West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 May 1935, p. 4

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^ -HUM. m i ^ ...........-- fw> MM iwnlHil IWMWW»J*»IHWMM l i j ^ . 1 6 , im k . P iK m e W m t M f ' ^ m t r n g W m i W r.w. c T. i'. U t i .Wjgttii r ^ t t t ^ th ly m ee tin g o f 'tttr^fTirXJXU. was held at PflccM G o o d F r id a y & S a tu r d a y , M a y 1 7 th & 1 8 th 1 ? <'.»y>'- / 'W t̂c" ? V * • ' f '• ' •■> -I" i"4? i 4 1 ii'i ■ , !•' vif: " i i ^ Ht.iilAU--II.C. GriMtula(«d, 10 IIm. (fie HihJ At Whit« T12A flrokrn Oranifp IVkor........ ;.|h. 42t a m s FLAK EH, K dloftX $ pkU 29e |{pd & Whitt* COFFEE Varuum tin........................ ] |b. *7* ACNT MAItVH COFFEE...... lb. 2»€ K«l & Whitt* HA KINO FOWDBK 12 oz. tin ............................ I7e (OltNKIi BEEF. Clark'n..,;. tin 10c Kfd A Whitt* MAHMALAUE ' .'12-az. Jar .,. ............. . , 25c Itffl A White l't)MATO CATSUF 12 or. Bottle ,................... 15* Itetl A-White OBKEN CUT BEANS Choirt* ({uality -- HtringlcMM. 2a lOc NABOB WHOLE OBEKN BEANS ( hoifc (luuJIty, Tender* 2a. ||« FOB THE OABHKN-- tiLOVEH (leather faced...,....,,., 29c , t;BAWS HOOKS ........... :..... 39c HOEH , . 59c BAKES..................... 49: , SHEABH ...... ' Soc LAWN MOWEBH r....... $7 .3 ^ M e a to P h o n e W e s t 370 SHO( LHEKS OF LAMB (Whole), per Ih. ........ ............ 14c LE<LS OF LA.MB. per lb..... . 25e 1,01.N'H OF LAMB (Breaat tra) lb. 20e BOLOtiNA, per lb. ..................... 18c UntNS' DAISY IA)AF, per lb. .. 25c FLEK HKB'S LUXURY LOAF* prr Ih .......................... ......... 30c Bl BNS' SECURITY BACON Ih, pktM. IBc a AIN EB'S S U i►FAUOR WKIN |)«'r ll». .................................. 20c Yol Nt; BOILING FOWL, Ib...... 21c BONELESS CORNED BEEF, Ib. 16c LA.MB -- VEAL -- BEEF -- FORK All Flneat Quality Red A While GOLDEN CORN 2*t. tin ............. ...... ..... ............... |4c FINEAJ^l'LE CUBES ................... 10c ■̂alll(̂ eMH,Choice Quality, l9-o*. tin Kor b e s t r e t y l t s u s e J a m e s B ro s. .Seeds, 100^ C a n a d ia n . 1. 0 . 0 . E. The roRular meeting of the Dimean J*aw'Hon Chapter, I. 0 . I). K., was held Tuesday, May Oil), at the home of Mrs. K. Bur­ ton Forster, with the Regent, Ml'S. Small, in the chair, iind a lajge number of members pres­ ent,, ........ .CiiDgratulations were extend srbools was brought up by Mrs. Fi(i<les, Educational 'toretary , . and .'liter discussion was left to com mitt e(!H composed o f Mrs. Fi'ddi's, Mrs. Gourlay, Mrs. Fi'ond, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Dicken­ son, Mrs. Hayes and the Regent. It w.'is also decided tb purchase , space in the Junior High Schools the home*of Mr.̂ . W. R. Scott, Avenue, Tues­ day evening. Following the read­ ing o f the annua) report of the Secretary and< Treasurer, the following odric^rs were nominat­ ed and accepted office for the new term : President, Mrs. A. E, Brown; Vice Pre.sidenl, Mrs. T. Hamilton; 2nd Vice [Resident, Miss Helen Stevenson; ,^*cretary Miss Beatrice Short; Cor. Secre­ tary, Miss Alice Humphreys; Treasurer, Miss Georgina Sand­ ring; Devotional Onvener, Miss Doris Lashbrooke; Work Con­ vener, Mrs. W. Thompson; Music Convener, Miss Marjorie Vern­ on. Mrs. Sksott was invited to. pour tea bn the 21st of June. The rest o f the evening was spent in contests in the capable leadership