■ ' t' ' K If-*-*. - iWf smW« \. 1̂ *1 «. -WKlihk1» C irci^ ^ n sM itf^^^Utrict o f West VancouveP-~Amblesidfi, 'HoHyhumt'^'^^M*i Dundarave 5c per copy at newaetandii. #O L M 9U R iN P;0.. WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, OCTOBERjAWr 1935 ̂H . ■' 's' . ( ' * ( * * > " ' ̂ ,,,, No. 2S C 0 B B E S P O N D % C B a LEGION SMOKER AND . CRIB TOURNAMENT & i '-A» ;Op October 16th, JOHN G. TEARS PASSES :•*** <'i• * " ^ifnr We.st Van'NeW6V̂ "'""'"y i the Legion wil hold another ■ smoker , and crib tournament, w u S r "Communist Elec- Owing ,to the i^pularity of the S®RAflr-it was stated, that a last.,smoker, it has been decided Snihpr of the Central; C.C;F. to hold one every month. Watch Weil Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club meuiwwi V ___ ' +li/» 'NlAMra firvv nnnnmir»A1YI(f*m. ' very•' S m ta i c ^ ' t**® for announcement." S k e r . The informetloffjwa ■ . Georg-e-Allan, after, a v •..JL »,rui by person from any C|| Icoih the Harbor, winning the consolation; n r . F.̂ niiiK to A anpoikl match will be arranged John George Teare, a. pioneer resident of West Vancouver, passed away today at hie resi dence, 1244 Inglewood Avenufe, aged 72 years. The dobeased was bom at Stillwater, N.S., and in the early days here was chief of , COMING EVENTS In'idny, October 26th -- I.O.D,E. annual Hallowe'en Dance. FINE ORCHESTRAL CONCERT . . 7:*he West Vancouver Junior , , , , , Orchestral Society under the dlr- he early days here w ^ O*^ oction of Miss Margaret Moln* olice. He_ leaves to mourn nia .. heard in a verv fine, He leaves tyro wei\> heard in a very flne slight change has been made wUl be^dd^at s'̂ p m Saturday Inn nil tlio Lcgion Hall, this bo ug givonvoii b f persons" close-finish in'the semi-finals the Legion Hall, thfs being given ^Eritv from any C.C.F. group, and finish, took the first cash under the auspices of the West authorityirom . priise, "Charlie Smith of Eagle rhembers,that attended the meet- Church the Rev. H.P.Jgimp^^^ Vancouver Branch of the Canadi- In a P A;«..*v4 +v,o TJn..'k/̂ «. urtrmiiafpfVio AnnnnlntioD. ing at jthe Clachan last week, *ui Legion. Considering that and others that are coming along )?!!! n ?! n' b̂o nilembers were just tVe"'effect that an o t o of as-, between tnese^piayers lor a requested to be on the 5:30 S l S S u T S ^ e S d S - Friday;' i)ctobcr Uth. S t S We wish .to refote-the .-Sfe.^veftisement for further AdTOucing the time on enables « t i o i t t h r t ' the. C;C.F. .'*e detâ ^̂ ̂ . ■ the niembers to go home after ij*.in any way linked wi% the Communist party and to definlte; ly state that no C.C.F.^spe^er is allowed to speak în a^m^nng sponsored by any other'political ' """(Signed) W. T. ATWOdD, " Chairman West Van. ̂̂ C.C.F. Campaign Ckwnmittee. school and ;have a bite to eat e l e c t io n a r r a n g e m e n t s before Koing pver to town. will be made in the L.O.L. plM, Canpilano View Cemetefy, L.O. L. No. 2990, of which the de ceased was a member, will con duct their service at the grave side. Harron . Bros. Ltd, have charge of the funeral arrange ments. , ̂ ^ Polling will take place from 8 a.m, to' 6 p.m. on Monday,- Oc tober 14th, C. C. F. NEWS I. 0. D. E. NOTES ; nM. The Campa%i Grand Rally Wpst/ Vancouver Polling Sta- will be , held in the Orange Hall xaiu, uii v*av. **. w. v..