r 4 nr. . Ili^ \ u : d ' ' »i!S»Sĝ ".»»¥f"»If ----- ------------------ ------- «PV, . .. ■■ ■,-■ ■ : ;.; < . ■: ' ■ ' ■■■..,; j, ■"..'•A;' :A-"rf'.;«f' . ..A}.-"ffiV.'>'ii.-.' r/.--'■>'■ • ;\A.A ' ' * i .....................I HSSSBSS * HTBST VAN V N lTBD C H trSC H r» m maH» Wrfffbt. U m U a t .......... • Sviila/ S«fTfMf lltU «.!»., 7:16 pjm 10 44BU BtTMngerM is VJbitmm Wdmm* t m l i f e r . VAN MEWS ' ̂wpSB BAPTIST CH0BCH P«rtgtT"Riir,*8 r#rE«w lUtldehce: 1848 Htjrwood Avt. Phone Weft Z6ZH, • OUieUSI/ £^e YA'V'vB A A l||«iM>« MmU 7:16 PM. , , ' Sunday School^ IOjCK) ju«i. ft-:-1 Strengthen Ymtr Own Natural Warn with an k ' U ndereteam ed P e rm a n e n t > ' ,.1 Thia method will deepen youi* wave end give you ao/t, curly enda with only two to three minutea ateamlng time. r*5 h. ) Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1640 Marine Drive Went 117 I..,.;., %f * ^ ♦ wP |»i I / ' < t f- • ■■ HOT WATER BOTTLES 1935 STOCK From 69c up at $1.00, $1.26, $1.60 ond $1.76. They carry a two-yeara' Guorantee, ANBLESM PHARMACY HOLLYBDRIf HALL Corner of I4tfc and Ducheaa PUIIMY EVENING OCT. Ilth . a t 7:30. , .Special Servlcea for Youngr • People lUuatrated by lantern viewa. -Speaker:-;-'- MK. JOHN ANDEUSON SUNDAY, Oct. 13th, a<̂ 10 a.m. Suruliiy .School and Young Men'a Bible Cla«8 SUNDAY isVENlNG at 7;,10 "What About the Election?" Mr. Jaraea Gibaon TUESDAY I5VENING, a t 8:00 I*rny('r and Bible Study. i 2L«aB. _JW TOJ,«;!.COuyKB vlupiSiiiyQi wCicttcc cBiritca rnmncm 20tli tttd Bnauimalt, HoUybarn H jI# Society i« a Branch of The Mother Church - T he l^ ff t ia u r c h of Christ,....: Sclentift, in Boatbn, ' Mataachuietta ' Sunday Service; 11:30 o.m. Sunday, October 13th, 1935. Subject: ARE SIN, DISEASE AND DEATH REAL! Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Teatlmony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our/mxvIcos and meetings. C jO i i c l i i d in e< mM ■ 'its. < -»*<rTr ! . ' ri , ' ̂ i V ■> •> . .5 mi, BROADCi Looel HoOver National Network a n d ____ _____ $tationa throughoMt Britidh Columbia. Pacifio Standard Tima. •\, • ' -Ii/uft W "ft,,, ftn'l, 1-% i 1 - ' ff C'- ^ V '•r-'r' • I , ' " P R O V I N C I A L S A T I R M T , O C T. 1 2 B R O A D C A S T f t " 6.00 T o 7 . 0 0 ; ^ . ' FJHDflT, OCT. 11 OATIMAr BB0MM8T 9,0p-9J0 'p .m . Hon. GROTE STIRLIHB OK R io SpeahjCr*': ' HOWARD S . GREER Conservative Candidate Vanoouyer.South. 9.30 to 10.00 p .m . P R O V IN C IA L B R O A D C A S T 10.00 t o 10.30 {Lm. G in c lu d in g . B ro a d c a s t o v e r . CRCV M inister of National Defenov -r UNITED CHURCH Kev. Hillis Wright, Minister ST. ANT&ONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev, Father G, A, MacLeod, 2323 Inglewood Ave. West 240-R Sunday Masses Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m, . a t , -f ? ' it W. L. KEII, Prop. «,.rviVn Vit ii-ir, ii 'm fltiri7 *iR <̂>w Mass -- 8 :ib a.m. MO, M.„„. SchoofaTlo"a.m: ® High Mass & Sermon, - 10:15 Rosa£and Benediction ^ 7:15 - be lield in the Chfeh Hall on Tiic.fclay iifternoon at 2:15, Oc- 9.30a.m.; Drive FREE DELI VERY DR, G.