-If. 1" ■ " -.^r?!??!**.^* ,'.,-ti.,*«*B#'T».i Weekrly: Circulating in the S t r i c t o f West VanequvetfAmbleside, H a il^h ttm ^ih& it, Dundarave $1,00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeitd, Whytecliff, Etc. 6c per copy at newsstands. m A \̂ oI. X HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, MAY 9th, IM5 No. 2 K IPU N G 'S W ARNING MAY DAY PA RA D E COMING EVENTS Once again ., --------^ . The Parade Comm ittee of ,th . May 24th - May Day Ball in :has given Mrs- Dawson has opened the General May. Day C o m m it s Inglewood Auditorium 9 to 1 . not lorget "Ferry Lending Library" a t have arrangements in hand for (^urdon's Oi-cheatra. we a ilg r iirh ^ a id . K a f h r n o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l i t 14th Street where there will '^e varhius s e c t i ^ o f th e pai^ SPONSOR A TREE in tins outpost of Empire there is already evidence that his ® ^ ^ " " 1 e t U " of the and S a1 g N ® words have sunk deep. , . ' 4 , luIl and well selected lines of particularly the children will ex.** ........;..:,. The old prophet, em erging for a sh o ft tim e from his re- British and American books to ercise every endeavor to make The closing date of thia W u - tirem ent,m afew m ercilessphrases toreaw ay the veil that has every taste. Mrs. Dawson the day a huge success. Prizes lar campaign of Sponsoring a been blinding us these last seventeen y ea r^ as we plodded -many years' library ex- being arranged for the fol- Tihjo for the 2nd W est Vancou- iilong the road paved with good intentions. He showed us the . , ai. * 4.1. rvu ^ , lowinir classes! vei* Bov Scouts is next Wodties- U cipice we had reached,, and just how and why we had penence both m the Old Country . dav ̂ 2 i y ^ i f no one ha^ L 'li led there. And his message applies juf%t as.'mAich to us ,, and Canada, and invites resi- Ppqf eon in touch with voii a nhone in West Vancouver, whei^ the aame. influences have been at dents to call and look over the C o i L ^ ^iT t i a,w ( > f ^ h o s r m e n u S work, as to any other part o f the Empire, since it concerns our* stock of books in her new library , Best^^Decorated Commeicial ■ '" "' lie is an old man. now, and we may never, hear from him S o i o J a t e d M j - S s "c r 3 apiiii. But there is ho ^ NEW MESSENGER SERVICE Decorated S^^ooter;' range that '̂your name is regist- his warning were the outstanding events o f the Jubilee. _ < Best Decorated W agon; '̂red as a sponsor of one .of those = = ■ ■ ' ' ..... ' """...... . -- ..... -" ' ' = = = A ^ur B est DrSssed Patriotic Couple; trees. •" ' WEST VANCOUVER YIOLIN & PIANO RECITAL ^ Humorouis B o y ; . Already 189 trees of the 6ri&- ■ KEPT JUBILEE -- ------^ - V an^ uver Messehger Service Most Humorous Girl; inal 200 have been sponsored by ------ -̂---- The violin and niano Dunik of iJ^ 3® a® B very o f small pa^^^^ Best A dvertising C ostum e; enthusiastic citizens o f our West Vancouver kept the Mr*? F Knio-hf WrJifwi Miaa ^ ^ 0^8'hout the municipality. \ Most Original B o y ; municipality and they are now kS JubTeToyallV a n d U o le ! f e r y par- M«st O rifiSai G irl| . ; Planted - splendid young g ^ d y , heartedlv. Starting on Sunday in fVio firqf- nf fwn nnmHiYiori ® ^̂ d̂m loc^ stores not deliver- B est Di%ssed B o y ; Chestnut trees that will d̂ Voililip aborning with special sendees in . d ia ls .at the le g io n Hall on S a t^ deUVewd^^for^^^ t o t Dressed Girl. | . into-m agnificent"groves" r 4 f M - 'To n s o r » tree and waieh it.. C d T y evedng,'the citizens of - 25 ceSts ®^ ^ will be special prize will be awarded to grow - it only costa 25c to have the municipality testified by . , ^ i r t h e boy and girl entering the your name handed do^n to pos- their suonort of the various v w n m yt o f the public. A ny requir- B est Flower Display.' terity. Phone W est 496L, W est events arranged their deep love ^ Bicycle entries will be limited 216X, West 253L, W est 481X2. and.respect for their King and Tn,„ ..41 Yir̂ „4. ̂ , . to 17 years; tricycles, scooters^ Already^acknowledged.... $39.75 Oueen next m eeting o f W est ---- ̂ : ------- and wagons to 10 y ea rs; humor- Edwin C le g g ......... ............ .25 The concert on Sunday even- Vancouver Y.W.C.T.U. will- be FIRST W EST VANCOUVER ous, patriotic, advertising, orig- Ti.~4_ T 1,/r /*i 11 ing by tfie'Home Gas Orchestra held at the home of Mrs. W. R. , BROWNIE PACK inal, floral, and b est dressed, in the Holly burn Theatre Wi^s,so. ^ o t t , D ist. Supt. o f "YV* 912, (ninth L O . D. E.) limited to 15 years; George Sharp Willoughby .2 | largely attended that many bad W est 36th Avenue, Vancouver, -- !------ W atch next-w eek's W est Van J o ^ W icking .25 to be turned away. Miss Isabelle Tuesday, May 14th, a t"8 p.m. Twenty-six Brownies attended N ew s for tim e and place to as- -.....................25 McEww and Ernest •. tHe rsH yheld . "' S R o b S " ................. the soloists and ,OTth th is well . .W ll take place m .the * ^ l y p a r t , to welcome Lord and Lady Baden p la c^ .m the window a t the B.C. |P known and popular orchestra o f the evening and th e latter . Powell. The West "Vancouver E lectric, store on Marine Drive. Rpatricp Hod^qon ^ tr gave a most interesting and en- part, will be given over to enter- Pack ivas honored by having two --------------- T------ Marion Tark ' ....................... WaWe program, both, during tainment.,' . - ' • o f their brownies J^Gladys®^W«- SCOUT N^IWS - ^ ^ v F. A L m s e y ......................25 the first hour of b ro a d est and. A ll those going will please son and B etty Wilson, picked to ' \ * A. F. GibsOn 25 the period following, which was m eet at the 7 o'clock ferry from escort the Chief Scout on his. The 2nd W est Vancouver Boys Mrs M TVananian....... »' or espeoially put on for th e W est. W est Vancouver. " tour, of inspection of all Brownie Scout Troop were hosts to. St. ^ Maver ...................... 25 Vancouver audien,^.^- Mr. Emer-. _ - , - packs. „ - Stephen's Troop at midnight last Donald R Mavpr....... ton-CouFt alsof^rave one bf.his;' w~,*, Brown Owl, Mrs. J. McIntyre, Sunday when the boys celebrat- Bettv^& Gordon' 4nteFesting^radie!stories.-^^-^'f-':̂ --̂ sented--^iibilee^med^s-^tQ_^._-_..g||^ii(j^^^^g_^^g^p^.j^_^jj^£^|.jL_^...at-4betbig-bonfir^display-4n---*g^f^gl^ The firing of a rocket at Point Blanchflower, o f the T. V. Sec- / l ^ i n g d ^ held at the home of connection w ith the Municipals- , and Mrs. D. S a v a g e ... 25 --Atki MOBT=was-tfae-^ignaHor=the-HaomH3anadiair°]3efflonr~Aubrew^Mri^-*4onMban--Roge ~f:T. : ,7~. - 25 lighting of-the Jubilee bonfires. .Clarice of the Amputation*. oT Lady,.BadenJ'.oweU.-where-a-~-Jubilee. _ H ot _dogs .and ..cocoa__/^__gj.ygjj _.' ' "J'-"'^ 'ng . By midnight flaming columns o f B r a n c h r Canadian Legion, and m ost delightful time,,was spent. " were served to the bpy^ of both A. C. Bruce... ..... 25 fire dotted the beaches the whole ' Graiit C. MacNeil, chairman of - -------------- ^ i -- troops a t 12:30 a.m, by the C. Overjngton 25. length of 'W est VancouveFs the General Unemployment Com- COUNCIL NOTES ladies' section o f th e 2nd W est, F.~ Parker 25 shoreline, and round them were mititee o f the Canadian-* Legion ---------- Vancouver Gro-up committee. A. Mason .... 25 . teose whp had built them and in Ottawa. Mrs. Margaret Mills, w . Blair wrote the council re ' ^ V.' F. per Mrs.'" Parker'.'.V .25 many othe^esidentj. Oh Holly- the Red Cross Society, an- the opening of Fulton Avenue w e present R .V .V au gh en ...............................25 bum Mount was a huge.beacon other local resident, was unable irom 11th Street, half a block following: F irst C las^ ]̂ ̂ > G is b y ......... ..™ 25 Capilano Re- to be present to receive her west. Referred to the engineer, ' o ^ A. Chilton .................. ................. 25 serve the tribal totem poles medal ow ing to being away for for report. ' , m n d y - Mr. and Mrs. W. Herrin.. .50 stood out in the glare of the two . her health. ♦ * * , man, P /L l f̂ Mr. Fletcher of the Hollybum The m atter of trees for plant- Savory, second ofi the F. E. D 'Easum .. . ..........: .25 ^ > T h eatre ,, cancelled his regular ing at W est Bay wag referred by Mrs. Jordan,..................................25 ̂ n Monday afternoon tw o holiday films in order that th is the council to the ehainnan of Leader to take charge of ^ K. W; Savory . bpeball matches were ..played concert could be held. parks with power to act. newly formed patrol. David R. L id d e ii....... .