West Van. News (West Vancouver), 30 May 1935, p. 3

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ijfrj ..... ,.|^i! lWI!*»llW»̂ ^ f m ' w m ^ i t k n HEWS <M«WW>lft»Ŵ ^ M.V 30 ,198S- y o u r '■âitMiaMSSMaiiiSsyĝ Jiflwipip...,,,.-., a n d P e r s o n a l WINDOWS doors SHtNGLES UTH VENEERS ROOFING building paper ': A' .Cioinjplete.. B uilders D BRICK* CEMENT TILE LIME SAND PUNS AND SPECinCATIONS Drawn up and estl- mates piven Free. students took place oa the Ingle- Lodge, ... e. o. « . » .. k* _____ wood School grounds W Thurs- to t^pilano View Cemetery last day to observe Empire Day. The " ■ * ' - ■ • • ■ ------- speaker was Mrs. Moxo'n of Van- A s t b u r y 's B u i l d e r s ' S u p p l i e s 16th and. Marine Drive Nigh! l*hone W est 627R Phone W est 199 1 * R. C J A M I E S O N & C O 'S . kA N T IM O W H I T E '> y i n i I i 7 A V r f f A Superior to any white lead. cityi'ricoH N . Agents-GREENWOOD GROCERY, i 15th and Marine PRESENTATION TO ASK i 'O R ., - • . J - B T E A ! '..« ', . .C O F E E E a i ^C O C O A Spikes - Extracts' Powder S M u to IMFORIING-eOrltd.-- , VANCOUVER. B. C. JAMES PORTER A very pleasant meeting of the L iterary Society was held last Saturday evening a t 'the home of Mrs. Janies Duncan, 1388 Duohess Avenue, with the president, the Rev. Hillis W right . ill the chair. The purpose of the meeting, was to express the thanks and appreciation felt by Sunday for their annual decora­ tion of the graves in the Masonic pint. The service was conducted hyReV.Hniis^right . * m • , Mr. nd Mrs. Mcicets and fam­ ily of Vancouver, have moved into & house at 23rd and wood Avenue for the summer. ' # if'*' Sister Mai*y Rosalinda ( Nyland), htts had thO unique experience of havinir pro>vided Bellevue this year and last, from her Avenue. ̂ ̂ ̂ class in St. Ann's Convent School 'rwo door, have boon lately Now W estminster.^ seen in the viciinity ol the Capii- Ponfoin viwf oofu mvv.ci lurttviit/v ano View Cemetery. Thev are Vint, 29th and iVmrinc so ta m e t h a t th e> ^ w ill accep t food and candy from the hands Haywood Avenue. couver, d ep u ^ provincial com­ missioner of Girl Guides. Reeve Leyland and Trustee Mrs. 0 'Don- nell also gave brief addresses. There was a flag-raising ceix*- mopy and patriotic songs were sung by the children, the School Band under A. W. Delamont also playing several nuinlBers. ' * * • Mr. and Mrs. MeDougal and daughter of Vancouver, have of visitors. * ♦ ♦ W. Sagar, the West Vancou­ ver Jeweller, is a t present in hospital. His father is conduct­ ing his business during his ab­ sence. ♦ ♦ ♦ i Bud D'Easum was a member /of the all-star Rugby team from SOFTBALL Last Wednesday, May .22nd, a t Ambleside Park, Tidtphs de­ feated Engineers 27-9 in six in­ nings, the game being called for darkness. Les Willington pitch­ ed his first game for Tritons and UL me tui-iswir i\ug uy uium irom Saskatchewan, which played Manitoba last Saturday a t Win- Stew art's Sheet , M etal Works 8- nipeg. He also played on the 4 in a closely fought game. Bud, , YVlIXV./li' vliXk) spring won the Regina cup, the -A VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLE Phone West 0 Fertilizers of AU Bands Wood, Coal, ___ Buil^rs'- Supplies_ w fcj v\jr ATJUJ. t V MASAV-Q X WA. te r for his wonderful help and v« * Wi*. AMAJ. v« ̂ K'W-A Vt W WAAAI Bell, hit a hOirie run with two on bases.; ~ ' Games for Next Week Monday, June 3rd: Tritons vs Engineers, a t Mahoh.guidance throughout th^?ear" th i? v e a r are as f o Z t ^ J u "iio? isnffineers, a t Mahoft.. . . T hii - t 6 b r t¥d "fOTm of the Wednesday, June S th r Trifoiis esentation to him n f n, summer Dollafton a t Amlbleside. All games from now on com­ mence a t 6 :30 p.m. ^ s c h o o l , 15th-22nd July; junior signed by all the past presidents bov<? 