| i | s |m . *V»)| ^ ; !?• ■j ■ - r;* ;U,| i, :i *# # <»s »1 i T '*< "V. f PHce$ G o o d F r id a y i i ^ k ^ u r d » y , N o r « 8 t l i a n d 9 t l i FOR imaAXFABT g if HKODEo WHEAT MIN UTB OATH, OOII.VIE0 ~ Cook* In 3 mfnuUwj ifuuly gmall «|m ; 14 oi. tube Hed & White BAKING FOWOEK 14# Vmf4 B0̂ i. COCOANU'f, medium eh^edded, lb 18e ited & White FIX>UK Fineet Quel, ity Herd Wheat Fiour« 7 lb. aaek 29« 24 ib. Mitefc, 90e; 49 lb. eaek II.7A GREEN BEANS -- B. C Faek.' T ender...................................... Un He MINCED B U rrE K CLAMS 10 oz. tin ........................ Ilk ICING SUGAK.......................2 Iba. ISc Bed & White MATCHES Family aixe, 300a .......................... 9e SAL'r, Bed & )^hUe Brand . 2 lb. Shaker Tubea...........plain He Iodized ............................ 9c Bed & White CARBO'TS & FBAS " Diced Carrota and Tender Green No. 2 tjlil ake tin 12c Bed & White Brand SOUFS....iin 10c Cream of Oyater and Cream of Muahroom. M c aitf Phone Weat 370 ##«*«aa*a»*0ftaaa „ _ . . j :a8ic«J-: 'B u i& li 'W ii f e Chapter* I.0.1>. E., to publinli the foilowiriE let- , S h a u sh » e 8 » y Hos^taj, ; V ancouver, B. C.* Sept. 5, 1935, XtawAOB Chapter, West Vancouver, B. C. 19c Dear Mrs. Sm all: 25c I would nice to take this op- resa the sincere G overnm en t COLD MEATS'OF ALL KINDS •:• DBUCATBSSEN 1 Store at Hollyburn, neKt Theatre ................. - ' FICMC HAMS, per lb. COITAGB BOLLS, per lb. ........ KIFFBBS, l l K 'M c , ■ r .- ' T-T'-'.-------------------- i it*..IIABDIE FILLETS (Scotch Cure, thanks Of myself and all the . *A'. ...--- - - t* - •• 20c other patients,here who enjo^ ^rAN'DAI!I^F?I^*^^ splendid boat trip last w ^k , BMOKKU BLACK SO Wndfy arratiKcd for u / b y per Ih. .................................20c yourself and Mrs. Lang and the FORK SAUSAGE, per Ih. *........ 20c other ladies of the Duncan Law- BL'BNS' DEVON USAGE, lb. 20c son Chanter LF/iS OF LAMB. Top Grade; lb..... 23< j iji,p to convev BIIOULDEB8 OF LAMB (whole) _ ^ BIB BOASTS OF LAMB (Breast arid Courtcil, Ferry officials, Ki- wi?uN?i"ult!nifV;i'vv .....wanifl Club and Kearney's Ambu-BUitNB BBCURITy BACON, i^„ce Who helped to make the . and all I BUILDINGi.. y i i s i V A N C 0 U v a i;|u s ^ |^ |;p . iiD . -------FOB REAL SATISFACTION Phon^ West 115 ; ; 'i 'b 'l« y ja ir lB e Drive Vi Ih. ukg., each.......................... I6c MFM.BOSE FALLS SPREADING CHEESE */i lb. pkt, each....... 15c BEEF ~ FORK -- LAMB -- VEAL /A ll Very Finest Quality. ASK FOR COUPONS ON OUR FREE DINNBRWARE LUMi» SUGAR.......................2 Iba. 17c ....... ..... ^ lu . 2*C , a r a K 'th irk in d T th i t afternoon suoh a success by their unfailing kindness and consider ation for everybody aboard,. We appreciate how very much preparation arid forethought and organization i t takes to arrange FOOTBALL CHORAL SOCIETY Last Saturday at Ambleslde - A.s the Legion Hall.wiil not-be J*ark IXL defeated Twhrir Is- available, for practice on Mori- land-Dttirv G-P-WiMy November 11 t'h,.the.regular ..n« u u u y -b^. 