■* , « It fW't r '4 ' f r "4'pf I * « ' i - r» t f : Si .*«» h l' i^' %, ^ a*" 'I 4' ii. h' If I 'i---L l i ri II' |v ,. f» ® W l» T VAN NEWS 80,1936. 'P b o o e 'W M r W n o n e WMt 46 S m i t h s G r o c e r g LIST OP PARADE- fH i^E WINNBilS Prices Good Friday Sc Saturday, May 31st & June 1st KErJvOGG'8 WHEAT KHISPIIBI 2 packetn m GKAI'BNUT FLAKES...... »„.pkL He m )Y8 «lid OIKLB! ^ Got • Bal loon Free with each |»acJuif* of Grapenut Flakea. l OMATOKS, larire, 2Ki.......2 tllia l«c FUFFKD WHEAT ........... .. pkU tOe ROMAN MEAL .....................pkt, 22e 'I'EA -- Aunt Marya* Family Blend .................... ,.lh. 3r,c AUNT MAKV'S COFFEE 1 »>• l»«lf .............................. 2«e KELLOGG'S CORNFLAKES 3 paeketa ..;....... 25c IUkI & WhiU- CLEANSER. 2 Una IGe Rt^ & White S FA G H E IT I. 2 Una 1t)r 'Hand Cleaner. ROGER'S GOLDEN SYRUF 2 th. tin ................................ ifif Red & White BAKING FOWDER 12 ot. tin ....................................... 17,. " 164ldS€i#ai ""'.i^uPwdasiw. ^ Phone West 378 HliOUf.DEKS OF LAMB (whole) per Ih............................................. 17c LF,t;H OF LAMB, per lb...............27c DOMINION BACON, Fj lb. pkg. 17e LOINS OF LAMB (Breoat on) lb. 20c BOLOGNA, per lb. ....................... iSe BURNS' DAISY IX)AF, per lb . . 25c FLEfCHER'S LUXURY LOAF, per III ............ 80c BURNS'. SECURITY BACON '/; lb, p k ta ............................ .-- ........ 18c GAINER'S SUPERIOR WEINERS per lb......................... 20c YOUNG BOILING FOWL, lb.,.,.., 21c BONF.LESS CORNED BEEF, lb. 16c I.AMB -- VEAL -- BEEF -- PORK All Fineat Quality MURESCO FOR THE WALL.S AND CEILING 20 BEAUTIFUL TINTS per pkg. 75c (Continued from 1) 3rd, llouHU Ji--R, BinnitiKi B. Climie, D, McKpnzie, V. Johnaon, J, MiiHternmn, It. MinionB. H.'-IO a.m.--RuIay Raco, 23rd to Mth Str., Pauline JohnOen vs. liollyburn, 8 men tcainH. iBt, Hullyliurn: P. JeinrioH, J. MnUhius, M. Spanks, W .TIill, W, Breeden, S. Breeden,..R, MticAuIay, D. Slouri. ' 2nd, Pauline johnspn; I>. J(obnon, B. Glover, M. llouhi-. , no,, D. Cox̂ i K. (,)<»le, G. Kadlet, M. Luuder, I*\ Feeney, ,---------- t!r----------- : , ■ ' • ( . i ' OI^EN-EVENTS H:32 u.in.--220,yds.--Men's Oj)en, 15th to Mth Street, , 1st, Churlos Milos; 2nd, Dick LoBter. _R:58.a.m,--440-yda.--Men'H- Oj)en, -17th-to i-lth-Street. 1st, Charles Miles; 2nd, Frank Brebhle, * H. 100 yds---Boys' Iti and 17 years. 1st, John l̂ 'IddeH; 2nd, Don Sharinun. . 100 yds,--GlrlH 10 and 17 yours. l«t, Elsie Partrid^fe; 2nd, Virginia Gumage. loo ydB.--Boys IK, ly, & 20. 1st, Ghas, Miles; 2nd, AleXi MacAuIuy. 100 yds.--Girls .18, ly, & 20. '1st,-Evelyn 'Glu(lslmie;'2nd,"Mur AlTn8tr^ _100 yd.s.--Men.21 and over. _ __.■.' .; ■ ~ '.. 1st, Bill Davie; 2nd, John Allen. Broad Jump--Boys 14,.and 15. . M.^Spanks, 1(1 fft, in.; 2nd, Jiidson Armstrong, ,'.|5 ft,'l.-in. ;v Hop-.Step-and-Jumj)--Girls 14 and 15. 1st, Aludrcy BurkhiiiV 27 ft. 2 in.;» 2nd, Rita Aldrcd, 20 ft. IIV̂ in. 25 yds.---Girls 5 and under. 1st, Joan Knight; 2nd, Mary MiUer. 25 yds--̂Egg and Spoon -- Boys 6 and 7̂ Jjitv.,Geatrxey,̂ uaf-4̂ ndr̂ Robert̂ -Wjiito?