-D: H. SEA LE D.D.S. L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14tl» and Marino Dr, 0/fice Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evehlnga by appointment. Phone Weat 72 P R O V I N C I A L B R O A D C A S T ■ , • ■ ■ ■" • ' ■ ■ . ■ i V i ' i - ■ For and By Women FRIDAT, OCT. 11 JO .00-10.30 a.in. Speaker: MISS EDITH PATTERSOH ¥, fk •VT 'Dr. GEORGE 8. MACDONALD I).D.S., D.D.C., Dental Surgeon Hours: 9:80 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings by appointment Royal Bank BJdg., Telephone West-440West Vancouver. TllC'.sday itii/Ciiiwii ai- v/c;- -I j cC s tobor 15th, Mrs. H-illia Wright ^ fi Services ^ in th(3 Chair. Mrs. George Bald- ^ ̂ ®*"}; .. x- win will review first chapter of ®6 Ĵ6<l̂ ction, . Study Book, "The New AfricaJ' <aof. i?« *~r and an interesting time is assur- .on® Confessions from ed. We are commemorating the °*30 p.m. 10th anniversary of Union and •-- every member and friend is Alio Intoroitlng oommonti on poiltloal evanttv of tho Week over: a ' National Network Saturday, evening, 7.1B to 7.80 p.m. P.8.T.' I _ • • . , ■. , From Coast to Coast Pubiio. O pin ion ' C onfirm s C onservative Policies--and B en n ett Leadership MAKE NO MISTAKE--VOTE FOR YOUR CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE LEGION W. A. urged to be present.^ Vv La .V V UL/ jJ<l LrajvrJ I ,L» ■■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■ flYl. 3'he United Church Young The West Vancouver Branch People will hold their regular Legion W. A. held their meeting in the church hall direct- regular meeting Monday after- I.. r . . i i i . 1. ---- j -----noon of last week in the Legion DEATH COOK. 0» \ 4, ^ ̂ ^ Mrs. G. Lancaster entertained on Monday evening of last week j ̂ * A * 1 1 ' J lFrederick Richard Cook pass- at a^partioulairly novel kitchen 1 ' ^ . - . , - ______ T_______ ______________ T l i r * - - m i f l l -̂4 I ' lilib Eatablislicd on North Shore*' 25 Years (Lady Assistant) IIARRON BROS. LTD. fdijg I 'f? ^ ^Tii* I® funeral Sirntora North Vancouver Parlors ' 122 .\V5̂ t Six til Street Phone North i:j-i Vancouver JParlors 55 Tenth -Avenue EasU- Phone Fair. 134 I, AiiihPi i / 1 t ' i - ly following the evening service, week in the juegivii . - - «... ^«j.vjiwux«xxj xî vcx ailwich October 18th. The topic for the Hall. Mrs. Tom Turner was ap- ed away last Saturday at his slower honoring iMiss Thomas. • ■ ' "ty and its Ported convener for the sale of home at 15th and Ottawa Ave- ^ f o r - -n u e .- in -h is 45th v e a r . H p leaves evening is 'Tnequality and its results-iiivour community.-- -All -- Mrs. Sharm^- for young people are given a special Armistioe Day .banquet: invitation to be present. nrvTvr̂ .r u.. tv. The Irish lecture to be spon- ̂ ^ --... . . . ---- -- sored by the W.A. of the United ^f! be the convener.- The latter poppies and-Mrs. Sharmâ j for--nue,-inhis45th"year. Hr leaves i+ ̂ u : + 'rm; " "'x -"T̂ j to mourn his loss, his wife, one mclud- - • - ' ed: Mrs. A. Thomas, Mrs. Bur-poppy tea is to'be held on Poppy "daughter, Evelyn,'at homje; two Mrs. u MrsrAV~Green~brothers~amd~m^srst^^irEnt^^??^^tr^^^"̂ ®*'P̂ ^̂ ~̂ ̂ Grwill hfi thxi /.rvriT7«vvx.v Funoral services were held a Nmhol, Mrs. M.sored by the W .A. of the United we ine convener ̂ The latter land. Funeral services were h ^ ^ugney, .mra. (j.'JNichoi, Mrs. M. | Church in the Church hall next ^^1 also act as convener for a at 2:30 pm Tuesdav from thp ' ^ iies.v^ s. P. McDermid, Mrs. Wednesday evening, .promises to bazaar to take place in Decern- chapel of Harron Br^ Ltd in Siri îll, Mrs, B. Montgomery, be entertaining, 4!dueationa! and >>er. North Vaniouv™. S e Rev H P " "®r ^ean, Mrs. A. Gar Iamnsing. Mr. Porter has pre- vk̂v. xx. x. --------North