̂ j, nu^uu xuuuk umut: » ui*«3i. tiring will be as follows: . at 8 p.m. on Saturday, October Chapter in memory ^J:he death speech, in which^he-I' f̂errigd to, Urban Polling Divisions 12th, when the iipeaker will be of Duncan Lawson. The regular the excellent worl^being*(&ne in POP ONG STATIONS: Mrs. R. P. Steeves, M.L.A., and monthly m ating was held on the .development of ^ u ^ AMBLESIDE HALIr^Amble- it is expected that Grant Mac- Monday, 0 ^ . 7t|i, at the* home - • n ji //m a x. p \ NpiI. T̂ip O.G.R candidate, will of Mrs, W. Dickir On. Sept. 28th a wreath, was laid, on the Memorial Arch by the young players, their rendition of the wirious numbers was very creditable. They were ably as sisted by Miss Mollio Haine, soprano, who was heard in two delightful group of songs, for the second of which-the. audience • demanded an encore,'.and by, Miss Marjorie Murray,.violinist, who showed considerable tech nique and control in her playing. J. Haydn Young made a brief 1730.Marine Drive,' West V arto iv^ ., To. the Editor , ' . West Van News. Dear Sir: The followinig'copy of a letter written by Mrs,'-Helen' Baxter, ' Official Agent for C. Grant MacNeil to the Co^un-^ ̂ ist Campaign Committeeî ̂N9^b Vancouver,-is-handed -3̂ ^Vto.-- disclose the insidious - nature-^pf the tactics of the local Coinnijun- ist Committee as evidenced*in the aif icie ..Qn,:the your last issue and in-f ̂ rnessi theC.C " ■ Iwould Thanking , . ___ , ......................... ...... ........ ........ , , - HENRY DAVISON, ̂ ' , *;Every voter will receive a noti- Chairman of Publicity, -fication card from the returning (Copy) - ' ' officer giving the name of the Communist Campato Com- polling division where he is -to mittee, 200 1st St., East^T' ' .-ypte.' - ^ North Vancouver. ̂ - ' .-Voters oan only vote at the Dear Sirs: It has been- brought, polling division where name is to my attention that yiQuV com- :- ̂ the list, and none can vote mittee is sponsoring .campai'm . * -̂ ^̂ here i ^ i e is ndt on the list, meetings in support of G.^Gran^ ' jn rurS polling divisions the MacNeil iD vflripna;-i»artR'0-P-thp-̂ \»: ".u»i_-iTAfov̂ list? are ar- ^BLESIDE HALIr^Amble- it is expected tHat Grant Mac- Monday, 0 ^ . 7tp, at the* home gj-g- Mjgg lifolntyr^'as dm East (61 A & B), Neil,, the C.C.F. candidate, will of Mrs. W. Dickinson w th about Reeve Leyland in a short addres ̂; Ambieside w L t (62 A & B) pay a brief visit to the meeting 30 members present. Three new i^ter during the serving of re- Hpflvhfirn East (63) ' in the course of a last minute fly- members were welcomed.^During freshments, the latter having T FPTtm HAT J;'- - - Hollvburn ing tour of the constituency. the aftern*oon an interesting ad- unable to be present in ^ w iS Wpston (65 A & Community singing ^11 be dress was given by Lieut.' H. time for the concert. President West (64), Weston (65 A & ^ ^ X r n S )^ a T w fth T h e ad! Wade,.Becr^ary:ttoasurer,of the Walker.'of the Canadian Legion ° ^ e'A ~& °B L theTvetonTwflf t S S ' League of B.'S ! dn the a i m s S Miss E t y ? e t e ® i f dona^ 5 m d a r a v e ^ W e s t - - . ( 6 7 - A ,& - ^ a d a n ^ rI!3!m^tirRooms« " '^ets for'thVMerchant M a te HOLLYBtiRN HALL The C.C.F. Cqmmittee,Rooms ^nd Naval branches-^Owm^^tD' - Special services for FOOTBALL way 1-0. . ; - . for matriculation will be received