of Mi.s.s H. Ritz and Miss B. Short, thedovely prizes coming as a pleasant surpri.se to alt. H ie refreshm/ents served by the hostess, Mrs. Scott, brought to a close a very enjoy­ able evening. J E F F E R I B ' S u i ^ » Government Inspected Only ' HAMS TRAL' COLD MEATS OF ALL KINDS DKLiCATESSEN 1 s t o r e a t H o l ly b u r n , next Theatre PHONE W EST 8 LUNBERa n d a l l B U IL D IN Gm a t e r i a l s WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. ------KOB BUAL SATISFACTION ' - ___ Phone West 115 1497 Marine Drive SOFTBALI. c l a s s i f i e d A D S The ratio for Classified AdTertlsements Is 2 cents per word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of tJioae having regular accounts, all classi* fleds are payable strictly fn advance; Remember Classifiods in the yfest Van News get Immediate results. On Wednesday, May 8th, at Ambleside Park, Warcilaw's de­ feated Motor Service 13 - 8. In future the Motor Service team will be known as Tritons. DOLLY VARDEN SHOP, Dundarave . --Hosiery, Millinery, House Dresses and Children's Wear. City prices. FOR SALE •--A Monarch llefrigera- tor, in good condition/ $7.00. Phone West 318R3. / i '* "■ ' I ' iiiHt annual, a.s a mark of con- n l ^ e d ^ f .M to Mr», B ornan rH iycs'w h o Sr« Dk'k the a b o ^ 't e t o f ls con- ............. ....... fhiMo'Lo S s d a ' t ' r to the Horticultural Society ^ 6.30 p.m. would this year be divided into Home Games Wednesday five .$1.00 prizes to be awarded Date Team in the children's section. Ma.y 22nd---Engin€ers Mr.s, W. G. Barker very kindly ® Grocery oUerecI to be the visiting conven- taking the place of Mrs. HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave, --Notions, Novelties, Stationery, School Supplies, Garden Seeds* Hardv/ure. FOR RENT •-- Comfortably furnished 5 room house. Phone West 3Q1H. •I)' "f i, , f 'I wtiH elected Provincial Standiird Bearer at the annual m eeting.of the,Provincial Chapter. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., won the provincial con­ test for the best scrapbook against all the branches of the order in B. C. This scrapbook, lor which Mrs. James McIntyre and Mrs. K.' Burton-Forster were wholly responsible, was beauti­ fully lilusifatod with pen and ink sketches and contained news­ paper articles relative to the activities of the branch during the year. The prize, which has FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage for sale. John LavvWn, 17th and. Marine, Phone West 55. FOR S A L E --■ Oil .Burner for range, a t bargain. Phone West 103L. CHIMNEY SWEEPING Old Comi- try way. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone North 811R2. J. TEPPEMA, Builder and Contractor Expert advice. Plans drawn. F irst class' workmanship. Phone West 481R1. FOR SALE -- Nearly new, double bed, Simmonds spring filled mat­ tress, cable spring. Grood bedstead. Phone W est 64R. V ei', Langwoj't'hy who has left on a trip, to England. The chapter voted to again, hold" Alexandra Rose Day this year on June 12th, part of the proceeds from which will be given to the Jubilee Capeer Fund. A commiittee composed June 6th-- DoIIal'ton June 12th-- Grout's Flashes June 19th-- Stewarts June 26th--̂ Engineers July 3rd-r:Keat's Grocery July KJth'--Dollarton July 17th--Wardlaw's July 24th-^Grout's Flashes GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solic­ itor, 1447 Marine, mornings; -510 Hastings St., Seymour 4199. after­ noons. LOST -- ̂ Suit Oase on Bridge road, initials "J ; M d " West 445L. COTTAGE FOR RENT--By season or month, also furnished room; good beach, near ferry. West 350X, ROOM WANTED -- By working girl, neighborhood of 29th or 30th and Marine. Permanent. Phone West 396. liandpainted emblem of the order, The .scrapbook has since h(H)n sent to .Ottawa for- the Domniinio)) contest. The 351 h annual meeting of the National Chapter opened at 3 p.ni; Sundny with a service' of *inlem;.s.s1fdn * lay, Mrs. Fraud and Mrs. Hayes were appointed to make all ar- .rangemonts. \ An invitation which inay be obtained by phoning Mrs. J. S. Ja_ckson, West 351R or FOR SALE -- Rockery and Alpine plants, large variety. Week, days. O. Barrow. 24th, and Nelson. ' PAINTING, Decorating, Paper*Hang- mg. F irst Class work only. Phone Bert Williamson. West 418R. was re- Mrs. W. B. Small, West 6 5 8 L . A s M a y 13th was the chap­ ter s 15th-birthday, it was de­ cided to make the Luncheon- GIVE WEBB'S a tria l for your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. ceived to attend Empire Day ser- Bridge to be held at Hudson's at St. Stephen's Church. Bay, on that date, a Birthdav ,.^ly_261Ji,jwaa-heartily-acoGpt€dT---Bridge ^ HAYWARD a n d " PREBBLE^Radio Servicing, Patronise W est Vancou­ ver. Guaranteed work. Phone West 539._________________ I > ' ; - 1 I r i f , -I n 4-i I t / - . Church ■ ( athcdrul, OtUiwa, and will con-*^ tiniu* fo r !i w eek ih Urn C h a teau . j a l " r - ' T ? s - i , , a " " , s a r s ! T « . , - charge of the ̂ ' Reports from the May 43ueen OtwitofAimis contest reported committee showed ever^ h ing satofac'torfly and HOUSE MOVING -- Alterations and repairs; concrete and basemeirT'work. PHone C. A.' L()WER PART > Partly Furnished House, 4 rooms,, pantry.; 1 -block from beach and ferry, . $35. Adults. -- Carroll, 1358* CIydg~^Avenu LISTINGS W^ANTED - We have ■ many inquiries f o r rentals, both summer and permanent. C. J. Arch- _ er Ltd., 1415 Marine* West 225. RQCK- DRILLING----Walls built, _-_roj;dceries.»mado-and->pl,a'nt€di~-Day-- Wilson, North 682L. or contract. Phone West 294. Very attractive; No'Hb Vaiicouver SHOE REPAIRS -- G et'the best mat- workmanship a t Fox's, 14th a t Perry. CHANGE OF B U S S C H E D f U L E ^ b etw een N orth V ancouver, W est V ancouver Caulfelld, Hay _____________ EfreCTIVE MAY 22, 1935 at 624 22nd Street East* ̂ . . on May 21st and. 22nd next. Antique and modem furniture, China, cut glass, brasses, vases of rare and exquisite beauty, etc., etc. ^ Many garden and carpenter's tools. For fuller details see Daily Province on Saturday night. W. E. EKINS, ' u Auctioneer North 1338 Res. North 1022 HUNTER'S COFFEE S H O P __ T̂ry- our lunclms, afternoon teas and amners. V Home-made bread, cakes • and Pies. West 610. MARCEL SHOP 1--^ Theiinique Steam Permanent. Try our fatigue facial tor tired housewife or business^ woman.- West 304. 17th and Marine -- over Royal -Bank. -------- -̂-------- TURNER, Buildf^ and Con­ t a c t o r A l t e r a t i o n s and repairs. Phone West 679R. WANTED -- blue furnished and one J^fD^nished 4-robm . cottage near ferry. Phone West 340 or West 143 WESTIUH'M) <S: L\ A.M. A.M.8.00 8.08 8,26 North Vancouver . AmbIcHidc ..... • Ar. CaulfciUl .............. Ar. Horseshoe Bay ------Wednesday.