,. ...... .... H iPt I8ii'■ -̂1 ........................- ■ ■' ............... ....... S(g!(,>«.'> i. -H M V JW M *!.. > % W i* s * lU t* - l» tS « # ^ i!* a p i* W i 4 , '"■ * 1935. :tO T 'W E Sa?;fA N NEWS1̂-. 'WWÎ P̂pl̂ 'WBfcî v̂.; .If '^PwMfc fi< ■ iJiftlp nP HRlSlP ffi|r IpWr liiWw<iiil)î ^ sa a â l i i*i« |Wi'»ySsw yOUR r"" >1. ------ ---- ^ ................. ............. ......... - ....../ . •• .--' ■ ' ,1 -i -» vU. • I • -< - specials ~ . ■ ' fri D umliitalii"'" «*'•*" '̂ '«>̂ |*|f̂ "f0|i||||||'*||||||'|^ WINDOWS doors SHINGLES LATH VENEERS roofing building paper A > .C 0 ii i |i l i^ tc ̂-mSw. iUpfl»lMP^Cl^' SiP' "̂'"" "S'E^jc^v^Sci'c#' SRIdC CEMENT TILE LIME SAND half-hourly service throughout the fonthcoming n ^ o f tomorrow (Victoria Day) The Miss j S n D o i^ ea ter has been PUNS AND SPECIFICATIONS, Drawn up and astl> mates plven Free. Astbury ŝ Builders' 16th and J^arine Drive Nijrht Phone W est 627R Phone W est 199 arst bc^t win lea>y., Ambleside the reason for several delightful p « k at 6 a*m. the last at affairs in her honor, On Monday 11:30 0«UL The t o t boat from evening, May ^ t h , m em bers o f the city dock will be 6:30 a*m„ the B ndge Club, o f which Miss the last bm t 'leaving there at Dorchester is a member, enter- midnight. Buses meet all boats. ̂ tained at a shower a t the home * * ♦ of Miss Audrey Lester a t A lta- Mrs. R. H. Watson of Seattle, *nont. Bridge was played duriAg arrived here on Sunday to spend the evening following which th e two weeks with her mother-in- guest o f honor was presented law, Mrs. W. T. Watson, 1477 with the "prize," in the form of Fulton Avenue, , a china breakfast s e t , ' Those ♦ • * present included, Miss Joan Do)*- Mr. and Mrs. R, B. Grieve and cheater, Mrs, R. A, Thompson, . fam ily, 2337 Lawson Avenue, Mrs. E. E. Wasson, Mrs,^B. Traf. R« C. JAMIESON & CO*S. P ain ts & V arnishesCrown &Anchor Agent8-GREEN\V00D GROCERY, 15th. and Marine UNEMPLOYED ASSOCIATION ASK FOR J - B TEA ̂ COFFEE COCOA Spices - E x tra c ts Baking Pow der STANDARD IMPORTING CO. Ltd. VANCOUVER, B. C. have moved to a house a t 25th foTd, the M isses Sybil Chapman, and Lawson Avenue. Betty Mackenzie, Audrey Lester, ̂ ♦ Ruth and Marion Blair, Vera ahd Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Plowman Frances Johncox, Miss Jean Wat- of Victoria are the guests of ^*88 *̂ 0816 Leyland. their daughter, Mrs. F. E. De * ♦ ♦ , Wuest, 23rd and Inglewood Ave- Informal rock gardens and hue. late spring shrubbery formed a * ♦ * colorful background to tea tables Dr. F. T. Richardson, 1393 set on the grass patio a t the Duchess Avenue, has left for a beautiful, home of Mr. and Mrs. V E R N O N F E E b S T O R E A. C. SEARLE Phone W est 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds - Wood, Coal, Builders* Supplies . The regular m eeting of the W est Vancouver Unemployed Association was held at the Legion Dali oh Thursday, Miay 9th. The m atter, of worldng for relief pay was discussed at some, length and continuation of the strike decided upon. The desir ability of cash instead of script was also discussed. It was re ported that the Provincial Minis ter oJ Labor gave the informa tion, that the Dominion arid Provincial shares o f relief were trip up coast. Mrs. Calder, 968 15th Street, has, le ft for a trip to St. John, N ew Brunswick. A son was born on Monday, 13th May, to Mr. and Mrs. Vito Cianci, 2607 Nelson Avenue. ♦ ♦ * Bernard and Kenrieth Nash re turned bn Monday from St. Patrick's College, Ottawa, to spend the summer vacation with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. Av C.paid to municipalities in cash • > ta • and that nothing prevented * Nash, 2206 M anne Drive, municipalities