,v!.s I ' ,#*«!,, î,"- . C i r c u l a t i n g i n t h e , D i s t r i c t o f W e s t , V a n c h a v e p ^ A m h / e s i d e , H ^ l y b u m ^ W e m M f D u n d a m v e $i'.oo pery««»."r;"*;-'-""' f';- < C ^ p r e s s P o r k i , C a u W ^ h y t i c i i ^ i !»«** copy at nawastanda. \'ol. X 'y ifr ? C,?̂ HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C.. THURSDAY. MAY 53rd. N o . 4̂ I ',',,".11 * / *■ i f ' ( ' ̂ IS " Jw3lr%iP%Jr I f e Oiucisu n^gffsuDniiiie ' 8:30 B.m.--RclBy Kace, Lonsdale to 14th Str., \y©8t Van. High V8. North Van. High, 4 men teams. 8:30 R.m.--Bicycle Race, Carriers and Delivery boys; 1 mile, 28rd to 14th Street. 8:JO a.m.'--'Relay Race, Sherman to 14th Etreet, Inter-House, 6 men teams. 8:40 u.m.--Relay Race, 28rd to 14th Str., Pauline Johnson vs. Hollyburn, 8 men teams. OPEN^EVENTS 8:32 a.m.--220 yds.--Men's Open. 15th to H th Street. 8:58 a.m.*--440 yds.--Men's Open. 17th to 14th Street. 10 530 a.m.--Sports Program a t Ambleside Park. 12:00 Noon--Parade Muster--20th Street. ' 12:45 p.m.--Parade on Marine Drive to Ambleside Park. i ,;J0 p.m.--Crowning of the May Queen, May Pole Dances ' Athletic Display by Girls of Molly Edwards Classes 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.--Sports Program. C;30 p.m.--Supper to May Queen and SuRe. GLENBAGLES GOLF LINKS COMING KIVENTS The warm weather last w ^ k - end attracted <i goodlj? nuliiber of players. The new hank at the back of the sev6nth green is pnictically completed. In one case, however, th is did not prove sufficient protection* as Inky Humphreys made such , a long drive from the tee that hig toe shot rolled'^ver the new bank. The course is beijig well groom ed for the 24th, v ^ n m ost of the regulars are looking forward to a good day's golf. On Sunday, a few of the moi^ intrepid ones went for a swim in Larson Bay and reported that "the . water was fine." - .luiio 12lh-- Alexandra lioae Day auspices of Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E. MAY DAY BALL J-B TEA AND COFFEE May QiKKm Dale Eriksen will officially open the May Day Ball at 9:15 p.m., and dancing will continue till 1 a,m. The Ingle wood Auditorium, where the ball will lake place, will bo beautiful ly decorated for the occasiori, and, ns Garden's Orchestra will .supply tlic music, an enjoyable evening of dancing is assuixjd to air who attend. . Refreshments will be .served during the even ing. May Queen Dale Eriksen MAY QUEEN CEREMONIES 9:15 p.m.--May Day Ball. SPORTS PROGRAM 10:30 a.m. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. :30 pim.- 17. Football Game--^Hollyburn School. Ambleside Park. 100 yds--^Boys' 16 and 17 yearis. 100 yds.--Girls 16 and 17 years. 100 yds.--Boys. ̂ 8, 19,. & 2Q. • 100 yds.--Girls 18, 19, & 20. 100 yds.--^Men.21 apd over. Broad Jump--^Boys 14 and 15., . , Hop-Step-aiid-Jump--Girls 14 aind. 15.- 15.. Suiday ,SchbeLRe^ay--Boy&^17 pM ,under. , le! Sunday Schbof l t ta a ^ -^ ir ls l^endlinder.^ Ambleside P ark .' j . 25 yds,-7-Boys 5 and under. 25 yds.--Girls 5 and under. 25 yds--E gg' and Spoon -- Boys 6"dhd 7. 25 yds--E gg and Spoon -- Girls 6 and 7. 50 yds.--^Three-legged -- Boys 8, 9, & 10. ~:50-yds.--Skipping~=-rr_Girls,...â J9,„i&LM»„iL_..̂ -- 50 yds--Three-legged -- Boys 11, 12,' & 13. 18. 19. 20. 21. -22. 23; 24. 25. 26. 27. 2«: 29. 30. 31. 32. 83. -34.- 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40; 41. 50 ydfs.--Thread and-Needle--Girls-J.l,-12,_&_13.---- 25 yds.--Boys 6 years. 25 yds.--G irls-6 years. 50 yds.--Boys . 7 ^ / __________ ̂ . ' 50 yTls.--Girls, 7. 75 yds.--Boys 8 and 9, 75 yds.--Girls 8 and 9. 75 yds.--Boys iO and 11. 75 yds.--Girls 10 and ,11. 75 yds.--Boys 12 and\l3. _J75-yds.-^Girls-l2 and 13----- - -- --------- -------- lOO yds.--^Boys 14 and 15. 100 yds.--Girls 14 and.l5. Father and Son-^lObryds. each. , Mother; and D aughtei^50 yds. each. -- 1̂00 yds.