Uth, the ferry at 11 a.m.. at an Amhleside Dock will blow one longr blast of her whistle at that time» and two blasts at 2 minutes past 11» this being the period of the two minutes* silence. ■..... w > J' » Mr, and Mrs. Costello, 16th [d C lyde................................ ' WEST VANCOUVER UNEMPLOYMENT ASSOCIATION election of officers an ̂DANCE in the LEGION HALL T H U R S D A Y , N O V . 7 t h , a t 7 . 3 0 p . m . Everybody Welcome Admission Free * Refreshments Mr. and Mrs. ,J. Y. Griffin, who have been spending the summer and fall at Caulfeild, have returned to their .home in the city for the winter.e/ e _ ♦ The ferries; ̂will give a half hourly service next Thursday, (Remembrance Day), The ilrst boat from here will leave at 6 a.m. and. the last at 11:30 p.m. The first boat will start from the city dock at 6:30 a.m., the last pulling , out at... 12 midnight* Buses meet all boats. ♦ : >** A large number came over by „ ..u in t o t h e i r h o u s e a t 1 7 th a n d Argyle Avenue. ' ........$ ' ..* Mr. and Mral^Baihflden^ha^ moved from, 24th Drive into a house at 24th and ̂ Bellevue Avenue. ... , Major Penny 1 of North couver, is moving tomorrow into his new home on Travers Ave- oue. . . Mrs. Jordan of 'Capilano. hAs' moved into her house at 23rd* and Marine Drive. ■ ' * >h' 1*1 ' , Harold Busst of South Van-; couver, is visiting his mother,. Mrs. E. B. ]tfu8str24th and Mar-, ine Drive. ' ♦ ".'I Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Addy enter- P r e p a r e f o r w i n t e r . Phone West 84 d O A L a h d > W O O D ' ̂PROMPT SERVICEb e s t q u a l it y . TEARO E & SQN> 1483 Mad'ine Drive the ferries to spend the week tained the United Church choir end on Hollyburn Ridge. The at their home on 20th Street last skating'on the laltes was very Friday evening. The evening good and hundreds availed them̂ - commenced with a short prac- selves .of it. ! There was only, tice after which games and con- * * " i . 1 ■ • A 1 J l ■ J ..- . i> U.' WANTED-IOD Boys & Girls To enter the Rexall Popularity Contest. 'I t will be lots of fun and there will be a prize f o t each dhild securing. 500 votes or moTp ' . • * SEE PRIZES IN OUR WINDOW AND ASK US FOR PARTICULARS Nominations open now -- Voting s ta rts November 8th. . McNEIL'S RfOCALL DRUG STORE 1402-Marine Drive, JYestiyancouyer.^ . Phone West 528 however, about an inch of snow on the ground, making skiing impossible.. Kenneth - Hodge, nephew,, of Mrs. Kemble of the Ambleside .Block,.lefton.SM urdayJoM urn to California after spending the last two' months here. . s ..*1 » ♦■' 0.' '.r- .. ,i .■ ■ ■ . '.'..i-. ■'!' ,1 ■ • •• y -i " b. A. Brown has moved from 12th and Duchess Avenue, into a house at 2848 Mathers Avenue. Miss Madge Fraser, 23rd and Bellevue Aveniie, has returned from a vacation at her home in Falkland, near Kamloops. ♦ ♦ i' ♦ tests were indulged in .' Dainty refreshments were served at the close with Mrs. Colin MacLean pouring tea.* A largely attended,meeting bf -the W. A.-to-the-United Chufolj- was held in the Church Hall, Tuesday afternoon; forty-five members and visitors, being present to mark the anniversary of the Church. At the conclusion' of the meeting, tea was served.' The hostesses were, Mrs. Rnn- kine, Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Sieele. . .. - , - G. S. Robertson left for Nanai mo on Monday , where he will re- K.W. Savory 14̂ 3 Marine Drive Ambleside ■ :1 Phone Wwt 340 . Evenings, West 143 Listings Wanted __ i Real E s ta te Finance a n d I. 0. D. E. Mr.' Redpath of Vancouver, is sume, his duties with the Can̂ a^guest at the Clachan, where adian Public Service in thO -he-'expects-to spend-the-winter.--fut'ure,__the_office_haying been ̂ ' moved over there. His family♦ ̂ ♦ _______ ___ _______ _ _____ ...... . . ̂ , J, T. Watt, 17th and Marine . will join-him there during the Attention of the members is Drive, has returned from a busi- Christmas holidays. ^ drawn to the fact that an extra-. ness trip to Califbi?nia.'- ■ ̂ ^ m ating will be held on Wednes- ' n/i- / . Hallan and little dav November 13th, at the home Mr. and Mrs. Fred Macey (nee daughter, who is a granddaugh-, rtf Mrs W B Small. 