West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 May 1935, p. 1

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Circulating in the D is tr ic t o f West YancouverTAmbUside, Hollyburn^ W^f} }i,(K) per y e * r . - ' ./ ;. . Cypress P a tk t Cauljfe^d^W hytecliff, E tc. ir ,s„V , D undarave 5c per copy a t newsstands. 1 . . | . . . l \ V sfc Vol. X ̂ j v< HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, 6.C., THURSDAY. MAY 16th. i liii iiiiii No. 3 LEGION NOTEShome gas o p t im is t s . ______ draw c r o w d e d h o u s e general m eeting of * A - w t a ™ SS."?SJsriS"ife,rS r U " SPONSOR S TREE COMING EV ENTS '•n MAY DAY PARADE crowded to the doors Tuesday Enihiistaaiie Finish at Closing:: Date May 24th -- May Day Ball 1^ Wednesday night, May 15th, saw the final sponsors adding their names to a campaign that ^ . «we,aOn Memorial Hall, and a niirht for the annual concert o i turnout o f memfbers is re- t h e Home Gas Optimists, many q uoted ; ' ............. ............................ ................ .. having to stand,, although they will live in the history o f West ̂ --------- ̂ resentative, will visit th e branch Vancouver as long as the munici- f h e 2nd West Vancouver Boy^ JSoout Troop set out to obtain sf^ n sors. for 200 trees •-- real stiirdy 3-year old Inglewood Auditorium, 9 to Garden's Orchestra. TO NAME TH fi FERRIES had already given a ® ® and is expected to give the m eet- palify "^xlstS. same afternoon for th e benefit o v'onrtvf. nn fVî finyiitin'ci nf The various sections of the parade will assemble in the fol­ lowing positions at 12 p.m. prompt. The judging will be closed at 12:30 of the school children. The pro. very varied one,gram, a was ing a report on the findings of the Hyndman commission at Ottawa, which is conducting an uuilc up to the high standard the investigation into the problem of p.m. In order to name the naw The parade will move off at Vancouver as long as the munici- ferry boat and re-name No. 6 12:45 prompt. ferry . a competition is being put Doedrated Bicycles -- 20th St. on by the council among the North of Marino Drive, students of the high and public Tricycles - Scooters - Wagons schcK)ls. The sum 'of $10 will be I J AVTiecf from Unemployment am ongst ex-sbr- pubhe have come to ex p ec t^ ro m Canada. the Optimists, and with Frank Ander̂ s in charge and also .tak­ ing individually a prominent part in several of the numbers, it goes without saying tbj&t from first to last there was not one dull ' moment. Clever ... quips, jokes, vocal and instrumental solos, playlets and tap dancing, in which Miss Isabel McEwan, Ernest Golton. Sunny Riohardrr sbnT Roy Barryr and Isabel'and Kenny Tait starred, were includ­ ed in the program, nor should be omitted the clever characterizar C. C. F. NEW S chestnuts --- t o ' be planted on 17th Street. The response has been so gratifying that trees had also to be p la n t s around Ingle- oh 20th May. wood High School, Hollyburn School and along a portion of 14th Street, Name tags are how awfio^ed, $6 for each name sub­ mitted which is approved by the council. The competition closes The next public meeting will be held in the Headquarters on j being prepared , and will be at- Tuesday, May 21st, a t 8 p .m i.f ia c h e d to the trees thereby en- when the speakers will be C ,' sb ling sponsors to pick out their Grant McNeil and Harold Winch, own individual tree and watch it M.L.A. ■" PAINTS AND VARNISHES 20 St., north of Marine Drive. Patriotic Couples, Humorous Costumca, Advertising Cost- umea -- South end of Child­ ren's playground, 20th Street. ,Original OostumoB, Best Dressed- Boy, Best Dressed Girl -- Not'ih end of Children's play- t 1 ,l The Greenwobd G r o c e r y 144 groubd,' 20th Street. Marine Drive; have secureq Chjldren with Floral Displays agehcY i h " W est^'Vahe^^ R. C. Jamjieson & Go.