11:15 7:15 pjm. Sunday School and BUbU dftts Str«nf«rf 4c Viiilorf Wileiwit* Fhono W«tl m SL Sundiy 8#irl<«f i-- 7:16 » w . Sunday School, 10:00 «4 »* Strengthen Your Own J- Natural Wave with m Vndersteam ed P erm anm t Thin method will deepen your wave and give you Hoft, curly enda with only, two to three minutea ateaming time. 'tw * r : , Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe I6«« Hirim D rl» Weat 117 P i « ¥ i 1 m L»i m ij' 'j;i s t i f i :i.M.i.'i; . k- i ■ '■;■(' •• i ' I '* III't nAffVRfm Mf I llllLLjpUlin .naJif Corner of 14th and Xlticlteaa 7::i0 p.m. each Friday during October • MK. JOHN ANOBIiSON will conduct SFBCIAL SEKVICBS for young and old. IlluMtratcd by l^antern Viewa.^ Subject: •'KUJAH T*HB T1SHBITE« ' Come and bring the children. SUNDAY, Oct. 6th at 10 a.m. Sunday School and YO|Uniir Men'a Bible Clasa. ; iiluliddy Evening itit 7:30 Mr.'John Anderson will speak on "ThingK You Ought to Know* TUKSDAY EVENING a t 8:00 Prayer and Bible Study. Society CH0BCH EDIFICE $ m mM 'Saqttlw^t* Hidlyburn. Thia Society is a'Branch of IBhii Mother Chttrch Th# P lr t i Church of Christ. ' Sdantist, in Boston, IfassaJmactta "" "Sa»daF Service: 11:30 aunt. Sunday, October 6th, 1935, S ub je^ :. " U N B K A M l ' Y Sunday i&chool at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. The pubUc is cordially in- vited to attend our services and meetings. , ST, STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey Rector; UNITED CHURCH Rev. Hillis W right, Minister ANBLESIOE PHARNACr W. L. KEK, Prop. 1401 Marine Phone: Drive West 323 FREE DELIVERY i, f J i D U . G. D. H. SEALE D.D.S., L.O.S. DENTIST Ilay Block, 14tli and Marine Dr. Offlee Hours 9 to 6 p.m. ' Eyenings by appointment. Phono West 72 ii¥ > Dr. OEOUGE 8, MACDONALD D.D.S., D.D.C., Dental Surgeon Hours; 9:30 a.m. to 6 p'.m, Evenings by appointment Royal Bank Bldg., • Telephone . West Viincouver. West 440 fiii'k h k ' , > j f c Established pii North Shore 21T Years (Lady Assistant) . . BARRON BROS. LTD. ifuitcral Sirectors North Phone North 1.34 - Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East __ Phone Fair. 184 SorviceH a t 11:15 a.n\. and 7:16 p.m. Communion of the Loyd's Sup per will be observed next Sab bath morning a t 11:16 o'clock. The Senior Young People will meet in the Church Hall immedi ately following the evening ser- vice. The choir will meet for prac tice on Thursday night a t 8 o'clock. • The Young Peoples' Society will hold its first regular meet^ ing for the season, next Sunday, October 6th, following the even ing service. The subject for the evening, "What Is the Kingdom of God?" will be taken by Rup ert Harrison. Every young per son is cordially invited to be present. Am,-illustrated address bri "A Trip Around Antrim," will be- given in the Church Hall on Oc tober^ 16. The address ^11 be interspersed by Irish songs and ' Irish music under the direction of A. J. Addy, the choir leader. A j charge of twenty-five cents will be made for admission. - Under the auspices of the Young People's 'Society a very -successfullsocial-was-held-Tues October 6th. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11:15 a.m. ^ Holy Communion and' Sermon. 7:16 p.m. -- Evensong and ser mon. Tuesday; 8:15 p.m .:-- Church Committee. ( 8:00 p.TTU.