.■ w 'i - t- , ' >"l» ii Sw "v^yi-> -iî /.f ' , ', !iii ĵir«4p'J%' îiMiiLkiliii«l^^ r : , r ^ . . Circulating in 'the District o f IVest Vancouverv-Amhlesidcf ^olfyhumtWfiMJfy Dundarave I£dd1«y-r. Cypress Park, Cauifeikl,W hyiecm Etc, • -.;>'efcp«cw .t»««tw a.. • » * • 4 4 * t « 1 i ^ i U , ,n \'#1. X HOt^Lf gjd^fcN,>,o:. W VANjCOijyj^lR. B.C.; t H URSDAY.. NQVE! [ii. 1 9 3 ^ No. 30 ETHIOPIA WEST The war in'EthlpRia^ an d jth e-(a lk .;a i both dragging as the weary weeks to by. Mugsollni continues the,. S tactics as before, and , h ie , plan a p i ^ r s to. be fairly K m i , Bv authwizintf his spokesman a t Gendva to give , yANCOOVEB b a n d SOYS TO . ' VISIT ENGLAND ABMi8T I C B % i ^ W COMING EVENTS obvious. By authorizing his spokesman a t Geneva to give fhe impression th a t Italy desires'peace, ,which he in ̂Rome kter strenuously denies, or b j him self,offering peace proposals carefully calculated to be impossible o f, acceptance, he seeks to nut oil* as long as'possible the application of full sanctions, ̂Meanwhile, his arm les are endeaVpring tq.conquer the fl&t and barren part of E thiopia oh the east, where the chances of S u s h me least, th is territo ry , if and when acquired, to be Ted probably as a bargain ingb ludgeon for peace, p ie Fthionians so far have made no. real a ttem p t to put up a defence and would, therefore, most certainly listen to no peace n S a l ^ even shW d i t 'f e l l in to a ta lian hands.; They wait fo? the time when Mussolinrs forces try to jienetra te the m lniains, which they, are very likely , never to l^ v e aliv^ ■judging by the very poor showing^they have made to date "in the campaign.' . ; . ' ' \ ■ . ' f. ■ y ■ . The value of aeroplane bombing as a decisive factor in war has always been doubtful,. In Ethiopia there is veryJittle to bomb, this even applying to the, capital, and the Italian Air Force might almost :as-welUhave:..stay^.at.hom!e. One„ thimr however, they are almostJeertam to achieve is the whole sale torture and mutilation of Ita lian prisoners, savagery be-. getting savagery, . . . . . . . . . , , , We shall not know the w hole,story .of w hat Mussolini " has been doing in EuropevuntiK full,;Sanctiqn^ Then we shall probably be; astonished, if not alarnaed. F o r it is unthinkable th a t a m an of his brains has started out on such a adventure w ithout yery heavy outside -backing. - Some six weeks ago or more we suggested, .and were qriticized for so doing, that Germany- an d 'A u stria would support Italy. Events have since in d ic ted there was more t o t h than fiction' in our surmise. We also added Russia, and still stapd by th a t opinion. . . / / ; The Rnti.«5h EmnirA haA iu s t celebrated Armistice, th e ' The six th aM ual; A m tttto e Wednesday, November 27th ,-- dinner given by the.W e8ts y ]r t i • Afternoon and even ife bridge couver Branch of the Leglott- W, by Duncan .Ck"Ptor, A. under the conyoherahlp:'™ . . . . . rs. On Sundaxt th<i Kitsilano Boys couver Branch of the LeSfloj Wi f Band is giving,, a concert in the A. under the ^ Orpheum Theatre to help raise Mrs. C. E. Sharnjan, to the J. B. Leymi^d. - ' funds towards their trip to Eng- bers of the local b rp c h y o f th e Friday, 29th November --• West land and Eurdt>e this summer. Legion and the ir wives as. Well Vancouver Girls l^ inbow Club 'This bandfs the champion of a l l . o ther guests, was the, most s ^ - Whist Drive and Dance .in the junior bands tlie world over and cessful in the , history of th e Orange Hall, has probably done more to en- event,- The Legion Hall ana the Monday, Decemlber 2nd ■-- West