̂...... *. .25 at Arnjbleside Park. In .th e first R ^ v e L ev la n d -^ v e-a -sh o r t-^ ------------H.^Mitchell..................................................................................................................................................... .25 ̂ radio address at each concert. The department o f public MAY DAY SPORTS , H. L e g g a tt ...................... .25 Pme e S L 22 te®2o" T L ' i ^ The danee later in th e evening works wrote the council re the Entry forma which may be I T T ; ;, «"«ing 4̂2 to 2i>. ih e sec- u Hollvburn Pavilion widening o f Marine Drive D.L. xurmg, wmen xu<iy ue $49.25 ond was a ^ r ls' game, in which .430, B lock'44, Lots 13, 14, 18 obteined from J. R. Allan or _ _ ------------- and 18 (Gazette notice). Refer- f e m MAY DAY COMMITTEE ab of North V a n eo u y S 'i y a and His Boys supphed the simp,- red to the engineer^ on May 22nd to Hjoilybum Schooi The next m eeting o f the May : B iU fek ^ n V ed ' s'o 4 ^ u m b ? r a ! The engineer's reports w ere - >" % Committee wdl take p la c l" Owbf Symphony There wer/^also snot prizes aAd with by the council as f o t ' even ts. Mile, open, 440 yards,. ,at 8 B,.ni. Wednesday, 15th May, baton o f , open; 220 yards open; bicycle in th e Council Chamber. A s the . Allard de Ridder ffave a coTif*PT+ "tiveines. i ___ ______ race; Sunday School Relay -- date of the celebrah'on is drflw- . .l"H?llyburn Theatre on Monitey A lU h e ^ events w w e a m n g e d t- ̂ ^ ® ^ |"/g® P P b ® atm . ,bpyg-; .Sunday School Relay ing near, all miembers o f the- services 'being - % work w ord^^^^ th r ^ races: com m ittee are asked to be pres- donated by the B. C Electric ai^-of the Jubilee Cancer Fund, eiit. " f Railway eom tany. 'be „ CMt not to exceed $25.00. jeagf.^ ________________' "^General and the L ^ te h a n t- by tlie local branch o f the D i^ . 2. J ^ ' or F. a Rush s - LIBERAL MEETING , Governor of B. C. extended their ^Ied> Veterans bmug for the tion. Timber sidewalk m h TO OUR READERS ---------- -- S rooese to th is event. saB>e;fund. w a J ^ J d eiS i ------ --- "• . Don't forget th e general meet- jnthbut saying that m usically Both orchestras were served i f f Any householder not receiving ang a t 8 p.m. tonight in Dundar-̂ :̂̂ ^̂ .jlv wag o f the highest with supper by the ladieg of the «2k nn* ^ not to excee^ ^ ^jjig paper'on any and ave H a ll A. E. Munn, M.P., will ^^^ortunatelyiiot committee. ' w .o u . each Thurgday evening, is re- ,^ ^ p r e s e n ta n d w illg lv e a n a d * hnn!!f bad " In addition the Canadian Legi- V H. Alder's ap^ieation. quested to kindly phone us at dre^g oiv th e .O ttaw a situation, soloists were Miss oh and ihe Legion W. A. gave a t f ^ i Block .3, W est 363, in order that the omis- ,^®^rtson,* pianist, a n d - pHvate dance on Monday even- If* The work was ap- men may be corrected. We shall . / : . c --------- -̂------------ whosp^ ̂ Rinianoczy, violinist, ing in the Legion Hall to their esteein any such phone as a fav- MAY DAY BANQUET members and friends, which was ceed $ ^ , su b je^ to a build- or, as it is our only way of check- . -------- ^ jl„^"J^ynient of. the program, much pmnypd. The music by tM __ : being issued. uig up on our deliveries* Our The .May Day Banquet will tL;"^ s r T io u r was broadcast Lowes and Turner Orchestra 4_. Marine Drive sidewalk. T ie - boys have strict instructions ter teke'place in St. Stephen's H a ll being for the W est kept everyone on their feet and pairs to timber aprons. Ke- place a paper on the verandah' T ickets a t 50 cents can be ob- * ^nqouver audience, and during refreshm ents were served during ferred to the engineer w ith o f every house on their routes. tamed from ,Mrs. K. Russell, ' - power to act. F. FRANCIS LOVEGROVE Wesj: 674L. % / >1 iu*; li:i n ! : ■ , j'-Tj v' 1 i *■'*<(, ■ < i 'i H i -V , -H m: \ii Oj, '<4 ir '.Jm--L-jJ mW I W- i ifl mm •m-*' ffv 4: t f - G 4 :Vi' 'r'.' A } K'i