West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 May 1935, p. 3

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if̂ *» '•'*'" 'i L.'j-"!'/- *i»'# iMi •ii MMiM 1®!ISsSfli' ĵ̂ 4̂H.>liiî *«4̂ , ̂ ̂ ~'/t it U lliii»i«i)iW(î •\ . ; < .' "',!'-.' '• , **r J...*- ' > : ■̂ •* '̂' -a. . ,̂ .h,*;. * ..■■>...... ,..>- I, .J. ' - .. .......... ..I .. I H i - l T O f . 'f A S 'H E W S mi*r .i®../r" T) .ii"M". I" '̂5" ■%m y o u r ,»»,J»VJj!ti<*rt»i*>l̂" fc©ical and-Personal ' * ̂ • r • *»A m bl«»i<ie*B^li 'w a s 'i im m :8 "-"--"™ T r'tta iid It« r% as'"T O W f^** t^^' « . «* !# .______ __.... A % . . « ^ WKL « Cwife4>J%. WINDOWS DOORS SHINGLES LATH VENEERS roofing building paper A Com plete B a U d e rs ' ServlbB BRICK, CEMENt TILE LIME SAND PUNS AND SPEOFICATiONS Drawn iSp and csti* mates given Free. for holidaymakers over the week 13th and Duchess Avenue into end; Many took advantage of a house at 12th dnd Duchess the line weather to go swimming Avenue, and boating. ♦ ♦ ♦ • • * Mr. Wood o f Vancouver, has Mr, and Mrs. Wall, 24th and moved into one o f th e Johnson Haywood Avenue, have left for Cottages at 22nd and Bellevue Langley, B. C., where they have Avenue; purchased a store. * * ♦ The many friends of Mrs. Astbury's Builders' Supplies 16th and, Marine Drive jyjj'jrht Phone W est 627R Phone West 199 D. C. MacArthur of Vancou- Ritchie, who has been soriou^y ------ ' * - shr THE FERRY LENDING LIBRARY Presenting the 6 € I f fSadCBi!*Aa' Daily Mail Book of the month * a * a a g ^ » a ^ a stl^ lC By JOHN BUCHAN Pay a visit to this, convenient Library. ■ Just at the Bus Terminus. ver, has moved to Fisherman's dl, will be glad to hdar that she Cove. made a very decided im- * * * provement recently, and hopes G. H. Hoflsack has moved from are now entertained for her Lulu Island into a house at 1192 quick recovery to health. Marine Drive. , , , • .« >K ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Foote o f Merritt, Miss Ruth Hill of the B. C. E;,p-' Telephone Company's staffhere, bouse at 1765 Fulton A ve , R. C. JAMIESON & CO'S. Anchor*" PatHts V ariiishes Agents-GREENWOOD GROCERY, 15th and M arine ' is spending a month's vacation in* California. C. R. Reynolds has purchased a lot on 14th Street and will have a house built there. Mr. Hempell of Vancouver, has taken one of the Johnson and will take possession very shortly. 4> * * Mr. and Mrs. Shaw of Vari- couver, have taken the McLeish house at 27th and Palmerston Avenue. The annual inter-school sports between Hollyburn arid Pauline..c*o v.*.vv... t)etween nouyourn anq ruuiiuc cottages at 22nd and Bellevue jo^ngon School^ will take place Av«niu» on the grounds of the latter on . Miss E. Forbes of Vancouver, is a giiest at the Clachan. W O O L S A L E • a t the. Dundarave "Original" Wool & Knitting Shoppe 2446 Marine Drive. - MAISIE BUSST, Prop. Friday & Saturday, May 17th and 18th, Exceptional Values. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLB " Phone W est 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, CoriJ, ̂ Builders' Supplies ga. Birthday Party . At the home of her mother, Mrs. J. U. Holt, 1744 Marine Drive, little Coralie Joan, cele­ brated her fifth birthday on Fri­ day, May 10th. The guests were: Diane Cruickshank, Patricia Murphy, Maureen Murphy, A st- red Fuglesen, Margaret Morri­ son, B etty McGlashan, Virginia Ward, Mary Messinger and Oora- Jie Joan Holt. A fter the usual gam es'indulged in by little tots they all sat down to a beautifully decorated table where dainty re­ freshm ents were served, the chief attraction being the lovely birthday cake w ith five candles which- was baked by Goralie's grandfather, Mr. Stratton, for the occasion.. Balloons suspend­ ed over. the - table,: which were given to the children later;- dainty baskets o f candy, etc., completed the pretty setting and sent the little ones home happy. . * .* * Avenue. 41 , "Mr. and Mrs; L. D.