f '^ r i ;4 I «fr* ' '̂~' wf« ■ •i- «, - .. 1 wjrt. f, rJSiWsi, , T t'W'>"'ji . •3 Sil Hi i!ŝ isS#Siffiwt!fSM ■ '■ "' P > '<■ ' 'v-'̂ , »•■ '. ' ■ i. ■'"' ."V ! ■ ■ . ' f-1 -Hi ••>; < - 1 ->■ .s 5f. r ' ,- .-'..'1 '.i ■ , i; ' ' ■̂'V 6 ' . ■ ■ : ! - « ■ ; f'iH'.'" ' ' . ■5̂'i ̂ V ,' < V ' V '̂., ' , . ,, * ' . n' .j-.Ji','/V *,: t,* ̂ I . *, j. _ »w»1̂ f y W k y t e c l i ^ , ^ M t c , ^ i i ^ i B . C , ' T H t f RSE» A Y .'I Vol. X ■' Dundamve -'U ■. ""./-Iv?, p e r c o p y ,« t n e w M t o n d a .; j „ ; , ,;̂ ., „ ,,.,^ j;; ;:* 5| i 1*91935. ' ' : ; . " ' N ® . - 2 9 - ' ' ' " '■%f\ RATEPAYEiiBS*A^dci2»p LlEC«ON*NOTEg; .throw... . . . ■ .r: , . '.: '...... i'.ti.y '.'i.'.y& SiLa.j MembOrB: o f t h e b r a n c h h e r e .pfiiti;il - . ' • ' ' ^ ' ' t p- ':" *7 i.»..... ' ..... ,..'..'j.7.' 'i V . ■ "k y Hi r " ̂7,1 >' J 3̂ (E te?J war ia ecks in our mW l8ihar4 p u t to i t t q earn a hvingr, do we r / r stop to th in k ^ h a t 'th^ dead we .honor every Armistice mav not be sleeping so 'peacefully in FlandersAfields, when Soni the spirit world .they look down on their neglected com a s ' For the war did not end fo r ' Canada S9 soldiers when they left France. And so ,'.knowing, a's7we,dp.in|lifeat^^^^ many sufferings and privations, i t seems ,to us th a t the real S S g e of Armistice is th is ; lej: us remember the living th a t the dead-may rest. ' ' For the observance of the an^ tion will be .cUp reading by SCHOOL. BAND , y . ^ nual memorial service which will Mrs. Griffiths., Pi^ceeds to aid IN FIN E 06N C EO T be held a t the Memorial Aroh, ' the Poppy FMnd. j uu iic;iu UL tiud xvxmiiuimi Memorial Park, the parade willj i l . . ir... ^ ̂V* V I EGION XMAS D R A ^ G ' MUSICAI/ SERVICE : ; The Wost Vancouver School fall iri at lO a^inf at the^L charg«'of;the sale:bf Poppies at " ""d ,""d.«r the ^ection of ^ Hall, Monday, Novemlier n th . Caulfelld. . ^ Monday evening commencing The committee liiave a number 5 | their® career fh l IntelewW^ "of $1.00 wreaths dhd crosses on . 'Je Legion W. A. will m hand .suitable for. store windows. £?"?®"Swd fw thh ' occasioi? ■ ?"®"Be »f the Sixth Annual Arm- Phone West 245-L.: nlkm onl has ' S C d 1® *r® S"5mr. ueiamont, nas nop naa tation is extended to every mem- char^ for very but in ..her who was on the:branch:r<dl % ' I .jiA}it Following is the Secpn^ I'List' , ie Rif I )I*Vl •m 1̂pr̂ ito (of P r iz e s in the Legion i7 th " An-'" • An invitation; is/extended t o . - nual Christmas Drawing. Prizes Vritinmiviir ' . donated by *• *<> j«"" ITickets on this drawmg may b e ' {obtained from memhera' ^ [Canadian Legion. For^dc , Bert WiUm^ , ^ L a W a«ptw.%tO.DjB. W oot® i Archer Real Es^^^lOOV cig- I t is «xr«««A„vr.xw. .*« ^s,w.o,.' larettes ARMISTICE "DAY-. WEIST VANCOUVER - - ■ timie^he has wdded"them into"'â *' 'i„«f r««u«rv ' \-IN'LO^IDON PRESS musical organization to ,w hiph jt; i <i * At w s ir',* lell wwM 9«i^a:fb^fPqSilh|iklS<iW iiSSlpnap|||^ii ■suvtjrutumv ti«.y, « . r v . V , - **.v.*___________ -- .. .„. -------------Its 'In ^o w th .OS a 'm p ic a r ite m sb y l i t t le B e K ^ o W leash donation; F erry - Lbiiding • inl cbarge and «-the vR^v.-c H ^s...residentiaLfureaoh^Lcaused it-to_ -land./viath]hi^. guitapr ahd,7ipoi||!i^. Ciiapter No. 26, Order of^^he , Ibibrary, membership ca rd f Rob-": W right Will giv^ ah a d d re s s .