I -.», I . (,,4 1 , , , wMif.irAii nmf®© cw w tcai ., ...;,yt. ly.ntll:. BAPTiBr cB V uca ' fTW: 'rnqsilias&ssrA*! 11:{6 7{1Ŝ 4HU Bund»y School and Biblo C lu w ., 10 m.m* . . - i i Stranftra & V it l^ Wikoai#* f .School & Adult Gmmm 10:00 «.m. Pi'eMchiiiM: £htrvic«« lllOO A 7:16 Phone: W«»t $16-11 ifSSt ; h ' b '" ' i r, V 1 'i'ir mi»' C fi. Hr uV.}*-■■Ii! .{ ♦ * Gi/# o/ **/?<««'» ̂ Coloring Servioo to Dhcriminaling Womens PenetruteM the heir ehaft and. imparts color as natural aa nature's own. Leaves the hair soft and In perfect condition for permanent wavfnif. Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe^ 1546 MMrtu4 Drlv# West 117 J.S «• h '?f » 'V "f* frf r '>: ilr '** L" A Selberllng HOT WATER BOTTLE n . , ik i i*4*1* HI as low UK 69 centN Others with two years' Guarantee ot $1.00, $1.26, $l.ri0 and $2.00 HOLLYBURIf BALL Corner of 14 th and Duchess I'lilDAY BVBNINO. Nov. 8th, a t 7:S0 Young People's Seî vlce, Subject: •"ITie Life of Moees" Illustrated by lantern views SUNDAY, Nov. loth, at 10 a.m. Sunday School and Yr̂ ung Men's Bible Class, SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30,* ' f Gospel -Address by MU. U. C. DUNS TU15.SDAY EVENING at 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. *&-' i I A N B L E SID E PHARNACY* UNITED CHURCH Kev. Hillifi W right, Minister ■f W. L. KBR,'P.op, , Vik"; wiTl'brhcid nex^SatbYth H*Bt. Mass « sermon - 10:15 NOI Marino Phono; morning and evening. The COn- Rr.npdietion -- 7*15 Drive West 323, grcgation will celebrate on tliat, R o sa ^ a n d Benediction f . i o FREE DELIVERY ■;p7- • t ̂ ii j-i! / L u i i f i't: B d r : G. D. H. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. 1 d e n t is t Jlay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phono West 72 Subject: "ADAM AND FALLEN MAN" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday qt 8:15 p.m. ITio public is cordially In vited to attend our services and meetings. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHODIC CHURCH Rev. F ather C. A, MacLeod, 2823 Inglewood Ave. West 240-R Sunday Masses ,In West Vancouver United . - « Church Special Anniversary Ser- ^^qm-mon* - vices will bo held next Sabbath ® Cate?wjm and Bible H isW y III 11 ®v6ry Saturday -- 9 :30 a.m.the moinini, at 11,■15 o clock. Wo«ir-gnv q^rvlrps cl'V ■J.ivll H'V ft \ n Dr. GEORGE Si MACDONALD D.D.8., D.D.C., Dental Surgeon Atbrnlngs, Afternoons, and Evenings by appointment Royal Bank Bldg., Telephone West Vancouver. West 440 i ^ t h ' ^ T v S ^ h e ^ R ^ v .^ r i : " irorlbn of St. George's United " SfeStv, Church, Vancouver, will preside - and preach a special Annifitioe ° from mo.Msage. The choir will render ^ .special anthems At both services p.m. to 8.30 p. . with special music a t the even ing service. MODEL C AO T5-2 cCompute W * . Established on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. jfutieral Btrretora North 0 Vancouver Parlors __ 122 West Sixth Street - Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue Kast . ̂ Phone Fair. 134 BAPTIST CHURCH The Senior Young People will -.n.An oTid moot following the evening ser- p fiT * - vice when the gathering will be mis addressed by the Rev. H. E. Her- " ' I'he following Tuesday even- 7; 15 p.m. Mr. Dave McClash- ing the Women's Association will « „ _ p v p tt .^aer\^e_an_Anniversary„Supper.-Jn._i^®';„2J^ Prkvpr and the Church-Hall., A fter the sup- . P layer andpraise. oW if .V *■ RCA Victor {Globe Trotter's thrilling new tone of higher fidelity puts more tp and pep into .sport .broadcasts; ^̂ rings a keener eiijoyment to receprion of. European, Ameriexm short wave , .stations as well as standard wave pr̂ r̂ams. It's the top in *t>1r̂ cn worldt-wide performance".. .A wide choice of models tO'choose from at invitingly low prices. Easy t e ^ . MODEL j 89?