*; ami <iiit»ritays ONLY - EASTHOl'Nl) A.M, A.M. 9.00 11,20 9,10 11.80 9,25 11.46 9.40 12.00 WSa P.M. 1.40 1.50 2.05 2.20 £Sa: P.M. 2.20 2.30 2.45 3.00 WEEKDAY SERVICE ESa SaO ' P.M. F.M. P.M. 4.20 4.20 5.40 4.30 4.30 5.50 4.45 4.45 6.05 5.00 (West Vancouver Sales conducted) Except Saturdat^g P.M. 6.40 6.50 . 7.05 7.20 WSa P.M. 9.40 9,50 10.05 P.M. 12.00 12,10 12.25 12.40 Lv. Horse.shoe Bav Lv, Cnulfeild ..... Ambleside - ,Ar. North Vancouver A.M. (>.55 • 7.05 A.M, WSa .7,40 7.58 8,15 A.M. A.M. 10.00 8.20 10.10 8,88 10,28 8.50 10.40 P.M. 12.55 1.05 1.23 1.35 *\v' ^^«turdays ONLY ESa: -Ml t))ps. Westbound and Eastbound. rout w k s T B O U N b Wata P.M. 2.30 2.40 2:68 3.10 WEEKDAY SERVICE ESa SaO Saturdays. ONLY P.M. 3.80. 3.40 3.58 4.10 P.M, 5.00 5.18 5.30 P.M. 5.00 6.10 5.28 5.40 SaO; P.M. 6.05 6.23 6.35 P.M, 7.30 7,40 7.68 8.10 WSa P.M. CORRESPONDENCE . The Editor, West Van News. ' Sir,-- D̂. Bateman, 435 14th Street, W est Vancouver, a member of the Disabled Veter- lanS" Association, has been given the exclusive agency on the t h e w e l f a r e ASSOaATION re* quires discarded clothing. Phone West 37 and tirack will'collect. RADIC) R i^ A IR g -- W est Van. Radio Pettigrew ), West 108,'x47d Marine. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- all makes. West Vancou- ver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. North Shore for the Canadian PEED'SjroNES ■--. New and Second 10.40 10.58 11.10 Veteran, Magazine. REGINALD P. BLOWER, President D .V A. ^*cycles. Repairs. > City Prices 1455 Marine.- West 472Y. d r e s s m a k in g & ALTERATIONS :pants a: specialty; Phone _ Mrs. Robbins. West 619R. Lv. North Vjincouvm; Ambleside v\r. Ciuilfeitd .......... ', Ar. Hor.se.shoe Bav . .. A.M. A. M, -0.20 10.20 9.S0\ 10.30 9.46 10.45 10,00 11.00 A.M, 1L20' 11.30 11.45 12.00 EASTBOUND P.M. 1.20 1.30 1.45 2.00 „ SUNDAY SERVICE D'M. ooft 7.20 f'?9 0.30 7.30 « ^ '" * 0 0-45 7.45 3.00 5.00 7.00 8.00 P.M. 10,45 10.55 11.15 Lv. Horseshoe B.nv Lv. Caulfelld ..... J , Ambteside".......... A r. North Vancoumr >.».>. 'kit*..' 'A.Mk?A.M. 8.30 10.30 8,40 10.40 8.58 10.58 0.10 11.10 tl/,. -- West bound and.Hkustbound P A C I F I C A M , P M . 11.30 m o 11.40 12.40 11.58 12.58 12.10 1.10 1*2S *̂30M 2 L40 5.40 7.40 > ' ^'584.10 5.10 6.10 MID 12.00 12.10 12.25 12.40 Buy your, . flags firom the HM DQUARTERS for AH Popular Brands of.Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also Pishing ̂ ad g its fo r local wat- _grs. Ambleside Tea Rooms. P.M. 8.30 8.40 8.58 9.10 P.M. M.15 11.30 11.46 T^ephofeJ Wes?j2^ ' T E D "Editor, West Van News. -- 'Through the medi- Disabled Veterans; valuable paper I ------------ -- ..' ' would like to express m y apprec- assisted w th the sale of flags, medal- lions, etc.i for the Disabled Vet­ erans Association (1921), in conn^tion with the King's ;Jub- |lee Cancer Fund Committee. It is very pleasing to state that we on hand due to the splendid boopei^ation and our members ̂ REGINALD"p . .b l o w e r President D.VA. PRIN1TO6 -- For all kinds of printing phone West Van - News. W est 3(53. LL<^D»S W0(>L = & KNITTING SHOP,- 2474 Marine -- Complete fine spring.- wools. Free knitting school. Violet, and Kathleen Clem- - J S w I ^ p r ie to r s r h a y . N otary FubKc -- Real E state ' and Disiirahce.'Phone W'est 7'1r. 21 or Seymour 1260: 1".' . -_. i.___ .