- G. Brooks have moved from Appleton Court into a house at 2878 Marine .D rive. ----- Mr. and Mrs. „Rouse of Van­ couver, have taken the Gale house a t Cypress Park and are now occupying same. Mrs. Gillham, 2077 Fulton Avenue, who is a patient in the North Vancouver General Hosp­ ital, is slightly improved. . - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritz and Friday afternoon, 81st May. I- " - ............. ♦ ♦ , WEST VAN S E e e L M ^ d -W o rk s - Photte W est 39. Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners Valedictory , A fter being quietly married in -Bellingham~Washington,!.'aJare=^ Philip Oî hapmani General Insurance Agent Fire, Automobile, Burglary, r Accident and Sickness,' etc. 2557 King's Ave. Phone W. 42Y8 K.W. Savory 1443 Marine D rive Ambleside Phone W est 340 Eveningsi W est 143 Listings Wanted well party was tendered Friday to Mr. and Mrs. G.-B. Ball-Guy- mer, nee Hilda Jane Russell, fourth daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. T. E. W. Russell, prior to the departure o f the young couple to England. Those pres­ en t were: Mesdames J. Moore, Robbins, Newman, H. Jones le d g e r . Black and Russell; also, the Misses Molly Andrews, Jean Duncan, Grace Russell, Aida and Bessie Storkersen, Betty Jone>, Eileen and Colleen Black, Marion and Marty Kruger and Elsie and Olive Robbins; and Messrs. T. Russell, H .,T urner,,A. Duncan, A. W right, Bill and-'Ted Russell ,and Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Ball- Guymer. . . A son was borri last Friday at the North Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Summerfield, 2235 Mathers Aver nue. Mr. and Mrs. Ritz and fam ily, 1772 Inglewood Avenue, left here yesterday for Vancouver Island, where they expect to re­ side in future. Patrick Grady, 1895a Bellevue Avenue,"and J. A, Mathesop, 635 X.XX. **xx« ___________ _________ 20th Street, have left and ex ­ fam ily, 1772 Iriglewood Avenue, pect to be away all summer fish- left on W ednesday for Saanich, ing. Vancouver Island, where they * expect to take up-perm anent Engagement residence. They will be'a decid- Mr. and Mrs. T. Barnott, 2303 ed loss ;to the:.com m unity as Jefferson Avenue, w ish to an- well as to the Baptist Church, nounce the engagement of their Last Sunday evening following eldest daughter, Marjory, to Mr. the service in that church th e Cecil H ob^n o f Vaiicouyer. congregation "presented them , , with a pair o f beautiful paint- Dr. and Mrs. Frank Dorches- ings of scones in W est Vancou- ter of Altamont, announce the ver. Miss Helen Ritz will be the engagement o f their younger -« 4 ies t~ o fJ!^ rs_ C ^ .W ---B teK en sQ n ,_ Jia4 ig h M r,_ Jp M Ji^ ^ ^ 1919 Bellevue Avenue, for three to Mr; Donald Dalton P^mer, w eeks'before joining her par- second son of Mr. Russell Harry pv,fo Palmer of 1054 Balfour Avenue. Thre"wedding will take place at 8 While driving along Marine p.m. on,l_5th June^ in St. Steph- Drive late Monday afternoon in en's Church, the Rev. F. A.. Rarri- an easterly direction, W. G. R. sey officiating., i Gordon lost control o f his car -r----------------- and crashed with considerable ' Lngagement_ force into an electric light pole Capt. andM rs. John B. Bright, ^opposite Hollyburn Theatre on Burnaby Street, Vancouver, an- the north side of th e road. He nounce the engagem ent of their suffered a broken, arm and was youngest daughter, Phyllis Mary taken to North Vancouver Gen- to Mr. Robert Alfred Vernon eral Hospital. The pole was Lester, eldest son of. Major A. ^smashed and the front o f th e > M. Lester o f 2874 Bellevue Ave- auto badly damaged. , » 4c « » Ap'Seto r S d a ^ ! John p . Fowler of Sacramento, C ai, as matron of honoic, riird nue, and the late Mrs. Lester. The wedding will take place quietly on June 21 at St. Paul's R̂ al Estate i i CORRESPONDENCE Editor, W est Van News. Sir,-- I. would like to expostu­ late* against destruction ^f decor­ ations in W est Vancouver when put up to celebrate events. W s hadn't flags put up for the Jubi­ lee; eight hours before some ruthless ̂ person or perspi^ them off the tree. I should .like to call the attention- o f our police to this mean and disloyal Irabit. ° , , - r r T' M. BULKLEY. May 9th, Miss Maycock enter­ tained some ex-high students in honor of Miss Hilda Jane Russell ~r j ------ f v- - - - --- (How Mrs. G.