromVehbh househpldj'they fixedf on^he secoSl T u e l > the. dates of th e ceremonies, a n d , m onth ,-at^:8-p .m .- chose-the ^orators-to open^the paid within one itndnth,'the lease. would be cancelled under the terms of the agreement, in which case they premises. vacate the««,_^must • ♦ ̂.J rp. W. J. Gale wrote ;the :cpuncil re building of a garage on the , , . _ , In a 6-day-ocean-to-ocean com- .c ta lse s a re free 'o f c toO T arid executive J^ ts ,£ ^ :3 0 'th e ' oeh to all over 16 years of age. sam e evenmg. November 12th , a prayer a course so severe th a t 37 cars P®" ' wiU be the f irit of.such.meetings gratitude to th e three sister god-, out of 66 s ta rte rs w ithdrew a fte r when it is hoped,.'.to have all .esses,,Com, Beans, and Squash, th e ,f irs t day's run , six Chevro- niembers present:, Each member. - The Ojibwas usually c e le - :J e ts out of sev en -th a t, entered is asked to bring a new member- brated th e ir "midewiwin" in W : completed the 4,458 - kilometer as the "object is to double the season of iripeping fru its and . course w ithout serious mishap, membership by ithe tu rn of the ben*ies,; while 'on , the Pacific, the seventh having been with- new -year. Menibers are asked Coast in< w hat is now British drawn by the driver fo r personal open Womien's Program Monday-- 6 :30 p.ih. ' Basket'Ball, " 7:00 p.ni. Tumbling, 7 :30 p.m. Limbering, Rhythmic Exercises 8:00 p.m. Rhythmic £ . ■ - & N atural D ancing.l (8 :30 p.m. Leaders'; CIas&); Andrew Gibson/ , wrote th e '• council re egress to M arine Diive ' ̂ from Lot 23, Block ^5, D.L. 237. ' ' Referred to the reeve 'and the chairman of the board of works. The m atter of the . slow--sign on fence a t Buscombe'sl Corner, Caulfeild, w as. referred council to the engineer," tention. 7 :30 'p.m. Marching, Limbering, Correc- i .. ,tive Exercises., ' , _ 8:00; p.m.;} Old-time ■%; * i -:'fVV - Dancing,;.Games;^';:"' (^:30 p.mi Leaders' Class) to gather a t the Anglican Church' •.=Golurabia,:the'coming of the s a l- 'r e a s o n s only. .The route was the . on Sunday, November 10th, fo r; ~moh was celebrated in a feast of . m ost in teresting and}at th e same the 'Armistice Service,'-w hen ' thanksgiving. / , \ tim e the,^ m ost perilous e v e r Easum'will eonductth is With the w heat,ripening e a rly , mapped out' fo r a race in 'South \ " in Palestine, th e Israelites cele-; Amferica. The A rgentine Pampa ' -- ;------- - . brated 'the feast of Pentecost as th e hills of Mendoza, the moun- SWIMMING CLUB ' ' -/-their hajrvest festival, and Moses, tains"of th e Andes'and th e wilds HALLOWE'EN DANCE" was commanded tq appoint and ■ of Neuquen and th e A tlantic sea- ' ______ ; , , :V ̂ proclaim the days of thanksgiv- 7, board were some of tHe difficul- The W est V aneduW A m ateur , "ties, s tru n g out over a route Swimming Club "are .giving a "Three times thou shalt keep ; which fo r 4 /5 th of the distance f t T t: ACHBBS' CONVENTION Grand". HaUowe'eu Dancewat S - ^ unto. Me ih the year; • ■Is a succession of cart ruts, loose nm Thursday. Octolier 3 lk . in' shalt keep the feast of un-.-jsand, and treacherous bogs. One„•!;-L- ■■ rm. ' - "111 I^aa'ifan' /loxra \ *Of" Wrtolm ivi 4-V.AHollyburn Pavilion., There will j|e 9̂ M 1 ' um .pi tne Au^icwywu wxivy*. . The council approved th e pre-, proVed very successful and th e appreciated the , that, instead-of confributingdq,;, addresses delivered by Dean F . BAND CONCERT leaven bread '(seven days) . . . . ' of' the highest peaks in the and the feast of harvest, the f i r s t " Andes ;also had to be scaled at a i-T----*̂ ,000 fcet,. above| th e C hrist;o f the th e boundary A rgentine and hast gathered in thy labors ou t': Chile,' One of the Chevrolets, of the field. Three times in the ? manned by Tadeo Taddia, finish- year, all the males shall appear ed in sizth place. His car was a T 1 ALi-'.Tl/Ti'h A 7 •M ^ extra- cort7<rf M ,, The West Vancouver ̂School before, the Lord God." !; .1934 Chevrolet Master, straight ,m A daughterwai-borh 6lu?Tues-tJS^^^ ̂ /- IV atr S t 'P n i i V a J - -- C. C. F. NEWS Valiev ffivimr concerts' in six ;was ̂ observed-as the be- }whole .journey," he said later,. iltTp ̂ ginning of the harvest thanks-^A*ld had.no mechanical trouble dayatSt. Paul's Hospital, to V & of the; v,Pf "Any t oatiHMra T /̂r v̂ this year, at,tho Musical ^ -- ________and Mrs. J.T\I, Geggie' ( n ^ PhyL ns Bell), of Vancouver, rn, , . , , " ■ Wpdnesdav October 30th wees were neia reOT^ly-^wice: apart' fo r thaplcsgiving: It was 4 the arrival o f the French enga^m ent IS annopn^^^^ a^coramitteeAp- during, th e hOhdayg an̂ ^̂ ^̂ the,MassachusV;f ( l̂ohists .̂','p^^ ̂ to the founding ■ Eleanor'Bte,wthbrnv; vdurii?eafe""M ̂ with the two" w€ekS;at;':6iaiiiiJ ̂ ĵ̂ c4rUra%\ ̂ * - s. « i