Vancouver, the Rev. H, P rr**®: Mrs. A. Gar-axnu.sing. uvir Tn ' Barrett ofificiating,' and inter- ^orne,, Mrs. P. McLeod, Mrs. R j pared a hundred illustrations, -i« the list of those who passed ment was made in Capilano View Wopdcock, Mrs.. ,S. Atkinson, s me cominir direct from Tre- the examination for title nf r ĉr.. nr-- +"«,, Mr-n̂ F TnViWrv« ny' I ^Iiiu a Iiumireu musuauuiis, wno passed ment was made in Canilano View ""nppeocK, ivirs.. ,s. Atk; s me coming direct from Ire- t^ ̂examination for title of reg-* Cemetery Eincr Davin Tode-e .Johnston, Mrs land. A. J. Addy willbethesolo- .93,^'.P. & A.M.t held ĵhe r̂ W^titj_the Misses Ruth Hill, BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys ^rbara, Aaervice' at the graveside^ the de- Hodge, Margaret John- WesrVancouTOr'" ® member of the pl"'V,. H. Jelly,t Vancouver. Order. ' . Phyllis England, .Edna Wright and Sybil Chapman. f t C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER NOW OPEN FULL TIME 14th & Marine, Phone West 135 ■ flipfi i AmUeside S h e e t Metal i f r l .~s p e c k : Proprietor Works Sunday, October 13th. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES " 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School ahd Adult Bible Class (Lesson Jer. 1:6-10; 26: 8:15). 11:00 a.m.--^Morning Worship. Preacher: Rev. W. L. Mc Kay, B.A., of West Point , Grey Baptist Church. Anthem: 'There Is a Power' (Wilson), D uet:'By Cool Siloam.' 7 :15 p,m.--Evening Worship. ---- -Pastor-- ^Humphreys -- wrlh preabh; ̂ topic, "A Great Wonder," ■MV /it t I 4 s- t J ; : ------------ Monday, 8 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. ' The waters around Aihbleside A.11 young people over 16 were thick last Sunday evening welcome. . with a run of smelts which came Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Sipecial in from English Bay. Church Meeting. All mem- bersirequested to be present- THB !# it W est Van News : Pnbiiihed Every Thursday Thursday 8 p.m.--Choir practice f E ,1 sip f PoUlsher P. P. LOVEGSOVB Phone West 363 Boifatew and Bditorlol Office: 17th and Marine Drive (Next tn HoUyburn P. 0.) ' Phone West 363 Men Address: P, Q, Box 01, HoUybnm, B.C. i l m i North Vancouver Offl^: 123 Lonsdale Ave. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. P. A. Ramsey Rector; October 13th. 8:00 a.m.«^Holy Communion. ll:15;a;m.---Matms and Sermon, 7:16 p,m. _-- Evensong and^f-r mon., ■ . --̂ Wednesday, 2:30 p.m.--Monthly meeting of the Inglewood (St. Stephen'sr Branch), W. A., filth and Inglewood. St. Frands-in-the-Woods. Caulfield 9:45 a>m.-^Matins and Sermon. On MONDAY, October I4th, yoii will be called upon to elect your Representative for the House of Commons ft W R respectfully call your attention to the followinS record ■ ^ £ ^ d suppTt your c o p It changed an Adverse trade balance of lavorabie trade balance of $152,000,000. i,000 to a'v ' ftft V:'7-v; ®_^^™j!se4_BempIoyment 36 ̂since 1933. It has slashed the cost of Government. ionXs^^ trade whllei bther .!*_ O a s se tX a n a d a on the road^<rrw -aft You Pay tor Goverm neut-- BUY\WISELY liiSS 11.00 a year b;r a f ' ♦3.00 a year I ' VMr. and ; Mrs. Wallace and family have moved into a house at 2031 Marine Drive. MM M A B G A R E T W IL C O X ' ' PIANIST AND TEAdl;I|EiB!' ■>; \ Asukriate of K«nneth R«sa PfanoCorte StboM - THEORY and HISTORY in c lu d ^ in Tuition. door to ^ VANCO UVER N ^R TH by Omsav.eve