^s celebratOd Mr. McNeil will speak grow, into a th ing of beauty in paints .and yarnishes. The h ii^ - on "Present Day Problems,'^ and th is already beautiful municipal- ufacturers have been ih the ,Mr. Winch w ill speak on "Pat- ity. , business since 1858; and theft* tullo's Failure." - ̂ -- The-official ceremony of turn- ifi'odud:s; :i:epretotihg^^^^^ The next regular W hist Drive ing these trees ovj^r to the miuni- brs in oil, are very rich iih colw^ will be held on Wednesday, May Cipality will take^ place on May have excellent tin tin g strength, ^ j 22nd at 8:15 p.m. with the usual ^ t h as the parade is passing and are well ground. A ny inter- ______ _______ tions by Em^ton-^urtA and the prizes and no admission fee. 17th Avenue. The parade will be ested are. asked to-phone or. call Reeve, Council tions by J. Einerton^ourt and Voters are reminded that the halted and, a few interesting at Greenwood's Grocery. An ad- ~ tl|e films showing, the develop- final'dates for registration for moments will be ^presented the vertisem ent relative to th is ap- .,-,ment of Vancouver from the the Federal Election lists w ill be people. The 2nd W est Van. Boys pears inthis issue. ' earliest dkys. v June 13th and 14th, from 12 The only note of regret was noon to 8 p.m., at th e W est Van- the absence of Calvin Winter, couver Municipal Hall. who as a result of being danger- --------r:---------- ously ill from pneumonia, was Bird is h a v in g a_,new , not with the Optimists for the house built a t 11th and Fulton first time in seven years. . Avenue. Scouts wish to express their ap­ preciation to the Minister of Lands, Hon. W ells Gray, for the a s s is ta n t and help so gracious­ ly given them by the m inister PRESENTATION TO MR. & MRS. J. E . CONDON Esquimau West; 20th Street. Cubs T- Esquimau W est of 20th Street. ■ School Band -- Esquimau East of 20th Street. Girl Guides, Brownies --r maU East'of 20ih Stri^iet. / . , May Queen and P a r t j j ^ 2 1 s t , Street, north of M a:^e Drive and Guests -- 21st St., north of Marine Drive Fire Truck, Floats -r- 21st Street south of Marine Drive. Decorated Autos, Commercial Entries-- 20th Street south of „ Marine Drive. Parade will circle the grounds at Ambleside Park'and fall in on I !■* VIOLIN AND PIANO RECITAL . a h C ̂ ^i^ M a r v e l McIntyre . ---------- _ take p l ^ 8 p.m. on Sat- The-first of two combined re- urday, M a y ^ th , in the. Legionv citals by the violin and piano H all.-T ickefs 25 cents. ' pupils, of Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge " The following is the program : FJLEMENTARY V IO U N ENSEM BLEJ^ Allegro No. 4.... ............. .................. ...................... ..................... (Pieyel) , George Gran^l " , - ' Gertrude N ash s„ George Bi^ealey' - ' Jacqueline P atterson '^GINN Eg^CJESTSS- P IA \d ......... .*.!........................ "Eairy Beir^ .̂l..........................t../'(Bragdon^- __ ...JIelen,^Pochln'..... ....................... .......... .............. VIOLIN PIANO PIANO VIOLIN r . . (Mrs. K night-H odge) / 'Cradle " S o n ^ 'l........... ........................ Dyson N Igef SnelgroTO ' ' (M argaret Mclfityre) ELEM ENTARY (SLASS . ̂ - _____.."Ollmbing'^ /....................... (M acLachlan) ' Louise Messenger .-."Skatlng"..£i....... ............................. (Aaroi^) Dorothy ,H arvey-^m ith ....•r........"Nocturne" . ! . ........................ (Burgrtiuller) -- ------ ------- 7 On Saturday evening last the ____ __________________ ___ and h is Fbrestry pepartm enF at parents and friends of the boys Boy Scout markers for Corona- the Green Timbers Nursery; to in the W est Vancouver Schools' tion Ceremony and review by the the Reeve and Council for the Band, and the band boys them- May Queen. - hearty «poperatio^m id kind oxi se lv es ,m et ih afirlnformarsoefgff"^" Floats afid'Commercial entries pressions towards the scouts; to honor Mr. and Mrs. Condon, will paric on the south side of alisoito Mr. Diincan w ith h iss ta ff During the evening.several of ' who so readily assisted th e boys, the boys related their experi- To, th e sponsors of the trees the ences on the recent trip through Troop can only say "thank you, the Okanagan. In the main everyone," and when the Moun- these young speakers emphaalz- tain Cabin is constructed, will ed the humorous side o f th e tour , extend a hearty invitation to Mrs: O'Donnell spoke briefly a s 'Marine Drive. ;eacJb_lrienil-JK^^^ -- a-m em b er-o f-th e -S ch o o L B o a i^d ^ -------- magnificently. while Mr. Delamont said a feW The-final list^qf Sponsors'is words as the conductor of the bandyv^ongratulating the ̂ ' ■ ■' / ' . f e - Marine Drive at Ambleside Park Decorated oars will park a t the east end of Ambleside Park. A plan of the parade assembly will be on view in the windo\y of the B.C„ Eleetrio Rly. Co. stbre,* I ' i 'B k 1___ A. E. MUNN, M.P., AD-^ DRESSES LOCAL LIBERALS : \/% hereby acknowledged : ............................................. . Already acknowledged.-:; $49.25 and their parents on having, a 1 p . >■. PIANO George B realey '• ....."Meloaie"....l............................ (Massenet) PIANO VOCAL . Norm% Minions - - , (Mrs. K night-H odge) ..... ............................... Gavotte...;'....................................... (Bach) - • Prelude i' ; ; B etty M arentette.;, ;• (M argaret M cIntyre) ......................"A rt Thou Troubled"...:................. -...(H andel) ' "In P raise of May"................................ (Ireland) .. " ' VGolden Slum bers".............................. (Thlm an) Junior V ocal'Ensem ble,' conducted^ by Mrs. C. M acLean , --r A t the piano, Mrs.'; Ellis JU N IO R CLASS VIOLIN ... .̂ 'O adIe~Song".; "P e tite Valse".. (Hauser)- PIANO VIOLIN ha NO..... ;........--- - ^ p iXn o ....... (Mendelssohn) ' ■ Patty'W eeden ....... ........."Cossack Dance" ~ ' Douglas W att ...."A ndante" .('Concerto E M inor).............................. . (S ltt) Jessie Davies. . ....... ........"Scherzo" B flat.....--..........(Schubert) -..Jeaa Vernon ' ' ~ - (M argaret M cIntyre) ..............'....." 1st Valse".____ .............--.-..c... (Durand) VIOLIN Delwyn B ea tty 'Chanson Polonaise"................. (WJenlawskI) PIANO ..... ......." ' Gedrjge Grandl' "Sim ple Xveu".......................... ....... (Thome) ■ Bonnibel B arbour * ̂ (Mrs. K night-H odge) \ . ADVANCED CLASS VIOLIN EN SEM BLE .!...... .̂.»"Serenade".'.............-- .............. ' <Toselli) "Valse",..,;...............:.....-- (Brahm s) M arjorie M urray " Irene Gracey -- - ■ ' Je rry Je rv le . " r M ary M urray VIOLIN ..._________ ..../"M editation" Thais)-.................... (M assenet) c ̂ ■ /M arjo rie .M u rray PIANO (M argaret M cIntyre) ------ 8\ "Tone Pictures"..-.̂ ....................................... (Faijeon) "Juba Dance"_______.................. .-- (Dettr Margaxet'Bki.r4man (Mre. K night-H od^e) mpd/ SawpII Miss C. S.'Y. Phillips........ B etty & Peter Prentice.;-. Mrs. A. H. A lb in ............. Bert A lb in .................. ...... . Wm A lb in ......... .........A Patricia A lb in .......... Met Chapm an -....... :.... Jim Chapman r.....'............. Mrs. J, D a v is ...................... Malcolm S teven s....... ....... Lyman J o n es............. -....... Harbrd~W&lker................. T. K. L ig h tly ...................... , E. A. L ig h tly ......... ............ Bernard H a y es ........;....... J. H am m ett...................... : Col.