Playing with teii mien IXL had by Miss Wcndall Hayes. It is MacNeil in various;parts;of ;the;-"-pamies constituency. I beg - to;-advise* you that such meetings are ;̂ election^. In urban polling g^rFiddes'suc neither authonzed nprTecogniz- -divisions lists .,are arranged m only goal of the game.' by this organization. and Streets the latter being set out * Jr'laying Will! Lcn uucju A-xvij uy xTXioia -- -- , Mrs, G. S. Conway entertained a hard- fight to, keep Safeway hoped that Dean Bollert will be Friday afternoon at a tea from scoring. Hortiii in goal for . present to deliver a. short ad- and miscellaneous shower at her IXL played a good," game. With dress, .also Mrs. Frank btead,.. 1757 Marine Drive,-ino n the voterF lisf are ar- jxl pj^yed a good game. Witn dress, .also Mrs. Franx oreau,., 1767 Marine Drive, = in alphabetically as„miorm-. -tiipe regent of >J^ovinciai Chapter, honor of Miss Connie Thomas, that such meetings areo iA r»tion ^ . In urban polling „ Fiddes succeeded in ̂ scoring Mary Gibson will-receive the 4- T^h ̂ gifts vvere presented to theMary Gibson will-receive the 4- TTh ̂ gifts vvere presented to the year high school diploma prize., bride-elect in a prettily decorat-*xvx aivisions iioi-o game. year lugii bcuuui ...... oriae-eiect 111 a pretuiy ueum«.L ed by this or^ ization v and : |tteets, t e latter being ^ t out •>'g® . ^day ' October 12th, The girl Guide report showed, wagon by little Yvomne Jack furthermore that any cOniracts alphabetically such as Bellevue, Ambleside Pwk IXL play that the number under MrSjK. ,ypjjg daintily arranged tea tabk you may make are made at.your. .RtK Mathers. 3rd, The'*̂ ®*'® I,* ^ S " gtart»a«ni. RusseU has increased to 28. The, was centred with a silver basket leCple should note division- on Koxy. uame s.-.i M R S. M A C L E ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W e un' . ̂..." . ...I..f -VV9' ___ <r» iTT-'la' V/- • - - 1; ' T people, snouia note uivj»j ' Kindly notify all your branch f il in g card they received. committees to this effect. ̂ ---- j-- «a4-v*v.«. i.3 vActi Yours truly,'); HELEN BAS (Official Agent-for Yew s t o n | y . ' , - bfly to lumbermen, miners, fish- ■ ®AX1®R, , ^jjnen and seamen, who are act- A ^nt xor „ally engaged _at their MCima- C, Grant. MacNeil) ,■ . jjjdjjg qh polling .day, in the diy- H im WltJ iiuinw ci rto rin, U ttilltuy UHtUIKcU tea vauie Russell has increased to 28. in e ; centred with a silver basket Chapter agreed to provide some gf ip̂ gg ^hd snapdragons and necessary guiding books. Mrs. •, p^g ĵ ĵpg at the urns were Mrs. A, 'ITiomas and Miss C. Thomas. A/r PrYiin MaoTiaun will re- Wednesday i^xt Mrs. P, McDermid and Mrs. P. JL^^to^Wng i f t o 9 /r ®f*v?*' PwwnP- ̂McLeod'-were co-hostesses at the"*® ] ? 5 h S L t n d l o ested- for a visit to the ?reyen^ , 2930 Marine... Liwxio V** _____ ____ - sume nen vocal ested for a visit to tne irreven^ r ---------------------^ in w h ic h th e y w is h - to v o te th e su m m e r r e ^ s m I m M t u ^ o ^j^ium w ith a v iew to th e C h a p te r , a b r id a e ' a n d sh o w e r ' '■ ' ' ' -?'and who are twenty-five imles at her new; n^dr^, 8^ 20th taking over the ward, support^ - , p . DANCING CLASSES TO BE .f"om their own'pollifig Street, next Tuesday, OctoberDANCmG CLASSES Toi BE . ^ Street, next Tuesday, October ^ ^ 