courage music among children tables had been beautifully Vancouver Choral Society Con- than any ottier orgariTzation. orated for the occasion ahd. pfe* cert in the Orange Hall. I t . is very pleasing to realize sented en^ a ir of anim ation;'aha Thursday, December 5 th -7 -Didc 11 % th a t our-owh school band, under good fellowship throughout the the same able conductor has evening., reached the planC where several The Rev. F. A. Ramsey, chap- players have been chosen to lain of the Legion, said grace, make tthis wonderful trip. Five and H. B. Stevens acted a s fo a s t- of our'local-boys are a t present m aster and la te r . as ■ m aster oi playing w ith the Kitsilano Boys ceremonies. The following toasts .. .Band.. ................ were .,given: ..the A trip of th is nature is a tre-'~" Lowes; silent toast, the 'K g v .^ . „mendous..expenae.and itlw ill-be... .A..RSmsey.;.yisitqra, Mrs.v W.______ ______ n __ _ rt-ff fViA 'TjAiyinn en's Club Sketches in Stephen's Parish Hall. St. WEST VANCOUVER HIGH SCHOOL Class Leaders, October, 1935 DIVISION I. . - Grade4^12;~^^^i^Johh™Bfe 2, Oliver B urpfidgei A ^ Lu e*»c '"i------------- Clcgg and Eileen Smallwood, support possible. Let us send a Ps^^tington, vice-presWent . re a l; delegation: to ̂the ^concert Lf?jon DIVISION I;I, ; • necessary for , West Vancouver Green, president of the Legioh citizens to give these boys all the W .A.! the Canadian legion, Stan pattersotti": Billy Barker, W alter P arker Jand Russell Es- cott or ̂ from Mr* Condon. the tprch flung'&vB'^^SByihg4h^^h||§li^ilW:^jcb&nidCd^^ f. Berlin, the war. we fought.would hayo in|ieed'OTd^^.aU';war^ '. .The W est,Vanwuver Ratepay- any sane man could expect,; u . . . v ■, . Since then, by qqnsistently d i s a ^ n g when evei^ o ther great power was as' consistently arm ing --̂ and th a t ̂ includes Russia and Germany in ; spite of i;a.irtheir^"̂ ^^ 'i, , with which they have also consistently fooled us -- t h e ^ t h - ority of the British Empire' to take such a prom ii^nt paiX' maintaining the peace w as; recently; held in question' on ac-^- count of the numerical insignificance of h e r armed forces except on the seas. ' - t • u Unlike the re st of Europe we of the B ritish Em pire by our wholesale disarm am ent have alone shown ourselves honest in our efforts for |)€ace. B ut it has brought u^ to a most peril ous pass, now th a t ; thejw ar Jplohds A re once more ;f .^ th w n g .. We have muddled through:in; A t t5iis critical-^ when we most deserve iti it "can oifiy be hoped th a t we snail be fortunate enough' to muddle through -again. . - Sunday ® And C pkinS'W . ,'s. S u d l. g^ade 12 am ont th a t'W es t Vancouver apr prM ident of U sd W J h p • M cCartney; 2, ; preoiates his \.ititerest in our Legion W. A,, Harold w ai^or, „ Marv Rums own boys by io& ^ng .them such ' G ra il® !! , .C om w ercla 'C - 1, n wonderful, oppOTtunity; . r v f f o u V ^ " Harold Johnson; 2. B etty Had,^" Tickets m a y ,be had from th e G; W ai^, M.C., West yancouyer, . , t) oH« Lashbrook. eoual. followii^ boys: p o b ^ "follow^ Hrade !0, Commercial -- !, Reveille were sounded by B u g % ^ - . Bob McCartney., A short J t d ^ ^ RATEPAYER$*A^SSOCIATIdN w as-dvqn 'by C* G r a n t n i V T ^ T O N m ' M.P.Alect for th is iidfeg,;,who, ^ i ' xne vv«»i, vjMiuuuvw xwvcu«v-. a member oL the local Legiqn , , G r ^ e ^ ,l l 7-- 1, Versohoyk ers* A ssoe ia jd o h ^^Jd fh e i^eg u ^ ^ A a r m o n th ly V e tin r la s t-T h u rs - : , re m ^ ^ ^ ^ m v ^ r O N IV day, wheii several m atters of int- by Mrs. W, B.., Small, ^ g e n t o f . if) i Rrenda Wick ; erest