West Van. News (West Vancouver), 9 May 1935, p. 4

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IU.J.■» > » f • ■r ■' (« ;-f # >1 ■ 't; '̂ 1 | i lavfS?|K.f 1 <'3i l i p II ■;i'S---' '••:t-S-'ŷ ?iV'.: m i; Fli w t WiNit H f, , Flmn# W ^ t 4$ * n s L r r o c e r g -- -" it 4i JI ti]S.< 1̂ yii.< J"* Vi A ' . 4l . ̂ J h,W.f >l̂¥ Ŝ?w5*» »- ................. ............................................ I......... . . . I , . i , . i j . i„ i . .....-- .................... .,j-^t.,| , ..t. , !}.,<, h- A ' 9_y«* & S«Wifday. May lOth &•„ft„,ii.fa....n.«,.,„„. .._̂. . IM M Whit* lit«4|'*lo*itry* .fib lira v ^ ttu M * mt C Im , C»M»ie* Omlltf P B A B Jio. i , g tin# sSe lt*d 4k Whlty TOMATOES No. 2j^ tin*...... ::........... f tins l l« CKAWFOftO'S HNEAPFLE CUbI S 17 o*. tin ...................... . lOĉ ' COUJMItlA PEACIIB8, Squst, 2s TJn '....., ......... .M..T8e"" 8IIKK»)OED WHEAT or MUFFET8 r» r pkL ........ .: in*'- Htd & Whit« SALMON, Vf», Un l»e lt«^ A Whito TOILET TISSljB Lurse UoUm, sti oxcS|iUoiuilly 0ns ilusIH)̂ IUnuo...................3 for 23c HKOUJND'S MEAT FA8TES Idcsl for Sandwiches...... 3 tins 25e TEA -- Aunt Msry's Family Blend ' IVr lb. ................................... 35- CIIOrOLATK FXLAIIIS......... 11,; Me Ked & White JELLY l»OW»BUS 6 pkts ............... .................... ,■ -'■ 25e' BAKING I.IIOCOLATI E~»Indivldually Wrap* ^<d. one ounce Ni|usres M A ¥ HAT IIONATIONS : © o M t ^ ^ ^ T. R iiu&all ilirs T MeglauEhliit* or by this I news- i l t h piH»er. lŷ Ĉ sJEĴ oJSs • " * * • * ■ * * * * » Naomi Chapter, O.E.S. Meats Phone West 370 LF.<JS OF LAMB, per lb.......... .. 26e BIIOULDEHB LAMB <whols) $20.00 10.00 6.00 $86.00 Pks...................................... I9c For best results use Jam es Bros, Seeds, lOOĵ Canadian^ P<-r lb.................... ................. 14« BKKI' SAOSAGE ..... .........2 Ibin 25c BOILED HAM, per lb................. 45e BAKED lUM . FletcheFs. per lb. 50c VEAL LOAF, p r lb...... 22e MONTEHEV CHEESEL each....... 20c */, lb. Fkt. SIDE ba3 ) N .....: m BOILING fo w l , per lb......... ;... 21c IIEEF. FOIIK, T a MB. VEAL, All FineHl Quality. NEWTON AFFLEaTwrapped r» .......................................... 25c TI'IINIFS, Sweet, Sound, 6 Iba. lOc SFECJAL -- ^ „avi. il..d 'T K ™ ?bk'n iisrA lr "SnJ' Wilabh, Jameg L. (passed), .•x.ti.iimally gLl'^yihe'̂ ^ Second year ^ Allison, Mar- ""lli fur . ........................ . $l.o» U)CAL SUCCE.SSES' IN t . B. C. EXAMS G e ffre y . Cornish, B.S.A. De- gree; 2nd Class Honors. J. Hlllis Wright, Bachelor in Applied Science (Electrical Engr- ineerinff). Faculty o f Arts and Sciences F irst year -- Bradshaw, Mary G. (passed with supplementals); Gibson, A lexa P .; Grieve, Thos. (p assed ); Hartley, Fred L. (2nd class honors); Spenter, David, (passed),* Vickery, Effie M. (p a ss^ w ith ' HupplementaJs); JEFFERIES' Government Iiti(peci^ Only , * -'H A M S COLD MEATS OF ALL KINDS DELICATKSSEN 1 SittoFCg .B-t ujrji , next Theatre PHONE WEST. 3 I.,», I . * /t*!' . ' V , # ? ' ! - LUNBER and all BUILDING m a t e r i a