! 1 ' .1 i * i ' 1 % ' ' I r i i.1 4( ■ f ; t ',- i •'■ '*1 1,' .J .<t "V: r.) 1 ■'•S 'l 4 r- '1 1 . . J t •n -' •>fi '( t-f-;S j!f-| a '-' '? J '•# 4 !? ' I4 p' "}> Ption« WMt l«9 ̂ lie A- F l io n e W iN it l# lU T .D A Y d o n a tio n s v-"|Dp ,C9> Tb«^idlloiriDK donation* and p r b m ' m e e ir e d M e p^ teM Iy acknow ledge by the committee PflceiGood Thurwlay a Batu»'<lAy« Mtiy 23rd A 28th M e a t ! in change: n m w Ued & WWtP J E ttY l»OWP£aS A»mtU4 ...... .,..,,4 pMM'iit IM & WWt« TOMATO iOIC»" '̂'4 Tull Tin* (Limit $)..............(in a m S F J ) BEBE, GmA q a a litr .«.*J tlmi,1if Phone West $70 ' - - w m P. T. A. t o . D. B ......... St. John Whson Naomi Chapter Star iuver Council $25.00 10.00 EaBtern 10.00 10.00 12 ojt. Un............ HHHKODBf) WHEAT 100% Whole Wheat........... ]0c iCed a While TOMA'rOES, No. ZVt tbl Hand Eaebed ..................2 lint t ie lUA A White APHICOT8, Choke (lualily--Tree ftipeiied. 2a, tin 17c FAULTLESS SLICED PINEAPPLE , No. 2 tin «•»•»•«...........MM.....8: .timi'!27c IlkST FOOD MAYONNAISE H ojt. Jar ....................................... 20c l»ICNIC SUOGBSTIONS im iin <;k*s f is h s p k e a d s Salmon. Tuna or Crab......... tin lOc UOUl SEAL HEKIUNOS. R C. Pock ill lomnlo Sauce, l a ........... .'.tin 9e lied A White SALMON, Flat Tin Fineat Northern Sockeye........... |0c rnm' - i - ' CIXIVKSF o r t h e George H e w itt ..... PigEiy Wiggly Canadian Bakeric.s J. B. Leyland SIIOULDEKS OF LAMB (Whole), per lb............ ;........... 15c LF.i;S OF LAMB, per Ih..............26c _______ !u!1'«? n ? " ' . i ? ' ? J f Mr. and Mrs. H. Hrowii iii'« n s~ uX|bv W r , i;;. li,;::: iU Crehan, Mouat &' O . ' Ki.K-raiEics LUXUnV U)a f , |n r lb , 80c m/IINS' SFX'UIHTY BACON Vi lb. pkta............................ ........ 18c UAINEIt'S SUPEUIOB WEINEKS ...per..80c VmiNC; IKHLINO FOWL, lb......2Ie BONELESS COIINED BEEF, lb. 16c LA.MB -- VEAL ~ BEEF POKE All Fineat (|uaJity 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 ' 2.00 2.00 , . . * 'i"' ■•','S G overnm ^t I n s p e c ts Only; , "HAMS*"""'* hAAIB y BAL' COLD MEATS OF ALL KINDS DBLICATBI^EN 1.sto re a t H ollyburn, next Theatre PHONE W EST 8 . G a r d e n NABOB SABDINES, Ntirweglau in Olive Oil .......... ........... 2 tina 26c IIEDI.UND'S MEAT PASTES Ideal for Sandwidiea.,......3 tlnu 25c - (leather fared..,........ '29c CRABS HOOKS ........................ 39c H O E S ............... .......................... 59c R A K E S.............:.......................... 49c I R A K E S........................................ 49c (' SHEARS ................... 89c I LAWN MOWERS.................. $7.9fi ) Mr. Dickenson Mrs. M. Conway Miss M. Chappull Mr. McGowan Mrs. McC. HIlI Smith's G rocery................ ....... West Van. Cleaners.......... 1.00 St. B.........................:........1.00 Mrs... K in g ............ ............ 1.00 W. H....................................... 1.00 Mrs. J. Cole . 1.00 Mrs. Allison ............... ;...... 1.00 Mrs. H. D............................ .50 B. D. ...:.................................. .50 M. S te e l ........................................25 F. H ad w ln ........................... .25 Col; Tristram ..................... 5.00 D. M. .................:.................. 