ijfrj ..... ,.|^i! lWI!*»llW»̂ ^ f m ' w m ^ i t k n HEWS <M«WW>lft»Ŵ ^ M.V 30 ,198S- y o u r '■âitMiaMSSMaiiiSsyĝ Jiflwipip...,,,.-., a n d P e r s o n a l WINDOWS doors SHtNGLES UTH VENEERS ROOFING building paper ': A' .Cioinjplete.. B uilders D BRICK* CEMENT TILE LIME SAND PUNS AND SPECinCATIONS Drawn up and estl- mates piven Free. students took place oa the Ingle- Lodge, ... e. o. « . » .. k* _____ wood School grounds W Thurs- to t^pilano View Cemetery last day to observe Empire Day. The " ■ * ' - ■ • • ■ ------- speaker was Mrs. Moxo'n of Van- A s t b u r y 's B u i l d e r s ' S u p p l i e s 16th and. Marine Drive Nigh! l*hone W est 627R Phone W est 199 1 * R. C J A M I E S O N & C O 'S . kA N T IM O W H I T E '> y i n i I i 7 A V r f f A Superior to any white lead. cityi'ricoH N . Agents-GREENWOOD GROCERY, i 15th and Marine PRESENTATION TO ASK i 'O R ., - • . J - B T E A ! '..« ', . .C O F E E E a i ^C O C O A Spikes - Extracts' Powder S M u to IMFORIING-eOrltd.-- , VANCOUVER. B. C. JAMES PORTER A very pleasant meeting of the L iterary Society was held last Saturday evening a t 'the home of Mrs. Janies Duncan, 1388 Duohess Avenue, with the president, the Rev. Hillis W right . ill the chair. The purpose of the meeting, was to express the thanks and appreciation felt by Sunday for their annual decora tion of the graves in the Masonic pint. The service was conducted hyReV.Hniis^right . * m • , Mr. nd Mrs. Mcicets and fam ily of Vancouver, have moved into & house at 23rd and wood Avenue for the summer. ' # if'*' Sister Mai*y Rosalinda ( Nyland), htts had thO unique experience of havinir pro>vided Bellevue this year and last, from her Avenue. ̂ ̂ ̂ class in St. Ann's Convent School 'rwo door, have boon lately Now W estminster.^ seen in the viciinity ol the Capii- Ponfoin viwf oofu mvv.ci lurttviit/v ano View Cemetery. Thev are Vint, 29th and iVmrinc so ta m e t h a t th e> ^ w ill accep t food and candy from the hands Haywood Avenue. couver, d ep u ^ provincial com missioner of Girl Guides. Reeve Leyland and Trustee Mrs. 0 'Don- nell also gave brief addresses. There was a flag-raising ceix*- mopy and patriotic songs were sung by the children, the School Band under A. W. Delamont also playing several nuinlBers. ' * * • Mr. and Mrs. MeDougal and daughter of Vancouver, have of visitors. * ♦ ♦ W. Sagar, the West Vancou ver Jeweller, is a t present in hospital. His father is conduct ing his business during his ab sence. ♦ ♦ ♦ i Bud D'Easum was a member /of the all-star Rugby team from SOFTBALL Last Wednesday, May .22nd, a t Ambleside Park, Tidtphs de feated Engineers 27-9 in six in nings, the game being called for darkness. Les Willington pitch ed his first game for Tritons and UL me tui-iswir i\ug uy uium irom Saskatchewan, which played Manitoba last Saturday a t Win- Stew art's Sheet , M etal Works 8- nipeg. He also played on the 4 in a closely fought game. Bud, , YVlIXV./li' vliXk) spring won the Regina cup, the -A VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLE Phone West 0 Fertilizers of AU Bands Wood, Coal, ___ Buil^rs'- Supplies_ w fcj v\jr ATJUJ. t V MASAV-Q X WA. te r for his wonderful help and v« * Wi*. AMAJ. v« ̂ K'W-A Vt W WAAAI Bell, hit a hOirie run with two on bases.; ~ ' Games for Next Week Monday, June 3rd: Tritons vs Engineers, a t Mahoh.guidance throughout th^?ear" th i? v e a r are as f o Z t ^ J u "iio? isnffineers, a t Mahoft.. . . T hii - t 6 b r t¥d "fOTm of the Wednesday, June S th r Trifoiis esentation to him n f n, summer Dollafton a t Amlbleside. All games from now on com mence a t 6 :30 p.m. ^ s c h o o l , 15th-22nd July; junior signed by all the past presidents bov<? 