% .1 I: ■»•• ' >! -■• 'V Circft/ap'mf^ of West Vanc§^Pir^AmHeude, ■ HolfyHmijjj^i^n, Dundarave $1,00peryMr.„,:̂ , .... (]ypress Park̂ (^u^ild^ WhyteciW* 'Mite*'-: . - 5c p&r copy mt mmmimndA*' ..... .'■" '"'/.r ■•■„'.<>»■, "-'W p '.'•■■ y- ■■ '■>'■' ■.■'■• ■:■< ■ ' '■'. '̂ ' r-,- ': ■>" ■■;•■■ *■ •■'••■ r ' ■■■'■ '■̂T-. ■> '■ "*.;'■■■■, •■■■'. ■•.....■ . ■••■1 • .•.. .V'-::- ... OF ̂ W .. ...... , ...,,,« ,,,.,. ,. ̂► . ..... ' ■ ■. _i--..........-.................■■-........................L.________ J___ » .r4„v.,5, a t. Vol. X H O C L Y B U jR N P .O ., W E S T V A K C b U V E R . B .q .. T H U R S D A Y . 1935 N o . S i s ih ' m. M A W t v il A V ' jfO|Ki|r ' m > fiirjnMMir RGEVB UNVEILS PEDESlTAL BLBNEAGLES G O L t tlENKS ALEXANDRA ROSE DAY For tho first time in the his- lonshlp. medals and other certifi The May Day Parade halted last Friday on its way to Amble- p' fYirVof the event W est Vancou- cates won by the local St. John side Park to a l l ^ Reeve Ley- vpJ k Mav Day Celebration .Ambulance classes, and also land to unveil the w autiful cedarVel fc-_ 1 ^ , / . -I - *1__ AU.. Yui/lnafal flia Qn/l vay ̂ Ke( ivjw favored With ideal weather, wafched the perfect display of P ^ e s ta l e rec^d by the 2nd West Thpre was sunshine from early maypole dancingr by the school Vancouver IVoop of the Boy rniiiK finishing w ith ,a clear ..children; and clever gymnastic §g®nts to commemorate their An interesting evehrb liS atu r day was the Buckerfleld tourna ment. S ix tw n of th e meittbers., and staff of th is well known grain and feed firm took part. The competition consisted of 18 vvurm evening. "Approximately pyramiids by the West Vancou- "Bponsor a 1' ^ " campaign. The 7 000 heople were p re ^ n t for ver Recreational Centre classes, two hundred trees were present- the crowning of the May Queen Before leaving for her visit to ed by the m in is^ r of lands, and in Ambleside Park, the largest the North Vancouver General so far that has attended the Hospital and her tour of the celebration. municipality she inspected the North Vancouver won the Int- School Band, which had supplied erhigh Relay Race, the great the music fo r the dancipg, and holes me'dal play with handicap 3. Jim Shaw captumi the Scou^ received the hearty Cooperation Of the reeve and council in the arrangements made for the planting of the trees. A t the unveiling cere mony the group committee of allowances. ________ ------ the honors by a wide margin. Touring the tricky nine hole lay out twice Jim c a tte d a total of 72, his handicap giving him a . C, F< athletic event of the day in 18 started the afternoon sports. - y r ........... min. 55 seconds, which was 8 4/5 During this progress she placed 2nd TVoop turned over the seconds faster than W est Van- flowers on the Memorial Arch. tr^s to the as rep- c o u v e i '8 winning umc last y.ar. jjay Queen ban- S f ^ d r e r a *being H 4 m in S '47 B. Stev/ffls. The pedestal i l th. winning time last y«ar. jre leading 1 ,, .Parish. Hail, when the^toast to w oA 'o f I f h / m ^seconds and they were still ahead 4.1,^ „roo wniie tne low net of 60, A, C, Foreman came second with 84 gross and 72 net. The course is in splendid shape and mjany players enjoyed games over the long week end. ORATORICAL CONTEST at the first mile in 4 m inutes 47 ------ , the May Queen was proposed by handsom e'br^^■ at the second mile, covering th a t t Tv/r«rj Ti,'n otid rpnlipd to bv j piaque on ine in 0 minntps 24 seconds i'i. • Au A A the-pedestal was madedistance in J minutes 44 seconas. chairm an J. R Mitchell, th a t to b y Percy Hawtin. The wording The end of the th ird hdle, h<iw- j.jjg retiring, May Queen being L. 0 . B. A. wh.Vh a riv an taae they m aintain- Ex-Queen Joan ^ens of W est Vancouver and ^ the ertd their j replying. Reeve ^ y la n d p an ted 1^ West Vancouver Boy,: l lm n i r home in ea^® f S o " 1*®'*°"® r " f Second Troop, May 24-trotting nome in easy lasnion. nxiggioner F isher replied. Miss 1935" The Inter-House Relay Dorothy Green wood., sang two Sherman to 14th Street, w ent to charming songs, Mrs. Sheffield House 3 in 21 minutes 13 sec- acting as accompanist. The May ends, 17 seconds faster than last Queen presented corsage bou- ■year, while Hollybum w ^ from to Mrs. J. B. Leyland, Mrs. Pauline Johnson iiv th e new j Mitchell, Mrs. E. A. Ford, Elementary School Relay firom j r . p^itterson, Miss Dor- 23rd Street. Greenwood, and • Mrs. J. ; Cheering crowds lined Marine Sheffield, also buttonieres to Drive as the parade, was played Reeve Leyland, Chairman Mitch- to the park by the West Vanc-oUf ell, .Leslie- Brooks, and T;'. B.