paying relief in cash if they d esir -^ to do so. The next general m eeting of the Association will be held in the Legion Hall on, Thursday, May 23rd, a t 8 .p.m., when elec tion of officers will be on the agenda. L. E. Mackenzie, W est Bay, on Sunday, May, 19th, when Miss Betty Mackenzie entertained at the tea hour in honor of Miss Joan DGrchester and Mr. Donald Palmer whose marriage is posted amongst the Interesting nuptial events for June. The tea , table, daintily appointed with Cluny lace cloth was centered by a sil ver container holding pastel shaded Darwin tulips w hilst sil ver sconces held tall mauve tap ers in compliment. Presiding at the tea urns were Miss M. Brown, Mrs. A. R. Mackenzie and Miss Sybil Chapman. A ssist ing as serviteurs were Miss SOFTBALL K.W, Savory -1443-Marine-Drive- Ambleside Phone W est 340 -Evenings,--W est-143- WantedListings Real Estate Finance and Inf iirance Last Wednesday, May 15th, at Ambleside Park, Stew art's Sheet Mejtal Works defeated Tritons 9- 4. On Monday, at Mahon Park, Tritons defeated Dollarton 19 to 8. V Games N ext .Week ^ A girl was born last Sunday Audrey Lester, l^ s . B. Trafford, at the North Vancouver General Mrs. R. Thompson, Miss H, Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Law- Young, Miss Ruth Blair, Miss rence Speck (nee Blanche Duck^ Josie Leyland, Miss Dorothea worth)", 24th and Ottawa Ave- Parkin, and Miss Gertrude Par-* nue. * kfn. Others present included * * Miss Joan Dorchester,'M iss Ida The W est Bay Library was Smith, Miss Palmer, Miss Dorie movbd yesterday f p m W est Bay Oarling, Miss Hazel Lewis, Miss to th e store -at ■*'2476 Marine Winifred Dorchester, Miss Jean Drive. It will be re-opened to the Wilson, M iss Barbara Beid, Miss public in a few days. ' Jearinie Davidson, Miss Sue * ♦ * Procter, Miss Jean Watson, Mrs. The run of springs arrived a _ F. Dorchester, Mr. and Mrs. E. week or two^ago in the waters Mackowski, Mr. .and M rs.. W. along our shores, and several . Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ev. already been: caught at erton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Britton,have „ _ MofiHnv Mflv bVfh-- TritnrK? vs EagTe^"HarbPV"^ird'~Hbrseshoe-- Mrrand-'M rs.-N-Smithj-Mfrand-■ ' . Mrs. A. R. Mackenzie, Mr. ajid Stewart s at Mahom » * -■ Mrs...W. Morphitt, Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday, May 29th-- 'n-itona ^^s bom on Tuesday, ' N. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. E. Yŝ _ Keats .. OroceryLa t .. Am bio--- M ay--14tK -in-N orth--Vancouver Thompson,-^-- JVErs____Lam bert^ General H ospitaf to . Mr. and . Messrs. Donald Palmer, Dr. Rus-side. Philip C. Chapman General Insurance A gent Fire, Automobile, Burglary, Accident and Sicknesi^ etc, 2557 King's Ave. 'j^bone W. 42Y8 H O L L Y B U R N P A V I L I O N ANNUAL m a y : d a y DANCE FR ID A Y , M ay 2 4 th Dancing 9 to 1 - ' STAN GRANT and hia 7-piece O rc h e s tra . n̂ o v e l t ie s , p r iz e s , ' ETC. A D M IS S IO N 3 5 C . Mrs. Ted Ward, 1347 Clyde Ave- sel Palmer, Harold Mahon, Clare nue. Domoney, George Gross, Frank * ♦ * Dorchester, Kenneth Mackenzie, A beautiful silver challenge George Shaw, Ralph Shaw, shield has been purchased by the Douglas Macdonald, Alvin Mae- May Day Committee for the re- Donald! John Stewart and *R. lay race between the elem entary PalnDer. schools on 24th May, from 23rd --------- ---------- to 14th Streets. . LEGION NOTES T h e ladies of,the Legion W .A .: Members are requested to_ _ _ are re(|uested will have a booth on th e grounds take note o f the annual Empire of Ambleside Park on the after= Day Service which will' be held noon of 24th May, where after-^ at St. Stephen's