22nH Tnlv Kfh Aiimia+- S r" b o y s ,^ " X 'l5 th 'A u S J s 1 - : president now m the chair senior girls, 15th-26th August. MAY DAY DONATIONS The following donations and K .W . S a v o r y 1443 Marine Drive £_,l.p__,jAmhI^ide______ Phone West 340 Evenings, W est. 143 LisfingTWanter R eal E s t a t e F in a n c e a n d In s u ra n c e and the present-members. The , , le tter stressed the fact th a t due- T\/r..« i v / r ' to his efforts the members had - Yl' x ne icrnywnig oonuLions ana been m oved'to give themselves was the guest on Monday of the prizes received are gratefully to serious study, while his wide f^^sses btevenson of the Claehan. acknowledged by the committee knowledge' had been d f ^ e a t , * * * in charge: benefit to all. The same m ight . Stew art and Mr. G r a n g e r ........ ...........$2.60 be said of him as was -once re- family of Saskatchewan, are the Mr. J. J a c k ........... ................. 6.00 marked by Andrew Carnegie of 8'uests of Mrs. Stew art's uncle Mrs. E a to ck ..... ;...... 2.00 Hugh Miller, namely, that, apart and Mrs. George Vancouver Daily Province.. 6.00 from his preeminence in geology, Bulkley, ^'Dreamy Nook," 26th Mr. Haydn Young............... 2.00 his life of usefulness, and high Bellevue Avenue. They will Dr. S ea le ....... . ' 2 no aspiration had been an inspira tion to-all. Mr. Pcirter replied briefly, and ___________________ ___ ̂ ..... Dr. Seale . settle either here or in Vancou- Chatterton - Messenger .... 2.00 ver. ' P r i ^ s : -- Hudson's Bay Cp.; Mrs. V. . V. Vinson (King's♦ '♦ ._.the-.eveningL.was-cDncluded..with-___.jA l^ M cln tyre^^^ Br.QC_-._l ud io); ̂ .Finlayson D rug , Store,; the serving of refreshments. Avenue, has^retum ed from K. A. K ay;, Associated Dairies; a trip to Kelowna. Cross & Go. (drinks for Band). Why aren't you busy? Can't mi ' * * * yotf find-som ethingjiij.o'__________The s n o w ja s nuw-largely- pnzes y e L j J e ^ - - - - - - gone from Hollyburn Ridge. Pho^e M r^ J . R. Pat.terson; There was only abbut four feet . left a t the ski camp la s t Sunday. ^ * * ^ p r i^ s have been inadvertently Gee whiz! Have I gotta himt up work and then do it, too ? WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works Phone West 39 Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners The ferries had a busy time from this list, those giv- S U « n e X s . « . "S r s o n W eit j-; i (in H istory f '̂ ) ' "Now can any^ of you tell S n g r ^ higher poW r than a Acer 'P ^ W tly ) : Yes, an Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, Automobile ̂Burglary, Accident and Sickness, etc. 2557 king's Ave. Phone W. 42Y3 LO.B.A. D A N C E IN THE ORANGE. HALL '• |u n e 1st, at 9 p.m. A d m is s io n 1 5 c . WEST VANCOUVER RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION M E E T I N G ̂ In DUNDARA-VE^'HALL On THURSDAY, JUNE 6th, a t 8 p.m. _____ ' . a l l RATEPAYERS WELCOME. sengers. *, * ♦. Miss Betty Savory, 27th and Ottawa