West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Nov 1935, p. 1

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iK=s«!aSSs»l««»lli»lw .......................................................... .. , . . -v- . , f , M jfA / diJMhk • ■ »mm ■ -«Mr 4H» i ^ . I *■«» MM ^ Jmm. - ̂ Jm Mjmî ' ^ ̂ -'̂ m̂it-'̂ ....... ....... ............................... ..... .. yetnco^^j^^Ambi^sidet^ $1.00 per year.J*'.]" '; Vypress Park, Cauif^ild, Whytediff, Etc. n, Dundarave f<rt Xi 5c per copy a t newaatandft. ........... ....................... :?:;n'!^T'r Vol. X HOfctYBURN P ,0;, WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY,, NOVEMBER:21st. 1935 No. 31 'lURIfi IIADIO BYE ' , . *"' STATIONS,, _ „ ' WHEN TUNING SET- PAOUINE: JOHNSON • .:, •! *4,i .V -.w.again; victorious COURT OR r ev isio n VOTERS' LIST ' I. 0 . D. B. .I *• % * < » -t ' «M ^ COMING EVENTS A" Court of ilevision* of the 1936 Voters* List will sit a t the -- ..uo- '. w n ' 'W ith the b ird s 'to Viptoria" Jnv tube ̂which virtually; add^. urday mommg of four boys and Tuesday. December 10th, in con- a tta i ' of intelligence to ' four girls of Pauline Johnson nection w ith ,tho above. On Wednesday, Npveirtti^i 8th . the Chapter haa the pleasure, of ray another sense an A tub ŝ ally see" when the radio receiver wishpS of more than three hun is tuned most accurately, was de- d red ; of their ~ fellow pupils and scribed by Mr. B r o ^ of Frown teachers.. The two swimming re 2:15^ p.ihivSatdrday^'sNh^rS Barbarians' Auxiliary Brid^^ __________ a t Hotel Georgia. ; SB WendallHajjreSj.Who Saturday, ..November -SOth -- , « ....................... Drive. For presenting th e ir annual sisholar- ahip to Miss Wendall Ha^es, .Who ...................... ... attained th e . h ighest m arks i*' Legion Whist th is year's m atriculation plass. Thursday, December S th -D ick - St. CHORAL SOCIETY Reeve J. B. Leyland acted as chairman while short addresses were given by the Regent. Mrs. W. B. Small, Mr. Mitchell, Mrs. O'Donnell, Mrs. F.. Rlohardson. .Sketches in Parish Hall, December 18th -i- Con­ cert, Orange Hall by the W est Vancouver School Band. & Muntoii, local R,C.Ai -Victor lay team s were accompanied by The first concert of the season dealers. ' - > , ' . . Principal Brealey, L. C. Reid, the will be given in the Orange Hall -----„ a a DesiKned to do'by sight w hat . coach, and Mrs. Doiiet, the on Monday* Dece)nber 2nd, when Mrs. F. Stead, Regent of the the ear and sense of touch may m other .of one of the boys. Jthey will be. a.^sisted by the Provincial Chapter, made the .not be the in the Globe Trotter radio WHIST DRIVE & DANCE The West Vancouver Girls' ----- raeniDei's oi tae viv;t/uxia owimr . v ? ~ ^ , 1 n/lrivoaiia, fa wriuigrc jnaa. xae iirsu ___ receivers, ■ m ing'A ssopiation'and M rr Leg- ciety. .is p re ^ n tin g Mr. W atkin THo-h'^cKool formed in North Van- does away with bothersome tun- g^tt, who is a t present residing Mossman, who upon his last ap- the a couver about a year ago. These Is flifftinst ivi X7'̂ n+.Ai'̂ Q' ~A 'ciiiA'rf +>*111 +A'"fVip pGBrEiicc in 'WGst VBncouvGr|_̂ Bud JuniOtr lli^ii ^ciWOl*_At /»ini%a ova AvoroMivAri-'T.A ViaIa I'lin-irtgadjuslments,.guarda_agams:t_j|ji_,.Victoria.- A -short trip to; the blurred and "off-centeF^ tone- Crystal Pool with its beautiful and makes it possible to tune th e getting and plant adornm ents -- radio set silently, because 'the a thii miniite workout under volume need not be turned u n to P ercy , Normjah, a form er W est audibility until the station has Vancouver coach' -- a drive a- been tuned in to its most, ^ p u r- round the city w ith visits to the . i xi. - ■ j ha- n/r ate point with the "Magic Eye.;' stores and Yacht Club a light Jra; the latteir^undter. Miss Mo- Among other outstanding de- supper and stroll along the well- Intyrte s very able direction, velopments incorporated' in the lighted - streets brought about new R.C.A. Victor Globe T ro tter the tim e for another visit to the instrumients are an improved poOl to take p a r t in the finals "Magic Brain" mechanism util- fo r the B. C. Swimming School i- - « -t t ' i - ' 1., U. t - -- i. p e a r^ c e _ „ _ _____ . liiade sucE -a , faybrable" impres- ' Sion'.V ;>>.!