l s WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. --KOn KUAL'SATISFACTION --__ P h on eW estU S 1497 Marine Drive C. C. F. NEWS (■hemirtt'H House (2 a.m .). Irate (Jhemist; "Great heavens, m an! A penny worth o f bicarb- •ww%cv«*lii« ^ J. M.tAAti3\Jg.lp JkTACwA Raret (p assed ); Hill, Marjorie K. (2nd class honors); Hobden, Lloyd H. (pdssed with slipple- m en ta ls); MacRae, Jessie M. (pasw d). Third year -- Jfousser, Harry K. (passed with supplementals). Fourth year -- MacRae, Lach- J he regular mionthly C.C.F. uimi; /i penny worm or oicaro- 'tir"Tir'* Club meeting was held on Tues- onate of soda at this unearthly i - MacRae, Lach- " W ~ ! i further number of petitions in y / ' / w "he aWi^e,' rn w 'll ^o"S need'n' the Soda noo. Good mornin'." C L A S S IF IE D A D S I fieds are payable strictly in adrance. ■ . I Remember Claiaifleda in the West Van News get Immediate results. regard to the relief camp sitaa- tion were placed in the hands o f a committee and will be circulat­ ed for signatures. A m eeting of class honors). Social SeWice --- Shipp, Alfred A. (passed): - Faculty o f Applied Science Second year; -- Irish, E. J. W ingett (passed with supple­ mentals) ; Kendrick, John S. (F irst Class honors, 3rd p lace); Light, John G. (passed with sup- theC am m V rgn C o m m u te t e C h t S r ? o m i ' n g " ^ ™ r ' hol(i.ut tho home of MIbs Psrkyn den pi t X fleTto hf»*^«hnlv »nrf '>i« w f f e t 'L r "f f t M f S t X l ' rhO'VVhist Drive in the Head- an hour later, hearing a door F ifth year__Electrical Ene-in- quarters on Wednesday evening shut, he went down and put his eering __ Wriirht Tamet? ^H priL "w f n i S were - M?:'* Ac® ' """ii ' n <Second Class Honors, 5th place) Viear, Mrs. Scribner,'J^ ito M d asked®" ' ? a l^ 'r s" 'S ' » o "n ^ ' i f l t ,dm w ^or a cushion ton an hour ago. And now cl«ar Nursing -- Second year -- 1... c^ushion top donated Mrs. Chipi^eigh has called. Isn 't Pitman, Gertrude D. (passed It .sweet of .bef I" 5 F FOR SALE ~ Old Time Fiario stool, $30; Auto Knitter, $5; Floor Portable, $3; Elec. Vac. Cleaner, $5: Dining Table and stools, $12. Other articles chea îV 1772 Ingle- wood. _______ FLOWERS FOR SALE -■ Tulips, e tc . ' for Mother's Day, Mrs. Allen, 1204 • Keith Road, ________. ■. COTTAGE FOR RENT -- Near beach and ferry. Reasonable. Apply, ' Baldwin (boathouse), 17th and Waterfront. WANTED -- Good home in country for fine setter U6g. Phone West 23X2. FOR REiNT -- Fully furnished mod­ ern cottage. Close ferry and water Private. June, July, August. Bay-' view 8176L.__________ . ■ * ^ FOR R E N T - - - Clean Cottage, Cultus Lake; 3 double beds, week-ends or by week. High. 3219L. ̂̂ ̂ ^ VVANTED -- Open Touring Car, good sized 5-passenger, for decoration and use in May Day Ceremonies. To be Apply West 658L. ______ ' ' ' FOR SALEr-Two burnt leather cush- ions and runner. Both new, at Lloyd's Knitting Shop, Dundaravp. LOST -- Sum of money Saturday FOR SALE -- ̂ Westinghouse electric night between Murch's and 14th and 4-hole'range. Apply 1619 Clvdp Bellevue. Reward. Phone