5V3.J i S P'15? .„ .,-.a?!E t Fli«Mie f ' * ' * • * OlSEtASBi AND * ^ iv ■ :.f. ".ll\:,..i I . , i r I t 't, DEATH Ee AU" will be the iflt CamAtes r f 'S n e t . S " Prices Good Friday a^Saturday, O ct lltb & 12tb i,,...i, ,iH.,i.«,,,,.rt,r»,,,,irr'i(-irTir.nr1,M,jii1m » iJ L im i i ; i ; j :n i . r . i r i i r r l t r : , r ^imubHiwi Stmday. T h e iUd A WWf# COFFER 1 I&. iitt « « wild Rm# FABTEir FLOUE 10 lb. »aek m UOdBirS SYRUP, 2 lb. tin........ Idc ? i «■ 5 r a! I Phone West 370 . 32 ot* |a r m e RilBi^BERRY JAM, ndd«d P«eiiit 32 ox. Ja r «ss.s»*sss»«s*s« âSSSMŜSosteetOsSSe 29c ItA ItT L E rr PEAKS, Urge 2Faa Tin Sf sss«es*o*ASs,ssaeof«eo 0*>A*ss0aa«*«»««o«#«,̂ s#4. m PINEAPPLE^ FauitlaM, 2a, Un 9c COLD SEAL HERRING, Tomato Sauce, la, tin yseesesaŝ ssfirs 9c PEAS, Blue & White, Ungraded 2a, tin .... • s«*ss#ssr«*sAt*ee#*ea»M»«aasea«#*s«»«̂ lOc Red & White PUMPKIN, large 2«/j wê stssf ̂ e4S»S«»S«Skss«Ss«SsMeeet#»sa»aa!2l efUA __ GoMcn Text is: "Me prayer. ot f a i th shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him tip: and if he have commit* ted «ln»s they 8hajJLhii.£org1vê ̂ h im ." ( J ^ m e s 5 : (1 6 )T Among the citations which comprise the lx?sson - Sermon is *** the ftdiowing from the BiWe: '"fiien, was brought unto_ Him 29e -J e f f e r i e s Government COLB MEATS OF 1 Store <- PHOSE 'î T E S S E N Theatre « Red & White PUMPKIN SPICE 2 tina Red & White BAKING POWDER 12 02. tin /ast*«sssss#rsss,,s4>r*«ssea»ssp#.,«p«h«« I7c MclNTOSIl APPLES...........6 Iba. 25e ........... $1,49 SW IFTS BACK BACON In the piece, per lb. **»s«*asa**fk.ss»as** PICNIC HAMS, per Ib. s«sssA*Sss«assad CO ITAGB ROLLS, per lb. »s«ss'«ss*a*« 2Sc SECURITY BACON, Ji lb, pkt. 15c 1§* « Hiivil blindF lU iF IS , per Ib, #s*»i«#***a'«*'*****4»»*i*'»sf»a ",3l7c;.' ■ ,OW0 |[v̂ OSS0̂ ifiNBt]l Wltll I K IPPE R S.......................2 Iba. for 25c and dumb: and He healed him. UPPF HAiiMAr& *̂ " **'■ insomuch that the blind and iJ5C8 OF LAMB, T o F O u a ^ SHOULDER OF LAMB (wlioie) (Matthew 1 2 : 22). ............. Th® Lesson - 'Sermon also in- n4 lme BwÔ Dcr̂ lb 12c ®Jud®8 the following passage RUMP l l o ^ A ^ e r iL:*::;:: m froml the Christian Soienoe tex^ HEEF -- PORK -- LAMB -- VEAL bpok, "Science and Health with VERY FINEST QUALITY Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "The humble Naz- •I*.' 1w .t *1 'r tt- J ' WEST V A N CO m ^ i ^ E K t C ^ ^ ITD. Phone West 116 -FOR HEAL SATISFACTION ", ' ' ' 1 i*- u *• ̂ i, T *1 A,i* « ,,p .nI 1497 Marine Drive Miss Ivy Miles was ..hostess by little Gil Lancaster, A mua- last Sunday afternoon at a tea program greatly enjoyed and handkerchief shower when the guests included violin selections by Miss Marjorie Mur- STONEp WHEAT THINS, pkt.... 14c arene overthrew the supposition Rtsl & White COCOA, % lb. tin 9c 'that sin, sickness, and death _ __ J________have power. He proved them lesa," i 1,"' poweri Mi» Thomas was also guest of Colin BARBARIANS' AUXILIARY DANCE VERY SUCCESSFUL C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rate for Classifled Adv^tlM m enta 18.2 cente per word, minimunl 25 cents. Except in the cAae of tliooo having regular accounts, all classi. fieds are payable stHctly in adfanee. ,« . ' Remember CiaBsifleds in the W est Van News get Immediate results. MShM honor. The gifts were presented M acU 'an , Miss D6ris Stainsby In a beautifully decorated basket and M iss Ivy Miles. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLE Phone Weat.9 Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Coal,. j ' Buildero* Supplies FOR RADIOS RANGES Range ■ OIL BURNERS SEE . F O R S T 'S .West 37 North 635 The d a n ce g iven la s t F r id a y FURNISHED 3-Room Cottage; bath . WANTED,TO RENT -- Modern home evening in the Hollyburn Pav- ?ent te'reilSlf tenâ ^̂ AppW îliS wSt 447-L®' ilion ..by . the Girls' Auxiliary ^ ̂ West 447 L. to the* Barbarians Rugby Club DUNDARAVE ORIGINAL WOOL Si was a very delightful affair, r e l ia b l e Mother's Help; sleep out. , k n i t t i n g -s h o p p e , 2446 Marine A !«««., nf4-xx«/1x>/i ott/I Apply evenings. West 547-lji Drive -- Evervthiner for lcnitHn»A 'large number attended and the music o f Marie Abrams' WANTED Orchestra, filled the floor with Household help ,'$15.00 month and board; sleep out...,Apply stating age. Box 30, West Van News Drive -- Everything for knitting and .embroidery: Free instructions, Mrs. Latham, proprietress._____ dancers for every number. The Hollyburn . Pavilion had been Qjyjj WEBB'S a trial for your next very artistically decorated qor shoe repairs. 2468 Marine Drive. the occasion, and refreshments snflirt iyifomrol *0 R E N T -- Uniumished bedroom inwere served during the interval furnished house. „Full plumbing. Drawing for the raffle , which phone, light. West 22-X MARCEL SHOP ~ Thermique Steam' .Permaniant. -,Tlry oUr" fatigue facial 1 fo r tired housewife,^ or business woman. W est S04. 17th and Marine over Royal Bank. will Support: 1, Legislation to abolish the shocking' conditions exposed by the Price Spreads Committee. 2. ReftiTnding National "debt and reduction of intcre.st rates. 3. The Government aHsuming any relief costs as a /rational respons ibility. - 4. A PUBLIC Bank of Canada. ^ 5. The interest of ten million citizens rather than of ten millionaires, 0. An increase in tourist b'u.siness by the employment of men in building better roads. -7, 'Timnediale" construction of the" F irst Narrows Bridge. VOTJE FOR W ILLIAM SAVAGE THE RkcONSTRUCTION PARTY CANDIDATE 'Published by West Vancouver l^construction Pai'ty Executive. RADIO REPAIRS; Tubes; Ariels, ik. DUNDARrVELIBRARY:2476 M a r . ' ' .., t a t i f lampf W. T .' Atwood; 2nd, ' s a d d l e - HQftSES FOB HIRB-For | prize, West Vancouver ferry M a S e a noons, a i c n g r a t o « id ticket, B. E. Reid; 3rd prize, a « at w ---------- cigarettarase kindly donated_by 7 _ c a m ^ ' to it .j lh o n e J te J? 3 7 8 -L ° .