-^ e ovem ih th a b b u n d fees-a f Bur-; o r^n;;^hese.three:yoih ig E asternS tar, on Wednesday a f ^ lirison's^Grocery, sack potatoes; Rev. Cahph-G; M^iD'Easum:'Will^ 7rard!Inlet, w hereeji^ hayingCto rfespond .w ith;iahi^iR * IHunter's R estaurant,: Diindar: . read the poi ĵtiori lot the Scrip- ? u rb a o f w hat J s k h p ^ . core f o r each of the ir numberj^i: Ir u lave Xmas cake; T he Owgihal. ' ,tureshelected-andwill pronounce Vsm eouver-^ paring* the, evening shojH;.^^^ ̂ S treet, HolljJuim. G,ue^^ lave. -w .V.. " - ' - "* e .w 6 rk :o ftH e b a fe .rf^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . t rii*ov "nasalflT .an n v tl iA*. ' /h 'C on |dctar3 A .' iW" G^rfehwood hnd^Mrei. The General Convener fbr the * I'i !w S p 7 D ^^to av e ,"^eh c^^^^^ S r t h ^ A fc h f l te d - J U f d ^ teed ■; tj^T alhS d ^ o n s " & t h e \ . ANNUAL T E ^ K CLUB „ T*?? Oowan - Dodson's Bakeiy, bre^d . th a t 'd;hOse preseiit.'iiravious to, hills and ymtch.^wple swimming . = DANCE,. / . . will be Hcifpf - ' Tionuies V "in the sea. Within a I I Iticket. See last week [paper for prize [next week for fu rther list; j t e r years. MASONIC DANCE D; V. A. LEGIOlSr BROADCAST o.̂ Arrangem ent bf Tables, Thomas ;-De<S-orating, ; Sewing,-Mrs. take place, troml 9 to J 2 to the "P'ovmo Mva. .t p a linn---------r ------------------------------------------- -- . " , . . . ' . . laxe piace iromi » lo u> i-ne T>avrns, Mvo t p Allan, KingDavidLodgeNo.-93. A., , Disabled veterans wiUsttend , The Canadian Le^o.n is gmng music' of ' the popular Marie F. & A. M .,wiir hold,their four-., an Armistice Service, at St. a national broadcast ne^--Mon-, AJiram's Orchestra. There wilD 5?"l® ^*5" "® ̂ - - -- •- Mt,zx«V. nvinw*ii nn Sunday, dav from* 9 to 10,T>.m..' (Eastern- &ia/v i,a vafrAaiimanfa -A nn<̂ -%u,nd Lanay, Mrs. w. u 1 nomp̂ - Vw K & A. M., will hold,their l o u r - . a n Armistice service, a t a nawonai oroaucast nexiy-Auuu-. Apram 's urchestra. There will/ teenth annual dance oh F riday ,.' S t^ h e n V C hurch /on Sunday, d a y fro m 9'to.lO,p,m..YEastern- al^^ be refreshm ents.. A Pte-i ' W r^ Mva S ' November 15th, in'-the Orange J. November lOth, a t 11 :15 a ,m Standard T im e),;over, th e coast, entatibh of.the prizes won a t the Hall. Garden's Orcheslxa .;has,. Comrades will assemble a t 22nd to coast network of/the Canadi- toum am enh th is summer w ill be been engaged fo rk h e dcchsiom: . a f i d M a f i n e Drive a t IT ^ in . and: an,.Radio Commission; ^Included / made in the course of the even- *5^ and dancing w ill j t^ e 'p l^e-fro m - proceed to ..church. . Disabled iii th e program are ^yeral-vocal, ' ing. Admission^ 35 cents. v rSLo^l 9 to 1 a .m ^ Refreshments ^ il ir /v e te ra n s will also attend the^ choir and band numbers, also an ^ -̂------ J ----------- also be served.-, Adm issi6nr $l- -Armistice Service a t the Mem- address.by General Ross. • ; RUGBY .W orthy Matrons of th e current per couple. As adm ission'la. by ̂ ' i ^ i aF Arch on, MpudayVNoyem/ ■:-------:------- , Owiri<y+n the rnddififtn nf ihe ' ' / t z / . , invitation only, any:desirous;of^ ,b e rT lth , (A rm is tic h p * - h l a v S e l d ' There w ilFbe a mushial > ro- same are asked to kindly ap p y ,/ ID :46a.m .,> ' -V. - / . : 7 . - . ' ARMISTICE DANCE- " " ^a m; dunn^ t he a f t e r noon wftich to J. Lowdon or ,T: R MitchelL ! ' a -Ia' uiivi/oi-on+u cs+̂ .x̂ .4. ̂ toiu spel^ rne game^oeLweeii wie ig being arranged bv Mrs. Dun- West475X. . .. 