22nH Tnlv Kfh Aiimia+- S r" b o y s ,^ " X 'l5 th 'A u S J s 1 - : president now m the chair senior girls, 15th-26th August. MAY DAY DONATIONS The following donations and K .W . S a v o r y 1443 Marine Drive £_,l.p__,jAmhI^ide______ Phone West 340 Evenings, W est. 143 LisfingTWanter R eal E s t a t e F in a n c e a n d In s u ra n c e and the present-members. The , , le tter stressed the fact th a t due- T\/r..« i v / r ' to his efforts the members had - Yl' x ne icrnywnig oonuLions ana been m oved'to give themselves was the guest on Monday of the prizes received are gratefully to serious study, while his wide f^^sses btevenson of the Claehan. acknowledged by the committee knowledge' had been d f ^ e a t , * * * in charge: benefit to all. The same m ight . Stew art and Mr. G r a n g e r ........ ...........$2.60 be said of him as was -once re- family of Saskatchewan, are the Mr. J. J a c k ........... ................. 6.00 marked by Andrew Carnegie of 8'uests of Mrs. Stew art's uncle Mrs. E a to ck ..... ;...... 2.00 Hugh Miller, namely, that, apart and Mrs. George Vancouver Daily Province.. 6.00 from his preeminence in geology, Bulkley, ^'Dreamy Nook," 26th Mr. Haydn Young............... 2.00 his life of usefulness, and high Bellevue Avenue. They will Dr. S ea le ....... . ' 2 no aspiration had been an inspira­ tion to-all. Mr. Pcirter replied briefly, and ___________________ ___ ̂ ..... Dr. Seale . settle either here or in Vancou- Chatterton - Messenger .... 2.00 ver. ' P r i ^ s : -- Hudson's Bay Cp.; Mrs. V. . V. Vinson (King's♦ '♦ ._.the-.eveningL.was-cDncluded..with-___.jA l^ M cln tyre^^^ Br.QC_-._l ud io); ̂ .Finlayson D rug , Store,; the serving of refreshments. Avenue, has^retum ed from K. A. K ay;, Associated Dairies; a trip to Kelowna. Cross & Go. (drinks for Band). Why aren't you busy? Can't mi ' * * * yotf find-som ethingjiij.o'__________The s n o w ja s nuw-largely- pnzes y e L j J e ^ - - - - - - gone from Hollyburn Ridge. Pho^e M r^ J . R. Pat.terson; There was only abbut four feet . left a t the ski camp la s t Sunday. ^ * * ^ p r i^ s have been inadvertently Gee whiz! Have I gotta himt up work and then do it, too ? WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works Phone West 39 Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners The ferries had a busy time from this list, those giv- S U « n e X s . « . "S r s o n W eit j-; i (in H istory f '̂ ) ' "Now can any^ of you tell S n g r ^ higher poW r than a Acer 'P ^ W tly ) : Yes, an Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, Automobile ̂Burglary, Accident and Sickness, etc. 2557 king's Ave. Phone W. 42Y3 LO.B.A. D A N C E IN THE ORANGE. HALL '• |u n e 1st, at 9 p.m. A d m is s io n 1 5 c . WEST VANCOUVER RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION M E E T I N G ̂ In DUNDARA-VE^'HALL On THURSDAY, JUNE 6th, a t 8 p.m. _____ ' . a l l RATEPAYERS WELCOME. sengers. *, * ♦. Miss