mm ̂ m 'mrbm9,wm4i^~ . P b o iM tW M t4 6 f Prices Good Fridoy« Ndf.'JSth fo Thursday, Nor. 21st ̂ r <fc ' ¥ » h% cwidacted »t- IX S*in,' tomorrow (Friday) a t .^^Hie-Msmoria)-Arch by- the Key. F, A. Kmnaey assisted by Canon G. C. irEaauin, M.C., at which the wreaths and poppies deposit^ ' '*!» '. m: jt . !*. ' 'i i!i 1. s; > ' » i' ; f$ ̂ . ; : i "m 5'tr rt:n f n fs , "*i ■ lA ii? iVi tl H i i 'I '** "̂ ' '■ ii ? f Mi-J 1 O' s >' h } 4 / 1)4 I h '̂rri.' ̂ ̂ I = * (/ ̂ / ->) I 'iTvl HI !-34 ^̂4,S ̂ "Ifc * ?f I f »f ii iiii If If a -iifii ly jfe Ii !?{« i!|| M i|l | t t i 1 fl'l t l ̂:•? ?£ ]> P ^ t t V F W U K - W l M « « . , -, SU LM N A RAISINS -- A |» t r d l n SHOMBNINO - C m c M w®rlott * 4 lb. l ie ft«il A WbiUi BAKING POWDBK 1'2 03C# du f J^c BAKING SODA. I lb. p k f........... ioe Vi lb, pkg....................... .......... 0e BATES -- Npw Stoek....,i.;» Jb«,.JNW* ICING SUGAR ................... 2 Ibf. tSe Red & WhiW MOLASSES 20 «*. tin...... io«j ay, uiL....... aae CAKE FIX)UR -- EftlrflighL pM. 28e Red & White COCOA, y, lb,....... 14<: COFFEE --* Nabob, 1 lb, raaium SYRUP -- Rogera, a lb. l l a .......... lU R ^ A White PEAS, Sieve 5 Choice ............. ..2 line 10e QUICK OATS •-- Nbil*IVeintiiim Q uaker.................................,g^ I W A T p r a _ R l,h l.iu l amm ' Bxeeilent Cooker«....2S lb. aack 89e' Phone West 370 ed a t tfite Arch will be burnt. PICNIC HAMS, per lb . .....f....... ; 19e COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb . ........*. 25c KIPPERS, .......:................. 2 Iba. 26e IIADBIB FILLETS (Scotch Cure, per lb. 20c FINNAN If ADDIE; per l b . 15c STANDARD FILLETS, per lb..... 16e SMOKED BLACK ALASKA COD . per lb..... .................................... 20c PORK SAUSAGE, per lb. ..........20c BURNS' DEVON SAUSAGE, lb. 20c LEGS OF LAMB. Top Grade, lb..... 23c SHOULDERS OF LAMB (whole) per lb............. ........................... 14c RIB ROASTS OF LAMB (Breast on, per Ib. ................................... 18c BURNS' SECURITY BACON, y, lb. pkg., each......................... tSc MELROSE FALLS SPREADING CHEESE yi lb. pkt, each....... 15c IJEI5F ~ PORK -- lam b The a s h ^ Of these symbols of rememhranfe will be Jtept and later taken'by those taking part in the Vimy Pilgrimage to France, whke they will be scat tered over the Vimy battlefield.. ilEFFERIES LAMB ■!•HAMS" • -------- . ; ■ " ' 1", .J COLD MEATS OP 4 4 ^ .W T O • t- VEAL 1 Store a t HofIyMtlpi|fiiiiKii"Theatre THE,BURNING BUSH ^By Subadari It is'recorded that fatal auto accidents are on the increai^ in B. C., and *ho wonder. We are driving too fasU Thirty miles ah hour sh9uld be rapid enough for anybody. Of course, I know many autoists willTise up and say We have not the time to drive so slowly. However, all are agreed v e a l we a re a long time dead, and to B U I L D I N f i WEST VANCOUVER lum ber r o . LTD. -FOft REAL SATISFAdTiON Phone West 116 S l i ? r , t e i e Drive MAP APPfWQ «v.. Finest Quality. around at fifty and sixty ̂ .... ......... . iJ5c.; Box................