's / M arineD rive a t *10:30 a.m., th e y W est Vancouver/Swim m irig -and Ex-South Bum abv scheduled can McMillan. will be. an exhibition,/w iU proceed to Club are to hold a 'dance a t th e ,for la s t Saturday was postponed, w a w a oa/Yrir a mmxr g me on Armistice Day a t 2:3^ .the A rc h .'^ ll membe^a nnd any jiollyburn Pavilion next Monday, ,but will be played on Armistice W ELFARE ASSOCIATION November 11th, .at 9 :p.m> Part/. ..Day ,a t:« u ^ n 's Park , New W e s / ■. > ^ ,*m. in Ambleside Park betwwB,; November 11th at 9'iim 'P a rt'.D a y at,Queen's Park, New West. ^ ,the North Shore J5mors5̂ âiid with them are/asked -to make a .Novem.bcr iiin ,.a r a .p.m. ra r t , 2-80 nni Aeain this .; ^he annual public meeting of « X L . ------------ / p U l ^ o f f o r t 4o /ttend /-these_o /the precede ty illw - S ie i ^ o m S e d C t h o ^ "the West Vancouver Weto^^ -̂------- ;r---e / : s : ; ,k penses of sending the :boys and rfrom W est Vancouver who can sociation /w ill .'be held in the Mrs. M. McKenzib wrote the-, to those comrades who made the girls of Pauline JoKhson School possibly turn oiit and support council chamber.of the municipal Wincil re w ater ov® ^w :at',^19v;supr'em e sacrifli^, . e g i ^ ^ l y / a t _ ' t e a m s - t o - c o m p e t s 4 n - • V i c - - - . t h e i r r t t o ; , *■ ......................... .Bdiesme-Aveane.; ' The. council a t im e.^hcn-w arciouds^hreaten-- ----- *Satiii'Hav. Ndvembei' hall oh:Monday, November. 18th, -aharpir LEGION W. A. NOTES W E S T V A N C O U V E R M U t t P A L F E R R I E S : ( M D N D S ^ 0 ® E J ^ ^ ^ Hdf the Pey AMBLESIDB-.^I1rst Bbarleaves at 6 a.m. ̂- v l^ s t Beat ,Mves; a t^ l :30 p m. CITY DOCfc~FirOTi-'1®&^t^l^^iM T cause. Incidentally,'the^.Wi'V:A: Aulay, Bennett, Watson, Irish, "Mohdhy in the Leyton Hall; also S.C.: is the only cIub":ip< .̂B;̂ C: *Jp|es,. At^^ Watt, W. -A; memb^s and <* . . i_ .f fs.., -- TTni«viinfY*r, ow rl T A'»»riiaxr . V ^ P a U d S jO r eSC O rtS f^^*"'̂-- th e irh u s - / t h a t is giving its members I f re e ,/F e n n in p and l^ rn e y . * - ,1 . , - ^ swimming. For theVlast^ fo u r / .Don't forget,. Queen's Park, / ./T pe invited g u e s tra re Col. and / weeks the la tte r have:been going . New- W estm inster, Armistice x M rs;\Foster, C61. and Mrs. Buell, kover tothe,C rystaI.Pbol% n F ri- ::Day,,2:30.p.m; ; M r.'and^Mrs:-M^Nicol, M ajor B. days and the mbmbe^^.-;onlyV-A J -/r/-": - 'r -- ;---- =-,---------- /:Harjn^dn,/Re,eva~ahd Mrs. Ley- 1 ■ outlay, has - been :;<tha.vc6st to f> ; John Bruce, made an offer to. /to d , Mrs./W. B; Small, regent of transpprtotion -- tfae;'club Jtak/' the council to purchase Lot-6, '̂ Ĵhe LO/D.E., and Mr.-Small/Mrs. ihg bore of the pooJeMJenses.V . ' Block 46, ,D.L. 430 ̂ The, appli- .fMc^nstry,-provincial represent- The hlub is doinjg;ito best for ' cant, was infofnied that the price/-hfiye,/and ,Mr;̂ McKinstry. d girlsjPi/West.Vto'^ . bf thelot is 60% of the assessed k ,7>AU'"I^i;dA/Vmembe^ arthe boys and couver.