̂ -̂ --̂ Best Decorated Float -- Prov- Centre. Best Decorated Private Auto -- N̂o entries. ■ ' b « Best CJornmercial Van -- iv. o. Seeds. ' ' Best Decorated Bicycle - - h Farnum Bros,, aRc 13 and 8; 2, Barbara S p arro w , ajrc 12. Best Decorated Tricycle -- C Josephine Castillou, age 7; 2, E. Dodson, age G. Best Decorated Scooter -- 1. Harry Wyckoff, age 7. Best Decorated Wagon -- 1, B ert 1/B8ter - Taylor, age 7; 2, Kathleen ColliriHon,. ag'e. 5. Advertising Costume --- 1. Betty CHiisholm, age 14; 2. Bert Scott, age 6. Humorous ('ostume -- 1. John Seiburth, age 7; 2, Olive David son, age 13. Patriotic Couples -- 1, I'Veda ChisholnrL age 7, Betty Bartlett, age 6; 2, Lyman Jonies, age 10. Original Costumes -- 1, Ruth McLe(>d, age 13; 2, Pat Little, age 13. ^ Best Dressed Boy -- 1, Stan ley McCartney, age 5; 2, Roy Fletcher, age 6. Best Dressed Girl -- 1, Sheila Castillou, age 10; 2, May Kruger age 5. Children with Floral Display -- 1, Avis Hodson, age 5. J E F F E R I E S "S D P E R I ^ 5 | 9 I E A T S Govemmont Inspected Only HAMS LAMB BEEF *s- POBK VEAL COLD MEATS OF ALL KINDS DELICATBSSEN 1 store at Hollybum, next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LUNBER and'all BUILDING MATERIALS WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. ------- FOR REAL SATISFACTION / -------- P hone West 115 1497 Marine Drtv% CLASSIFIED A D S / l o st-- Band Boy's Trench at May Day Dance. Phone Mr. Con don, West 23GR or'West 373. LOST -- Electi bag, Tuesday bus or ferry. d, minimum all claHsi* T he r a te fo r C lnsslfled A d v e r tla e m e n ta la 2 c e n i t |M>r wi 25 cen ta . E x c e p t in the c a se o f Uiooe h a v in g r e g u la r a c ^ W 6eds are payable strictly /" „ „ ' : Remember Classifieds in the West Van Newa get i n i t i a t e results. ' ■ ..................... .................................... «wa ibrator in paper *ng oh 10 o'clock TO. West 53L3. I. 0. D. E. The Duncan Lawson Chapter .will hold its June n^eeting on Wednesday, June 5th -- on ac count of Monday being a holi day -- at the home of, Mrs. Robertson, 25th and Mathers, at 2:,15. sharp. - - . . FOR SALE -- W aterfront Bungalow on a large lot in lawn and rockwies, I 2 blocks east of Dundurave. Cash, $2600, terms, $3,000. For. details apply Box 33. West Van News. HOUSE M OyiNG>^- Alterations and repairs; Conci^tA' > and basement work. Phone Wilson, North 682L. . ;■ FOR RENT --' Unfurnished Bedroom, close' bathing beach, with use of modern home. West 337R. ' Paper-Hang- ily. PAINTING. Decof ing. F irst C lasl^lwor^, 6hly. Phone Bert Williamson, W#r>41SR. DEATH OF MRS. L FOR SALE -- Three hundred Leghorn cockerels; four weeks old, 10 c e n ts - each. McIntyre, West 663Y. ROCK DRILLING " built, rockeries made and planth^i). Day or contract; Phone West '294. ' M. GILLHAM 0. 10. 11. 12. -13. 14. Mrs. Louise Mary Gillbam, 2077 Pulton Avenue, passed a- way last Thursday, aged 79. Funeral services were held on -Saturday afternoon in St. Steph en's Chiu;ch, Rev. F. A. Ramsey bflfieiating, and" interment was made in (japilano View Cemet ery. The deceased is survived by her husband, a son. Jack in Ehg- : land, and two daughters^ Dor othy a t home, and Mrs.' D. Mar tin of Penticton. WILL GIVE Beautiful Rosewood Gui tar for clearing and grading 66 f t x 33. Box 9* West Van News. SHOE r e p a i r s -- Get the best m it. erial and workmanship a t Poĵ 'gN 14th a t Ferry. COTTAGE FOR RENT--Near beach, Furnished; 2 bedrooms. Very reas onable. Phone West 350X. HUNTER'S COFFEE SHOP -- T.V7' 1 our lunches, afternoon teas anotl dinners. Home-made bread,- c^kesU and pies'. W est 610. W A T E R F R O N T , B e lle v u e A v e n u e ----- 6 room bungalow, ■ every , modern .--convenience, lovely garden,-partly- furnished, garage,;no children, from . September 1st. West-297L. m a r c e l SHOP r - Thermique Steam Permanent; T ry pur fatigue facial ij - for tired housewife or - business woman. West 304, 17th and Marine over Royal Bank. . TO GIVE AWAY -- Pretty kittens. Phone West 23X2. IS. SELMA. .PARK -- Cottage "on beach; fireplace; plumbing; June , and Aug- ■ ust. West 652R. -- COLIN TURNER, Builder and Con-, tractor -- ̂A lterations'and repairs. Phone West 679R.. . , t DEATH OF W. A. LOVE 19. ■207 William, Al£xaiidei(_Lav,e,.J.29L 21. 