^ ^ l A L I S T S - Ha,wa« . T . Watt, Connie Page. Z----- J 'Z Z -- ^ A ^ P r e b b l e -- Have your set ove/v _Y._W._C._T._U. FOR SALE -- Full size continuous hauled now; summer prices. Phone post bed, almost new; $12.- Apply . West 539;,^ , , , 2012-Bellevue-Avenue: " " ' ' -- The regular monthly meeting " of the y.IY;C.T.U. was ffeld at hOuI eT oe rent - Purulahed or the home o f Mrs. Granger, 2104 Dnfumished, 2064 Eaauimalt. ' '" Marine Drive, on Tuesday, the SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best mat* erial 'and workmanship at Fox's, 14th at'?Ferry., r > 8th instant, at 8 p.m._ The deyo- COLIN" t u r n e r ; Builder and Con* trac to r'-- Alterations and repairs. Phone Wedt 4579R. .' tional was taken by Miss Lash- brooke. Further arrangements HAY, Notary P u b l i c R e a l for the "Y". tea were discussed and new sides were chosen'for ■ ■ " WANTED --■' One famished and one unfurnished 4-room cottage near; ferry. Phone W est 340 or West 14 a new contest. It was decided HOUSES FOR, SALE or r e n t CHIMNEY SWEEPING The Old t h a t th p b an n iip t h e ld a t th e mortgages, insurance, listings want-. Ck>untty way.- Satisfaction guaran- SJSrtJvTlfnv a L ir « J. A rcher'L td., West 225, i teed. E. Paliner, Garden Avenue,Septemb^ meeting was such a, Seymour'596ii.' , Capilano. PhonejNorth 811R2. success tfiat it is to be made an ----------- ------------- =:-------- :----- ------------------ :---------------- --- annual affair. s a l e -- Exceptional bargains. Holly- GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solic* Mrs; A. E. Brown gave her re- M itor. 1447;;-Marine, mornings; 610 '|burn Gift Shop, B.C.' _________ values to $3.95 for $1:49, Friday and ACCIDENT RECIPE No. 2 nnW- rt,f-Mort A v i« ,o o rw r m V"*UCJ> w ?o.»p jo r^ i.4a , junaay and H astings St.,,Seymour4199.after-port of the 52nd Annual Saturday only. Jom our,library, 35c noons. -/ -- U. convention held an Victoria. ^ to end of year. Wool oddments tb~-------- ------- The West Vancouver "Y" came second .in the whole prov- clear, half price. • rnu «T ' AA. »» Au i Ai. Some Snap Bargains inmce. T h e "Layette" that , the -buildm g Jots. Must be sold before ___ _____1 _ _ " 1 ___- 1 h ' ^ A ^ , ______ ? ___ I____________ _ ... r + 0 V o n T ^ * . . I - ___ J .* _ CAPT. E . . GALLANT. Registered Qhirdpraetbr, .712 Robson St.,; Van- . couver. Seymour. S790. g ir ls w orked ' o n I ^ s t w in to r w a s ' tax sale. Quick action necessary. FURNISHED AND.UNFURNISHED g iven to th e W tC.T.U. G irls' ^̂ td., West 225, Sey. Houses-to Hent.^ Houses, lots, and H om o in ViotoVia' W hich th o v acreage: f o r ;-sale. John Lawson,in V ic to ria , w n ic n tn e y " ----------- :-------------------------- 17th, and/Marine. Phone West 56. Repairs to ,-- ^ w in d o w : s h a d e s a n d aw nings made' to measurements or-iepaired. also visited: 4 ' 4 b l a c k s m it h in g - washing and sewing machines or -- anythmg.2 _West-46.-. DRESSMAKING. ALTERATIONS - Suite, Children's Clothes;, home or i w I^obbins, 2791 Marine^ Vy6St Estimated* free, ~ Picture frammg. Pearce, 1890 Marine, West 529 or . 