.•■J',5*. iiiiii )<>>iwiWM ̂ ' ; . " , i ■it.t 1, ' ', , I' p> t ,s 't; V' I 1' m : l t : 'vV'̂ r̂ ;|Ml V* i i S | : HI i* ii i . ' j f ' T r ; . 4 j ^ ; "j . y ' ' ; ■ ■ P 3 - • w/! 5 FfH'5 r.'iC; I ■ wm i iSfe^-Lv:-- :■ U\, 'iff ■ 5F' :l I MlipM I :I I . ..."ft* /* ................................................... 0 ................ #«?*• W Etf VjUNF WtWKS$ CTOWCB ,i#y# llllllf BawiBf lltrirlaM 11:16 A.m.* 7:16 p.m. 8«n4*r Str«n««ri A Vititort W«leom«, mm'W M m itah news iu rn » r HtrMidtrnco: 1S43 Haywood Aya, , Phone We»t 262B. 7:15 p.m. ♦Sunday .School, 10:00 • .» . Mothers * D ag WESTVAKCOUVER IliiilQitt Scienc "IV You Blok* the jfold from her hair, You put the Hilvcr threada there, Kepay her hy nmkinif the all- .Ver threada >h«ttutiful with a Permanent Wave from the Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1640 Marine Drtre For appointmenta PHONE WEST 117 ISfiB W ff '"k A c # ■ m i l ami EmitimaU, HoUybom Thla Society i» « Branch of The Mother Church The f ira t Church of Chriat, B deotiav in Boaton, ̂ Miiliaaehuietta Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, m o Subject; "ADAM AND FALLEN ■ MAN*' ' , Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in vited tor'attend our services and meetinjrs. Arctic ICE CREAM In Bulk and Bricks Vanilla, Htruwherry and Neapolitan We deliver a t any, time. ANBLESiDE PHARMACY W. L. KEE, Prop. 1401 Marine " ■'* Phone: Drive West 823 FREE DELIVERY D o n 't te ll th e m -- .Show t h e m w ith C ryatn l F in i s h p r ln tm I te m e m b e r It w i th a n u p s . Crgatal Finish Agency . For Service and Satisfaction: " REMEMBER IT WITH SNAPS" CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Amblesiife Sheet , M etal U SPECK. Proprietor W O r K S DR. G. D. H. SE ALE D.D.S., L.D.S, - DENTIST lU y Block, 14th and Marine Dr. » Ortlce Hours 0 to 6 p.m. Evenings by nppointinent. Phono West 72 UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev, Hillla W right .Next Sabbath is Mother^a Day^ in Wo.st Vancouver United Ciiurch. The Senior and Inter mediate Department!! o f the Sunday School will meet with the congregation for this ser vice to do honor to mothers. The service will meet a t the usual time, 11:15 a.m. Tite Sunday School will meet at 10;.'i0 a.m. and later join the conKiegation for public w'orship. . 'I'he service in the evening will Ixjgin at a quarter past stiven o'clock. Trail Hanger Groups will meet o!j Tuesday at 7 ;30 p.m. ibayer service on Wednesday niKbt at 8 p.m. ----------- Choir practice on Thursday "AD A M A N D FALLEN MAN" niglit at 8 p.m, ' will be the subject of the Lesson- Tentative arrangements have Sermon, in all Churches of been made with the Rev. Her- Chrî ft;; Scientist, 6n Sunday. b<rl W. Piercy of Toronto, one Golden Text is: "As (d ( anadas tavonte interp^- Moses lifted up the serpent in torn of literature, to present the wilderness, even so must the .®«; Son of Man be lifted up; that ̂ whosoever believeth in -^Him in the United Church on the 21st, should not perish, but have eter- , ,,, nal life." (John 3: 14,15). -1'11 Her announcements will ap- * .* .. .. ' ♦ pear in this paper later. Among the citations which __ '________ comprise the Lesson - Sermon is ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH following fromi the Bible: . So God created man in His own Rev F A Ramsev L S T image, in the image of God cre- A/r loVi, o V a^ ' 1 ated He him; male and female May 12th 3rd Sunday after created He them." (Genesis 1; Easter. 27) 8 :()0 a.m.