'vith-the-score- ice of the Choral Sorip+v the whole y^ar, you would urn 2-1 against therm at the s ta rt of , will be held on the foUowfng utterly impossible eyei^thing will go without a hitch, and last week the sail, the transportation, and the refresh- nients were perfect. If you only knew how we all look forward to this boat trip as the inost outstanding event of ■ * under- We C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rate for Claasifled Adrertisementa, la .2 centa. per word, mininiutn 25 centa. Except in the case of UuNie having rogitlar aeWurits, all classi. fieds are payable strictly in advance Remember ClaasiOeda in the West Yan Newa get. immediate results. WANTED Sewing Machine, - . . Houlgate, 15th and Mathers. Second - hand Treadle DRY CEDAE.-I. $1.60 per load; kind!- hine; will pay cash. ̂ ing, 25 .Bundles; $2.00, North 760. _________ Four foot dry alder wood. Martinson,. 13th and OttaWa,. FOR SALE the second half IXL went to evening. Mr. Gillman, the Soci- express our thanks and work and scored five goals. new conductor, will not be gratitude m words. ' A . ...'. 1 :rf*e D lllii Kn -- A------- . Yours very sincerely,Next Saturday at Sapperton. present owing to a re- IXL.pIay Fraser Cafe, who ar^. th i r h k f loading th^oaguo a t the present . ^ time. Game 18 at 2:80 p.m. The ductor/ J. Haydn Young, has is?.!?? , . *̂'®n«Pprted to the ' very kindly consented to con- HOME WANTED -- For, pretty stray light gray Persian kitten. Phone West 659-L. fWANl^iS' ̂ D n e cHT two acres water- frontage 1 bfetween , Caiilfeild and . Bemtbee's with or withput house. Serid fu ll" partlcuTafs '"and terms. Box. 38. W est Van News. SADDLE HORSE FOR HIRE ~ For .rates arid .reservations see Maurice Signed: H. PERCY HART. .... .............. ....... I........ . i»̂ ...... 'A u>VC0' 4»s$u .4. wvM, y4iiviuiia j FOR REAL ESTATE RAI^AINPC: ' - Anderson, 29th;arid Queens. Keep your eye on Geo. Hay's wfri-- . r'Ao*iii' dow. LOST -L- Black Vulcanite Waterman P.-T. A,. NOTES Pnrb Kw -v v*i« .W..UV ,,w,.ociiLeu to pun- , The reg u la r, meeting of the Art practice on that .even- West .Vancouver P.T.-A. was several ing. The executive particularly held in the Ingljewood School on nortlS! IS hoped some sup- de.sires that every member make Tuesday, October 29th, at 8 p.m. porters, irom Wesf Vnnpnntf.o,* n nf --A AU-A A4?A.,« Au' ......a.../ . p k STORE FOR RENT -- Apply 1522 Marine Drive, Hollyburn, West 359Y pencil; .with :ggld :band. Will findir ■kindly p h t^ y w e s t S63. OXY - ACETYLENE WELDING ~ Phone Art Burns, West 268 or West . . 444. FOR SALE - r 1929 Oakland Sport \ ' Sedanj 6. wire wheels. F irst class ' condition, $80Q cash., West 409-R-l. Vancoujer ,a point of being present on tha t A fter the usual'routine of busi- FOR SALE CHEAP -- Chesterfield, will maxe trie .lournev. -A hoth. OCCJision ' n^iaa +ViA „ j j chairs, b reakfast' table suite and other- furniture;^--House to - rent.- yvil] make the journey. A riom- occasion. FOR SALE Wardrobe trunk never used;, dressing table, almost new. ; Phone . West .458-L: '.,,- 3 . bridge fare) wIllbe m a d r T K to go please meet out side McGowan's Tea Rooms a t l , V^m. sharp. Maid: I can't break this coaT, .ma'am; what shall 1 do?. ' Tfy to-imagine it's a pit of the best service- ness the .m ating was addressed by-yWr^N: McDonald, cTiairma'n of the ScHboI Board, on the chairs, other- _ 1237 Keith Road, near-13th. changes in t h ' ( ? C . Educational "SALE" STARTS, November 8th~ System and its financing as fore- Handy Ann ■ Shoppe, ̂ 2444, MaHx ̂ cast arid oiiHiTiPrl in rpnnrt ' ^nve -- Christmas Cards, NoveU of H ! s % t spI cK Stationery, Haydw^tf. poihtee o f/th e rpepartmient of PQR BHNT -^,,4 iRoom Crt_tage,_^^ -ishra. Apply 1534% Argyle Avenue. . Also. two. small Doll Houses, Toy Sail Boats, Stamped Cabinet, arid several > other 'articles. ■" w v • . • I . . - . I , Pwntee ot;the Department of -- r-"----------------------- ------------- V ' 1 1 7 1 / ^ / ^ I 1 / I Education. Mr.,,vMcDonaId im- W ANTED.