w,4̂ , 'ŝ' ̂>• * ' >.*.■»!> .-Jv . .i y o u b - TOWN ■ „,^ ^ *' .:: ■■■■ or\ ■■■-■,■ .-.-■iaaiitiaii.^ ■ L o ca l an d P e rso n a l (®«f̂'Vi WINDOWS DOORS SHINGLES LATH . VENEERS ROOFING building paper .. ^ Com plete BiiUdeira' Service BRICK* CEMENT TILE UME SAND PUNS AND SPEOFICATIONS DrawQ up and csti* mates given Free. Astbiiry's Builders* Supplies 16th and M a r i n e Drive ^ Night Phone W est 627R ' v Phone W est 199 LOCALLY GROWN , en liMH m u sh r o o m s drc now available in W est Vancouver in e x p e n s iv e d e l ic io u s n o u r is h in g ...... ......... . .....,*••■ • o , •■ .■>.. ....... . ■■ > ... ........... . Can be .obtained through your Local Dealer and Red and W hite Stores. J in connection with the local Uev. and M**®: Ttfereatlonal m spent a few -h ^ d a y a tn is WOOK. the May Day celebration all over on Hollyburn Rldge^ \® iT k e ? "to"'mVe? Dr. and Mrs. Kydd end f s ^ l y M olly*^^w ania at Ambleside moved from 17th' Ha l (Friday) at 8 ine Drive in to ,a house a t 19th .n m i w*Hwt Marine Drive. p.m* > 0 * * 0 0 Tiw» f^rriea will maintain a Dr. A. C. Nash has purchased Sd'e D ^ k T 6 mm.'and " i M p. A, L a ^ r t h y - ^3®^® t ^ z j w R e . s t s i K ^ .? n T : •': r " ;" •' m SiLm '* BisS^"'m5el"" u Hceve Hope of Maple R idse. at midnight. Sanderson also of Maple boats. * ,* V Ridge, were recent visitors to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crighton West Vancouver. ^ of ^Vancouver, have m o v ^ into nonrm^ Llovd has opened a their 'iftiftwier~.hpiji^,..at^ Marine Drive. FJowering shrubs and bedding plants of all k in d s.. DURING THE JUBILEE You'll ocraslonnHy m tu ire m cold drink. Ours art* kept iii an electric rofriircrntoi' T'horeforo they AUE COLD, "s Dnif Store The Stoir« of Sorvicii. 1S86 Marine Drive West S7 or West 607 KmcrKcnry Phone West 321 (After 10 p.m.) Cove for the seasbii.♦ ♦ ♦ Dr. McKenzie has moved fi;om Vancouver into a house at 20th and W aterfront.4i Ik * PRESENTATION OF MEDALS Mrs. Bell, who has been living in the city for some months, has At the concert on .Monday night in the Hollyburn Theatre BAND CONCERT MINSTRa SHOW DANCE , . . _̂ ■ ■ ■ ...Jr*--,■■ . Commehcing at 8 p.tn' Ih INGLEWOOP AUDITORIUM fVio f itv tor some nioHi'Ho, -- - -- i-rS-tS ViPre and is occupying Reeve Leyland will present the fl^^hoiise at 12th and Marine King's Jubilee MedaJs to the fol- a house at i*stn cuiu residents: Mrs. Drive. ij, 4, Margaret Mills, Red Cross Soci- s r * " M 5; . " ■* a '. a i t i j ^ s W S c . t 6 Neil, Canadian Legion. Strattoa's BAKERY « iMMMMBHNMMMM,* Bread, Cakes, I'astrles, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes' IMeat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes Clnnainon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note Address; 14G8 Marine Drive Phone W est 27 FRIDAY M ay 3 n l . Admission 25c. and LaWson Avenue. , Mrs. Cecil Bates (nee Jean McLaren) o f Agassiz, been the guest th is week of Miss Ola McLean, 2120 Bellevue Ave- n«®' .' * * ♦ L. 0 . B. A. DANCE Mrs. Geddie has rented the Macdonald house on Radcliffe Avenue; for the summier,'and is now occ^upyihg. same. ♦ .