® DOWN.delivers (his marvellous CompUU "Globe Trotters*' are made- only by RCA Victor, ̂ ■ ■' >T-!j new Globe Trotter to your home \^ T o -d a y l_ :. B R O W N & M U N T O N------------- ---------------------------- ----------- , West 366I rSr'< I '1 " 1 - r 7 " < MEMBERS ASSOCIATED RADIO TECHNICIANS OP B.C, • ' C. j . Overiagton PIONEER BARBER" NOW OPEN " FULLTIME 14th & Marino, Phone West 135 .per the gathering will be ad- wv-oof dio.ssod by the Rev. A. W. Me- Thursday 8 p.ro-- Choir practice Intosh of St. Giles. United pnTTPA'HisC:ni? ptiRTcnr Church, City. In addition a pro- L H U K C H ^ Ur CHKISI, prram of music and song will be SCIENTIST heard. "ADAM AND FALLEN MAN" A special invitation is extend- will be the subject of the Lesson- . L H arris \vrote the council re- "If you please,, kind lady ed to all those who were con- Sermon iii gl] Churches of Christ ^^^uiDg water overflow oii. the said the'begg;ar abJthe" _nected._with these ohurches-at Scientist, on-Sunday, the time of Union to be present The Golden ' Text i s : "Lord, ^ these' gatherings next Sab- who' shall abide in Thy taber- bAth-and Tuesday. Come and nable? who shall dwell in Thy bring a friend. . holy hill? He th a t walketh up- Sunday School a t 10 a.m, rightly^ and worketh righteous- Hrayer m!eeting:on Wednesday ness, and speaketh the tru th in a t S p ^ . his heart." (Psalms 15:1 , 2). Choir practice on Thursday at ̂ Among the citations which - ______ . ,, .comprise the Lesson > Sermon is --------------- ------ the following from the Bible: ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH "Now unto him th a t is able to . Rev. F. A. Ramsey keep you from falling, apd ta Rector: present you faultless before the presence, of His - glory with ex- 1542 Marine Drive door. 'Tve f9road on Bellevue Avenue west lost my rig h t le g ___of 22nd Street: The m atter was "Well, i t isn 't here, referred to the engineer for at- unsympathetic dame as sKe tention. closed tlie door. i ^said the IS-® RECIPE No. Ambleside S h e e t M e t a l LrSPECK.' _pwiptiotM, W o r k s RADIO SERVICE ̂ ̂ ......... . I H a y w a r d & P r e b b l e 2464 Marino Drive N o v e m b e r l O t h - T r h i i t y X X I . in v t! : T h Y „ i 8 :0 0 a .m .-- H o ly C om m u n ion . .Service; Preacher, the Reiftj S anH iveS Canon G; C. D'Eaaum, M.A., oR r " ^ 7:15 p.m.-- Evensong and Ser- v.i,S®* eludes the following passage M o n d a y ,' R e m e m b r a n c e D a y -- I Z u u f '® ^it , H o ly , C o m m u n io n . 10 t m . & v Vn ® •®?'^ Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.--W. A. Busi- B aL r Mriv^ n e ^ meeting and Nomina- 8 :m p .m .._ _ _ C h u r c h C o m m it- ® S d 7 f w a s * * le ^ ? " ^ St.'Fnincis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild West 478 Phonos; ^ • Night. West 5.19 9:46 a.m,--Matins and Sermon. THE T " , III ........... I........ . ^uyH 5r-B ayne-w Tote-t0-th€r'______ ♦ - i ni ■>.' • .*.« counciL re driveway into D.L. « 1064, H .E . 44. He was advised W e s t V d l t l S e W S th a t it was not customary for ' fliA'rniinr*{) Publiahad Every Thursday r , !_ Pahlishcr P. Pa LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bualneaa and Bditorial Office: ̂ 17th and Blarlne Drive . -- (Next to Hollyburn P. O.) Phone West 363 Mail Address; P, O. Box 61, Brdlyhum, RC. North Vancouver Office: 128 Lonsdale Ave. the council to provide vehicular access, there being no funds * available for this purpose. CARDjOFTHANKS To the many kind friends who have given me their, hein and ^ympathy-so freiBly-nrtfiis tiitie of sorrow, and to the dear children of tne neighbourhood who so courteous- !K desire to be.quiet I 'wishuto express my most appreciative thanks. 7- '7̂ 'C - MARTHA E. RUSH. i.\ ' > !K I WEST VANCOUVER TENNIS CLUB ® "i ̂ " r V ̂ $1,00 n year by carrier: $2.00 a yearb]̂ naQ. ^ the Orange Hall ' V. V» V I .yv »' Dancing 9 to 12 AtA îe Abram's.Orchestra ^ \ * Admission. 35 cents. Refreshments 3)OUBLE_PARKING >OTyMei>arkigg-i8^ -e x c e lle n t w a y to gum up a busy street as well as to cause a few good accidents. At any rate it increases the flow of cuss worda ahd.wears out brake linipgsr^bbtlton- automobiles and street cars on wHose tracks motorists have to swe^i. -- II - ' » V t. . . ^ fair to your fellow motoristJand. your ^ ®®^Ic^dbn*t 'pari in : the, second liner -̂---------- ---------- - i;vi S f V . .. V, ' ' i- - ' i ■ „ f 't ' -' • ' 7- , ■ -„ . . ^ ̂ ,/* ̂ t ' ( A m \ a> M A 7 ̂ ' i i i i i H"v, .'-'i'w*. i - 7t4..'f.v-: ' i-rL