S r.Y/1 S '4 t '■ 5 *' ,,..... ......... ,* Ir* 4 . W»* -.»**•*. '" V V , «J*.».̂.. ,.. o - V ̂rt '*ii-f .• S» ^̂■î̂l -<rn«»»#-K«fV̂,tav<i! '■** f 'V-: , - , s i " « « # . 1 • iv.^v. WĴ iww iiiiiiii iMHM <r̂ '--,.~:«̂v.,,r-:e~-J§Ŵ9̂^̂ T O g ^ W iia f^ T A N . N E W S ' L B jQ ja E J L S M odels Are NOW in # ' i An Entirely New Type Eadio The new and larger chassis feature many improvements in radio*design that make for bet̂ ter reception in all vsl'ave bands ' NEW " TARGET-TUNING - D IA L," visible from any angle- :, station selector for easy, accurate logging. MODEL TEN SIXTY-FIVE 1 3 9 ® ' COME IN - SEE AND HEAR THESE NEW MIRACLE MODELS b r o w n 8 c M u n t o n members associated radio TEOHNlOIAjilS OP B.O, Eocai"fand Personal" * - . V. A son was on 2nd Octob- Mr, and Mrs. J. Kottlewell er to Mr. and Mrs. 1 . G. Stand- have moved into a house at 2646 mg, at the North Vancouver Bellevue Avenue, General Hospital ♦ 41 ♦ . m t$ % Mr, and Mrs. K. B, Foyster,. The North Vancoiiver^Young. 229 29th Street, have moved to Liberal Assci&iatlon is holding a Vancouver. ' rally in the K. P. Hall tonight ♦ # * , ^ (Thursday), at 8 p.ni. Promin- Mr, and Mrs. McDougal and ent officials of the Young Liber- family are moving Saturday al Council will be the chief, from 23rd and Bellevue Avenue, speakers. Refreshfnents, music al entertainment, and dancing.■: :^..... w ^ M * e v ^ * e # y e - All young .people are invited to attend.' Everybody welcome. 41 . 41 4< Mrs.* Robertson has moved, from 1175 Duchess Avenue to Kitsilano. ' . ♦ ' * 4< Mr. and Mrs, Duncan of Vic toria, have moved into a house at, 1175'Duchess Avenue. 4< 4> 4< The W'*est Vancouver Orches- * tral Socie|ty are giving a concert tomorrow evening in the Crosby United Church gymnasium at Kitsilano. 4* 4* 4( ' in to a house at 2308 Marine Drive. " *•* <•* ♦* * 4 . . Mrs. Erickson, who has been spending the last few months at a house at 21st and Bellevue Avenue, has returned to the city for the winter. 4* 4i 4< . ' ' - Mr. and Mrs. Wells of Vancou. ver, spent the week end at their summer home at the foot of 19th Street. ' 4< 4i ♦ Mrs. J. Lowden'is on her way back from Scotland, where she has been .spending a visit. , • 4« ' 4i- '4« Wcst-3-7* For' any delivery pf Drug Merchandise you may require. GemmiU's Drag Store I* Stor« of Sorfleo. ' "1686 Marino Drive West 87 or Woat 607 Emergency Phone Woat 881 (After 10 p.m.) M rs. Colin MacLean tE A C H E R OF jStNG lNG Fall term commences Tuesday, October 15th. * Studio--889 20th Street. , ̂ Phlone West 462Y. Mr. and Mrs. Â m ;M M _ , wr ; « A A 2808 Marine Drive, are moving Bus leaves West Bay at 4:3o Saturday into a house at 29th p.m. to raimeGt with Ferry, Icav- and Mathera Avenue. ..ing„Ambleside at 4̂ 50 p.m. An 4« 4i 4« _ additional bus leaves Ambleside, ij, Maclean's Magazine of 15th MDctober there appears an; inter esting article on "Peace River Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes Meat Pics, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads,' Fresh every morning Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 at 5:30 p.m. for 'West Bay. 4i 4« >t< Hollyburn Theatre C.C.F. Campaign - GRAND RALLY Otange HaU, Saturday, Oct. 1 2 th , 8 p.m . ̂ SPEA K ER * ' ;--------- A d R S ._ g .