♦ * Buy your, flags from the Disabled y,eterans. Ruth Lodge, L.O.B.A., are g iv ing a- popular dance at 9 p.m. Friday, 10th May, in the Orange Hall. Good music will be pro-Last week we stated that nan. uouu muaiki w îv . t-* r RRFNDA FERGUSSON Mrs A. Elfstrpm and daughter yided and an enjoyable tim e is W I N s S a p f o N S H I P C d r t t r n e d f r W Kamloops and assured to all who attend. Ad- WllNh C H A M riu « s .m i occupying a house at l4 th mission 15c. " , A nriViio aViCviild" ___ Hollyburn Theatre I'lIlJR., Fill. & SAT. MAT. ' Mn'y iiJn(I, ;h'cl and 4th ^Student Tour* .IIMMY nilKANTB Cl I AS. niriTEKWOUTTI h o r t i c u l t u r a l ASS'N Philip €• Chapman GeneraL insurance Agent Fire, Automobile, Burglary, Accident and Sickness, etc. 2557 King's Ave. Phone W. 42Y8 Miss Brenda,^ Fergusson, an W e « Th.s^ahould- daughter of Mrs. Ethel Fergus-., 11®̂ © 4, ♦ ♦ ^ ---------- son, F.T.C.L., and a fprmer W est + Moore of Vancouver, A delegation from the W;est Vancouver resident, won the . r r rentM a house at 1420 V a n c o u v e r H orticu ltoa l A s s ^' 11*1® icii'/cu « r,oilod rkn M r. nnd Mrs. Wm.vanuuuytjx- xesiuciu/, vyv/n . , Hag rented a noutschampionship memento PTOsent- A rgyle Avenue. . ' ed < by. th e Countess o f Bessbor- * ♦ *- - .. . .. . . Ti/r_n-UcU TORTUNE-UUP-INN V ailG.UU vci --- - ation called on Mr. ana Mrs.^Wm. Mc(3uaker at their hP'me on MaT- S"c & r s 3idual performance during the Waterfront, nave x token of esteem on the eye of final drama festival in Ottawa.' couvex. „ * * • 4, .. th e i r departure for Williams She played Jeanne d'Arc in the Alan McIntyre, 31st and Proc- Lake. - _____________ trial scene from St. Joan, pre- ter Avenue, left Thursday for _ f f t RIC BROADCAST ^nted^ by the Em bassy P l ^ s Kelowna, B. C. B. C. ELECIKIL BRUAJJu a o . ,_ ..^ f Vancouver,. ■...... ............... \ ___ ,_____' * SAT. EVENING ONLY, May 4 KATHLEEN IIEI'UUIIN JOHN BEA l/ The Little Minister TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY May 7th and 8th 'BRITISH AGENT' also " Hillion Dolbr Baby" Dnndarave Pier , turo:teS7^fternoott=tT^asr=Ac*-= commodation for Dances, Meet- --in^T'Diimer '̂PartieSi PHONEi WEST. 36 GEORGE LLOYD TtelVesTW tefftW er^Otches'-^ ---------- - ------ 7-- - - tral Society are playing next Monday, May 6, is'A ccession i °°°Smidav at--frhe--speeial^-ubilee.==Hay°and4n=keeping.Avith special Ohrist Church Cathe- Av^redses to honor the occasion FOR ACCESSION DAY •has o p e n e d ^ FLOWER SHOP °°°STTndav at--frne--speeiad=ti.uuAxcti~jjay=ana-4n=Kefepm̂ -vv̂ *-" Service-in Christ Church Cathe- exeredses to honor the occasion ' - S r Vancouver, ̂ ̂ _ : ,th e , B., € . ,Eleetric-^__^|^^ i4 4 3 ^Marine Drive , Ambleside Phone. W ® t 340 Evenings, Weist 143 Listings Wanted Real Estate a t 25th and Marine FLOWERING SHRUBS a'ud BEDDING PLANTS of all kinds HOLLYBURN PAVILION SPECIAL SILVER JUBILEE CELEBRATION d a n c i n g 9 ^ 1 ; . . , 7-p ie c e UNION ORCHESTRA Monday, May 6 L E T ^ S A L L G O !-^ 1* -e , .'