--M arried lilen's I^ce. 50 yds.r-^Ladies 21 and over. Indies' Nail Driving Contest. The events on the Sports Program are open to residents of West Vancouver only with the exception of the Mile, 440 yds., and 220 yds. . No person may compete outside ̂ his own class; i.e., a seven t The K>utstahding feature of the May Dgy festiv ities will be the coronation of May Queen elect Dale Eriksen a t Ambleside Park immediately following the parade,'during which May Queen Margaret will perform her last official act, the planting of two trees. A t Apibleside Park the retiring May Queen will conclude her reign by an address and place th e floral cawwn^on the h e ^ of Queen, elect Dale> wlio, a fter the sihging^of w ill make her official; speech and.,, will be presented by Reeve Ley- land w ith the Golden Key, The signing o f the parchment roll, a record of May. Day, by the Royal Suite will thep t ^ e place. The l ^ y .Queen will, present, the prizes for, "fh ^ ■ maj or The Standard Importing Company, Ltd., 327 Main Street, Vancouver, are carrying an ad vertisement in this issue draw ing attention to their J-B tea and coffee, also cocoa, spices, ex tracts, baking powder, etc. They have been direct importers ;of tea land coffee «for the p ast four teen years, and in addition to their head office at 327 ^ a in St., have branches in the Grand Union Market, the Blackburn Market, and at Chilliwack.-Their products are sold to dealers throughout the province.-. RECITAL BY PUIHLS OF MRS. KNIGHT-HODGE. AND MISS MeINTYRE PAVILION DANCE The Hollyburn Pavilion are holding their'A nnual May , Day Dance tomorrow (Friday), 24th M ay,'When Stanr Grant antb4ii«r 7-piece Orchestra will supply th e music. Dancing w ill take place from 9 till 1, and there will be novelties, prizes,, etc. Admis sion, 35 cents. events, _view-lthe_ MayjPole_dane, ing, etc., and start the first race of the'^aftemoon events; Leaving the grounds she will v isit North Vancouver'" Hospital" at~^3 :307 W. Love, ,13th and Marine Drive,^Is senously ■ il) ' in" th e North^Vancouver_GeneralJH'Os.-_ pital. . " A very successful recital was given Saturday evening in the l^egion Hall by the violin^ hnd piano pupils ot Mrs. F. Knight- Hodge and Miss Margaret Mc^ In tyro, a large number of the parents and friends of the per formers being present. The program was divided into sec tions made up of numbers from the beginners', elementary, junior and advanced classes, and generally speaking, the technique and shading were excellent. Sel ections chosen by violin en sembles, the first by elem entary and the second by advanced pupils, were very, well rendered. M o tio n should also be made of three pleasing vocal numibers given by the junior vocal en semble conducted by Mrs. Colin MacLean with Mrs. Ai E llis at the piano, the latter of whom was presented with a bouquet. "B'ouTfti6ts"weire"al6crnin'esen^^^^ n/r- r>«____Norma Minion^knd Peggy Hard- man. -WHITHER-A RE JV E D R IF T IN G i place flowers on. the Memorial Arch, and tour the municipality to Whytecliff. Sjhe will be pres- ent at the official Banquet in S t . , Stephen's Hall, when Dorothy Greenwood- will - be--the--soloist,__ accompanied 'by Mrs. Sheffield, and at 9:16 p.m. she will offici ally open the May D a y Ball. No thinking man can regard the conditions obtaining /in Clariiada toi^ay with anylthing less than grave concern. There is much unemployment in the land, and the financial Circumstances of both our governm ents and people leave , very much to be desired. But these are not the most serious ot our troubles. CHILDREN'S BALL year old may not enter an event for eight year olds. ] - MAY DAY PARADE Those taking p a rt in May Day; Parade will assemble a t 12 o'clock noon, as follows: , ̂ ■ ■ Decorated Bicycles-^20th Street, north of Drive. Tricycles, Scooters and Wagons--20th St., north of Drive. Patriotic- Couples, Humorous Costumes^ Advertising Cos tumes, Original Costumes, etc.---20th St., in Children's Playground. ■ ■' ^ Children with Floral D is p la y s ^ n Esquimalt, west of 20th Boy Scouts ^ d C u b s -^ n Esqtifmalt, west of 20th St. School Band---!