f e r r y l e n d i n g l i b r a r y latent B«.k> by Glitort Frm k.ii. Witiriek Dm pN c. ' PblBp OtW- X ntas C a r ^ i ___ cFIil OUE GIFT WINDOWS for^methlng «xdu8ive yet i„„p«n.tv.. A .mril dtpodt will ^ bishop-d#F«a«si^i* of d ip lom a day a t from^^Trinity Collage, London, General I^ sp lta l to England, on November 2nd, a t GL D. H. Seale, 811 17tn Street., the Vancouver Hotel, Miss Hat- S p e d W 'v i r t t ^ , 0 « : | ; ^ W : ,,ri.̂ hn« I ravelled thousands of miles in the interests of the 'uid H a^ thrilling story to te ll He will speak at S Vancouver U nited Church, T h u J^ a y , Nov. 28, a t 8 p.in. ' " One of his subjects::' **t h e g r e a t e s t n e e d o p t h b ? C H m c H t o d a y - * You are cordially invit^ to attend. • tie Young, 21st and Marine . Telegraphic advices have been Drive, received a certificate for received by some of th m rfn e n a s passing w ith honor^ the Higher here th a t the Misses Clara arid Lc^ocal Elocution Ejtamination. Miss Young is a pupil of Mrs. Ethel Fergusson, F.T.C.L. Hilda Wilaon have sailed ;for Durban, South A frica." , -Miss Jerrine Gordon of Alb- A double christening ceremony took place recently a t th e homeif a a s s v > i wJk \AwA* ' .V* ' ■kMha-iâ . ' " r tfy x f**LUj' V"" vsa%f' "esv***'** any, Oregon, has been visiting ^^d Mi's. R. W. Grisedale idparents, Captain and Ahousat. Vancouver Island. c. C. F. NHJWS We l p a b e a s s o c ia t io n her gran_^___ , Mrs. W. J. Kane, 1253 Marine Your Favorite Snap AVAAO. vv. w. .. .....................w h e n lh e ir 'in fa n t son, Ronald , Drive. Mrs. Kane accompanied Y^evor, and his cousin, M ichael; her home to Albany and will re- ̂W rayburn, son of Mr. and Mrs. < A ..U M U 1./.W IA 'rv n So'flii.ylaxr w.ir t _ . . . a m a Unriftojorl '. . . ' , ....................... .. . UY3A IIVA A IYJ w i 1 „ * V V I » y u U i I i , i i S W l l t VA.T b c f . r s t o 7 a W i e s „ l & ^ The annual meeting of the tun. home here on Saturday of Wrajbun> Baldw^^^ 1176 1 clures*by George W ea'^r, will % e s t Vancouver Welfare Associ- week. be held in the Legion Hall ^ ation will be'̂ ĥeld a t 8,p.m. ?harp Mrs. H. A., K itc h e n e r ,----- night (Thursday) a t »p.m^^ tonight in the council chamber Duchess Avenue, has moved into a house a t 1287 keith Road.,, W rayburn Baldenjwere oapw ^a by the ROv. J . R, Burrows of St. Columbia Mission. Mrs, Balden is a sister of Mrs. J. 0 . Britton, 2354 Jefferson Avenue. j? K ° r h e 'considered o p ^ is invited to attend, WEST VANCOUVER of the local club th a t it Jd the, t y 'o f n'l YACHT CLUB duty oi an ptJiouiio w -- TT There will b e . a meeting^ of themselves with the aims and nlotorboat owners and those int objects of an organization which ■ ' ------ Is destined to.assusme political power in the near future. | on, A considerable amount of"im^ ̂ ember- 23rd, a t .8 o clock. The Dortant matter was disposed of. fom ation o f a .yacht club and " mot or accident in the Look at-the-business meeting on day evening. A planning oom- anchorage fo r sm airboats will which, resulted in her having to mittee was appointed to go carej- be taken up. , ■ spend three days in hospital. infr. u mifistionnaire deal- , All owners ,and prospective , m ♦ ♦ owners are invited.to attend. * • I ' I M rs..Helene Weber, who has been a Way fo r four and a half • months en a motor trip across (j^^oral itospiiai, wntjre iie w«o Canada and the-U.S.A. and back, adm itted as a patient last Thurs- returned recently to her home a t s„ffArino- from a brokemleg. 136 17th Street. She was Ridge Inspector Finlayson of the W est Vancouver Police, is doing well a t the Vancouver -ankle. IIU U C C tvh 'JC "'-- . ----------- fully into a questionnaire deal ing with natural resources and ' all possibilities of this m um ci-' pality and to be returned to the Economic Plarinirig Comrnission. , The first Whist Drive of .the season is to be held in the Legion Randell -- Latham Hoey -- Creelman H. Thwaites has moved into a house a t 1519 Clyde Avenue.