*■ Orchestra is broadcasting the Mrs China is having a new, regular Mondays evening sym- house built at 17th and Duchess phony concert at 7 :30^p.m. over Avenue - CRCV from the Hollyburn The- * * ♦ atre in W est Vancouver. "'/Miss Connie Thomas, who has- Allard de Bidder, conducting been having a m onth's . sick the orchestra, has arranged the leave."has returned to.her duties following prograin: with the B. C, Telephone Comp- Overture, "T'he Magic Flute; nyirr here-' - " * "Mozart. ■ H*- ^ ^ Ballet, suite No. 2; Gluck-Mottl i a: new house is beirig built for 2nd and 3rd m o v em ^ t H f Crbssley at 31st and Marine Concerto, Grieg- (Soloist, EiU. i^rive. ̂ ^ ^ 2 , Grieg. Mrs A Wilcox, 2584 Bellevue Entry March of the Bojars, ijal- Avenue, has moved to W est Bay. verseu^^^^ ^ A daughter was b o m . last (N ot Broadcase) C. J . Overingtqn ~P ION ET̂ 'R"~TlAHR'BEfR- NOW OPEN FULL TIME 14th & Marine, Phone W est l.'J5 NEW SHIPMENT English Crown m C Y C L E S $27.50 F O R S T 'S N orth 525 W est 180 66 Lonsdftlo Avc. N orth V-uncouvor A daughter was corn lasu vinot xiiuaucaocx , Sunday at the North Vancouver Overture, "Raymond," Thomasr General Hospital to- Mr. and . Unfinished Symphonyj -Mrs. Theal Elliott (nee Annie ' * Herrin). 50 per cent, of ne tt proceeds donated to CANCER FUND Schubert. , Prelude de Deluge, Saint-Saens. ; (Violin Solo, Jean de Riman- oezy). NAOMI CHAPTER No.'26, ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR ANNUAL SPRING TEA at the home M^^Mrs. Diihcdn McMillan, 772 20th Street T- : . W EDNESDAY, MAY 8th, 1935 Admission 25-cents b u y A FLAG - --------, T -Ballet Suite fr o m "The,Enehant- In connection w ith the Jubilee Lake,'̂ Tehaikowski, , . . Celebrations .the Distabled V et- pj^nd Sold, "Rapsody No. 12, --erans~Assoeiation,-West-Vaiicou---------Liszt (Solo, - Eileen--Robert-. ver Branch, are sefling flags and g^n). 'jubilee medallions and Colonel Rackoezy March, Berliez. Savory has placed a t their dis- p^e concert is under the dis posal a portion of h is office a t t i n g u i s H e d patronage of H ^s Ex- 1443 Marine Drive for th is pur- cellency the Governor General pose. ' ̂ and H is Honor the Lieutenant Governor of B. C. TEAR0E & SON 1474 Marine Drive Concrete Contractors AGRICULTURAL LIME in stock for spring gardening SpeciaU'"'3 sack^,fipr $1.25 '* Phone West 84 for quick delivery. WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works , . Phone W est 39 Furnace and Range ̂ Repairs, Sawdust Burners v( n; M '[(• ' Hi T 4 'J i Lit ;t",f' 1 s '* |W 1 5 ' m ' 1 In. I ' A 's I \ ' ' : Mi f ' LmJ. ' -fi ' , '"U lU lMli'f T * f 'ii,s 'A- ■ »L ' iv i"is -W' i. ( fi ■ I . ri'-.-a* «■'* * « »> ■ )!' ,:v LIBERAL MEETING in DUNDARAVE HALL, THURSDAY, MAY 9th, at ^ p.m. A . E . MUNN, M.P. will speak- on the Ottawa situation. Members and fr ie n d s 'invited. INDIANS TO LIGHT , . b o n f i r e s Buy your flags .from Disabled Veterans. the i' - K y- .-ii' Chief Matthias ..and his tribe will build on the Capilano Re^ -serve-tw o-b ig Jbonfires,_one.-_on each side o f their, totem .poles, which will stand out in th e glare df the fires when lighted a t 11 ;45 on Sunday evening. ^ Annual Board of Inglewood Junior High School at the Inglewood School TEA AND SALE OF HdMEjCgOKING starting at 3 p.m. W EDSlESpAY, 8th MAY Tea, 25c Program V* ' f J >: ^v; ■K: A ' ' - K-