$1.35 .miles an hour is only hastening the m dnient^hen we shall make LEGION XMAS DRAWING ' Grocery, 1574 Marine Drive, box a rapid exit per an auto smash ■ --. '■ ' ■■ ' n virE iriiJ • ' .Tk <*«' T> I • ' .m. ■■ ■v:/j ./j' : i ' i ' l j 1 --It-,..'Ll ■_ C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rate for Claasified AdraitilWenietita Is Z c«uta per word, minlman 25 centa. Except In the case of tbiMib harinf : regular .'accounta, all cluii; Beds are payable atrlctly In advance. Remember Claaaifieda in the Weajt Van Nowa get immidiate reauIU. Following is the ThirH n r Shop . and so lesseh the period available T -- ilash.light; A friend, cash dona- >.to do . " ' *' " "prizes in the Legion 17th Atinual Chrigtmas I^i'awing, jbhese prizes being ddnaled by residents and business men of West Vancou- ver. Tickets on this drawing 1 ®l>tained from members" of the Canadian, Legion. For • ^ n a tio n s kindly phone B^rt ' Williamson, West 418-R. „ -- our. job on earth. When anything happens a t that speed, ___ ................................One cannot s a l e c o m m en c es Fr id a y , Njjv; window ember 15th ^ 2442 Marine .Drive ChristmAia LADY WANTS WARM ROOM;- WBV WASTE TIME Chopping Kindi. Furnished or unfurnished, with qiiiey •" ing? Use' "KINDEL-QUIK," wood family. Box No. 7, West Tan Newa,\ and'coal. Phone North 760. FOR SALE rier. o f S p la te 'Cards, Toys, Novelties, Notions; West 'uppy, 627X;; • W frerhair^ Pox Tet. ; Bt'InlJhlhs " old. Phone MASONIC DANCE or trying to knock spots off th e fo r s a l e -- Six-hole Fawcett KItch* . A..J ,en Range with coils in f ' tion. FKone Westf238-L. pavement.- Â d̂ the pavement wins every tim e, not even a nigger's head,being hard enough to w ithstand 'that impact. An auto smash;;too,, makes a noise like a number of tin cans banged RENT -- Unfurniahed 5 room and * bath; glassed-in porch; waterfront Reliable tenant only. West 178-X. _______ _ The fourteenth annual dance Mrs. G. D. Elffar. 1666 Gordon 'i p * " f Avenue, prize: Mr i MrPAi^nAir ■' I > & A.M., will be held tomor-Pftoq rvi* rnw « n nae a numper 01 tin cans oangeo I pln'fl f j r i lb,_Mc-.( y) in the ()range,Hall together, and it is disturbing to digestion to pass out amid nrivA- Merchandise,^ , fiTm 9 to 1 a.m. to. the music of such sounds.,' Autos have made vice Station Orchestra. Rrefresh- city nowadays unsafe for l,® <>«le^f glass served. Ad- ' F^R REAL ESTATE BARGAINS-- Keep your eye on Geo. Hay^ win dow. RESPdNSIBLE PARTY wishes to ren t or store piano, 6 months; ref. erences. Phone West 545-L. OXY - ACETYLENE WELDING -- Phone Art Burns, West.268 or West , 444. FURNACE OIL BURNER (Subset Glow) -- for sale,in perfect condi- tion, $25.00; also Coleman (Jas Firer $10.00. W est 37. d o S o n - *^BarnoD per couple. As ad- t t ' H v f m T p t d u t e , " a S h T - - = o ? ' ^ ; M athers/ 4 Ibsi r a a » a d ^ West yah. Produce, and Graen 478-X. democracy^ who walk. The red light'Monies ph and one bolts for WANTED -- $500 cash for stoves, , ranges anH, furniture. Highest prices-pAidr N6rth 743i. r CANVASSERS WANTED -1 For , West, Vancouver and North Vancou- ver. Liberal commission. Phone "TWest 290-R." , - Sterling W a t ' t® com m d^nicatrw itr j! sonie au^o naaking a tu rn from Lqivdon or f R. MitcheU, West ' the pavement opposite, only to in s t a l l a t io n s --E lectric Repmrs, ^GR ^ L E -- Electric Heater, pair find one S taiLfeathers singed by convenience, outlets in s ta ll^ . J.. H. boots and coat; also English ■ ■■ ' ' Paterson, W est 108. . ' ' condi t ion, size 38. viM^st ; 1 6 5 - R - 3 . ■ WIGGLY SAVE ON THIS BIG 9c - 19c - 29c - 39c SPECIAL SACE^ a side street. look four take the .4,, y ji re lieve -all pedestrians should be clad in inflated rubber suits. With such . ai . contraption one would ju s t 'bbunce and in case of being, struck, and the ,, Unfurnished house, kitchen , stove, fireplace. 