* *\(* ' A quiet bu t p re tty ceremony took place a t St. Stephen's, W est . ̂ William. G ray,-the newly ap- y?nof>uver,,on F rid ^^ A wedding of much in terest pointed provincial inspector, is 15th, when 'Gladys _ Lienor, was.solemnized a t 7:30 p.m. Sat- ^ t Pauline Johnson.School this urday when Rev. F ather Mac- week.Hall at 8 p.m. on Tuesday; Nov --------- ̂ ^ ember 26th. No chafge is made Donald, performed the m arriage will, (liferemonv uniting in m arriageand refreshments and prizes will oeremony ' uniting in m arriage be in. evidence. A collection will . Gladys Mae; second daughter of be taken towards expenses. , Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Creelrnan of Everybody _ is invited to come __Prince_Albert,' Sask., and R i ^ ^ d to a friendly g a th em g --v ^efe John Hoey,. elder M of M r.^nd ' •" " Mrs. R. Hoey, North Vancouver. The service took place in the good will prevails. L. Renolds has moved from North Vancouver into a house a t '1176 Duchess Avenue. # ♦ ,1- * -W hitaker daughter of Mrs. E. Latham and the late Mr. H arry Latham of Moose Jaw, Sask., w as united m m arriage to Wilbur. H. Randell, youniger son"of , Mr. and Mrs. A. H ; Randell. of Moose Jaw, Sa%. The Rev. A. F. Ramsey officiat ed; The bride was given in m ar riage by her mother, Mrs; G. BURNING OF SYMBOLS rectory, of St. Edmunds Church, m ' ....................... ... ";Nb^rth 'Vancouver.' Mrs. H. E ., D. W hitaker of Travers Avenue, won the second o- , . prizfe fo r the" largest maple leaf Bennett, aun t of the bride, being in Canada in the competition m atron of honor, and. Mr. L. sponsored by theDoriiihion Gov-. Sands .supporting the -^groom.--------- aNurtii v.£tiit;uuvt;x, Spuxi»ureu wj' . 7 Last Friday m orning.'at .the The bridal_gown f jdolet ,^n m e« t The leaf' in quest^^^^ ̂ w ith brown ac-of broom shade with brown ac cessories, and carried a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums. Sup per was served a t the home of the bride's aun t wherd places femorial Arch the popples -and c r ^ .7 th e ^ k & t of which being , measured 203 s q i i^ e ' -inches, some of the wreaths placed there - eut o ^ t e ^ high decolletage was than th a t winning th e first prize, on Memorial Day were ..burned featured arid . the long -sleeves, t . * * xi - , * before a reprereritative gather- vninminous'"to "the elbow "were ' As M ate George Hayes last -- ntfici-a a t ing. The Rev. F A .'R airisey ' S e d into tightly-fitting cuffs Saturday a t 5 p.m. was hdpm g coLcted the service and dedi^ to the wrist,. Her, W ge picture lafy of t S cated the ashes. These will J g b g l 'bouq^^^^^ his fo rt caught between, the dock ^ " " |,* * L X "rsb v , c-P O ^ed of pfle pink Rapture , a n d ^ t « ^ ^ 5?h ê"h t p ' " e ^ i l f r e s IS f fn Ire r ir^ c C ru m ; as the wash of a passing steamer. Vancouver. the dedication service. . • S d ^ t , ' chose~gold,. While suffering a painful injury, --------------------- crepe and a black ve]y^ toque, fortunately only one, bone in his 'Bfonze'chrysanthemums forined ' big toe was broken. her corsage bouquet. Mr. Ralph' , ' * u ^ Stapleton, of Seattle, supported . James Harrison is_ building ~a the groom. house a t 23rd and Nelson Ave- ' A reception was held in Hunt- uue. ̂ ' e r 's.T ea .. Mr. McNeil has moved from' S -^ ta? "u n d e r an a r c h w of 17th" rind M arine. Drive into a "white and cedar boughs with a K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Listings Wanted Real Estate Y. w. C. T, u. ' Mrs. Wm7 Thompson, 692 20th : Street, was hostess to the mem- .. bers and friends of the Y.W.C. - T.U. a t th e ir regular monthly . meeting on Tuesday, November 12th. In response Ho a letter a.,w i ---r wm te ana ceaar miugiia 23rd and . ^ i n e Drive, members of th e Evangelistic laree white wedding. bell su s -■. - -r i *j - Band, a motion.was. made to,as- large r^ppivefl Mr. Kenleyside of Vancouver^ aig+ them Plans were made to ^ t h ^ M r l J..McMiUah,'sister of' is baring his large lot a t 19th commence another layette. The the bride and Mrs Hoey, mother and M athers Avenue c le a r^ m̂ devotional period