Church a t 11 noon tea and sandwiches, ice a.m. Sunday, May 26th. Fall-in cream," candy, etc., can be pur- outside the Church at 10:45 a.m. chased. A ttention! look for the Legi- , „ ♦ ♦ ♦ « , on entry in the May Bay-Parade, The ladies of Capilano.are en- a sw eet surprise for the kiddies, deavoring to raise funds for the during the parade, and at building of a community halL Ambleside Park. Dorothy- Messin^er r|ind Doreen Ke'rley; May Queen Elect and Suite Dale Eriksen, aged 13 years, is West Vancouver's May Queen for 1935. Maids of Honor -r .. Both 12 years. " ̂ Pauliiie Johnson School . .Guards of Honor-^Ruth Parnum, Nancy- Grieve,' Freda Jenvey. Flower Girl&--^Betty Bradley, June Penn. Crown Bearer^--Gwen Jenvey. Hollybum School .^Guards of Honor--^Nonha4 Minions, Kathleen Lowdon, Dorothy Nelson. ■ ' , Flower Girls-r-Nancy Falck, Velma Boshier. Chancellors--Gordon Fletcher, F rank Kerley. Retiring--^Last year's Queen M argaret Curry, and Maids of Honor Joan Thompson and Delwin* Beatty. - Vernon King of Hollybum has le ft for Brooks, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Douse of Van couver, has moved into a house at 2138 Bellevue Ayenue. " # * ♦ ♦ < Mr. and Mrs. Keith S. Price and fa ^ ly , have moved from 27th ah^ Lawson Ayenue into a; house a t Wing's Point. Executive meeting Monday, May' 27th. • Johnson's Baby Powder 25c Kotex ...:........................ 23c Gemmiirs Druj Store Tht Store of SorvlcoTv 1686 Marine Drive West 37 or West 607 nev Phend (After 10 p.m.) Bmergency, Phene West SSI Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes,,Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes Meat iMes, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cokes Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone W est 27 Hollybum Theatre THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Mny 23rd and 24th Eddie C antor in *«Kid Millions** SPECIAL MATINEE FRIDAY at 2::i0 SATURDAY AND MONDAY May 25th and 27th. T ong Live the King' (Short Review of the King's Life). 'Are You a Mason* A hilarious comedy with SONNY HALE and J. ROBERTSON HARE TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY' May 28th and 29th. " Sunnyside U p " -...-With-..™ JANET-GAYNOR. and CHARLES FARREL TEAROE & SON 1474 Marine Drive Concrete Contractors Excavation & Foundation Work Lime -- Sand -- Cement All Building Materials Phone West 84 foV quick delivery. If the government dictated to yeomen as fashion does, there'd be a war. _ - Mr. and Mrs. Clements and fam ily o f Sandy Cove, moved Tuesday into a house a t 23rd and Lawson Avenue, m EDtRY LENDING UDRARV . A t BUS TBRSi I^U S ^ours until further notice -- 9 a.m.'"to 1 p.m.^' and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. - New books always on hand. E n gagem ^ t Mrs. Warren A; Davidson," 2203 Bellevue Avenue, announ ces the engagement of-her only daughter, Patricia, to Mr. (Gor don Allan, only son o f Mrs. Mary T.̂ Allan of Vahe6ttver.f The wedding will take place on Wednesday, June 26th, a t 87 o'clock at St; Stephen's Church, I the Rev. F. A . Ramsey offidat- ing. , RADIO SERVICE EXPERT REPAIRS ON ANY RADIO--Any make, any model, any year B r o w n € f M u n t o n 1542 Marine Drive' West 866 M/^mbers Associated Radio Technicians of B. C. ' Seymour 4636 G R E G O R Y & R E I D PAINT CO. "" West 657R -Everything for the ENAMELS KALSOMlNES , WALL" PAPERS GLASS ANTIMO W HITE We deliver. / , 11,W est Hastings St. 'IM "•.I '*1 «i' '•V, M' . S A L E S - S E W ^ C E - ■ ' . ■ H RADIOS' RANGES Forst's Ltd. : - ' ■ 7 '-777. ,7;.' ::'7' 7>77'7-7;:7| ; North 6S5 West 180 -•7' .• 7/-'v;̂ -'• 77fv;7:77. 66 Lonsdale Avo. North Vancouver "7 ■' ■••,7 " 7 '7' f\7.L'vj7'7r 7 m u ff