24th Street. GIVE -WEBB'S a t r i^ for ybnr liext shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. FOR SA LE--- Girl's Bicycle, $15.00.' ,1949 Bellevue Avenue. ^ worst th a t could happen would- HAY, Notary Public.-- Real be a blowouf. .The m anufacture ^bone West of these suits should be a profit- - - ® ^260. ... . : able liiie fo r tire m an u fac tu rers , h o l l y b u r n g if t s h o p ,' b . c ., -- 1 would suggest/to th em in such Dur Library;, 25c a month; A AL. . ^ - 1 1 ' ft « •> llA O VVAAM T *- WANTED -- One or two acres water- frontage between' Caulfeild and Boultbee's with or without house. Send full particulars and terms. Box 38.. W est Van News. FRIDAY & SATURDAY. Nov. 15th & I6th . « Ju,i , «f the SPECIALS eff«Uve » tki, bale, 8m our window, for ..Mtlonal Woek-End SpMiats. PLU51S -- Aylmer Red, 2*jj J PUMPKIN - Royal City, lafge iw .'* . ...... ............................. !!" - .PEAS - Owlmid City; 8 o«. .................................. »■■■?'" tomatoes -- Koval Ciiv n Vr';:;7 ................ ...........2 tins tomatoT uice - Awi'; / ' ' ; r ' ..................... ........ «" CLOVEW^EAVm^^^ C h ick e iT in rK h y M m iZ .:^t;idOVBRLEAF PINK SALMON Tall I'a SARDINES-- Brunswick or Banquet *W*s ......................" k ip p e r e d sn a c k s -- WVi ^ ̂ ............... :.......... 2 tins CATSUP - noy.1 city. tI ....... r -; " - : - -....... r - ....... 2--- ****-»"'-"»"B«*b,.*<****v*..... ....................... •,tin v ertisem en ts;J 'T ry^oU r'unB ust- . Marine Drive. West 6oi. .^ l DAINTY CAKE SHOPPE - Home- bounce, Wear rubber and rise" made bread, cakes and pastries, etc^, etc, West ,514. \ SADDLE HORSE-POR HIRE -- For rates and reservations see Maurice -- ^Andersonj 29th"and~Queens:-------- SEA VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 1845'Bellevue Avenue, -- Graduate Nurses. Phone W est S53L. Baron T^veedsniuir is probably PRINTING --* For all-kinds of k̂ Ki-ni*,. n ------------ printing phone W est Van News, West 363. the most braihy Governor Gen- ®**ji Canada has eyer had. As a scholar, biographer, soldier, authpr, and politician, his career has shown him to b^ ji*"man of DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS -r Suits, 'Children's Clothes; home or by dayV-':MrSw Robbins, 2791 Marine . West -619-R;z .T r . SOAP k- BIG BATH -C R O W N (USTILE LAYTRIX RECKITT8 BLUE BROKEN RICE BAYO BEANS ' SPLIT PEAS DRY GREEN PEAS SMALL W HITE BEhlNS l*®y®l City (Limit 3) 2's" ' DEL MAIS! BANTAM CORN, 8 ox .... .. remarkably diversified talents. And in the next.five years with the^ world headed'"for w ar or social .disaster he will need them ® 1 -addition he is a Scotsman local Scots will kindly note my spelling IS correct, and they are yeiy insistent on th is point -- another desirable point in a land so largely tinctured w ith Scot- and .ScoltishLinflu- once. The English Goverjiment VERNON FEED STORE; A. C. SEARLE-- Phone^West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders* ;Snppli^ ' WEST VANC:buVER M A CH IN E ..SHOP --^.Repairs - Spray Pumps, Household articles. .1449 Marine. MARCHiL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanent. T ry uur fatigue facial / , for tired ' housewife or business woman. ,West 304.? 