to the association were dis- the Duncan Lawson .Chapter, J. cusked,particularly the question- O.D.E., ahd t> y ^ « jq r3 . H. Sheila Edwards, 3, Dick of the possibility of refunding, rison, a form er president of th^^ JrJibbs. ^ the municipal bonded indebted- Legion branch., ̂ DIVISION V. ness a t a lower ra te of in terest. A pleasing feature of the ; '/ 'T O - V di ifi I I RUGBY -- . i 1." -r0/f i-v3' The West - Vancouver "Bar-- WESTERN SECTIPN lUT^EPAYERS/ ■ T I P S S SIT a l U W C l UX * * ___________ _ ____________ - - i T " » The President, K. A ̂ Ray» ex- evening was the,presentation of;; 2, Gordon Gibson; 3, Dorothy nlained to the m a tin g th a t th e a beautiful bouquet of flowers to Anderson, provincial government had al- Mrs. W. H. Green, president o f D I V I S I O N VI. readypassedan act to enable all the Legion W.A., by the T. V .. Grhde 9, Commercial -- 1, municipalities in th e province to Section.of the,Legion, who were. Elsie Robbins; 2, Lucille Currie; negotiate w ith th e i r . creditors, represented a t the dinner by 3, Jacqueline Patterson and Vera I f any municipaUt'^could get the" " Archie D. "McDonald, provincial Platt,-equal;-------- : ~ consent of 50 perToent of th e ir T.V.S. representative for B. C.,: , --------------------- creditors the Government will and by Victor Blanchflower, the^. C. C. P. NEWS m ake it valid th a t the^ other. T.V.S. provincial secretary. .̂*1 . --------- creditors m ust fell in line. Mr; I t was announced th a t the;'" A final decision was made by- Ray contended tha t, there is a Legion, W. A. had collected th is ; th e C.C.F. Club , to give up the 'ffood oDDortunity now for our year from the sale of poppies .-Headquarters a t 1730 Marine 6 COQQ TITQCJ mci/la IITI frt <R.'?nO -TWijtrx. m i ' I tj-T ifj. ■ ' t s barians*' added another win to -A meeting will be held a t 8 . their list of victories when .they ̂p*m. next Monday in the churen defeated the Varsity Freshmen hall- a t [ Caulfeild to organize a at Brockton Point Saturday, W estern Section of the W est November 9th, b^ a score of 6-0, Vancouver Ratepayers Assoe^ Played on a heavy field the game ation. A special subject wnicn was a battle from s t£ ^ to fin ish ," , ^11 be up fo r discussion w ll be with the Barbarians ^finding, i t the m atter of-obteinm g better necessary to call 'tim e.out' four, ^ tra n sp ^ a tio n facilm^ council, to make aimove*^ toward $293, which was made up to $300 . ,7Driven and, if no other suitable - th is direction, whereby a good by a collection from the guests ; prem ises were available, it was ___WvnoAnf s ic rroo fi f h a f n n npriYmnpnf. h p ad -savjing in the in terest ra te could be effected, to carry on the nec essary services of thie. municipal- i t y , w ithout imposing, a n ^ , fu r th e r taxation. I t was decided to invite Councillor Dickinson, chairman of finahoe; to attend times for i n j u r i e s . A l l :.in^r§sted there was no th ing 'ierious: and after' a little: 'l^ teh!ngiupr:;t^^ injured men wereai)le'tbresume> : " 'M other: I hope you, d id n t ^ lay^o th-feam £-p iayed^festy^--take-a--secand--piece-_of--cake a t hard tackling; game oand! .there, the party, Ronald ?t \ was little to 3 ch'6oite^:betwteh. il vRoriald;. -No, miimmy. I took them. The firsthilflFeunihgs'gdifc . *t1yd pieces the first time, away to a beautiful 'th irty yard.' t ' present. c agreed th a t no perm anent head- Following the dinner an excelr,. quarte rs Would belnaihtained in, lent program was run off of ; th e immediate future, music, and sketches as follows^ . , ^ business meeting of the Club ,all of the a rtis ts being compelwdi. • will be held on Tuesday, Novem- ̂to ^ v e encores: violin solo, Miss ber 19th, at' 8 p.m. in the Legion ................ -- - M argarets McIntyre (her owif) , H a lI ,w h en b u s in e sso fg re a tim - the ratepayers meeting and ex- composition); song, Aubr^Y" portance to the movement will press his views before the Coun- Clarke; song, Miss Molly Haines be discussed, cil was approached.' , • - of Vancouver; sketch, Angus^j The next regular w hist drive The question of transportation Young (w ritten by h im s c lfh j« r i l l be, held in the Legion Hall was freely discussed .and the song,- Miss Harrison; s k e t c h , T u e s d a y , November 26th, a t meeting decided 1 th a t a delega- Angus Young.and Miss Hattie ■ 8 p;m.- when: a l l . members and tion be sent to m eet th e council Young; community .singing led;- friends are invited to be present, and ask th a t the fa re on the by Aubrey Clarke. The accomp^ , i t jg hoped to have a whist ■ m run for a sure, score; when-thfe: ~ , referee, thmldpS,i;Jlie;;llhestaail . had raised his #Sig;^'Bl6wfihis V F e ^ n ^ '.raa ,a , little,;High after, whistle by mistake. The . f e r - th is incident and the T O ^ municipal buses be equalized be-" anjsts o f 'th e evening were Misjs ' drive every -two weekel, and, as tween 14th S treet iahd th e W est .M argaret McIntyre,, Mrs. T. E. th e te is up admission chargie, th e •waiouc uy imsiaKe. rne isarr *'»«» barians refused fh e freek ick of- getting p re tty rough l>y th e tim e fered them. -Midway-; th rough .the the second half, the W est V an-. .Coppin, l^bson , ^ n n e t t , Larnie, eouver team was ^ v e n .a penalty ;I^ightly, F r a ^ r , ^ t t n e r . P atter- kick against - V arsity 'and,;l A t- - tsdn. Miles, Vaughan, Inkn, A t wood had no 'trouble "iiiririhking' ,;W6od, W att, MacAulay-and Fen-^ it count. fVn' Bay terminal. 7. . Srielgrove, Mrs. Tom Turner, and,, Mr.:McDonald,, chairman of Mr. Spencer. the school b o a ^ /c ite d . the his-. The evening concluded ,w ith/a tory of educa^n%-in- the^O ld dance, the music for which wah Land, also the beginning of the supplied by Roy Lowes and Tom, school system :pf- BritishrG ol- ;^ u rn e r Jum or.' umbia.^ He also, dealt w ith Hhe / ------------ 1-------- King report in: c o n n e c t i o n / w i t h . CHORAL SOCIETY the school survey/recently ihsti- _ is ii<> admission c h a rg (e ^ h || Social Committee hope a goodly num ber will .take part in the. sopial activities for the w inter seasoii. , : On, Thursday, November 2Ist, a t 8 p.m. in th e Legion Hall, th e . first, of a series of lectures by ' • ' George W eaver will be given and ' Vila ■ciiiVi'igmf xxrfii Kd ^*The Religion * ' r:% si' % %I I W right, K. A. Ifey, M rWxi^iiXff > >wix ̂ c t i i i i ' Xvx ' vUJiccrL xuciy ̂exxx piaFXp OI 11x0 juOW0r JRlflinifljlCl# Mr. Hall, waited; pp :the :06uhcil/ mailed,;, ^ r iy . ; The associate:/;The cliib have been fo rtunate in and discussed the equaltfetipp o f, M embership .fee fo r the seascui;^ V k t e u f r ;; outstanding, man rates, and: ̂ th e ; '.Council; has b ^ m re d u c ^ to $3.00 for the;:AJike;M*'»f W eaver and everyone promised the delegation-,^that' seapon and should be sent to th e ihteresteci^is invited to attend, irhey rwouldrTgivie^/tWIi^fte^te^ . "trea^mrer,;-M Harrop, . W est./^N o/clm rge wi^ ife miade a t the i i-'svi 71 the ir earnest consMeration and Bay, o r to th e president, H / ^ / ? door b u t a coUtetion will be decision as soon/aS'pbssible.^^ , . Hobson, 2236 Bellevue Avenue*//; taken ./ ' "l*'-.'1';' /- 'kV'*" ..'i- Vi 'W, 'r