1.00 a n d a l l j ;C ^ B C IiD lN G ' m a t e r i a l s W EST VANCOUVER LUM BER C O . LTD. ------- FOU KIOAL SATISFACTION -- ----- Phone West 115 1497 Marine Drive C L A S S I F I E D A D S I The rate for ClaaRiOed Advertisementa is 2 cents per word, mininium 25 cents. Except in the case of those having regular accounts, all classi fieds are payable strictly in' advance. Remember Classifieds In the West Van News get immediate results. DIJN(;AN LAWSON CHAI»TER, I. O. D. E>„ CELIiBRATBS BIRTHDAY TRAFFIC REGULATIONS MAY DAY ' $125.00 Tbia month (May) the Dun can LawBon Chaptor, I.O.D.E., eelcbratcH its fifteenth birthday -- having been organized In April 1920 -- but- not receiving^ its charter and beeoming a register ed chapter until the following month, May. It would be inter- esting and educative if it were poHHible to tabulate the various activitieH, and achievements of the chapter for the past fifteen years -- but suffice it to say, that the chapter has carried on, through ! ^ r weather and foul, has made k name for iteclf in the community life of- West Vancouyef, and is the only org anization still functioning which wa.s in existence in May, 1920. Members have come and mem- Î M'Sh have gone, but all have lived up to the m o^o chosenif^or them at that eaidv_ meeting, '.'Loyai Service." . The nanie.s on the charter are many of them, still among us -- .Nira.,A.,Almas, Effie M.-Field? Alberta rnoi The following ti'affic regula tions will go into effect on May Day from *12 noon: I, Kith Street south of Marine ;i. 5. Prizes Mr. D. Davidson Snider's tG roojrf W. G. Daniel Brook's Dry Goo(is Drive to the shore line will be clo.sed torti'affic. .Broderick Photogiaphei llellevue Avenue north and Mifn south of the P.G.E. tracks ^ lietween 13th and 14th Sts., will be closed to traffic. The south side of Marine Drive between 12.th and 13th Streets will be reserved for floats only, no parking being o ' ir, allowed iii this space 5®®*̂ ® Private cars will park in the Grocery new area at Ambleside Park east, of 12th Street. Decorated cars will park in Ambleside Park in the area west of 12th Street. DUNDARAVE "ORIGINAL" WOOL & KNITTING SHOPPE, 2i46 Mar ine -- Best of Wools, etc.' Free in structions (Mrs. Latham). Trop. M. Busst, FOR: SALE -- Secondhand Murconi battery radio, A1 shape. New tubes ' and batteries, 1933 model. Phone West 621L. LOST -- Silver watch, near 13th St. Reward. West 252R. , / SNAP -- '̂Cork - lined refrigerator; good condition, $15.00. Apply 1454 Argyle Avenue. FOR SALE - at bargain. - Oil burner for range. Phone West 103L. Hollybuim Library Gemmill's Drug Store J. M, Dent & Co, J. Jefferies West ' Van. Plori.st J. Murch LOST -- Black & White Wire-haired terrier, 4 months old. Kindly phone West 240R. FOUNEKr-Lady's wedding ring. Owner , can have sam<! by describing it and ' paying for this advertisement. Phone West 472L. Alterationa aind , _______ and basement Phone C. A. Wilson, North HOUSE MOVING - 'repairs; concrete Work. 082L. WANTED TO RENT -- Large un- furnished house, four to five bed rooms. Apply Box 7, West Van News. THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar A number of persons have gone off the deep end at not get ting a Jubilee medal. This is the surest indication in the world ertu Fdgley, Mary Mutch- Lhat they, at any rate, were not 'C, Gertrude Luw.son, Fannv - deserving of the henor, for it ........ n ........ r r ......rCVeald th e f» r t tb n f fbo,*,. Mrs. Gran will Mrs, Marlin Orange Lodgo ' B. C. Electric Rly. Co, G. Clay Cosy Coffee Shop I * Woodward's 1/td. Terminal City Iron Works. J. H. Griffiths Farquharson's Shoe Store. Mrs. Busst West Van. Produce A. Searle Mrs. Bulkley Mr. J. Banks L. Garth orne DOLLY VARDEN SHOP, Dundarave --Hosiery, Millinery, House Dresses and Children's Wear. City prices. HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave, T-Notions, Novelties, Stationery, School Supplies, Garden Seed's, ■ Hardware. WATERFRONT, Bellevue Avenue - - 6 room bungalow, every modern convenience, dovely garden, partly furnished, garage, no children, lease 1 year from September 1st. Reason able rent. West 297L. FOR R EN T.