West ^ n p g a » i3. „ , „ „ -- ' - SALE---- R. I. R. Hatching Eggs, good strain. Phone West 183Y. 636L or West 491. by Mrs. W. Slater, ̂ Campaign WhiHt D riv^ in the Headquart­ ers at 8 ;15 p.m. Wednesday, May 16th, with the usual prizes, etc. Sweet Young Thing; "Colonel, you m ust haye hadiiSome narrow escapes in your time." Cohnel Tiffin: "I did, my dear. , Sweet Young th in g ; "Did you - with supjilementals). Faculty of Agriculture ^ con d year--^^Harowitz, Aser I. (Second rClass Honors list, 3rd p la c e ) ~ ~ DOLLY VARDEN SHOP, Dundarave ' --Hosiery, Millinery, House Dresses LISTINGS WANTED -- We have Mrs. W. E. Parnuni, 1720 Inglewood Avenue, who has been cwcei. xuung ining* "uirt von xspi.nding the past few weeks in . get that scar during an ^gage- Wmnipeg has returned to her ment?" home here. ; ■ Colonel Tiff in: "No, I got that ' when I broke it off.!' ^ SEALED TENDERS addressed to the ii^ndersigned and endorsed "Ten- -- Millinery, House Dresses and Children's Wear. City prices. ~ WANTED FOR 3 MpNTHS -- Ckrt- tage with two bedrooms, large ver- andah or sleeping porch. Box 11, West Van NeWs. - - • DUNDARAVE " ORIGINAL" WOOL & K N IF IN G SHOPPE, 2446 Mar me --. :^ rp le Heather,^Tiger, etc. Expert Instructress, Mrs. Latiiam) M. Busst, Frop^ . _̂____ HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave. -Novelties, Stationery, Supplies,.. Garden Seeds, Hardware.' many inquiries for rentals, both J- Arch-g r Ltd., 1415 Marine, West 225. --- Watch, owner c^n have _ same by describing it. West 49L. - Walls built. rockeries made and planted. Dav,_ o r contract. .Phone ^ WANTED -- Furnished modern house g>r August, on W aterfront. West Bay bus route. Will pay $50 and 1066Y^^-°^ *^®^isdale home.' Kerr, ^V H t* « R * t1 S * 1 > E D E S T m f S M iff iS ! der for Dominion Public Buildings ^ „ ^NOE REPAIRS3 - Get the best mat- .^nci^Yar,jB.^./i_y^llobe--recerved-at^--^^^HRNlS^D-AND^UNFURNlSHED----- f^f^L-and--workntanBh1p" ar"Fox's, this office until 12 o'clock noon (day- Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and --IIP* Perry; • W" This business of class t^nsclousness Is being overdone. A^producWls a consumer; a worker is an owner; a motorlW l» a pedestrian; and a pedestrian is a street car rider. ^1 of which suggests that there should he a *'llv6 and^let live" policy among all users of the public streetST" A® ftBardians of the street car passengers, we urge you to resp^t their rights-- particularly t^iive up to th^ spirit as well as the letter of the law whi^. says auto­ mobiles must stop 10 feet behind a stop­ ping street car, ' . .VV o'ciocK noon (cw JighLsaEmgJ^4iesdayp=M*y^2Sr*93or= SfKiff « Dominion -Pubhc^uildm g-at Vancouver, B. C. - Plans and specification can be seen and forms of tender obtained a t the offices of the Chief Architect, Depart­ ment of Public Works, Ottawa, the C aretak^. Post Office Building, Vanl couver, B. C.J the Building and Con- Industries Exchange, 342 West Pender Street, Vancouver. B C and the Resident Architect, Post Of- fice Building, Victoria, B.