--Junior A.Y.P.A. 2:30 p.m. -- W. A. Business meeting. St. Francis-in-lhe-Woods, Caulfield 3:00 p.m^ -- Harvest Festival , service. W. R. YATES PASSES W. R; Yates, 594 16th Street, passed peacefully away in the NTorth Vancouver iGeneral Hosr pital om September 22nd, in his 89th year. Bom in Bolton, England, Feb ruary 14th, 1847, he was, educat ed a t public; and private schools, and afterwards entered his fa th e r's business -- Robert Yates & Son,' wholesale 'te a and coffee blenders and merchants, Bolton, which became Yates Bros., of which Mr. Yates was, head. Comling to Canada he settled in South Vancouver and built up a tea and,coffee business. . He moved to West Vancouver ijU92.7._ day evening tin the church hall.. A very enjoyable evening was spent in games, contests, etc. He leaves mourn his loss a devoted wife, his, eldest son, J. B. Yates of West Vancouver, and Refreshments were served by one daughter, Mrs. A^W. Holden the members,at the conclusion of Cheltenham, England. the evening.. w . c . T . t r . VmTrebuver - w i c r r r IPS hU }. ;■ . C. L Overin̂ on riONEER BARBER - NOW OPEN FULLTIME 14lh & 61artiu\ Phone IVcnt 135 ■ -V » i l i il T & /i' If Ambleside Sheet Metal L.-SPECK, jPropriotof ----W O T JC S CHURCH R ev/F ather C. A. MacLeod* ;; -2328 -InglewXKjd Ave. West 240-R Sunday M ^ e s Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass & Sermon , a.m. ~ ■ Rosary and Benediction . . p.m. Catephism and Bible History every Saturday -- 9 ;30 a.m. .Week-day Services Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. Fridays -- Rosary, Benediction, Confessions -7- 7:46 p.m. Saturdays -- Confessions from 7 :80 p.m. to 8 :30 p.m. U. , will hold their regular m onth-= ly meeting in the Vestry o f the United Churph, corner Marine & 21st Street, on Thursday, Octob er 10th, a t 2:15 p.m. if i ( n I V' i f i J i . i ' Dr TONfc . . . Worlci-%¥ide Performance A Modvl for ivory Purse , . , Easy Terms BROWN & MUNTQN MeMUkUS ASSOCIATED RADIO TECHKIOIAKS 6P D.O. BROWNIES Y. W. C. T. U. The 1st West Vancouver The Younjg Women's bfancl Brownie Pack will hold th e ir first mootimr o f the season a t I'll*first meeting ot the sc^spn^aL home of Mrs; *E; Granger, 21si the United/Church Hall next s tree t, a t 8 p.m. Tuesday, thi Thursday a t 3:45. , - 8th instant. > Listen In . ; CONSERVATIVE CAMPAIGN BROADCASTS Over National Network and Local "Radio Stations throughout British Columbia, i Pacific Standard Time. ^IpHESE Broadcasts, arranged by the Conser vative'Party, feature addresses by natidioally known speak<^s. E very voter ,in B.C. should hear them. KEEP THESE DATES FOR REFERENCE Thundajr' Friday Friday : Saturday: Saturday Monday. Monday' Tuesday Tuesday,' Wednesday -'.Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday S atu r^y Saturday Saturday _Saturday_ Saturday October 3rd ̂6 .00 to 0.30' p.m. ' October «th -- ' lO .IS to>10.30 a.i^. ^ „ Especial Broadcast for and,'by > Women) .. < October -ath . , 9.00 to --3.30' p.m. - ,<Ree«$B .Hague, Cons. Can. Comox*Albeml) October B th" ' 10.1B to 10.30 a.m.' I XSpeclal Broadcast for and by Women) Ogtober Bth 7.1B to /7 .8 0 p.m. October 7th 10,15 to 10.30 a.m. (Speeolat Broadcast for and by Women) Oct. 7th 6.00 to 6 .30 p.m. ■ October 8th 10.15 to 10.30 a.m. (Speoolal Broadcast for and by Wpmen)" October 8 th . 