1̂ ^ the'Colffion * - HELD AT LEGION, HAJ.L; S uT b - C. ̂Ckinsequently, I5th, Any interested Ch^ter .of Anyox. Lê ^̂ g K ^ ? K V •---- U "T- ;, it'-is exiiteeted^there will be no to kindly " e rtudio (,gj.g appreciation of the B t e , tea-wagon, on top ofConmienemg Ortober _16th,-'-;„'iv"nteeTOtinFm the urban dis-- phone her at WCst.4 ̂ - - . i. -foHows- Commencing - October I3 i'b j" ' iQ bopn t^ v o t in g in the urban dis- ^-e xKAuuiuiisc wca via v««, : wnicn were a* miniature onue tonemg classes will ..be held .as +w,.te)!f West Vancouver. .S® V . Î . S fa the con̂ v«ry encouraging to the oontin^ on either whioh MTŜ rtVtaetean IS tne oon̂ of this very useful oranen - 4.„n +bno»*fl t Vip* Mon1., 3 p.m.--Juvenile.Classical .-i u b b r a l CAMPAIGN ■, Jto., 4 p.m.-^lasslcal jOancing.. _ MEETING,. i Wed., 3 p.m.-- Ĵuvenile Acrobatic , ; and Tap Dancing) ̂ " - " ^Wed ' ' - - ters of appreciation decorated tea-wagon, on top ofExchange were read, which were . miniature bride -------------------------- l.„ l.l ,„ « A rt.n ,l . side by tall white tapers. Thedoctor, have alreiWy ■ started S%®o"i; "^ h y i;4 e 4th yCar fn i . tg'^wera • Mw; A Thomas: their fall season^ -|m ^ the nn" bCT of books h ^ ^ .gardette Davenport, Mrs. T '"iL? w w S t i m • ^ m ounts ^ P- Chapman, Mrs; F. Johnston,phone her for an audition., drawn to the faetthat :fehoes. q Lancaster, Mrs. B. Mont- the official magazine »* * ¥ l.U ;; jirg, j. g. geyland, Mrs. D .E .,h offering a prize of $50 in ;j- wicking; Mrs. W. Wright, .. j-ap .V" c\<. , a* tr« TWit-rm MD'd "we are enjoying has l>rought out Fn.. 5:15 p.m.~Senior Acrobatic be addressed by A. E. Munn a gĝ j number of'players, over ' ̂ .other speakers. the weekends: and ^those wlio y ̂ expressed themselve^ on the sub- r, ̂ , > - - ject all noticed . Hiat this i s ,an 7jp.m.-HBaltro!(Mn5^^ î ̂ ) hi^L x̂TavA iin-"'ideal time. „ Short Siwy comprtition. Par- Mrs';M?,i®eg7^8. q . Hughey, ticulars .may be obtained trom , ■ Mrs. R. Fiddes. V rthe ivtisses Coidnie Thomas, Mar garet Johnston, Edna Wright, -----^™ Marjorie Murray, Sybil Chap- COMMUNIST CAMPAIGN Thomas, Dorothy m eetin g , ,Hope, Josie Leyland, Murne Mc- There was only a small attend-- Leod^nd Sandy McLeod. For 436-R. attce at the meeting held Tues-r, q q ̂ Carter wrote the council day evening ill" the Legion Hall, re condition of 6th Street north by the local Communist C ara-from Keith Road and Inglewood paisn Committee, to sup;^rt the' ^east to D.L, 1045, Referred to h^^TKe^fub wish to^ M a c A rth u r , wliq;tc^7 charge of _gg^jj^j^|;yreiafC. (Irant MacNeil,, ;^the engineer for a little gravel- i f a i th fu L w h o tu r n e d t n i s ^ i y . . . _____^ , t m ----------- 1-- xziuop oû v̂..o.oa.cx -Ihc Qctober. At the 7:30 p.m. ser;-^ * ------ 1 presentation of prizes has been vice next Sunday, James Gibson ^ -Last Saturday at Riley Ppk, planned for Wednesday, October will speak on "What About the IXL. won their second straight 23rd. at Inglewood auditorium at Election.^' Prayer and Bible shut-out game,"defeating Saie- 3 o'clock, when the LO.D.E. brize -study at 8 p.m. next Tuesday, way 1-0. . ; - . for matriculation will be received ---------- ---------- ' i ft[V ;llf ra, 1 ■i iiivi h% ____r: ̂L 1 1' W ' 4 i m ■ ' " i A ■t!..; rfs-, t()r- ** 'f c s 4 ! f l .•!> i f'Hv*- ̂ I * 'tjj. ■»K . *ll