2047 Fulton Lena* Rivers), pf Yarico.uvef, ter of Mrs. J. G. Tearey have left^ * *. T* __ ft cinTT /irM Trft»«wi 4lTftvi A 14'a on/1 viyv̂Avpnne a t 2:15, to dispose o f ' announce the birth, of a son on for Vermilion, Alta.,^ and . not 1 1__Wn/lnoaHflv. TMrtvrtmhpr fith:--at- Mr.cj Trtnrp as .statprl in otir lastunfinished business. HOLLYBURN HALL Wednesday, November 6th, at Vancouver General Hospital, Last Tuesday a wedding show- . There will be a Young People's er,%as held for Miss Gladys E. Service -iHustiuted with lantern Latham at the home of her aunt, • « at Mrs. George Bennett. The guestsv ie ^ tomorrow (Fritoy) at included • Mrs, Latham, 7:30 p,m, m Hollyburn Hall, the mother of the bride-to-be, -sul|ect :being., "The . Life-^ of Mrs. Lloyd, Mrs.-, Porest, Mrs. Moses." Sunday School and Battersby, Mrs., Oleson, Mrs. - - - - , - . -Young Men's Bible Class next Koning, Mrs. Minkley, Mrs. Mil- 5, D.L.. 657.̂ The matter was Sundiv tte lOth instant, at lO. lard. The shower, consisted, of turned over to the engineer for a " 'u s u a L On - bed; linen, lingenX and ̂ other attention,. IngAt the 7:30 o'clock service, useful presents. After, the en^ R '^ : Duns-will give a Gospel - ertamment, Mrs. Bennett served address. Prayer and Bible study refreshments. A , Mrs. Teare, as stated in our last issue. . -----4c ,|c 4I 7Lieut. Commander and " Mrs.̂ Dovaston of Vancouver, have rnoved into Dr. Thompson's house at 21st and Argyle Ave nue. ■ " ' ^ Euphemia Mounce wrote the> council re access to Lot 11, Block LEGION WHIST & DANCE at 8 p-m. next Tuesday. WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSOCIATION PuBlic Meeting in the Council Chamber; Municipal, Hall, MONDAY,T^OVEMBER 18th, at 8 p.m. sha:rp The Canadian Legion; West Vancouver Branch, are givingEngagement . . . . . , _ „ _ Mrs. E. Latham, 259A, Bdle-- "fmother w hist drive and dance- vue Avenue, announces the en- t<>iworrow evening n A I ' F o r l o n g l a s t i n g c o a l b u r n V / A L ® " . PEMBINA _ A l s o a l l S o o t i e s s C o a l s , a n d W e l l i n g t o n n s o n - M o t o r ^ t d ^ ^ -- W e s L 8 £V' ? gagement of her only daughter, Gladys Elinor, to to .; Wdbur H. Randell, son of Mr; and "Mrs.' A., H. Randell of Moose Jaw, Sas- ka1»hewan. The. wedding will take place shortly. the Legion Hall, starting at 8:15 p.m. Lowes,' Orchestra will sup ply the music, and refreshments will be served, , PULL GOSPEL MISSION 25th and Marine Drive I' .wi. ........... ........ Yonr Prewription F&ithfblly compounded and promptly delivered.* P H O N E W E S T 3 7 GemmyTs Drug-Store The Store of Bor?|eo* 1686 Marino Drlro Woat 87 or Woot 607 * Emergoncy Phono Wool 881 (A fter 10 p .tt.) ; Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Chrisietilng and Wedding Cakes Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY and FRIDAY November 7th and 8th KEN MAYNARD The Old Santa Fe' also "IN THE SPOTLIGHT" "THE COUNTRY MOUSE** SAT., MATINEE & EVENING, and MONDAY -- „ November 9th and 11th Sh irley T em ple " Our tittle Girl" also - "MICKEY*S SERVICE STATION" ......... "ROMANCE OF THE WEST** "NIGHT LIFE" rTUESDAY- A^TWEDNESDAy-- November 12th and'13th CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD "Orders is Orders" (Once only a t S;25) also "LAZY RIVER" 1 9 3 6 P H I L G O ' R a d i o s , Liberal trade-in allowance. F O R S T *S ■ West 87 ■ - North 625 66 Lonsdale Ave. ' ' North Vancouver THE Y. W. C. T. U. INVITAtlONfiiSlill REm hfBRA K CE DAY *'GIVEA little m6 r£ ioR YOVR POPPY THIS YEAR * AlLmeiribers of the ,*NORTH SHORE OUTPOST, T. V., SECTION,. CANADIAN LEGION, B.B.S.L. have received from^the'Women*s Auxiliary to The West Van couver branch of'the^^CanSdian l^ inyitetion to attend the Arinistice Banquet being held in the Canadian ^gion Hall on Monday evening. November 11th, at 6:30 p.m. Members of the Vancouver braneh-iresiding on the North Shore are also invited. :pi^se'a^nd:^inva^^^ of this splendid gesture.;; --:t v- ^ Owing to'.the United Church Services will' be conducted . .Supper on Tuesday evening, the f~(God -willing) , ~in~ab~ove~hall~ bv YrW rC: T rU .' meeting has been..__t t i ____________ _ /t 'RT_A.1̂ ̂ ^ H - • . IS f .■ana*-- cn>s.jv/ ■■ •' ̂w- my •%.y ̂ m ̂ ^ Bro. and Sis. Collings of North postponed until Tuesday evening, - - - - ■ the,19th instant, and will be held W est V aa Swimming Club November m S ,T t 8 p*m" ^ ^ ; . V Everybody welcome. No col- Thompson, 689 20th Street, at lection. ' .̂ 8 p.ni. A r m i s t i c e D A N C E Hollyburn Pavilioii Canadin ̂ Lcgidn West Vancouver W m S T DRIVE & DANCE Friday, Nov. 8 th Lowes' Orchestra ̂in the Legion Hall • Refreshments N o v e m b e r l l U i a t 9 p.m. Admission 35c ̂ - NAOMI CHAPTER No. 26, O.E.S.e , .Tf -i. ' ' 4 i ^ T E A A N D S A L E O F W O R K _ in the MASQNIC h A I,L ■ WEDNESDA Y,-NOVEIViBEli 131^, a t 2 p.m . /•/