-- Comfortably furnished 5 room house. Phone West 301R. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PAINTING. D ^orating, Paper-Hang .rY___. L. A. ■ Y-i . : T*r . . < ir tr r - , i? iy«csi6- ^.Houses to Rent. Houses,-lots,, and acreage for sale. John Lawson, 17th and Marine, Phone W est 55. ing. F irs t ClaSs work only. Phone Bert Williamson, W est 41SR, J. TEPPEMA, Builder and Contractor- Expert advice., Plansj,^awn. First class workmanship. Phone West 481R1. LISTINGS WANTED -- W'e have many inquiries- for rentals, both summer and permanent. (3. J. Arch-' er Ltd,, 1415 Marine, West 225. G()RDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solic. itor, .1447 Marine, mornings; 510 Hastings St,, Seymour 4199. after- ROCK DRILLING -- Walls built, rockeries made and planted. Day or con tact. Phone W est 294. - among tho.'̂ e who have had the -honor--of--bei ng--Regents" "ai'CT Mrs. A. Alma.s, Mrs. J. Lawson, - Mrs. Field, Mr.s. David Morgan,' Mrs. W. B. Small, Mrs. Bernard Hayes, and this year, Mi-s. W. B. Small was unanimously elected for a second term of office. Th<' cliaptor was organized ' under the Provincial Chapter, as an Isolated Primary Chapter, hut. a few years later changed to' the jurisdiction of the Municipal Chapter in Vancouver. IIow- ' ever, four years ago, it again re verted to the Provinoial Coni- imnd under which it now func tions. In celebration of their birth day the chapter-held a Bridge Luncheon in Hudson's Bav Monday, May 13th, which was Very largely attended." A fter luncheon Mrs. Small p y e a short address touching briefly on the early years of chapter work and the outstand ing achievements since, and their introduced Mrs. Frank Stead,.the president of Provinci-' al Chapter, who congratulated . the chapter on their success all .thi*ough the yeans and on the enviable position they now enjov among Uie chapters of the prov- ̂ Mi-s. W. G, Barker. Mrs. Colip MacLean and Mrs, John Willson yvere the winners of merchaiKjIse, while Mi-s. L. Ajel- 10 w^ii the guest prize," During the afternoon bridge was enjov- ed, Cromar Bruce winning the first prize, and Miss Sorbov, Vanoouver, the second prize, both o f which, were drawn for. performed mlainly for reasons of 4€Jf=aggnandisfinie.nL^=^" M a JM ". <̂1 J X t,. ' i ' a ' ' 1 ^ W est Van. Imperial Gas Stn. Cr-HT"Gi^ithk^did .word that -- and not from K i S ^ r u c stnrs altrmatic motives. What the S ot's D ^ r m L - d ^ ^ w i th T h f " ca"" " l i t f .^h'e ' A m ? k s i d e ? h S S . t y flowers'that bloom in the snrinc.' Meat Market It is vei-y good for all of us to at times be made to realize our own unimportance.* a * FOR SALE --. -Rockery and AIpine_ plants, large variety. Week days. 'G. Barrow. 24th and Nelson.. -SHOE - REPAIRS-'^■-'Get 'the'bdSHnat-'^' erial and workmanship a t Fox's, l ^ h a t Ferry. GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your next ,, shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. HUNTER'S C dFFB E SHOP -lunches, afternoon Try andTJUi* -lunches, afternoon teas dinners. Home-made bread, .cakes and' pies. W est 610. LEGION W. A. HAYW ARD A N D P R E B B L E --Radio Servicing, Patronise West V anc^- ver. Guaranteed work. Phone West 539. MA RCEL SHOP-- Thermique Steam Permanent. Try our fatigug facial for tired housewife' or business woman. West, 304. 