- W ; ver Schools Band, although due, - Russell, Owing to the last one given bv thenu h ^ in g beeh such a suc cess, Ruth Chapter, L.O.B.A., are giving another dance Satur day in the O im ge Hall. Dancing will s ta r t at; 9 p.m. and good music will; Admis sion 15 cental j t is hppied to con tinue these dancea. every week. - RATEPAYERS' MEETING The annual Oratorical Contest sponsored by the ParentrTeacli- ers Association will be held in th e ' Inglewood APditoriuiw on Friday, June 7th, a t 8 p.m. This is one of the events of the year. The young orators display won derful ability and pri>vidA^heir 'p a ren ts and friends with a ;iileas- ah t and;; profitable evening's entertainm ent. Watch next week's iaaue of th is paper for advertisement with fu rther particulars. WORK OFFORMEjR REEVES HONORED Margai'et's arrival • was ̂ greeted if ̂ ru n ip e ts /an d out? wiA» esuw Lcd by Reeve Ley>-, Association are holding a ited for the occasion under the meeting a t 8 p.m, next ThSrs maxgcii'bL s was greewju ,uj.u Pwsided over bv the --------- with a flourish o fjrum pets, and . ^ P T h ^ a u d R ^ u m R- " The W est Vancouver Ratepay-shft wa<4 ftsoortfid hv RftfiVA TifiYA- iviay v ĵueen. xne auui u u ...... • a ««« .. ®" w direction of Mrs. Climie, w ith day, June 6th, in Dpndarave g h ^ lT h fllte if s tr^ m e rs and-hangingr-'flower HaU, when m tte rs -o f ^ t im-school children another "P^J^sh, , '. whilp the_sh?H^« ^bp n portance will come before the riS l of F W * ? i* l! .J e l I e n t!^ u s ic :waa provided, by Payejs' Association _headed by The ..council a t their> meeting Monday night confirmed the naming of sev ^ a l streets and -parks-in-honor^of"formeirreeyes7 "andlh^'appred lent public services rendered by them; as follows: Nelson Avenue -- from 3rd S treet westward/to 29th Street. Lawson Ayeiyie from 3rd S treet westward to 29th Street. - Hay P a rk r^ in g 4:he-B. W. 44 D.L^gO on_the_nQrth_side_of TTtgleWpod'AvelrifCT Alexandra Rose Day is once more to, make its appearance in our midst on June 12th, under the auspices of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, l.O.D.E. This date has been chosen because it is the day set aside all over England for the sale of these roses and it is eminently suitable that West Vancouver should keep it a t the same time. The day was named for the late Queen Alexandra who was great ly interested in .Grooms Cnpple- age (founded 1866), where tho rosOs weixj then and are still made. Originally all the proededs were" used for the up-keep of Groom's Crippleage, but lately only a percentage of the intake finds its way back to the Cripple- age -- .the distribution of the . remainder being left to the dis cretion , (xf the organization sponsoring the sale. The Duncan Lawson Chapter has decided to divide its share of the proceeds between the Jubilee Cancer Fund and the various branches of work' for children in West . Vancouver in which it is already interested. So anyone who buys an Alexandra Rose will bo help ing (1) the blind and lame girls helping the blind and lame girls who make the roses; (2) the^ Jubilee Cancer Fund; (3) the^ children of West Vancouver. Be rea^y to have your shareJn-this worth-while effort -- JuneT2th. BIG LIBERAL DANCE w TO^-jijjberals and Young L ib erals have combined forces to put on a big dance next Friday, " .............. ■ " n.June 7th, in the^Orange H al. Dancing will; take place from 9 to 12, and there ,will be good music and refreshments. Admis- ;sion," 25 cents. Ladies with -escorts.-will-be^dmitted-free.