Avenue, left here on. Monday for Duncan, Vancouver Island, where she has been ap pointed assistant matron a t the. Queen Margaret School. » * * ' S. Mr. and Mrs." Magnus Ross and Mr. Harrop, all of Dundar-_ ave, have returned from a trip to the Cariboo. * * ♦ The West Point Grey Bridge Club gave a luncheon bridge last Monday at the Claehan. * ♦ ♦ - Mrs., K. Pegram, who has been -staying with her cousin, Mrs. Garew-Gibson, of North Vancou ver, iŝ spending* a few days with Mrs. A. M. O'Ponhell, 26th and Haywood Avenue, until her -'house is finished. . ' 133X3. CARD OF THANKS T erhaps the finest feature of our recent.; May Day Celebration was the widespread community effort tha t they called forth. Very many citizens gave generously of time, money and effort, tha t our spring festival might comd to success. " _ On behalf of the May Day Com- nifttee and through the columns of' this paper, may I thank all those citizens-who contributed so unself ishly, ?both by-donation and person al service to the success of our Ma,v Day functions. LESLIE D. G, BROOKS, Secretary, ' West Vancouver May Day Committee, Speciieds Lady Esther Four PurpiMc Cream u«." four sizes, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.25 Lady Esther Powder 4 shades Rachel Beige, Natural, Irunette two sizes, 25c. 5Qc. Gemmiirs Drag Store The Store of Servlet. 1686 Marine Drive . > West 37 or West 607 Emergency Phono West 821 (A fter 10 p.m.) Stratton's.BAKERY- 11' - Brciul, Ciikes, PasirleB, Birihdiiy, Christening and Wedding Cakes Meat IMes, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Prb.sh every morning Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive I'hone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE May'30lh, Slat, & June Ist STAN LAUREL .& OLIVER HARDY ̂Babes in Toy land'_ SATURDAY EVE, & 'MONDAY June la t and 3rd ' V ALL ACE BEERY ADOLPH MENJOU 'The Mighty Barnum' ^ TUESDAY & "WEDNESl)AY~ June 4th and 5th WILLIAM POWELL and MYRNA LOY I in ' T h e T h i n M a n ^ also H f e a d l i n e ^ 'S h o o t e r s '-' (A Comedy Thriller) v S A L E S - S E R V IC E RADIOS' RANGES Forst'sLtd. North 685 00 rHiOnsdnlo Avo Weal 37North Vanumivcr TEAROE & SON 1474 Marine Drive Concrete Contractors Excavation & Foundation Work Lime -- Sand -- Cements All Building Materflila - ̂^ Phone West 84 for quick delivery. SPONSOR-A-TREE TIE i m r L n e n c UNURT^ Read the New Books of Romance, Adventure, J ' and Mystery. _^UST a t t h e b u s t e r m i n u s . / New books always on hand. The following donations came too labe to be acknowledged last week: " J. B. S haw ..... ........................... .26 Jean E. Shaw '...........................25 Jill L ancaste r..... .............. , .25 Mr. and Mrs. P. Christie and G eorge^ ................' .76 Mrs.. H. McGowen............ .26 Already acknowledged 60,25 DISABLED VETERANS' ASSN. (1921) West Vancouver Branch '* " COMMITTEE ROOMS; FERRY BUILDING NEXT-MEETINd -- - "Join the Diaabtea Veterans" D. MeTavieh, Sec. Phone Went 396X BIG l ib e r a l d a n c e In the ORANGE HALL FRIDAY, Jl|NE 7th, from 9 to l j \ GOOD MUSIp REFRESHMENTS ADMISSION. 25c, Ladies with escorts admitted free, „ . Come and meet the Young Liberals They* could not play cards oh Noah's Ark because he sat on the deck, TW i l - M ■f ■'j \ ; i i ... a , ̂ ̂'J#! /•WC'/'-- ,*■ u