17th and Marine over RoyaKBank. There will be a m eeting of the Crooning was once defined bv JT* the-Legion on Monday, Noahv Webs ter to be "a continii- ous hollow sound as of cattle in ^ attendance pain." This was, of course l i - INGLEWOOD JUNIOR HIGH NOTES COLIN TURNER,' Builder and Con tractor --' Alterations and repairs. Phone W est 679R. - u ̂ ------ ----------------- - The. Annual Board held a Tea IS hoped for. An invitation was and Sale o f Home Cooking on fore radio was inventedrbut the Rev. P. A. Wednesday, May 8th. Theafter-.- Noah is still C(n*rect. Avennf ?am_sey to attend ' ~ " WANTED -- One ^m ished and one unfurnished 4-room cottage nwr ferry. Phone W est 340 or West 143 Noah is still coi*rect, except' that attend service at St. 'Viattle" is too good a word to Church, Sunday next, apply to our modern crooners > On the other hand, while to call ®*" P'***® Service. " would be = ---- ---------------------- ^ r v ic e at St. noon was a decided social and t h e WELFARE ASSO a sick ox "a crooner" an insult to the animal, tp call a crooner "a sick ox," seems to fill Ine bill amazingly. The thing financial success. The Tea open- ed at 3 p.m. in the auditorium, which was decorated with green ^ d yellow, the school colors. Hanging baskets were very quires discarded clothing. Phone Wesl>37 and truck will collect. A"?™ l>een as- couver Florists, while Robinson's r a d i o R E P A IR S r - West Van- Radio Service (J. L. PettigreW), West 108, *' 1473 Marine. sassinated long ago. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - •Repairs, all makes. W est VancOu- ver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine.. ^ S T y/^CO U V ER MUNICIPAL FERRIES 24th May Schedule ^ ' " ' ■ ̂ - J'( H alf Hourly Service Throughout the Day AlVfBLESIDE --̂ F irst Boat leaves at 6 a.m ' L ast Boa ̂ leaves at H :S0 prni. <JITY DOCK-- ^ 'rst BoSt leaves.at 6:30 a m »Last Boat leaves at 12 midnight. Buses meet all ferries. store supplied the lovely stand mg baskets. i AJ^Ough a larger attendanee would have been welcomed, those who were present generously rTT------------ ^ ^ supported the Home* Cookinff ^DRESSMAKING .& ALTERATIONS tables. The girls servino- at pants a- specialty. Phoife FRED JONES ---- New and Second hand Bicycles., Repairs. City Prices 1455 Marine. W est 472Y. , j.. tables. The girls serving at these wore caps and aprons of green and yellow paper. i-b refreshments were under the ^pable managemient o f Miss r -- ^ specialty, Mrs. Robbins. W est 619R; " HEADQUARTiSRS for AB Popular Brands of .Cigarettes and Tobaccos: also Fishing (ladgits for local wat T 1 -'•viiss ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms.______ J.C astell. During th e afternoon pR ru'Pniri a v ^ e d program .was rendei-orf' " M T p fGa varied program was tvnWZI'J' -- For all kinds of including,folk d a n c i^ Ld^chor ^®®*ll.SAQ imrl/av Jf__-a? NeW«- WpSlt Rfi?!M the direction e f Miss 5 - Wilson, a quartette, and xylophone solos. . th e Annual Bom*d wishes tn appreciation to all those who donated to the Home stall, and those suported by attending the Tea LLOYD'S WOOL & KNITTING i SHOP, 2474 Marine -- Complete line spring wpolsl Free knitting schooL, -Violet and Kathleen Clem- . ent. Proprietorar' ' - EA Y ,'.N otary Public -- R®*t E state 'and Inisuiance. Phone "West 21 o r Seymour 1260. __ *- « » . i.t ' I' ' r ,'-r7,r'-4 , - ' u,--1