^quimalt, easftof 20th St. \ Girl Guides--Esquimalt, east of 20th Street. N May Qiieen and P a rty --^21st Sil, north of Marine ,Drive. Reeve and Council, and Official'Guests--^21st Street, north of Marine Drive. , - Fire Truck and Floats--21st St., south of Marine Drive. ^ Canadian Legion---20th St;, 8edth.'of Marine Drive. ^ Decorated Private Autos-r20th* St., south of-Marine Drive CommerciaFEntries-^20 St., squth of Marine Drive. - The Children's Ball, will take, place in the Inglewood Auditori um on Saturday even ing,, the 25th instant, from 7:30 to 11 p.m„ when the May Queen and her suite will be in attendance. There will be special music and an entertainment a n d ea n ice cream cone will be given free to each child. Children under 12 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Admis sion, 10 cents. p r e s e n t a t i o n t o MRS. COBIN MACLEAN Parade -vrill cirde the grounds once and fall in on markers (Boy Scouts), for Ckironatibn Ce|emony and review by Mayr Queen. " - ̂ - Judging over 12:30. Pariwe leaves a t 12:45. The West Vancouver Junior Choir and severalof th e m others" of the members, m et Thursday afternoon at the hom e of their conductor, Mrs. Colin M abLean, of 2031 Marine Drive, and pre sented^ her with" a beautiful ivory-tipped ebony Baton bear ing the following, inscription in silver scroll" work: 'W est Van- ' couver Junior ; Ghoir, 1,935." Mr^. A. Ellis, the. Choir's ac companist, was a lso th e recipi en t o f a lovely cup and saucer, the presentations iOrmmg. a fit ting climax to t h | choir's fifth successful season, ' The most outstanding danger am ongst us is our growing lack of unity. There is a class hatred developing in this land, which, if not quickly stopped, m ust ere long break out in n o t and rebellion. We seem to be fa st losing that British sanity of outlook on which as a race we have always so pnded ou^r selves. Instead every new slogan, every new political or religi ous creed, every new fashion or fad is slavishly lollowed, providing there is enough ballyhoo connected w ith it. A s a nation w e appear to have reached a highly neurotic condition in which quiet thought is imlpossible.," Consequently we haye become daily the victims of every igiiorant tubthumper w.hp. addresses us over the radio or on th e platform', so long as he is glib and cocksure,'the latter th e .ch ie f characteristics, as ' always, of such persons. Tw>nty-five years ago their efforts would have been received with rotten eggs or laughter. Now they are regarded as the prophets o f th e age. All these things plus the efforts of certain am ongst us who; are deliber- ' ately, cold-bloodedly, and a se t purpose engaged in a cam paign of setting man againstm an is fa st "destroy mg our unity Side by side with this is a growing fear on the. part ot our governments. They hjave become literally afraid to rule. Difficult situations are no longer faced with the open eyed courage of our forefathers, which looked an evil square. in7the face and then acted swiftly. Today all is drift and procrastina tion or "passing the buck" o h ,to som ebody,else. Tbe p 'eat fear is of making martyrs. The men w ho made Canada knew th a t no evil m(ah ever became a m artyr, and, secure in that kriciwledge, put him into his grave or a pnson cell. Authority w as respected in those days, whereas how from their school days^ up Canadians have been taught to exploit their own ' likes and dislikes. And the.;chickens are coming home with a vengeance. , . . . , T*r i We C a i^ ia n s are proud o f our nationhood. We proclaim i t from every platform. B u t-le t us never -forget-that that MfltinTihood was won by blood and discipline and self sacrifice. ̂ I t has never t o n won or kepH n any Other way,, nor will R be, for therein lies one of the great lessm is-of the ages. . ' I »/ • ! • V ' sr .. * ----- ------ 'i'. ■ *'*> ' iMm j ' 1 'V k k ' i - .ŝ- f; ' M*"" I• . I Si i ; V;;rt u 1: V k ", ' .sV \ T ' ■■VVr-it, t:: L ̂ J ' l• f ' f' '4d