was led by Miss A ffhP^rnom - readiness for the erection of his p ^ ris Lashbrooke .while M rs ..,, OI tne groom. ' new home there m the spring. The bride s table was centred ^ : with a three-tier wedding cake M rs.B ellas,., have - embedded in white tulle and j^oved into the ir new home a t fianked by pink tapers in silver iq^ i Clyde Avenue.' - l ic e n c es. - , For travelling ' *1̂ "̂ James Tearoe, .who has been ned a brown Imitted tweed coat gp^nding the last two weeks with «n+Tr TMfltnliiViff accessories. tt o. w ith matching accessories. father, H. P. Tearoe, "of A fte r m otonng m the south, Mr. «j»earoe & Son, has returned , to -.and Mrs. Hoey will make their Vancouver Island. , ' , home in West Vancouver. • * *' CORPORATIONUF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Court o! Rierisioii of Voters' List, 1936 NOTICE is hereby given th a t a Court of Revision of the V otes' List will s it a t the Municipal'Hall, 17th and Esquimalt, District of W est .VAneduver* B. C„ on 'Tuesday the 10th day of December,-1935; :af.10, o'clock in the forenoon, for th e pur- of correcting sAnd^revising th e Voters' L ist fo r th e year 1936 and to determine -aiiy. applicaHoh to strike out ■ the name of any;.pCTgj^iwhicKl Has: i^en ; impro ,pl.ape.4 thereon,^^ to "place on such ; list : tho\riame> 6 f; any ' person improperly omittedjtherefrpm;.t'£v^ ' Mrs. F. A. Ramsey is:.making satisfactory progress a t -St. Paul's Hospital, where she has been a patient since, her acci- 'dent;', ' '■ ' ■ cause. Mrs. Faulkner exressed the appreciation of the members to the speaker ^nd Mrs. Thompson who served dainty refreshm ents ' a t the close of the meetings. The ' nex t m eeting will be held a t the home .Miss Lucy McDou'gall. - made "into Card ii something; no one can give your mehda but yourself. XMAS CAROS for dvtneas Mailing 5c and up. Geninull's Orag Store Th« Stora o f Barvlci* .1586 Ma^ne Drive . West 87 or Went 607 Emergency Phono West 881 (After 10 p.m.) Stratton's BAKERY Broad, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes Meat Pics, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note A ddress: ' 1468 Marine Drive , Phone W est 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE November 21st, 22nd and 23rd. i MISSISSIPPI ' (A Musical Comedy) also "BOOSTING DAD" "FLYING OIL" SATURDAY and MONDAY November 23rd and 25th. WILL-ROGERS "DOUBTING- THOMAS" also "POISON IVORY" "BABES AT SEA" 'OUR DISTANT COUSI TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY November 26th and 27th "People Will Talk" also "ONE EXCITING - ADVENTURE" VERNON FEED STORE A . C. SBA R LB Phone W est 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders'. Supplies M arjorie Vernon favored with a solo. The speaker for th e even- ing was Miss Edna (5rant, rec ently appointed Provincial ""Y" Secretary, who spoke on the aim ^ f-^ p re ^ in g -r- th e Temperance SALES ' SERVICE 'S -NQR-T-I ^ HQRE-BRANCH- V 66 Lonsdale Ave. West 87 ,. North 625 1 f I I ' I k m '< ; Prospective, ' Householder : Y e ^ lt seems a nice little kitch en, bSt w here's your coal bin?" ^Agent: "Pardon, s ir?" , P.* H.: "W here's your coal Mrs. E. L. Dwinndl, m other of Mrs. V. W, Griffiths, 28B2 B e lle -____ -- «......... v -- .7, vue Avenue;^ passed away last ̂ know if I am going w ith h e r ! Thursday. " ' ̂ , Mr. Henpeck: "Mary, I over- ' b in?" ' heard your m istresF say tto ^ ' J Agent; "VVell, i t has been in was going to California to r hut tiaw it is in m v Tliahksgiving. Do you e r ^ ' ' Graves -- ̂Gleed - Miss Ida Gleed, second daugh te r of Mr. and M rs.^G IeW lSth and Gordon Avenue, was m ar ried quietly last rF n d a /,< ^ l^ h November, a t Vernon; B.C., to -Mr.-Otis^ Graves-of--Armstrong., Mr. and ;Mrs. Graves; \rill: be ; ■- visiting ; here ehdrtlj^ guests of th e bride?fl 'parents. Pr^l^ure for w in te r #Jhone ' ^ v W e a s t : ' « ' 4 '■ V C i M ' V v o r y ' GOAL a n d BEST QUALITY PBbW)f»T: SERVICE ̂ ................... ....................... I|1« Ml II I ■■■III m i l l ■■ r t f M . w " t . V . ̂ i f ^ . . i ^