» ■- - Jl W E S T VAN ITKITSD CSDBCH ^M w m rEm m r tm $ turn,, m § p'M. ̂ Sunday School and BOda Qmm ,, ....... ....... 10 a.i», . Striniii-f it, V iilt^ l|yaIaoait.' KcildeiM ĵ ISIS Haywaod Am Phona Wait S&2K. Bunday Sarvicti -- 11 a,in« and Sunday School 10:00 a.t». An All-Purpoae Permanent Wave for Summer I UNITED CHURCH ii 11 •4 ll'l ii H. IA-; I ■'j'S ' •;# t$ : i | jl| i4 i h m : 'M'f .I«|t At th!i icaaon of the year when Purmaneni Wave* are more nucosftary than ever, we are HtruHMinir vi'hat we call an "All* Purpoio Wave," With thii wave It Ik noiilble to dreaa the hair In »tyjo» egually approprl- Hte fot hot weather iports or formal aifalri.Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe IMS M irlu Drin For appolntmenta PHONE WEST 117 Preparations <h.' Bair KvanWilliamH Shampoo ̂ All Filch'a Shampoo '(gruden Ionic andWild ilW IliiltWavo OIovui 'h IfBIr Application Palm Olive Ŝhampoo liOValoif (In varioui ihadcH) 11:15 a,m.-- Morning Service. * 7 :lo p.m.-- Evening Service. The regular meeting of the Women'H Misaionary Society will he held in the Church Hall, day afternoon, May 28th, at 2:15. Mre. HilliB W right in the chair. Mina Mackenzie will speak on the lust chapter of the Study Hfx>k during which sewing for rnirtHionary quilt will be resum ed. All ladies interested are in vited. Tea will be served. Y. I>. A. Activities In closing the year's activities of the W.V.U.Y.P., the Society will hold their final meeting of the year at the home of the Misses Grace and Gertrude Tliompson. Instead of the regu lar husiness and discussions, a niu.sical social evening will be spent. All young people who h a v e . been and are connected with the Society are asked to at tend, , W ®SfVANCOUVER Science I ' EPIFICB~«* 2tth Mid KNulnoit. HoUybarn Thin Soekty Is a Branch of Tb« Mother Church Thn Fiwt Church of Christ, Sekmtlid:, in Boston, MnuNWchusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, May 2G, 1935 Subject; "SOUL AND BODY" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 0:16 p.u. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. L A U N D R Y S E R V IC EF O Rdependable ^ ' DAVE ANDERSON, »w©it»VmBcajw<srR îrenla£^ ̂ P hoiies-W est691L or North 1810 U 0 . B. A. 703 CORRESPONDENCE The regular meeting of the The Editor, . {.adies' Orange Lodge was held Weat Van News. in the Orange Hall on Monday, Dear Sir,--T hrough the medi 20th, when they received a frat- f ernal visit from one of the city not lodges. During the meeting one r? Possible to arouse the Ferry candidate ŵ as initiated. Several Management or the Council to ' of the visitors addressed the some action on the disgusting lodge. After the meeting dainty w aiting - room accommodations refreKhmenta wore aeryed by the ^t thh Vancouver Ferry Doek local ladies to the yisitor.s, in ^ the banquet hall and a pleasant ■ ' ddent to -N o . 5 this has beenevening wa.s brought to a close. CHURCHIIS OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST AMBLESW E PHARNACY MO I W. L. Marino Drivo KEH, Prop. Phone: I FItKK DELI VERY WfHt 323 , 3 ho modorii way of story toil- mg 18 with Crystal Finish prints UomumlKtr It with snaps. Crystal Finish Agmoo For Service and , Satisfaclion; " REMEMBER IT WITH SNAPSM Ambleside S h e e t M e t a lL. SPECK." ---FroprIoWr-- S'l'. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd and Inglewood Ave. " Rev. W. J. Millay, Priest in Charge. Residence: 2323 Inglewood Ave. •Phone, West 240-R Sunday Services - Low Mass -- 8 :45 a.m. High Mass & Sermon -- 10:45 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15 , p.m. Catechism and B ib le' History every Saturday -- 9 :30 a.m. Week-day Services Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. I. O. D. B. (Continued from last week) The guest speaker for the aft-, ernoon was the Rev. Mr. Hob- den, secretary of the John How ard Society, who in a most inter estin g and graphic address, gave the members a clear insight into thle very worthwhile work which the John Howard Society is doing in Vancouver and else where. A heaily and heartfelt" vote of thanka was expressed to Mr, Hobden by the members. A fter the serving of tea and singing of the National Anthem the m eeting adjouimed. The nxet meeting will be held Wednesday, June 5th, at the home o f Mrs. Robertson, 25th and Mathers. . "SOUL AND BODY" will be the subject of the Lesson-Ser mon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday^ The Golden Text is: "My soul _________ longeth, yea, even fainteth for seating accommodation, the courts, of the Lord: my heart., i know as a fact that this lack waiting-room accommodation living God. Q sa lm s8 4 :2 ) . has kept several people from accentuated, and it is a dis- graceful faet that the passengers w aiting for the ferry to arrive during the rush hours have not even sufficient shelter to protect them from the rain. On these cold nights the lean-to on the float is hopelessly inadequate while the miserable room on the dock has no fire and very little living God." (Psalms 84: 2). Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "We are confident, I say, and willing rather.to be absent from the body, and to be present with the-Lord.!' (II Corinthians 5: 8) coming to W est Vancouver to live, and even though I have been here for three years and wish to remiain, I have decided i t is not worth while to suffer the Ferry inconvenience for an other winter unless something is done to improve conditions. I D R , G. D. H, S E A L E D.H.S.. L.D.% DENTIST Bay Blocky Mth and Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to 0 p. in. Evenings by oppointrnent. - Phone West 72 i 1ST WEST VANCOUVER BROWNIE PACK -- o n.iii. C)wing to so many Brownies rVidays -- Rosary, Benediction, in the folk dancing. Confessions --- 7:45 p.m; May Pole dancing, etc., the pack Saturdays -- Confessions from not be in the procession on 7 :30 p.m. to 8 :30 p.m. All mothers and ---------- --- :------- , friends are invited to attend the ST. S'TEPHEN'S CHURCH . <̂ ôsing m eeting which will be Rector: in the garden of Mrs. Gor- Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. > ^9^ Hobson, 2924 Marine on T O , . LW lUft/iu VC Ajunui Lions. 1 rliiSpQ Lesson - Sermon also in- have heard many others on the from thP̂ C h r i l p a s s a g e Ferries express the same deter- . uo Science text- mination. book, Science and Health with +u td n/r B a L '; l 'd d y r ^ o T e '; S ' T ™ * f S a t S f o T a t we, shall learn that the fe ttS ^ ' S of nuan's finite capacity ar^ forged by the illusion that he lives in body instead of in Soul, in matter instead of in Spirit." growth, I hope that by thus bringing the m atter to your at tention som e action may be taken .that will • give 'us ferry. ijusers the accommodation we are entitled to. The fare^ are cer- 1935 hHtabllHht^l on North Shore 25 Yenra (Lady AsMistant) HARRON--BROS. LTD. JFuncral Sirretors Northv Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street -- Phone North-Pm-- - Vancouver ParIo>« 55 Tenth A von lie East Phone Fair. 134 M ay. 26 th, Sunday, 8-:00 a.m.---Holy Communion. 11:15 a.m.-- Matins and Empire Day service. 7.15 p.m.T--Evensong and* ser mon. ___ SkPrands;^^^^ Caulfeild i -Sunday^--9 :45-a.m.-- Holy Com munion, Rogation ' Tiiursday> May 30th. Tea will be served. ̂ Four ,1st Class Badges'^^and nine 2nd Class Badges 'will be given to the Brownies who. have v^rked hard to win them .^ In the event of a wet day the tea be held in the United Church has it that th^ to. m e lares are cer-nas It that the first mortgage tain y high enough to warrpnf was issued m 2100 B.C: Day it i wan ant before yesterday we saw the ' ; Yours sincerelv auto that was bought with it. • JAOK GILLMOEE. G O L F A T SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS All day .... 75c. 18 holes ... 50c 9 holes after 4 p.m......25c WEEK DAYS Ail day 50c 9 holes.... 25c BAPTISTCHURCH YOUNG MEN'S FOREiSTRY TRAINING PLAN Cor, 15th and Duchess object i§ .to offer a select- Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys ®d group of young men. a valu- Sundarr May 26th experience, which in 10:00 a.m.-- Sunday School and » benefiting them . A dult Bible Class. Physically will tra in them for work in the basic industries .. of CUPS OF COFFEE C. J. Overington WONEER BARBER NOW OPEN FULL TIME ; Mth Marino, Fhone West 135 Adult Bible Class. l l : ( ^ a .m . -- Morning .worship, -- Pastor will preach; topic; Beauty for A shes," 7 :16 p.m. -- Evening worship. Topic, "The Way- Out." Song seiwice at com mencement. A cordial in vitation to ah. Wednesday, 8 p.m.-- Prayer and Praise service. Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Choir prac tice. L. O. L. No, 2990 the province. The period o f employment under the plan should be "from ^hree ta four months. Qualifications: Selection of personnel will be restricted to young unmarried men between, the ages of 21 and 25 years* ̂ who have high school education * ̂ t I ^«^t 10 years in British Columbia;, and are physically sound. Preference will hf S " men who are circumstances. IVail crews and main THB The ' ^ o ^ lodge met in the vviir.7" .r" camps prangre Hall on Tuesday last at T ̂ ^ • usual hour. -The initiatory J , ' o u t , from X T degree was conferred on an ap- dupes for special organ- W B S t V (XtX N e Z V S proved candidate by the lodge lectures, etc degree team. The a d v ise^ A P® board will m eet in the County 5; oT 76 cents Orange Hall on Monday, June when 'final arrangements \yill be made for the forthcom- Pttblithfsl Every Thursday per month.^ Publisher F. F. liOVEGROVE Phone West .363 Buainew and Editorial Office: 17th and Marine Drivo (Next to Hollybnrn P .t).) . Phone West 363 Mail Address: P . O. Box 61, Hollybum, B.C ihg 1 2 th July celebrations which m M paid. Each man will require necessary clothes :su i® le:the \vill be held a t Brockton I^int MISSION BIRTHDAY TEA have ^ 0 dayT i^ sa tisfac to ry work fo r T , ̂ *^€cutive o f the Youno* < L i^ rals have arranged to have a man fixim Employment O N E CENT for e l e c t r i c i t y w i l l b r e w 2 5 c u p s o f c o H e e . North Vancouver Office; I2S Lonsdale Ave. $1.00. a year by carrier: $8.00 a year by nail. a m ^ by Oie or^ ident. also from ?hose »l^PKcations •>y members and ca^^f.tiw "? "p® m terest^ o f th^;B.Y.P.U. entitled "By the A rtS i^ , Touch o f a Human Hand."^ All behart h,?",. '."f°™ ation may interested are cordially invited. e l e c t r i c s e r v i c e -- a l w a y s a b a r g a i n r - 'r y 1̂