00IW4m« 23. 26. 20. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, 35. so. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 25 yds--Kgg and SPP911 -- Girls 6 and 7,, 1st, Angfla Luke; 2nd, Sally McE\Van."" 50 yd8.™-Threo-leggcd --• Boys 8, 9, & lÔ v 1st, Norman Hay and Roy Barry; 2nd7 Ronald MacAuiay and Howard Barbour. 50 yds,---Skipping -- Girls, 8, 9, & 10. 1st, Jean Ganiago; 2nd, Audrey Fulcher. 50 yds---Three-legged -- Boys 11, 12, & 13. 1st, Put .leirories & Fred Feeney; 2nd, Buddy Kia- aick k Jack Taylor. Thread and Needle--Girls 11, 12 & 13. 1st, Dorothy Purse & Betty Marentette; 2nd, Joan Cuk'lough tfe Chicko Okino. 25 yds,--Hoys 6 years. 1st, Davi<i Barker; 2nd, ^ n McGlashun. 26 yds.--Girls 6 years. 1st, Sally Magoun; 2nd, P atty Reid. 50 yds.--Hoys 7. ;j / ^ 1st, GeolVrey Cue; 2nd, Konnie Crane. 50 yd.s.-^Girls 7, . , 1st, Joy t 'janwiir; 2nd, Patsy Dawson. 76 y<t.H.--Hoys 8 and 9. 1st; Reid .Mitchell; 2nd, Erling Erickson & Gordon Mitchell.' , ' 75 yds.--(rirls 8 and 9. l.st, Joan .lessimnn; 2nd, Dora Brydc. , ^ 75 yd.s.--Hoys 10 and 11. ^ l.st, Billie Hill; 2nd, Lloyd Breedeh. _ 75 yds.--Girls 10 nttd 11. 1st, Norah Kingsley; 2nd, Rhoda Turvoy, 73 .vds.™Hoys 12 and 13. 1st, Put Jeiferies; 2nd, Peter Humphrey. 75 yds.--Girls 12 and 18.,. . Ust, Norma Fellows; 2nd, Beatrice Spanks, , 100 yds.--Hoys 14 and 16. ^ Ust, .Merle .Spanks; 2nd, Bobby Kitching. 100 yds.--Girls'14 and 15. 1st, Hazel Sangster; 2nd, Muriel Pickl Father and Son--lOO-yds. each. 1st. Councillor Robert Fiddes & John; 2nd, J, Mitchell & George. Mother and Daughter--50 yds. each. 1st, Mr.s. Sangster & Hazelf ,2nd, Mrs. Breeden & Lomine. ..... --100 yds..--MaliTied Men's Race. 1st, Bin Devie; ,2nd, Hugh Brown, so yds.--readies 21 and over. Ust, 5lrs, G. Wood; 2nd, Mw: M. Breeden, Ladies' Nail Driving Contest. 1st, .Mrs, L. Jones; 9nd, Mrs. Ainsworth. ^Marine Drive, passed aw a/la sjt Thursday in the Vancouver CAPT. E GALLANT, Registered Chiropractor, 712 Robson St., Van- Ncouyer. vSeymour 8790. ■ I , WANTED -- One famished and one unfurnished 4-room cottage neat . ferry.. Phone W est 340 br WestJ.48 General H ospital.' The deceased, who was in his fifty-thir(3 year, leaves; to mourn his loss h is wife, one d augh ter^a th leen , and one son, Jim, afej^mo. Funeral ser vices were held a t 4 :30 p.m. Sat urday from Harron Bros. Ltd., Funeral Chapel, 122 West 6th Street, North Vancouver, the Rev. H. P. Humphreys officiat ing, anti interm ent was made in Capilano View Cemetery. DUNDARAVE "ORIGINAL" WOOL ■ & KNITTING SHOPPE, 2446 Mar- ~ ine--Tiger, Purple Heathei*. Leon ora, Crochet Wool. Expert instruc tress (Mrs. Latham). Prop. ,M, Busst. ------ - -............. - , - TJ^E WELFARE ASSOCIATION re- quires--^ diacarfBd"^ctothifigT^ P hoS ̂ "West' 37 'and touck will collect. RADIO REPAIRS- r West Van. Radio Service (J. L. Pettigrew), West 108, 1473 Marine. FOUNDATION WORK, Excavating, Cement Work, Rock Walls, Garden- : ing. Septic Tanks installed or clean ed, Land Clearing, Chimneys Clean ed, Fencing. West,290R. XAWN MOWERS SHARPENED_^ Repairs, all makes. West Vancou ver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. FRED JONES -- New and Second hand'Bicycles. Repairs. City Prices 1455. Marine. W est 472Y. LISTINGS WANTED -- We have many inquiries for rentals, both summer and permanent. C. J. Arch er Ltd., 1415 Marine, West 225. HEADQUARTERS for All Popular ̂ Brands of Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also Fishing Gadgits for local wat ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms. WHAT COMES I AFTER THE "FLU" ? DOLLY VARDEN SHOP, Dundarave --^Hosifery, Millinery, House Dresses and Children's Wear. City prices. HANDY ANN SH O PPE Dundarave, --Notions, Novelties, Stationery, School Supplies," Garden Seeds, Hardware. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage for sale. John Lawson, ~ I7th and Marinci Phone West 65 > By Claptein E. Gallant, Registered Chiropractor Most of those who have sur vived a severe attack of the '"flu," if usual methods were em ployed in effecting the "recov ery," will testify th a t a train of ills very often follows in its wake. Under old-time methods almost anything can develop. This is so because the "flu" is* a condition dUe' to decreased resistance power as a result of interference with nerves a t the spinal column. Di*u'^ employed to suppress symptoms d o . not correct the cause, but may drive the effects elsewhere. The correct method of combat ing the "flu" is to restore the flow of Vital. energyL_over the . ® nerVe lines to normal by' remov- shoe repairs. 2463 Maripe Drive. PRINTING -- For aU kinds of -prin ting phone , West Van News, West 368. LLOYD'S WOOL & KNITTING .. SHOP, 2474 Marine -- Complete, line . spring wools. Free knitting school. Violet and Kathleen Clem- fent. Proprietors. ■ J. TEPPEMA, Builder and Contractor Expert advice. Plans drawn. First class workmanship. Phone West 481R1. GEO. HAY, Notary Public -- Real Estate and Insurance. Phone-West 21 or SeymOM 1260. / -- - -Municipality of West^Wancouver \ PUBLIC NOTICE G()RDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solic itor, 1447 Marine, mornings; 510 Hastings St., Seymour 4199. after- ' noons. FOR SALE -- Rockery ..and Alpine plants', large variety. Week days C: Barrow, 24th and Nelson. mg the interference with those nerves. If Chiropractic is em ployed. tho answer to "What comes, a f te r the 'flu'?" is "Health" ! HAYWARD AND PREBBLE-Radio • Servicing, Patronise West Vancou ver. Guaranteed work. Phone West 539. • ' . Lady: ""kour Tather thinks, saMr, and Mrs. E. F. Partridge , lot of; your new brother, doesn't have taken up resilience a t the, he ?" _____, ^ ® temporarily Bobbie: "Yeh, he gets up in the middle of the night anduntil their hew home on Travers - ........ ............. and Marine Drive is completed, takes the dam.kid for a walk." Re Proposed Amendments to Zoning By-Law Notice is hereby given that pursu- . ant, to the provisions of the T o^ . Planning A c t ' a meeting of tbe Council of the Municipality of West Vancouver will be held in the Council Chamber, 17th aiiid Esquimalt, Holly- burn, B. C.,'on June 10th; 1935, com mencing a t 7.00 o'clock p.m. All persons who deem themselves affected by. the proposed amendment. to the By-law shaU bb heard before the Council oh the m atters contained therein, ' ; - A copy of the proposed amendments to the By-law may be inspected at the Municipal Hall, Hollyburn, B.C., from 9:00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m, on any day, except Saturday, - when the office closes a t 12:00 o'clock noon, from pe date of this notice until the heanng takes place. - - .- Dated a t Hollyburn, B.C., this 3vth day of May, 1935. W. HERRIN, ^. ; " - Municipal Clerk. J. ft. " 5 ̂ y * * ̂* ̂ >U \ ̂ V, 4, :a': : ; r