----- A delegation from the Rate- S e n k ^ back to R^VP T pv rented bouquets to Mrs. W. B. % n l and t h L pla^ed®" f e r ^ : iS im ll and to the convener of the on the council Monday night and urged them to allow any citizen who owes three years' taxes on his home to work out one year's taxes in order to save his home from tax sale, provid^ Vinson Playgrounds, being part of D.L. 1067 on S.E. corner of 22nd and Inglewbod Avenue. iVIOrgwXr^c€nt7~located^on~ on her successor, ihe- ceremony W. H. G , . being emphasized' by the ./sky- A real May Day. note was ........................................... ward rush of a racket and th e ^struck on Saturday night a t the jg handle^ Munici- playing of the National Anthem. ; Children's Ball in the Auditori- work. They also asked the May Queen Dale, . now duly -um, as any m ust .have realised - - _ .crowned, addressed liei ̂ fa ith fu l who watched the happy faces of subjects, and was presented w ith the many children of all ages the golden key by Reeve Leyland /laughing and dancing and gener- and with a silver b racelet-by -a lly enjoying themselves. Mrs. Chairman MitchelLon behalf of A: D. Chisholm as fairy god- the citizens. Brief speeches were '.mother, distributed candies. Ed- made by Reeve Leyland, Alder- .die Hornsby as clown, was the 'man Tisdal and Commissioner, leader in the fun and yeoman quests their earnest considera- fisher, and May Queen Dale and- /assistance was rendered by the tion. her suite s ig n ^ the parchm ent ;/tum s given by sonie members of -------- -̂------::-- roll. She then presented /the..,-the local recreational classes, prizes for- the -major * sports ^A ltogether a fitting climax to events and the provinciM champ- .>the May Day Celebration. Council to extend the Redemp tion period f t i land which was sold for taxes from one year to two years in line with other municipalities. The council de bated the matter, w ithout comh ing to a definite d^ecision, but they promised to give these re- the north side of Marine Drive opposite Cypress Park. P rocter Avenue -- . south of P. G.E. tracks between 30th and 31st Streets. ^ Gisby Avenue, -- Northward from Palmerston Avenue be tween 29th and 30th Streets. ; . B lbcir34. Lot. l67 Mr. Allen thought the case m ight be met provided the boulevard on the North side of Bay St. was cleared instead of opening the lane; The m atter was left for the chairman of the board of works and the engineer to bring in a report. The council ordered tha t D.L. . The council decided to leave 1057 be withdrawn from the Tax the nm tter of the West Bay t r ^ Sale L ist and held in reserve fo-r planting to the fall. ̂ , park purposes. .'f; PARTICULARS OF WINNERS IN MAY DAY SPORTS DR. MACDONALD OPENS RENTAL OFFICE Dr. George S. Macdonald, who has taken Dr. M. McCubbin's practice in West Vancouver, is a gold medalist of Dalhousie University and a, member of the Dominion Dental Council of Canada. Dr. Macdonald has been prac ticing in Anyoix,. B. C., the last nine years, where he was also resident Coroner. 8:30 a.m.--Relay Race, Lonsdale to 14th Str., West Van, High vs. North Van. High, 4 men teams. 1st, North Vancouver; time 18 min. 55 sec. 2nd, West Vancouver: F. Pennings, T. Robson, H. Bibbs, D. Shellard. ^ 8:30 a.m.--Bicycle Race, Carriers and Delivery boys; J mile, 23rd to 14th Street, 1st, Frank Smith; "2nd, F rank Yates. 8:40 a.m.--'Relay Race," SKerman to 14th S treet, Intcr-House,* 0 men teams. ^ - 1st, House 3--D. Pugim agari, D. Dennison, A. Hug gins, B. Kitching, K. Shejlard, H. Parker. Time, 21 mim;' 18. sec.; 17 sec faster than last year. 2nd, House 1--R /R a th ie , K. McNair, E.' Cole, B. Barker, P. Faghn, T. Loucks. (Continued on Page 4) - f ,C W M rai's B a l l s to o k p la c e . I 4 t l i an d , MEtrine D rive* w h e r e t h e ^ l a y R a c e s e n d e d ./.'I ' ' • ' iWii"? ' ; >r, / f ' i 1 ' ' ' ' ui", , ' I f I . !l! VI t siTTPliin * ' *. -f V ["®'," \ -- i John Allen was present a t the Council meeting in regard to opening of lane behind D.L. 430, I t, ' -Vfi. r--- ■ .■■■• • ■ ̂ .> - rf.' *•. 1 I'l I . a S' '1 I M>. s, <4 i ' ■ i J Ti'f/',.; • ; y y "\:Ai 'itiJ 1 » " ̂ 11 f I i ■' * - It. ■ 1̂/* ,i I 7:. J 'A IUi 4' 9'. /. ,«■; iSt<, .a :,, " I4;■ '̂ 1 : ̂I., / *' A .A ■h, % F /vl ■ ' 'i :•*,« ' 1 ' .v.., I * , Ji-n, ^ . A r - J i tAM