West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 May 1935, p. 2

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•>•%,!;„-»> S,'rt ? "* ' ' ' ' . ■ '" iwiiiiiiiiiiii* - v a w n y TAM NEWS May Ig I ■ ? j ¥ r-m' ] 'H A 'JL \ ,'f s '* /i.(i"l:̂>l;iV ill . i :if5: • >;"ti \P. •f r lK ' ill te^ i l l « T TAW IJIflT M l Ktir. HilHi Wrtfht. l l l i i l . t^ Sittidbir $«rfki« , ,lljJ0 «.«»., fn $ pM»' Sunday School and Bfhl« Chuit , . 10 Strangtri A Vlaltow Wtlwaw, B A P m t c a v m m wymtiiiini EctWenetJ iS4$ ^ y w m d , A m Phone Weft 252IL .Sunday Service! -- 11 *.m. and Sunday School, 10:00 a.nt. r > #» ' . An All-Purpose Permanent Wave UNITED CHUHCH Minister: Rev, Hillto W rijht ------- OwiiiK to the lecture to befor Summer ...... c*n.............i._̂ (jjjy Women's MissionaryAl thlf fcnaon of the year when Pfriiiunent Wavoa are more riet'ffsary than ever, we are RtruKHlnif what we call an "AIl- PuriKjise Wave," With thU wave it is possible to dreaa the hair In styles equally appropri* ate for hot weather sporta or formal alfuirn, Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1540 Marine Drive For appointments PHONE WEST 117 a m Ambleside Pharmacy U sl,> Society meeting will be postpon- <?cl from May 21st to May 28th. V̂ j.Hiting ctmfcrence preachers will occupy the pulpit of W est Vancouver United Church next Sahbath. We 'expect that the Jt<'V, Dr. Henry, formerly niinis- t<'r will be prewent in the even­ ing. Notice will appear in the Saf unlay iH8ue of the Vancou­ ver dailieH. Under the auspices of the Haplint mid United Churches of Wi'.st Vancouver, on Tuesday I next the Hev. Herbert W. Piercy of 'I'oronto, will present "Keep­ ing up with Lizzie" in the United f^iiiirch Hall, beginning a t eight o'clock. ' 11V' ' *■ ' "f "s' : •■ .. W ESrVANCOUVBB d u f is l^ ^ Science Society " C B ra er ism F icB '....... m tk 1̂ Ite^aimiiJt, UoUybiira Ih lf Society if a Branch of Tha Mother Church Tho Pirtt Church of Christ,. Sdantiat, in Uoxton. • Maaaachuietti Sunday Service; 11;30 a.m. Suniday, May 19, 1935 Subject: "MORTALS AND IMMORTALS' Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially In­ vited to attend our services and meetings. FOR DfcPENUABLE LAimORT SERVICE DAVE ANDERSON, ;MTeSt^4liWvOTTi5preSaUvV _______ Phones---W est 691L b r N o r th 1810^ NAOMI c h a p t p :r , 0 . E. S. W. C. T.; U. V. P. A. ACTIVITIES W. L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marine Drive . Phono West 823 1'7{EK D EU V EIjy NorrnmrWillington will have charge of next Sunday evening's ■ * . ■ ' , i, ■ .1, ' ' Olio porfuct and Inutlng way of remernboring "oventH is with CRYSTAL FINI.SH" PRINTS |->v- VF* K./uisvas.4>j v>VK#aaaas|^ (3 discussion at the ;W. V. U. Y. P. meeting tifter the evening service in the Church vestry. Sunday evening is Missionary niglitv Mr. Willington is certain lo make it as interesting as pos- .sibk;. Everybody welcome. . The West Vancouver W.C.T. U. met at the United Church on Thursday p.m., May 9th, , Mrs. Hibberd, president, in the chair. Mrs. Chapman read the scrip­ ture. lesson and Mrs. Beamer led in primer. Reports from the B. C. Temperance League were read by Miss Beveridge and.Mrs. Hibberd,' The nominating com­ m ittee for the annulal election of officers Was appointed. Refresh­ ments were served at the close of the meeting. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST The Annual Spring Tea and Sale of Home Cooking of Naomi Chapter, O.E.S., wa.s held Wed­ nesday afternoon at the home o f Mrs. Duncan McMillan, 20th. Street, when a large number of guests came from North Van­ couver and Vancouver, as well a s local membens and friends of the Chapter. Receiving were the Worthy Matron, Mrs. W alter Gray, assisted by Mrs. C. Greenwood. Mrs. J. W, Cornett^ past Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter of B. G., opened the proceedings with a few kindly ' thoughts of encouragement. The general convener was Mr.s. J. W. Neill. Tulips and lilies of the valley in profusion decorated the rooms and tea table. Presiding at the urns were Mrs. Walter Cliife, Mrs. M. Pope, Mrs. T. -Masson, Mrs. J. Sellars, Mrs. H. Wardlaw, Mrs. P. Phillips,'Mrs. J. McGowan, Mrs. G. Struthers, Mrs. G. Clarke, Mrs. A. Thomas, and. Mrs. H. L. Thompson. Vocal solos were rendered during the aftei^poon by Mrs. J. Hunt, ac­ companied by Miss Ivy Miles, who also sang. W EST VANCOUVER It, 0 . L. No. 2990 »* The regular meeting of thp above I c ^ e wUI be held In til^ Orange m il, 'Tuesday next, al the usual hour. One candidate will be received into membershin by initiation and several items of interest re the coming I2th July celebration will be discuss ed. Members pleape take note LAW N BOWLING SEASON OPENED Bowling is now in full swing on the greens of the West Van­ couver Lawn Bowling Club, and the members are looking for- ward to an a c tiv e 'and qjnjoyable season. Reeve Leyland opened the greens recently, Mrs. Ley- land pitching' th e first jack. It is hoped to have the lights ready for evening play next week. , The first le a ^ e match will be played against Dunbar Heights on their grounds on 25th May. PAULINE JOHNSON SCHOOL REPORTS G: J. N.utt has moved into a house at 2186 Gordon Avenue. Crystal Finish Agency For Service and Satisfaclion: "REMEMBER IT WITH SNAPS" Ambleside Slieet MetalL.'SPECK. PropHctor Works d r . G. O. // , S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. H E N T I S T Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. ^OlTIco Hours 9 to'15 p.m: ' EveningH by appointment. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rector* ' Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. May 19th --- 4th Sunday after , .Ea.ster. 8:00 a.m.-- Holy Communion. 11:15 a.m.--Matins -and Sermon. The Girl Guides, Brown­ ies,. Cubs and 1st and 2nd West Vancouver. Scouts ̂ - will be present. 7.15 p.m.'--'Evensong and ser­ mon. Stl Francis-in-the-Wodds, Caulfeild Sunday, 3 p.m.-- Evensonff and sermon. • ■ w , , --~«I III-- Ill "MORTALS AND IMMORT­ ALS*' will.be the subject of the Lessbn - Sermon in all Churchesw V « « VF * « « « VF a A aiA C-SA* V/A A vt A WS A of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. ' TTiiP "firtiHoti moYf ic • **Jji the Iwtahiifihed tin North Shore . :2.']l Years ■ (Lady As.^^sta■lll)_____ HARRON BROS. LTD. JFuiinal Sirectors N orth Vam ouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street , Phone North l:M Vancouver Ihnlors - 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. IVA - BAPTIST CHURCH Cor. 15th and Duchess Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys Sunday, IVÎ y Iptli, . '"lOlDO^m.-- Surm y ^hooT^'^" - . Adult Bible Class, 1 1 :00 a.hi. -- Morning worship. . Preacher, Rev. L. E. Wil­ ton, B.A., Bth., recently_ returned missionary from India. 7 :15 'p.m. -- Evening worship. Seng ^service at com-. , mencement. Pastor will preach, topic, "And Why N ot Me?" , A cordial invitation to all. Monday, 8 p.m.-- B.Y.P.U. Young people over 16, wel­ come. The'Golden Text is: v.iv- way of righteousness is life; and In the pathway thereof there' is no death." (Proverbs 12: 28). Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is th e following from the B ible: "Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on Him, If ye contini^e .ill Mj^-word, then are ye My disciples indeed; And ye shall know, the truth, and the truth ehall make you free." (John 8: 31, 32).' The Xiesson -- Sermon also, in­ cludes the following" passage' from the Christian Science text- . .