* .V,'V"4 ' ' ■ " Mr. iWallaco .Gillman, the con­ ductor of. th e .Choral Society, will also play, a Handel concerto arranged for piano and otches- -organized to -he lp -the .. nrqented^ M ̂ children in the Loyal P ro testan t Ho™®- The girls hope to, h iv eEunice'Turney, w ith a .Pnze,IOr . fiirnnnf nn Nnvpmhpr2nd place in, m atriculation.; ' airgo . turnout on November ■'1 A^'S h t f u l tirserro^ 29th. udod prizes for,the wW|r M it CaiteU add :Her clas, gifts .pienchorn; and W s j | ^ S t s ' P'®®« Rodio'Orchestra f ro iM K .' wp^ft^'nRreTifft' bf ^ive the dancers a .i jM y ^mpng whom were .^parents .b f Admissipn 85c; HOLLYBURN HALL The , usual'-Y oung People's Service illustrated with lantern prize winners, meipbers of 'th e P.'tT.A, and School Board a s well as, Chapter, members;' .'Selections were played by the School % n d with Mr. Delamjpht condPbtihg. Mrs. Fiddes, Educational conven- ■I- P.-T. A. NOTES izing the new metal tuDes.~;in Championships'., / : , _____ this mechanism, the rad^o'̂ ^ - spectators, and competi- views w i l l h e l d a t 7^ was in charire'of all arrange- -K------------- 4^ . , , num b*ed some hundreds - (E nday) m H o I l y b ^ - ^ . ^ » s and every event was most keen- .THn'«Avf rY,Anfin<r ufin,h«iM d -quency- tube becomes an Armor- ̂ ed Watchman which selects . the ' T he. neict. regular meeting of the West Vancouyor Parent- Teacher Association will_be_held in .the Inglewood School a t 8 p.m. Tuesday, November 26th. W ». m to rs to their feet.I'p - l x * ' xi: I'WAo Lu wici* a.eet. In the nex t / . ou o c io cK n e^ ounaaj^ C hanter' - ' •and amplifies it-to increase, th e xi.« three team s messages w ilt be given by Phil- sensilivity of the 'new RiCA. w lip Bashan a n d , C. O. Bowen. ■ -------- Victor instruments ' on .'shoyt- m^efl^the^troulw cun'T^*the Trinidad, B.W.I. wave reception fronii. fi ^ to-20 cirk» Relav" Victoria Siectators give a-missionary, address times over last year; Mr., Brown proved tLm selvL good sports at the 8 p.m-stirvice-next Tues- Âi'i nf til + ^^d lo u ^ cheered the West - bay. VanooW^ teams. The cups and Dpd witii fĥ are equiPr individual medals were presented whirS^r ' by^th§%on/T. D.Tattullo. Mr. as i t characterized .liggattW portingly promiised TABLE CURLING ,, - - ------- i .eifira.11 '-isuiii Liimiv uiuiuiuseti Table curling, a game invcnt- -- ed-biy-W .-J^^rnbull^f-tb^^ development since, the ,-f. on/.y.«ccfni nViVi n« hnnrH thA Vanoouver^Lumiber Co., Ltd., is played upstairs in the Building, a t 'th e south- wav witii itnivv 4. 1. u'- them in their, berths bu t a t 2 east corner of Granville and a.m , stiU awake and ,happy. A t The nex t m eeting wlll bid^teia " " - Tuesday N w em ber 2bth. tw tihm A hf M rs3B lftiril587 The association has been f o r t i i unatej'̂ m securing the,.services . w Dr; m h r e ; Ddr^ whd • will hddress the.meeting, his sub­ ject „;being "Commonsense in Health." Members and all per- , sons ori parents.-interested a re _____ _______ _______ urged ip be present as Dr, Dor­ ris ."" 4 I V r x Chester will touch bn many im- . Edwin OiT, noted evangelist portan t points, concerning physi-^ well-being; and, tra in in g . West Vancouver United .Church ^yhich a re , vital to the ' rising a t 8 p.m. next Thursday, Noyem- generation. Refreshments will ber-, 28th. Some of his subjects sigrved in the lunch room «The Need of Revival," r . torr'̂ Revlv.al," and- "The i AUTHOR AND EVANGELIST HERE later. Robson Streets. "Hiere four 44- foot tables have beeri set G reatest Need of the Church Today." All are cordial­ ly invited. ' Mr; O rr was th e author of a book; "Can God," which had a large, circulation, and he has PHYSICAL RECREATION .EVENING ---- V I W ednesday evening, Novem­ ber 27th, a t 8 p.m., the provinci- Thp new R P A oi'iv tliey -w ere congratulated and Trotter cheered by .'th e ir fellow are contained ? w students. * The boys', team '--are contained in cabinets th a t Mox̂ /aiio« PiiiiiA loot taoies nave Deen set up, jarge cucui^uun, anu iids^ , «ioaao« tViAiV fivat the rooms hAving been throw n since w ritten another, "Prove Me; p^venin^^llf th k seatnnx̂ lrkf.4. E /r .n .