17th and Marine' | over Royal^Bank, RADIO.RBPADRS;Tubes; Ariels,etc, •J . L. Pettigrew ,' The Radio Man, _1890 Marine;--West 145. SHOE R EPA m S ^ ; :6 e t the beat mat- - 'erial.l-and ^wdrkmahship at Fox̂*» ̂ I4th a t.P e rry .' ̂ ' 2 tins Ifet 19c W)Wt « BEANS ^- RAyoi S r ; Vo'" " .... .............. ' " i " " SPKINO SALMON _ 1^4 Broi.Lt, ....'.T........... ........ J .T ?' P R U N E S k n a W , To»d, i i ih n toNASOB TBA ..... ............................. 2 lb, 19c made a very \v6e choide in send- ■*'S him to us jiist a t th is critical fo o tball WANTJ^) -- O pe.fu rn ish^ and one ' n n fu m ish ^ '̂ 4-room cottage ne« ferry. 'Phone;Wes£ 340 or West 1« Capilahb. 'PKdne -Nbrth 811R2. ORANGEUHARMALADE RRCKWHIS -- 47c grade PICKLES -- Hethx (Family slae) POLlPIaOR WAX, I 'a ...... . ;..... Z OLIVE OIL -- Napoleon. 16 o*. ROYAL CROWN SO A PS....... Empresa GORDON,, ROBSON, BarristS Solic- ' itor,'. 1447■'Marihe,"-mornings; 510 ■ Hastings ,SW Seymour 4199. after- ........... Ib. ...... each ...jar .6 bars WATCH FOR ADDITIONAL WEEK^JBND SPECIALS IN OUR THURSDAYAiDS. IN DAILY PAPERS. time in our own and the world'<; tv t Saturday a t Sapperton, CHIMNEY isW i^lNCI -- The Old history. ' ® ® IXL and Fraser Cafe battled to Country tray.-Satisfaction guaran- ̂ ̂ ̂ a scoreless draw. I t was a hard ' Garden Avenue, M^or^Bnw* Sood fiSbaU."*^ ^ ¥ a m s .^ y e d Il S S at urday, N o y m te r S n | ov tr'the^radfo®' o S r H ' m tt --------------------tha t hour all the noor 7io ? W .§ S® * f ^ t e d Safew ay-1-0 PUBNISR^ AND UNFURNISHED souls with rpai Park. .Kick-off is-' at JIouses\to.,Renti "houses, lota, and thnoD ortn^^tl f ^ ? * 3 0 p -n i.a n d a la rg e tu rh d u tis ®®reage:^for ;^ lc . ' John Lawson, passes but some rS ^ 'artav "̂ ^^^ Vvvpr J T'n'r. 1----------------- WDfDOW 'sHiDBS.AND vealed who otherwis^P wonU ^ \W ELPAIIE ASSOCIATION ' ^ e ^ -to measwrci^nteunknown would go ----- -------1- .. - ' -- ' Estimates--isree.'; OPicture trammg. i w»Jd ^ o J e r f o r r T . ^ ^ i ' '? Public m ^ t in g ;o r ® " ] religions mor, ̂ ®-~-™.-^fstA^ancouyer:WelfareAs--- -- -- ------- ireligious man but I do S k f Tvff sn^r f ~ r my h a t to Major Bowes fn l t S "Monday, THE WELPARE';=ASSO(HATION ^ irreat umri, i7 ?5 ™ ĥ® November 18th. has heph woof' dhwmwleacdothi^^ ?ho»»■ 'W~ i S t W ' * W w ' w y r 8nt*aat work he^is November 18th^ has been W>st ̂ onarea. dhuanded clothing. PIj u V L Y W 1 :# ©:L:Y SetI ■ - thftf rofii#. 1,,....- A s . w uown on em ber 21st. a tR ^ n m ' o t t n * . * . nrRATî TTAkKr'iBDe"rM .aii -podtnat C hnst must smile down on J m w S ti? ,Novem- --th a t radio hour <rf his on S a S a t 8 p.m. shaip iri H |A?«aW W EBS'fo; aftem oohs.. - - - nuay th^counoil chamber o f the muni- .&snda*o£.CiM*ttes fo r/A ll Popular and Tobaccos; cipal hall. .. . also F ish ing '^dg its for local wat- \ ■ -L cra.'i Aimble&ide;'!li^ Rooms. '-■'w'--l' ?•*' ' "/I.- "t *1 ' V -J > < . ̂ ,4 f.. - N ♦ <Rt ^vmmm