Betty Savory, 27th and Ottawa Avenue, left here on. Monday for Duncan, Vancouver Island, where she has been ap­ pointed assistant matron a t the. Queen Margaret School. » * * ' S. Mr. and Mrs." Magnus Ross and Mr. Harrop, all of Dundar-_ ave, have returned from a trip to the Cariboo. * * ♦ The West Point Grey Bridge Club gave a luncheon bridge last Monday at the Claehan. * ♦ ♦ - Mrs., K. Pegram, who has been -staying with her cousin, Mrs. Garew-Gibson, of North Vancou­ ver, iŝ spending* a few days with Mrs. A. M. O'Ponhell, 26th and Haywood Avenue, until her -'house is finished. . ' 133X3. CARD OF THANKS T erhaps the finest feature of our recent.; May Day Celebration was the widespread community effort tha t they called forth. Very many citizens gave generously of time, money and effort, tha t our spring festival might comd to success. " _ On behalf of the May Day Com- nifttee and through the columns of' this paper, may I thank all those citizens-who contributed so unself­ ishly, ?both by-donation and person­ al service to the success of our Ma,v Day functions. LESLIE D. G, BROOKS, Secretary, ' West Vancouver May Day Committee, Speciieds Lady Esther Four PurpiMc Cream u«." four sizes, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.25 Lady Esther Powder 4 shades Rachel Beige, Natural, Irunette two sizes, 25c. 5Qc. Gemmiirs Drag Store The Store of Servlet. 1686 Marine Drive . > West 37 or West 607 Emergency Phono West 821 (A fter 10 p.m.) Stratton's.BAKERY- 11' - Brciul, Ciikes, PasirleB, Birihdiiy, Christening and Wedding Cakes Meat IMes, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Prb.sh every morning Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive I'hone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE May'30lh, Slat, & June Ist STAN LAUREL .& OLIVER HARDY ̂Babes in Toy land'_ SATURDAY EVE, & 'MONDAY June la t and 3rd ' V ALL ACE BEERY ADOLPH MENJOU 'The Mighty Barnum' ^ TUESDAY & "WEDNESl)AY~ June 4th and 5th WILLIAM POWELL and MYRNA LOY I in ' T h e T h i n M a n ^ also H f e a d l i n e ^ 'S h o o t e r s '-' (A Comedy Thriller) v S A L E S - S E R V IC E RADIOS' RANGES Forst'sLtd. North 685 00 rHiOnsdnlo Avo Weal 37North Vanumivcr TEAROE & SON 1474 Marine Drive Concrete Contractors Excavation & Foundation Work Lime -- Sand -- Cements All Building Materflila - ̂^ Phone West 84 for quick delivery. SPONSOR-A-TREE TIE i m r L n e n c UNURT^ Read the New Books of Romance, Adventure, J ' and Mystery. _^UST a t t h e b u s t e r m i n u s . / New books always on hand. The following donations came too labe to be acknowledged last week: " J. B. S haw ..... ........................... .26 Jean E. Shaw '...........................25 Jill L ancaste r..... .............. , .25 Mr. and Mrs. P. Christie and G eorge^ ................' .76 Mrs.. H. McGowen............ .26 Already acknowledged 60,25 DISABLED VETERANS' ASSN. (1921) West Vancouver Branch '* " COMMITTEE ROOMS; FERRY BUILDING NEXT-MEETINd -- - "Join the Diaabtea Veterans" D. MeTavieh, Sec. Phone Went 396X BIG l ib e r a l d a n c e In the ORANGE HALL FRIDAY, Jl|NE 7th, from 9 to l j \ GOOD MUSIp REFRESHMENTS ADMISSION. 25c, Ladies with escorts admitted free, „ . Come and meet the Young Liberals They* could not play cards oh Noah's Ark because he sat on the deck, TW i l - M ■f ■'j \ ; i i ... a , ̂ ̂'J#! /•WC'/'-- ,*■ u