^ 'M A ixr ** -ixrVilnVi la on olnnAirnf nf '■ OpOH eVening._Ol tillS SeaSOn,' AH was: arc not.mere housin|s bS-which .Kenneth imbue the instru^nt "wi*V a ^on; Montgomery; ,the characte'? V i t f o T S a""ptnt ' S l? :' half venciosed in a 'M t maple, Germany and the Lbw C o u n t r i e s . : , rfrk^A A m casing which touches the table The author was once a ip«*^alist/; uwii ais a perm- pu^ViVnon RAvmW'Rov'hAnv Tii- and prevents the ball from run- . ^wd he has an interesting style' L® xap, ueu e ^en t piece of fine;furniture in \ " * ning too fast. I t resembles bowl- ' *̂̂ d a story to tell.' His book is the home, Mr. Brown, said. / ' ing or curling,and it is the in- 3>vell worth reading apart from Q eilcSSnP jo^ FOOTBALL TTTVinw n n ATiiATir Q nriF T Y Mention to form leagues for the its religious significance, especi- ^gJUNIOR DRAMATIC SOCIETY pj^ying of the game in V ancou-» fHy his ^ c o u n t of Russia as it ^ Last Saturday a t Ambleside The Dundarave Junior Dra- ' is to d a y _____________ Recreation; Violin , Selections, IXL added tniA+iiAn Tna+ie Sncietv/are ̂ rehearsing .a nxTXTî n̂AT Wm BAND NOTES • -M arjory M u rray R h y th m ic Ex- ^^erci8es, Girls Team ; Class Rout-' JXL added an o tW 'sh u tm iry ic ^ . Viatic Society/are rrehearsing. a puN ER A L OF tory to- their credit when thev ' new play "Rooms tp Rent" which defeated Safeway ̂3-0. ' -Will be presented under the IXL will not be DlAvih4 riWvf sponsorship of the Duncan Law- Saturday, but therp will be a Chapter, I.O.D.E., in Janu- game between Broadway. Hotel Several new faces will ap FRANCIS HENRY STEEDE On Sunday over one hundredu n Dunuay over one nuiiuieu |„g . Men's Team * Fencma- Exhi- . .people journeyed from West 'bition Mr E isenhardt and nart- - The ftineral of the late F ran - Vancouver to the city to hear J^^isennarat and part- cis Henry Steede, aged 75 years, the Vancouver Kitsilano Band . ■ * and PrasGv oA*" ' TjAsi* in tViA oast' th is vear 'in- ,of Port Alberni, will be held a t ,* give the ir annual concert a t the TiTTwrinwa t r a s e r C a f e a t2 :8»p.m . , m r .» n t h e r a s t the Capilano View cemetery, to- Orpheum Theatre. W est Van- -INGLEWOOD JUNIOR e lu d in g B arp arab p a iT O W , c o p p y »_X o .oa „ _ aahwai. noAnlA q».a faL-ino- n <rrps h e a t h op JOHN ALLEN CliraleV Marian Prehble, Jean Mc- - Dou^all aiid, David Brown. HIGH SCHOOL John Allen, 559 .14th "Str<>pt ' / away a t h is home la s t ' ̂O .E . S. PRESENTATION ■ r seyentyiftfth' T" r -- -- , loa I* to^m oufe/his" /M r. and Mrs. George Clarke morrow 'a t 3:30 p.m. from the couver people are taking a great; funeral parlors of H arron Bros, interest^ in the organization as ' Vm,, : , Ltd., Rev, F. A. Ramsey dfficiat- they a re represented by six play- '. lOllowing pupils ranked A . ing. The deceased leaves a ,wid-- each, taking im portant parts . . ow and-one son, 'J, H;>, " " 2557 Bellevue Avenue^ IfVQo Ui uj. mourn.^ m s m r . ana T ̂ daughter; Mrs. \ w ere honored "guests a t a regular Rnii!! 1 îjsre, 6ne;sister,;Ifev^^^ of Naomi Chapr andi'th ree fer'No. r u g b Y an fesi4ngin'Alberta; "' ; "» Slfi r * o W e s t / i L a k e ; v ; ron,. .Jwac v.-^* orwiy t}Tp thepri^ Ydr: rFatron,- high tribute to both Oldest------------- •••'■••■ ioltow .:. Lettncr, :Cdppm.fKSb. - i a r i r t T S s e r " '-n the oarlorsfhf HsirrAn. .+AAmi- the presentation being chosen remarks. , ' was not as large a s was' :^L ih to ck , W lnnifred they made up for it , Hope, 'Helene Clegg, ~ t i ........... hi',ill .Mini;-." the p.m; The' personriel/wlir be/^as " s was successfliT the climb; - follows; Lettner^ :Cdppih.;:R5b- Misa C..S., 5T. Phillip wrote the in;passm^ her life-saving exam. . The funeral ■ ; f e | 7 « W att and(T-̂u ? I Jjf - Vi',