-B. Ball-Guymer). Audrey Lester, m ste r ^ f A very happy tim e .was spent t t c groom, as bndesmaid. The and Hilda-received many tokens of love, which she has taken away with her to remember her friends. ____ ____ _________ Crofton House School and has a wide circle of friends here.4c 4c ♦ Engagement Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Harron of; Cash Kleenex 23c 2 for 45c Koiex 23c 2 for 45c Friday and Saturday Gemmili's Drag Store Thf 8tor« of SerYie«. 1586 Marine Drive >Ve«t 37 or Weet 607 Emergency Phone West 321 (After 10 p.m.) Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes Cinnaiuon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Fro.sh every morning Note Address: 1408 Marine Drive ' Phone W est 27 HolIybnrirThealfe rilUU., F ill. & SAT. MAT. May 16th, 17U] and 18th 'The Silver S treak' also 'Dizzy and Daffy Dean' SAT. EVENING - & MONDAY May 18th and 20th c - " Lives of a Bengal Lancer" with -V V ■ GARY COOPER PREDEIIICK MARCH TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY May 21st and 22nd 'Romance in Manhattan' . also 'A LADY BY CHOICE' -SA -tE 8--.-SeR v ic e - r a d io s ' RANGES Fbrst's Ltd. North 525 ' West 180 60 Lonsdale Avo. North Vancouver TEAROE & SON 1474 Marine Drive Concrete Contractors AGRICULTURAL LIME in stock for spring gardening Speciab>"'3 sacks for $1.25 - Phone West 84 for quick delivery. BRYNES -- SCHULTZ Word has been received from -.oo' Tir Y Tr" I' Scotland of the death on Wed-, } P W est Victoria Park, North nesday o f last w eek o f Mrs. Isa- Vancouver, announce the ej)- bel Constance Robertson, form - gagem ent of th e ir youngest erly a weU known resident o f daughter, M arge^ Etheral, to Vancouver. J. L. . Pettigrew , Mr- James H. F. Ferguson,^onIy 1473 Marine Drive, is a brother, f on »f Mr, H. Ferguson of W est and-Mi-s. Robert W ardroK-1463--^aaoouyer, and the late-Mra. V-.-V. A______ R p r tn i s n n - n f RpTfnaf. T r ^ l a n nFiilton Avenue, a sister o f the deceaseds A. Bird has" moved into a house at 2063 Marine Drive. MAY DAY COlSiMITTEE i^rguson 'Of Belfast, Ireland. The' wedding will be held on Jiine 6 at St. Andrew's United ChurchrNorth Vancouver. A t the homie of Mr. and Mrs.- W alter Loucks, 3033 Mathers Avenue, W est Vancouver, on Saturday, May 11th, at 9 p.m. by Rev. H. Humphreys, Miss Katherine Schultz of Victoria, to Mr. A ugustine A. Brynes of V ancouver,. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Loucks as th e bride entered the room on th e arm of Mr. Morrow, who. gave the bride away. Mr. San- berg acted as best man and Miss M ay Dennison as bridesmaid. - Mr. and Mrs. Brynes will" re­ side in Vancouver. West Vancouver MESSENGER SERVICE PARCELS bELIVERED CAREFULLY to all parts ..of West Vancouver PHONE W EST 141 GEORGE WATT 1S95 Esquimau Ave., West Vancouver The regular^m eeting o f the May Day Committee will be held at 8 p.m. next Tuesday instead o f Wednesday ill th e council. Chamber. A s this will be the la s t ' m eeting previous to the celebra­ tion, it is particularly requested that every member o f thte com­ m ittee be pre'^nt. Seymour 4636 West 657R GREGORY & REID PAINT CO. ' ̂ - Everything fo r the Wall ENAMELS - KALSOMINES WALL PAPERS GLASS ANTIMO W HITE We deliver. 11 West Hastings St. rv" ' 1 «'■ "J ^ ; - ' ' ill-' s' ' ■' '1'̂ kj : i.'*- V , "tv ■ ' m . 'i.; ,̂ 'f* p i ; I f t I i S m • ' -I**, ifj & s 't) I < ' -"'-I-:: i f - " I L'/f'lfr,'■■ ■ U:: f *! AJ V "% I C' I ' '4; ' <t\< i, i .'i» *• W m, \i fS * $