^ .::SX E E V E S^ IS^.L.A. Come and hear the last word befor^e'you r^i^Wterfyour vote. , COMMUNITY'^GING ' ' DANCING AFTER # E MEETING Mr. and Mrs. Horace Darby of Spring Coulee, Alberta, have re turned to West' Ĵaricouver for the' winter and hkve taken a house on 21st and Bellevue. * (j ■ * *' \ *. j * The ^Vest Vancouver Sketch , Club under the direction of Miss Pioneers" from the pen of Frank Ellis of the ferry bus staff. 4< 4« 4« ' THURSDAY and FRIDAY, and SATURDAY MATINEE October 10th, 11th, and 12th D. V. A* The regular meeting of the Disabled Veterans, will be held next Tuesday, October 15th, at 8 p.m. in the Orange Hall. The ' < ■ ■ j • • I I ' I 'j ' ■ ■ f V ' r t "jl!' '•,1 ^ ^ ■ WALTER C. KELLY. 'McFadden's Flats' V -V /W A V * * . j v / j . V W , A A J. , V.y J . V / * * 4.^ * * » . Fry, exhibitor iii Vancouver, executive will meet at 7:30 p.m. Seattle, Toronto and Montreal, All members are requested to at-' will meet at\. Mrs. Pegram's tend. house, 2577 Mathers Avenue, on --^ :-------- Saturday afternoon. Anyone int- " ,. AUCTION '---------- erested phone LWesL l_67R_in_the___ .-a:____ _ ,rr=rrr=rr_ ____ ____ evening.'. Harold Matthews Ltd., auc- ' . • also Comedy, Cartoon, News, Etc. SAT. EVENING & MONDAY _^October 12th and 14£*h MENf f 4( , 4t 4< -Miss-Connie_Thomas,-a^popu-^ tioneers and valuers of Vancou- _ver,̂ ar€-holding_an -auction- sale. also "THE GOLDEN TOUCH"* W H E R E T O . V O T E For all information as^to Polling Booths and Transportatiion, Etc. _ Telephone West 560 and West 570 ■A VOTE Stevens' R econstruction Candidate 'Vancdiiyer N orth lar bride-elect, whose marriage of furniture, etc., at 2295 Fulton to IVrr. 'George Davenport takes Avenhe. For further particulars' place this month, has been ex- kindly refer to the advertisement tensively feted recently. . in this issue. Mi ŝ Dorothy Hope entertain- ------- -̂------------ ed last Saturday week at her . WEST VANCOUVER ' summer home at Fisherman's • CHORAL SOCIETY Cove, at a charmingly arranged -------- dinner party, which took the Owing to the fact that the "RUBINOFF AND HIS ORCHESTRA" "HOLD THAT SHARK" TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY 15th and 16th form of a brush shower. Covers Legion Hall will be used as a were laid for Mrs. A. Thomas, polling :place next Monday, Oo f c s . J. Hope,. Mrs. P. Blaine; tobOr 14th, the Choral Society Mrs. W. Wright, Mrs. J. Mobres, , practice will be held on Tuesday, the Misses Connie Thomas, Pearl October 15th. Ladies are asked Hope, Anne Flodden,- Margaret to come at 8 o'cock for a secUon- Johnston, Edna Wright; Frankie al practice, the gentlemen com- Cade, Edna Thomas and the ingin at 8:30. A full turnout of Messrs. Lloyd Blaine, Alex. Arm- members is desired by the execu- strong, Ed. Southenuand Alex, tive. 3The Glass Keŷ also ♦Go Into Your. Dance' Once only a t 8;30. j 2ND WEST VAN. ROVERS 1 "Service" Blaine. 1443 Marine Drive Ambleaide Phone West 34Q . Evenings, West 143: Mrs. Ralph Woodcock and Miss M^rgaret/ohnston were co-host- esses Thursday evening of last week at a delightful linen shower in honor of Miss Thomas. The Hadwin--Monk ~ An byent of local interest took place on Saturday*. September 14th, when Rev. 