-- Holy Communion. m. t o i • 11:15 a.m.-- Holy Communion & , L ^ s o n - Sermon also in- i^rm^on. ' " , eludes the following passage 7 ;15 p.m. -- Evensong and ser. ^ Christian ^ ien ce texte mon; preacher, Canon Science and Health with n r n 'FflfliiTYi ^^y to the Scriptures" by Mary Tuesday,'8 :'l5 p .m .- fh e Church offspring of Committee God start not from matter or ' St. Francis-in-the-Woods, , , r Caulfeild Spirit, divine Mind, and so S îindays 9:45 a.m.-- Matins and forever continue." sermon, ' 2:30 Tuesday-- W. A. Business PAULINE JOHNSON SCHOOL Meeting! MOTHERS f ^ W e have a very fine selecibn of *' '̂FucteaK" '̂' Hydrangeas, Etc. / Tulips - Narcissus |- CarnatioDS BEDDING PLANTS Carefully selected plants, well hardened before sold. A tompicte stock for your flower beds,* borders or window boxes. THE WEST VAN FLORIST HORSESHOE BAY WATERFRONT 2:30 p.m., Wednesday-- Month ly meeting Inglewood W. " " A . • " ■ EatabliHhtNl u a N o r t h S h o r e ' 25 Years , . (Lady As.sistant) " TIARRON im o s , LTD. IF iH w p al-S ifec tarB BAPTIST CHURCH Cor. 15th and Duchess Pastor: .Rev. H. P, Humphreys -Simday;^ay-i2thv^ KhOO a.m.-- Sunday School and =AduljLBUdjeuĈ ^̂ ^ North Vancouver Parlors 122 Weal Sixth Street ibione North 1.31 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Pair. KM VERNON FEED STORE A, C» SBAlll/B Phono Wmi d Fertilleer^ of All Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders* Supplies THE 11:00 a.m. -- Morning worship. ̂ Topic: "The W"aiting G uest;" pastor will preach 7:15. p.m. -- Evening worship* Speaker, Mr. John Jenner^ a missionary of Santa Do mingo. Service in.charge of the Young People's ^ ciety. Subject: 'Tide Power of God." A coraial invitation to all. Monday, 8 p.m.-- B.Y.P.U. ^ Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer ser vice. The following are the respec tive leaders of their terms and gi'ades in the Easter te s t s : Division I. Grade 7B -- 1, Pauline Greer ; 2, Gloria , Stam atis; 3, Barbara Edwards. Division II. Grade 6A -- 1, Betty Marent- etteT2iHetty Hpwiard; 3, Audrey L. Lambert and a delegation of five people from Whytecliff were present at the council meet ing in connection with the Horseshoe-Biiy Park area. Mr. Lambert, speaking to his letter ' of the 20th< ultimo/'reque.sted ' that the council grant permis-, sion for the holding of a plebis cite, which they, the delegation and supporters, were .'prepared ' to finance, to ascertain the feel ing df the public with'regard to the purchase of the proposed *park area. The matter was dis cussed from various angles and it was suggested that the dele gation as a preliminary move approach the West Vancouver Ratepayers' ̂ Association and ascertain their views. This they undertook to do, but still desired permission to hold meetings and present a plebiscite. They were , informed that the council would carefully consider their request ^ d they, would be advised the result later. After discussion the following • resolution was passed: "That whereas this council are of the opinion that any action short o f the purchase of the whole o f ( t h e waterfrontage would not be satisfactory; and whereas they are riot \prenared to subscribe to any bn^^a^ro- posaV be , i t resolved that the amount involved to' achieve this object together with the diffi-,. culties of financing by bond is sues make it impracticable for the council"to consider the sub mission of $ • bylaw .until such time as conditions" materially improve." PHONE WE8T 305 HOLLYBURN SCHOOL