^Tristram Irene B it t s .......:................. Georgie Bitts ...................... □;Barbara-«fe. HughJParson^_ /W. J- Wenmoth.. Kathleen Wenmoith -........ Norton Wenmoth Younge J. P. Harvey^..................... Mrs. Tom Hamilton M. A. Payne ./................... M. R. P a y n e ...............-- Geo. N ew m an ......v........... Mrs. V. V. Vinson ............. John McNeil Seiburth.... Louise R- Seiburth............. "' I .̂ ■■■ ■ ]\^s. J. W icking................. M. B. Forbes,..................... Mrs. M. B. Fojrbes...... Stewart F orb es............. Mrs, Edgley ........................ William H aw k es.......... Ronald H aw kes....... .......... Dorset Stephenson ........... Dene Stephenson -- Ivy Robinson........ Alfred R obinson....... ...... .25 .25 .26 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 ,25 .25 .25 .25 :25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 ;25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 A, E. Munn, M.P.> addressed m an like Mr. Condon as manager, the general m eeting of the W est of the band. Mr, Lane spoke of Vancouver Liberal Association the enthusi^iiL shown by the .la s t Thursday night in Dundar-' Interior audiences for the music ave Hall. He said that in his and neat appearance of the boys, . opinion the unemployment ihsur- and for.̂ |̂ ̂ ance and 8 hour day bills were prise of their , manager. Mrs. not broad enough and he did not Jupp spoke on behalf of the agree with all the details. The mothers, pointing out that the . findings o f the Price Spread fact that the motHers had allow- ' Commission would come up as ed their .boys to go on such a soon as the House resumed its trip was significant of the confi- " s ittin gs. He thought the Liber- dence th§y had in Mr. Condon. als would be returned at the next^ In making the presentation of election, as they expected an a silver entree, dish, suitably in- even break in Ontario, and Que- scribed, Mr. Bloxham thanked bee and the Maritimes would be Mr. Condon for wKat he had alright. The system of relief done for the boys and expressed camps was wrong and some dras- the hoipe that he would "carry tic changes must be made. Re- on" the work feir a long time, ferring to the F irst Narrows The boys and their parents then__B r id g e he thought the promot- rose and greetjed Mr. Condon ers would get it just as .soon as " with 'T o r he's a jolly good fel- they wished for it. low." . Dr, Lyons of Powell River, who During the evening the gath- -was also present, stated that efin g was entertained by several that place was solid for the Lib- ------------- 1 **> . /I '4* % t**" U. : ' I i i ' . S- ' i-. ! ;̂ jV ' HI songs fro'm Mrs. Harrison, ac­ companied by Mr. C. W. Spencer, __________ ^ a pianoforte sol6 by Vera Dela/^ follow ing executive: m ont and zylophone selections ^ ' ' " by RUssell Escott. Refreshments were served a t the conclusion of the eveningJbyythe committee in charge." \ HVERYTH l^G FOR THE WALL eral party. The association elected, the Reid, M r .. Roxborough, C. W. Clarke, W. J. Clifford, David Morgan, J . Nyland, H. Walker, Mrs. H astings, Miss G. Lawson, G eoj^e-R ay, George Chi,l(|s,.R. P. Blower, D. O'Donnell, H; Foote, S. S. Pride, P. T. Master- toan, J. Reid, Mrs. A. B, Stronge, Mrs. Matheson, H. A. Collom. Charles Baldwin, president of the new branch o f the Young V $60.25 - ^ e Gregory and Reid Paint .25-. Company, 11 W est Hastings . ____ „ .25 Street, are advertising in this is- ̂ Liberals Association,' ju st form- sue everyth ing- for the .wall., ed here, explained the workings Enamels, kalsomines, Antimo W hite, wall papers, glass, etc. Phone Seymour 4636 or W est| 657R. Free delivery. .25 .25 .25 of th e branch, and a vote of thanks was passed to G, W, Kis- sick fo r his work in organizing