145, j,]"- '* * •* ■_ (23i-d an(^(Marine Dnve), , ' P r a i b h ^ a ^ T J o w set On _Wednesday, > 23rd October, 1935, now. Phone West 539. a t 1^30 p.m. LAWN MOWRRS SHARPENED - Repairs,' .a ir makes. West Vpcon- ver Machine Shop, 1449 Manne. DAINTY' CAKE SHOPPE -- Home made bread/ cakes and pastnes. ,Wrt«A 51^ '•'Vf ' V ^ •LEAVING TBIK CURB: 'S W O d L « k n it t in g SHOJ When leaving a parldng space, puli out without lookinjftMt is up to tlie other fellow to stop nls car, although he himself may contiima through h is. v^ndshield; This is anotlier situation ̂ where a passing sttett car adds to the . joy and gaiety of tlie occasion, espedi«. ally if you force other cars over on th e ; street car tracks. Modern 88-note \« llis | Player-Piano Wtrodage eamestly-trqne'rtg S c t o l l w (with bench and IjdO music^^rolls), in L ^ E L Y FURNISHED SU IT E , and K atbW n CIpmenL proprietors. iVIahcganrxase; excelient=^ji-Uheste------ WaterfrimtrWesnB^iS^Dlace*^ ------ *M S rilrtPoc +oiTTtA tY.rtl.D'i'v rooms sn/1 W U . ®TÔT*rt ^erfield Suite,, 3 pieces ' tau p e ,, mohair and reversible cushions; choice Barry more Wilton Rug, 9x10-6, in fawn, blue and floral; Mahogany ̂ Secretaire and': Windsor Chair; Oak Secretaire, Colonial Somnoe stand; Floor Lamp;^ attractive 9 piece, two-tone walnut - THE W to A R B ASSOCIATION «• tenants. Phone W est 141. , q u ire s -d is c ^ e d clothing. Pkone f o r r e n t __Twi* fiinitehdv.1 ct ,W est 37-and. truck wiU anH a ij $10 also'Fishing Gadgite for local wat- Dining-room Suite; sectional bookcase ....................... ity o. and.$14. Phone West 318-H-3. ' : ' ' I ■0&A Yonr street railway chhipany Is trying to reduce accidents. Won't you co-operate by using every possible; ptecautlon when 4riidtig or parkingt^t^;ifi^t)h«itMiC^ especially the p a ^ s r o f the street cars the ordinary courtedeii of the toad. syrs*iji;asa '"•fr" ' V , 6 tiers, and u'uuutity of b ^ k s , Ax minster rug, 9x10-6; Tecumseh and blue mohair slip and scatter mate, Axmmster rug, 9x10-6; solid brass bed complete with coil spring and Oster- - moore' mattress; golden- oak dresser and cheffonier, ̂ v chests . of drawers, centre tables, cane a m chairs, 8 piece enamelled bredkfast set, electric Iteng^tte, gas plate; Hoover vac and -attechmente. Johnson's polisher and -W ^ e r , Fleming Idtchen cabinet with refrigerator, ..4-fold screen, -dinner . Y ,.service, China,;aluniinum, glassware,, Graybar electric stimulator (cost $80) ■wjih reducer belts; Corona portable adding machinej su to jades; % and IF You W A N T T H E f i r s t n a r r o w s b r i d g e BENNE'rr-~-Enough said! ■ Soya/XJamitassion aiid the W O O D S W O R T H -:A g a in s t c o n s t r u c t i o i i ' i ^ p r iv a te " P ' I ®" . ^ P " ^ r e I L a n d ^ a n a ; a p i « ^ ^ k ■*"4- 7y-7, -i4s: li'.i e' i ' ^ 'Vc""5r;Y ' "i " • a-Y- ^ vC--'. J'f-v o u r S t r ^ i -j< M ~ rtT? one ton, Victor loud, speaker, % gallon thwmos, etc, . " , m mm 4V' 'i s i# '"ik Phone Ltd, ptSSSli w, M5-A-