CiaBs Leaders-- Quarterly Exam inaiions . Division I. Grade 6A and 7B '-- 1, John Kydd; 2, Norpia Minions; 3, Pat Jefferies. > Grade.6B -- 1, Mary Wilson; 2, Takeshi Kataoka; 3, Cather ine Lowdon and Leslie Brooks, equal. Division II. Grade 5A -- 1, Dorothy Nel son; 2, Louise Messingef; 3, Peter Crawford. Grade 5B -- 1, Jacqueline Vance; 2, Mona Kelly and How ard Barbour, equal; 3, Kathleen Ward. ; I j. . Division III. Grade 4A -- 1, George . Knowles; 2, Eric .White; 3, . Gladys Wilson. Grade 4B --> 1, Billy Slater; 2, Mary O'Grady; 3, Peter Clarke Division* IV. ■ Grade 3A -- 1, Georgie Ecling. to n ; 2,. Doreen K earns; 3, Bever ley Ellis. Grade 3B -- 1, Margaret Mc Culloch; 2, Nonie Barbour; 3, -June Harrison. Grade 2A --- 1, Eleanor Nel son ; 2, Velmla B oshier; 3, Dolly N esbitt.' ' Grade 2B -- 1, Joyce Sagar; 2, Patsy Dawsori:;-3r-Lily-Wil- liamson. Grade 1 A- -- 1, Nancy Falck; 2, Barbara^ Whitehead ; 3, Robert White. ' . Grade IB -- 1, Dorset Steph enson; 2, William Irwin; 3, Lor raine Hibberd. \(3ave. ,̂ (>rade Doris Ĉ ̂ ; 2, Lbiŝ Ĉ̂ ^̂ 3, Betty Nairn. Division III. Grade" 5A -- 1, Isobel Ed- vVards; 2, (Jarry Millar; 3, Ruth Parnum. Division IV. Grade 5B -- ,1̂ Nancy Grieve; 2, Marian Dundas; 3, Marian Parker. , fi « Grade 4A -- 1, Donald Robert- Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Choir prac- son; 2. Audrey Fulcher; 3, Fid- - tice. . , elia Plater. . X / t d r XAUN0KY SERVICE--FOR-DEPENDABLE DAVE ANpERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones--West 69IL or North 1310 S T ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd and Inglewood Ave. Rev. W. J. Millay, Priest in Charge., Division V. (jrade 4A -- 1, Dorothy M e-, T aggart; 2, David McLelland; 3, Therese Miller. Grade 4B -- 1, Jean Fiddes; P. O. Box 61, BoHyborn, R.C. ............ 1 -- North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. Residence: 2323 Inglewood Ave. 2, Fi'cda Jenvey; 3, Norman Phone, W est 240-R Jackson and Keith Cutler. Sunday Services : Division VI. Grade 3A -- 1, John Bayfield ; 2, Isobel Black; 3, Gerald" Addy Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15 David Morton. ' " p.m: ̂ Grade 3B -- l,Daphne^LittIe; Catechism and Bible History 2: Moore; 3, Gerald every Saturday -- 9:30 a.m. ^^^*ssell. Week-day . Services « -- Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. o a FVidays -- Rosary, Benediction, Betty Bradley; _•/ . Confessions -- 7:45 p.m, Anne Drost; 3, Darrell : ^ tu r d a y s -- Confessions from < j-i i- «« 7:80 i).m. to 8:30 p,m. .nn Ir® ~2, Marjone McLelland; 3, W inme Turvey. Division V III ./ . T7 XT Low Mass -- 8:45 a .m .,Van N ew s H igh Mass & sermon -- 10,-45 -:a.m. Piibliahad Ercry Tharaday Publisher P. P. l o v e g r o v e Phone West 363 Baalneaa and Editorial Office: 17th and Alfarine Driro (Next to Bollyburn P. 0.) Phone West 363 J Mail Address; i » . Tomorrow may be too late --telephone LEGION NOTES The last g?eneral m eeting of th e l(^l_^braii^ w as held a t 8 Grade lA -- 1, Roger N aim - p.m. Friday, May 3rd, in the 2,̂ MarionV nn^iAi.^ q Legfion Hall, with President H , E d w S ^ -------- WalkerTn the chair/ G r a d e o the branch g y ^ 2 ^ o . ,n ,e P l a l r t r ^ J ? ; now Successful business men know the danger of delay, l^ns-rdwtanc^ a valuable friend when they want prompt action and the person with whom deal is many miles away. W riting is loo slow for these m m of action. They know thatjom otrow may be too late, tt. they telephone today. 1 B. C. COMPANY IV l i i '"p-~ •