^ p k ,_ : i^ S ^ n c ^ ^ n d "' 'H ^ t l i " w i^ ^ CARD OF THANKS Sherman, B.C., 14th May, 19,35. To the Citizens of Sherman, Cypress Park, Sandy Cove and West B ay:, i_ Please accept my grateful thanks for so promptly coming to my as­ sistance in such a tangible manner, during my recent unpleasant ordeal caused by the visit of robbers to my little store. I am also deeply touched by' your kind letter of appreciationr of iny humble services- to you since coming to Sherman. - ' ---------- Exceptional happenings^'o£-4fcis nature soon bring t^. the froni? the fact tha t there is n i^ h underlying community spirit, 16^', and unself­ ishness in our midst. " . Again thanking you, Yours .faithfully, BERTHA J. CAMPBELL, .-..ShjrnianJSMte... Key to the Scripturei^" by Mary -Baker-Eddy^~"In Science, man's depends upon that of God, good, and follows as a Jiecessary consequence of the immortality of good." Correcting clericar error the name o f Gloria Stanmtis, 7b, and Isobel Black, 3a, should have read Gloria Murphy and Isobel R ussell; B etty McLaren, Div­ ision 8, should have read Billy McLaren. RAINBOW CLUB No. 2 The girls of th e local Rainbow '| Club wiH m eet on Monday next at 4:15 p.m. in the Orange Hall. The members o f the'North Van­ couver Club are making a frat­ ernal v isit on th is occasion, and ̂ rnothers. o f the members are in-^ yited to be present. Mr. A. E. Harron will speak to the girls ."j on'the work of the' Loyal Prqt- esttant Home a t N ew Westfein- ster. A full attendance of the local members is desired. Miss B etty Walton, 1910 Belle­ vue Avenue, le f t today fdr,a two . to ' her sister in ^ a lifrrm a ." ^ 40 S L IC E S O F T O A S T C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER NOW OPEN FULL TIME Marltu', Phone Weal la.'J Wednesdays 8 p.m,--Prayer ser- vice with short id d rS s . Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Choir prac^- tice. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd jond Ingle\vood Ave. ' Rev. W, J. Millay, . Priest in Charge. R esidence: 2323tlhglewb6d Ave / Phone, West 240-R Sunday Services iS S t V / I t t -- 8:45 a.m.o V n i l l y C i V S High Mass & Sermon -- 10:45 a.m. Mrs. H. G. .Selwopd has been invited to take part in a discus- pon of constructive use o f leisure, time in connection with the swond annual conference of United Church Provincial Peoples' Union to be held X - W esley Church Satui'day. May 18th. The leader ,01 the d^cussion will be Ptofes- Pilworth o f the Univer- fornierly principal ^ the Victoria High School. JL-s. Selwood's main contribu- tion will be an account of what has been done in W est Vancou- ver ^o^connection with extension THE Published Every Thursday Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 3G3 Business and Editorial Office: 17th and Marine Drive (Next to Hollyburn k 0.) Phone West 363 Mail Address: P. O. BoirtHlV Htdlyburn, B.d Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15 p.m. " - Catechism and Bible History every Saturday - 9 ;30 a.m. Week-day Services Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. Fnd%vs-- Rosary, Benediction. Confessions -- 7 ;45p.m. Saturdays Confessions from 7:30 p.m.^8:80 p.m. GLENEAGLES GOLF LINKS Besides being well patronized by local residentsi Gleneagles has been attracting a number of request of sev- eml play -̂s a series of competir A® ® shortly be arranged. As a preliminary those interest- ?« *'e<l«5sted to turn in three IŜ hole cards at the club house so that handicaps can be_reyised! reported that W., 2212 Bellevue Ay^ue, was havinga new house at 31st and Marine Drive. J h is should have read Mrs. M. 1 1 .0 0 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year ~ L .^ a r t n d g e , 2 3 rd and Haywood by m ail. A venuEe. North Vancouver Office; 123 Lonsdale Ave.. CARD OP THANKS the menibers and ^ Baptist Church for J c hearty send-off g iv en T rS u S - Pw*-,,collections of And now, we wish and -acquaintance? Au Revoir" a^d "Gooff L u c ^ Mr. and Mrs. P. RTTZ MISS RIT2. and PAhflliY. ONE CENT for electricity will toast 40 slices of bread: tlECTRIC SERVICE--always A BARGAIN s 1 \ ,* *. f ■* (ft Ft.' ■' I