'Gordibn; Melvin ̂ of Vancouver, united in* marri- jLii. nonor xixvnx«.o. ag© Lillian O'. Monk, R.N.,. only --------- - o*'r~"j4 J gifts were presented in a ownm- daughter of Mrs. Merritt of Vic- ® p^ce ̂on tufe' laundry wagon ' by little ôria, to Thomas F. Hadwin of Walter Gray, Worthy Matron.,, in ' Raydelle Tiderinf ton. Those in- Vancouver. Thelyoung vited were: -Mrs., A. Thomas, couple wiireside in,Vancouver. Mrs! Burdette Davenport, Mrs. - /tTL P. McDermid, Mrs. B. Montgom- . Presentation The members of Naomi Chap ter No. 26, O.E.S., gathered at the home of Mrs. G. S. Conway, 17th and Marine Drive, Thurs- .day evening last to do honor to ----------- - ------------------- one of their members, Miss Con- entitled to wear all-round cords, nie Thomas, whose ,wedding ' ---------- The.next meeting of the above crew will be held at Iĵ ie home of Mr. Tumey,V29th and Mathera, on Thursday, the 17th instant, at 8 p.m. ' 2nd West Tan. Scout Troop , P/L Ar̂ : Wilson, having pass ed his Rescuer's Badge, is now ery,? Mrs. P* McLeod, .Mrs. F. -Johnston, Mrs. W. Robertson, - Mrs. ' S. Atkinson, Mrs. G. -Hughey, Mrs. R. Tiderington, Mrsfrr^. Garthorne, Mrs. R. Wintle, Mrs. H. Harrison, Mrs. ' G. -Allan, Mrs. C. Peterson, IV̂ s. ' G; .Lancaster, Mrs. W. Wright, , Mi's. G. Payne, and Mrs. M. Grif fith, dhe Misses Connie T h^as, 'Rutlf Dill, Edith Nowell, Edna rrrt - •* T.rwtlOA DEATH OF THE , REV. J. S. BRAYFIELD The Rev. John Snowdon Bray- field, 1075 Clyde Avenue, passed a w a y -Ia s t-T M d a y - in -fh e iJN to ^ -- Vancouver General Hospital. The deceased, who was in. his 86th year, leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, one son, H. B:^yfield of Virden, ' Manitoba, . and' one daughter, Mrs. F, Phipps of Van- Waiter Gray, 'Worthy Matron̂ , in a.few well chosen words, present ed the bride-elect with a gift on behalf of the members. Bridge and a contest were enjoyed dur ing the evening, Jhe prizes being, won by Mrs. F ., Knight-Hodge and Mrs. J. JBrodks. Later, over thirty members sat down to a very daintily arranged supper. ALL THE . Largest Stock in Western Canada Eorst'sLtd. 1686Mftrlne West37 66 Lonsdale Ave. iW % !ti! 1 »ill' iMf; Y \ \m III iF" If,, ' j r rf ilv l: .. 1 yv I* 'I ' B *1.1 ' J' ' I ' Si- !•* 'Y Y Y 'i '.i ̂ pi 'i ■ , ; f»i-- 4'V <■% o 7.- ■ -I r i 'W « •Yi :il g iArl '•hi \ '.'•Ivfcw I f U f L kI A i' ^om as, Dons Jamieson, L louver. He was a wen Known Young, Ivy Miles, H. *Telly, Dor- oou ^ rothy':;Hope, Lulu Moss, Edna . various parishes in . ;W righ t and Evelyn Hodgson.^ ̂ Can^a over a period of fifty LEGION [SMOKER Criiibage Tottvnam ent ! <s»- LEGION hall WEDNESDAY, Oct. 16th, at 8.30 p.m. EVEBY^OPr WELCOME ' REFRESHMENTS ■St. ■' k & $C)>N, 1474 Marine Drive ,--^C 6iitractors excavation a n d FOUNOATfON WORK. llM E , SAN6?-^CEMENT a l l '̂ B U IL D IN G m a t e r i a l s __ _̂____ ' ■ for quick'delivery. PH O N E W E S T 8 4"VU e " \ ^ f ̂ Y V ̂ _____ _ HORSES for HIRE Id. m. years, the latter part of his istry being spent at Anyox, B.C., Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. last Monday af:;SL ; Sife en's Church, the Most Itev.^^ch-, bishop A. U. dePenci^iofficiat- ine, assisted by the mgh,t Rev. 6 X. Rix, 'Bishop of Caledonia, the Rev.' Canon D'Easum and the Rev. F. A. Ramsey. The pall- the -Rev ̂. Hr TO ALL l^lliriBRS 7;bearers were "-d- . r- Allan, the K«v. G. Biddle, the Rev H. P. Barrett, the Rev. W. C Daniel, the. Rev. S* Fea and Any desiring transportation on Monday, Oct. l^th are asked to phone the ----- UIBERATrCO^lMlT^EB ROOMS^ at Ambleside, West 91, or a t Dundarave,7,West 4413theRev.L'Hiompsdmliiterme^^^ .*** was made in the M^qme;!PIot, IM L i'K u ' H I t M . - ' " ■ ' - W f i i s Yii]