-- :$500 cash for ritoves, 1 I WW l l v i v l # 1 pressed his heprers with his Highest » » l \ J V I L l - l ■ ! knowlariiro o f ortiioatinn oaH i t . P»cea paid. North 431. ■ , ■■ SEAVIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 1845-;Believue AVeriue, ~ Graduate Nurses, Phone-West, 353L. ^nalstcn tly U>̂ y Prices; Dependable Quality; Courteous Service and Convenience -- make SHOPPING THE- PIGGLY BOTH PLEASANT AND PROFITABLE. ^ WIGGLY WAY pressed his hearers with his knowledge .of edrication and its history And tfen d ; and in mov ing a vote of thanks, Reeve Ley-, land recognized ^his in referring to the amicable, relations th a t have always ejdsted between th e School Board arid. the CJounoil. FURNACE OIL JBURNER 'Pi9^) fo r■ saleJri,'perfect condition, (Sunset INSTALL ATIONS--Electric ' Repaiira, convenience outlets installed. J , H. Paterson, West 108. "IZS-OO; also (^leirian Gas Fire, $15.' West 37.- . r. ' ■ LOWER 4-Roomed Furnished Suite. 1358 Clyde Avenue. BLACKSMITHING ; -- Repairs to •washing ana-isewing machines or anything. W est;46; Prices Elective FRIDAY and MtURDAY will IM, cl»9cd /Armi»!icr Day L 'M onday. November Uth . Childrenfs 'Clothes; home or by. day. Mrs. Robbins, 2791 Marine BLUEBEBBIES -- Eagle Brand,-2s L E. Condon secririded the vote- CHi Up HOME, Dundarave-l4.Ro6ms, November I vvhich w a s .su ita b ly .app lauded . f«h plumbing; good lot, garage, West 619-R; ,8 th and 9th - 1- ' The meeting then adjourned vl250 terms;- $1160.-cash.--Sale --A;--;;-- -- ---------------- * to the lunch room where Mrs. WEST VANCOUVER M A € H i N E Meglaughlin pr^ided' with her '* " • -- - ..... • I",.............. . RIPE PEAS r-- Liinchcfin Hour, 2 s ....... PUMPKIN Boy^ IS. CUT GiiBBN BEANS - Bronlwood, & •:....... ......tin - ....?.,3 tins ..........2-tins ........ 3 tins CA51PBEU/S SOUI'S -- Except Chicken or Mushroom...........tin SALMON ~ Pride «f B. C. Pink, </,s...... .I . . .; . . .: . , . ........................ SALMON -- Old Mill Red Sockeye, 1st itell.... .......................... ......tin McCORMlCK'-S TOASTED SODAS ...... .tL '.;.'...... / .. .pfcg. 10c 25c 15c 25c 9c ' 5c' 29c 10c social committee/for the rest of GIVE WEBB'S a tr ia l for your next .. ehoo repairs.^24e3'M arine Drive. SHOP -- Renairs-^„ Spray Pumps, Household articles; 1449 Marine. the evening. The next meeting of the P.T.- A. will be held ori Tuesday, Nov ember 26th, a t -8 p.m. in the Inglewood School when it is hoped th a t Dr. F; Dorchester will address the members on health m atters stressing prevention in stead of cure. V h a y . Notary ..Public,-- Real Estate and Insurance. Phone W&t 21 ..or Seymour 1260... / : __. . HOLLYBtTRN GIFT SHOP, B. C., Library; 25c a month: . y®*̂*** '.Ladyship Wools. 16/8 Marine Drive. W est 601. m a r c e l SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanent.' T ry . our ̂ 'fatigue facial for t ire d ' housewife..,or business woman. W est 304/ 17th and Marine over Royal Bank.. . ^ADIO R E P .^ !^ ;;T ab M ; Ariels, etc. L^L.