9.00? to 8 .30 p.m; October 80i 10.15 to 10.30 a.m. by - Womon)̂ ^̂ " ^ October 3th 7.15 to 7.30 p.m. October 10th 10.15 to 10.30 a.m. . (Special Broadcast for-and by Women) October 10th 6.00 to 6.30 p.nk October-11th 10.00 to 10.30 a.m. ■ (Special Broadcast for and by Women) •, Ootober l l t b o.oo to S.SO'p.m. October 12th 10.15 to 10.30 a.m. . (Special Broadcast for and by Women) oefi^er 12t« 3.00 to 7.00 p,jn.' October 12th 7.15 to 7.45 p.m. „ i^30_toJlO.<)d'-p.mt Nat. Net. O K W X n .C . Net. 0-4-07* Nat.-Net, C K W X Nat. Net. O 4 O R, B.C. Net. . C K W X O K W X O 4 O R Nat.- Net. 8 .0 . Net. B.C. Net. O 4 O R October 12th Octobiw f ̂ 6 . 10.00 to 10.30 p .m .! Also Interesting ^comments jon political events of- the week over 'a National ' Networic-^each Saturday evening, 7.15 to 7.30. Nat. Net. O K M O :B.O.-Net. O R 0 V CHANGE OF B U S S C H E D U L E BAPTIST CHURCH Cor, iSHTand'Duchess •BETWEEN _ J^ in ro u v er, W est V ancouver L Horseshoe Bay 7~ r EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 7th, 1935 WESTBOUND, ■^stor; Rov. H. P, Humphreys P I Mr, and Mrs. R, S. Latvrehcer 2348 Mathers Avenue, have moved into a house at 2357 Mar ine Drive. f I ' / , THE W est Van News , Ptibli|ihe4 Every Tlmniday ' i Sunday. October 6th 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and , ", Adult Bible Class (S.S, i<es- ; son: 53: 1-12). 11:00 ;a,m ,~M om ing Worship. ^ :.it;P a s td r :iwdll-4>reach^--topicr/ V/f r«Our Present Blessings." Anthem ; "Unto the Hills," (Hymn tune, "Sandon"). The ordinance pf the Lord's Lv, North V ancouver.... Ambieside.. Ar. Caulfeild .......... At. Horseshoe Bay ..... -A M .- A.M. A.M. A.M: 7.20 7.40 7.50 8.00 8.15 9.00 9.10 9.25 9.40 11.20 11.30 11.45 WSa WEEKDAY-SERVICE 1.40 1.50 2.05 2.20 f '2.30 2,45 Westbound, and ghstbound. call at West Vancou^r F^fry DockV WSaV'wkd Safonly.^^'^^ TTMT 4.20 4.30 4.45 ■ PM . 5.40 5.50 .6.05! MSa P.M. P;M.l 6.40 9.40 6.50 9.50 7.05; ,10.05 A.M. 12.00 12.10 12.25 EASTBOUND A.M. 7.10 7,20 A.M. A.M. Lv. Horseshoe, Bay 7.10 ........ • ........ 9.?5 Lv. Caulfeild ----- ---------7>20 7.40 8.20 10.05 1.05 A ..... ....... . 8.38 10.25 1 23Ar. North Vancouver___ 7.50 8.10 8 50 1 0 All Trips, Westbound, and Eastbound, call a f W e ^ ^ ^ n e S r Dock IpRElOTBdUND! : . A.M. ------ 9.20 ........ 9.30 9.45; 10.00 P.M. PabllMier . P. Pi LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bnsinew and Editorial Offiea: ,17th and Marino Drivo (N ex t to RoUybum P . O.) Phone W i^ 363 MnUAddresa; I^O . E ox '€ i, Hfdtybnnt, E(X North Ymepuyer Office: 123 Lon^ale Ave. - :,Suppbr will be observed at the blose of the morning ser- 7.;16 pjn;--^Evening Worship. Topic, . "Our Threefold Ex- ̂ Sohg service a t comtoence- -'V ^ . . JYoung people over 16 we!- . . . . . raettce. P.M. P.M. W E ^D A Y SERVICE WSa P.M. P.M. '2.30 3.30 2.40 • 3.40 2.58 3.58 3.10 4.10 WSa P.M.,PtM. " -----*.- ' .--7.30 -----5.00 6.05 . Y.40 -10.40 5.15 6.23 7.58 10.58 ^ 3 0 6.35 . 8.10 .11.10 W Sa: _ Wed.' and; S.at."; only. Lv. 'North Vahciiuver Amblesidel..!.;:.:-- At. ^uifeiid ----------------------------- AT.. Horseshoe Bay __________ e a s t b o u n d , SUNDAY SERVICE A S • PM. 111?11.45 2.45 6.45 J ik laoo 3.00 7:00 A.M. 12.00 12.10 12.25 12.40. Lv. Horses!^ Bay Lv. Caulfeild A m b les id e_______ V̂ ' Vancouver------------ j,, All Trips> Westbound, and Eastbound. call A.M. 8.30 S.40 8.58 9A0 A SERVICEA;M. P.M. . p.W 10.30 laso r . 4 30 10.40, 12.40, 4 40 10.58 12.58 458 7 ^ lUO 1.10 s '^ I'fl 7.30 I 7.40 r .PM. a t West Vancouver Ferrv Dock 11.15 11.30 11.45 Pbones: West 12- 7131 mm-4