-C. lenders will not be considered un- less made on the forms supplied by ŵ ?K accordance therein. iiiach tender, must be accompanied cheque on a chartered o rts r '„"f «>? 17th and Marhne7 ̂ < m e ^ < ^ ^ ° ° ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * S p C O P F E E rs H O P ~ -- T rf --------------------------------------- a fternoon 'teas and anTm-too bread, cakes£_and pies. West 61 n.Contractor ?lans drawn.'^ First 481R1 ^a^ '^ an sh ip . Phone West Barrister, Solic- 510 fa d y , guest, attractive raornmgs; bio ------------w est 2 1 8 L .________ ____ Hart.sKs S t , Seymour 4199. after- MARCEL SHOP _ t h e n n i , . . Steam -- --------- for "HrCOTTAGE FOR RENT--By season also furnished room; good --ooach. near ferry. W est ,<iKnY*^ SALE -- Rockery and Alpine plants, large variety. Week dav? C. Barrow. 24th and Nelann ^ business^ ^9^- 17th and Marine over. Royal Bank. order of the Minister of ffiiTWorks® ^EL.WEBR*«g , 9 » i a ------ nf +1... xsearer juonds r^i,?S-^?T a*oa .of Canada, or of the ^ n a d ia n National l^ ilw ay Company companies uncon- ditionally guaranteed as to principal Ida Domimon%f"c?S:fu * , the value of one hundred tIoUars ($100,600.00) vS ll^ w the aforemen- and certified cheqiie if stSdf*^ amount be*^rfe?S ?',Y o*- 'bonds will^be, person or persons SHOR 2444 Marine and Dressesand Children's Wear, City prices. P h ^ ^ s t w 9 R °°* ^*a"bl^^m ?^ ltd . Money avail- *"®5̂ &afires on approved W e sr ils invited. a n d PREBBLH-Radio v e J T 'J f ' Patronise West Vaiwou- 539*. work. Phone West 7,-^-" « Wo o l & K N I T T r iy p ----------- -- ______ SHOP, 2474 Marine -- Complete RENT a t SiP̂ i an pline spring-w ook PR4.e.-w?7- ® i, « $25.00.-- Ckimfortable school. Violet and Kathleei^ini^^"^ sleeidVin.*" *^^®?' ^ t bedrooms and 21 or Sevmmio. io/!n. « es t jnf«rm shed 4-room . cottage near. . . . . mro a con. or s 5 ; i o ^ 7 2 6 r ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ , ^ ^ for AI, P o ,;i ; ; West 34, or Wean-49 W30 Marine E tinldmg,*^Vancouv?r?B! -- For_ a ll hinds of ^ .B IO REPAIRS -- West Van. Radio ftaiUon of a!e West Van ^ o s t Wfication of t prints and speci- P" « .ting p h o n e Wo?^" ^ t e Master (to N eg w Serv- la w n m o w e r s s h a r p e n e d __ deposir,riVf'e S lS V n '̂ S <to Negro Serv- JeTIT'.?" T^tvSeon- inS "I "? t o X t h ! , L ®®t*" ®-a* t h o u g h - I ^ ^ H H t e S h o p . 1449-Marine, ing a month from the date nf a donif>.c!l:iV '&of7""î tt'̂ di'STrSe'S: S'? set a domesbrtuAey t e t ^e® sh ot in -it " ' A .^per.«, the deposit wil, he fo^ . , ^ t u s : 'T done get a domestic Cuatodton pf )tb« Sqfety qf 300,000 Psssflwgera a Doty By order,' turkey, sir,' ■ S t e y . o h ^ le T ii itT ^ " the ks. Rastus: **I »s N. DESJARDINS, Department of Puilic Work?®^ - «T »» < Ottawa, April 23, 1935. meant for me, suh." ^^and -- Hcw and Second- ???" Bicycles; ̂ p a i r s . C?ity Prices A455 Marine. West 472YV DR^SM AK IN G & ALTERATIONS a specialty. Phone ^ Mrs. Robbms. West 619R. your flags from the Disabled V e t « a n ? -3 mmm