- Pettigrew; The Radio Man, 1890 M arine;':^est. 145. ' MONK GLASS CUSTARD POWDER ...... '....l lb. pkg 21c C A T SU P- r - ° C O F P E E -P resh Roasted Aylmer..,.,.... ........12 ox. btl. I2c Swridale ..................ib. 3Sc -Royal Oty.„.-..r,.,. 2's tin 9c Sunrise %.......... ................. .lb. 29c Ground aa sold, OGILVIE S WH E A T -IttU im ^ UNEMPLOYMENT AS^N The West VaneXmver Uriem- WILLIAM H. VASS/ Chiropractor-- Hours 9:30 to 5:30. Lady attendant. Room 10, 515 Granville Street, Sey mour 5856. »^ SHOE REPAIRS Get the best mat- e r ia r and workriaanship a t Fox's, 14th a t Perry. ̂ ^ p lb y m en t A sso c ia tio n t a r e h o l i d a in t y c a k e s h o p p e -- Hmn,* m g th e i r e lection o f o f f i c e r s '^ gmde b r ^ , " S ' I r S to n ig h t ̂ in th e L eg ion West 514. : ; . . Hall, Grant MacNeil, M.P.-elect, One, famished and oneWANTED _____ ___________ unfumishedX -d-robiori ~ ebttage near ferry, ̂ Phone" West 340 or West 143 OGILVIE'S WH^AT FLAKES CALAY TOJLEl_SOAP, . . ..... ROYAL ^ROWN SOAP V:.......... EMPRESS CUABAPPLE JELLY ..3 ib. 3% lb.. s.'JbSr.Tl 3 bars 32 oz. jar CANDIED eiNGER............................. SEEDLESS R.41SINS -- Australian 2 crown ___ lb. aw DATES--Afoist.Unpilted lb. 6%ersf Moist Pitted...„.J|>' 10c ISc 18c 5c tOc 25c 15c 10c will be in the chair; This will ' -PRINTING -- F o r »li iffnds of followed by a dance a t 9 p.m! ^ - ■^Jav^u-wnoa-oi- wlth refreshm ents., Admission free. Everybody-welcome. minting phone ?€ws. West SB3. West Van CHIMNEY s w e e p i n g -- The Old Country way2̂ ̂Satisfaction guaran teed. E;, Palmer, Garden'"Avenue, .^apilanbrPhbrie Nc^hT811R2. BAND NOTES RICE -- Fancy Head., .2 Ills. We reserve the right to limit quanti^i^-of specials o r to refuse ' V to supply retailers a t spe^i^l prices. , SPECIAL WEEK-END PRICES ON MANIT. A D o n i ITEMS See Our Windows and Special W eek-c^ Ads ik Daily Papers. . "̂ 5.; ■■ r. 1. . > The concert 'giv^ by the School Band last jviday evening proved vei'ĵ popular , arid the auditorium was 'well -filled. Al- ready several requests for .the band have been. received. On .Monday the bandi will take part i? ' "«„^*'?»stice Service while ' Ml ®̂̂ ôwing M6riday>.the boys will play in the j^aman's InstL tute in Y^couvei^. A, little later they will give concert at V E R N O N F E ^ D S T O R E 'A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9> F e r t i l iz e r s o f A l l f i tn d ii ' ■ ̂ ' W oo i C oatV ^ 'v r^r B uild ers* ̂S u p p lie s GORDON ROBSON. Barristef, Solic itor, /1447' Marine, imomings; 510 Hastinga>St:,*.Seynidiir 4199. after- ■ noona.'-̂ ftf;̂ y -v ■ FU R N ISH ]^ AND UNFURNISHED ' Hou^ir.t<^^lteriit"x.House8,'J and acreag^-S^for Tsale." John Lawson, 17th';nridtMaririe.~Phone, West 56. ^m D O W ^SH A D Es; a n d AWNINGS ■ niade,.jto'measurements or repaired. E stim ates 'free . Picture fraining. : Peaitc i-1890: M arne; West 529 or Sha-ughnmv'MiB&vrwSii.^^" J"® wroie .the cotoU give ,A concert ririd _e.,was informed LLOYlkS'lfiSo^^ . 2474;rMaririe:;~,l;Cdmplete line all* ■wools. FreeLi^itiing'School. Violet arid, j ^ t h l e ^ l (riement,, pyoprietors. • and that be . - - --------------- ^H E WEOLFa DB A SSO aATION re in t h e 1500 B lock $uii»s d S ^ e d - .clottiing. Phone * " ' West B7 had feq tk will coUeet _ I ' k # ' Orpl^age in , K L n l ^ " W i H £ A D Q U A ^ ^ S ^ lf< k AH Popular Brands <rif-(]fiisarettes and Tobaccos; also F ish irig li^dg its fo r local wat- .. ars.^Amhleside^Tea J^riis. ^ (,'tr - ̂if ! Hi'S ^ W