" ■1. rt» ,, ̂ t' ■ ' , iiiWiiiil̂ iiMî ^ nm tm m m ? a n k e w s X' * '> ■ >4 M# .4.;i,J!|j 1̂ I I - ' ill ■ f i l l ill :;ill'I T:'4= - .. i i r w r f m m m m ^ a m m m E«r. HUU« writht, Minitter-.-cj,li-t-f i> "•ji "'i# " . BiUiMBf fltruHfm 11:16 «.m., 7:16 p.nt. Sunday School and Bibl« Cl««t **..... . ■" -"'-•'•"10"••»>a8b jiij-'---!*.*■"•*'<*«"•»»•» Stran^rcr* A Viiitori Walcoma J ^ . . 4 198S.SŜ 9B[5!9SSP̂ îMiî^ ..........:*'. ....... .. ̂M r a n r . cM v&m IM EayurcM̂ Amik Phone Weft 262K. Sunday Service* -- 11 «,m. and .......... Sunday School^ 10:00 a.m. .U M o t h e r s D a p UNITED CHURCH MinfBter: Rov. HIIMs W right you »toJ»* the Jfold from her hair, You put the ullver threadii there. Itepay h(fr by makinif the sil ver thread* beautiful with a I'emuineiit Waw from the Gwendolyn ^ h o 0 iBeauty Shoppe tS4g Marin. Drir. For appointment# PHONE WEST 117 A«ac ICE CREAM ' In HuLk and Hricka Viinilhi, Strawberry and Neapolitan We deliver nt any time. A .Silver alubllec Service will be held in the morning at 11 :15 o'clock. Service in the evening a$ usual at 7:15 o'clock. Subject, "Open Doors." Sunday .School at 10 a.m. , ,'i'uesday at 7:30 p.m.-- ÎVail Kangers. Wednesday, 8 p.m. ~ Prayer service. Thursday at 8 p.m. -- Choir I'niclice. ' • ■ ' . ' "I was glad when they said unto me, let us go unto the House of the Lord." 'J'he regular meeting of the W. A. will take place in the United ('llurch Hall Tuesday aft ernoon, May 7th, at 2:15. All mem hers are urged to be present fraW TA K C O U V EE O tr is n l i Science Society 20ili and Baquimait. HoUybaro Thi* Soek'ly i* a Branch of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Bo«ton, Massachusetts Sunday Service: *11.*30 a.m. Sunday, May 5. 1935 Subject; BVEULA.STING PUNISH.MENT Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meetiiuf Wednesday a t .8:16 p.m. The public Is cordially In vited to attend our services and meetings. g| "J, *.*. « The Opening of Our New Store ............ in the premi8c.s formerly occupied by Barraclough's Radio Shop.s. We are featuring a complete line of i K ̂« I jij, 1̂ 1% Marconi, Victor and DeForest Crosley Radios Convenient terms may b0 arranged on ypur purchases. We can supply all your' Elect]|?ical Requiremenis frpm Curling Irons to Refrigerators and carry a full stock of Lamn Globes, etc. • , ' All the latest Sheet Music tool BROWN Radio Teichtiicians 1542 Marine Drive W est 366 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd and Inglewood Ave. ST ANBLESIDE PHARMACY 4.-.' W. L. KER, Prop. Pnone:1401 Murillo Hrivo West 823 FREE DELIVERY Dvvcloriiirig, PHtiUng, Enlarging and Copying Leave the films here. Crgstal Finish Agenog For Service and Satisfaction: " "REMEMBER IT WITH SNAPS" STEPHEN'S CHURCH " Rector: Rev. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. May 5th --4 King's Thanksgiv ing .Services.' ,8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11:15 a.m. -- Form of Thanks- • R ev.W .J.M illljy, . Priest in Charge. Residence; 2323 Inglewood Ave. Phone, West 240-R 10:45 7:15 T. Ambleside L. SPECK, Proprietor Sheet Metal Works Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:45 a.m. High Mass & Sermon - - ■ m. • ■ « • * .*■■««.«• C KT" ....ft« ITTl • j " - . giving as is:>ued by The Rosary and Benediction Privy Council. ' p.m. • 7:15 p.m. -- Evensong and Catechism . and Bible' History Thanksgiving Service. every Saturday -- 9 :30 a.m. Monday, May 6t h T h a n k s g iv - Week-day Services ing for Acces.sion of His Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. Majc'wty; 10:15 a.m; Fridays -- Rosary, Benediction, St. Francis-in-the-Woods, Confessions -- 7 :45 p.m. Cuulfeild Saturdays -- Confessions from Sunday, 3 p.m. -r- Form of. . " 7:30. p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Thanksgiving for King's B u rra rd L a u n d ry L td . LAUNDRY SERVICE'̂ORDEPENDABLE DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver R epresentative Phones--West 691L or North 1310 « --"it, g 6 l f a t SUNDAYS And holidays All day.....76c. 18 holes.'.... 60c 9 holes after 4 p.m.,si.. . 25c -Am . WEEK DAYS All day..... 60c 9 holes ..25c THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar C. C. F. NOTES R. B. Swailes, M.L.A'., gave a very interesting address on Jubilee. . BAPTIST CHURCH Cor. 15th and Duchess Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys The Balkans are seething a- -- „ ____ _ gain, but the boys there must Tuesday evening Covering the have a little fun to break the personnel and their particular ............ «v W . Cl, monotony of existence. War and quirks in the. recent session of 10:45 to honor the silver jubilee the consequent loot, etc., is their the legislature. Mr. Swailes' of his miajesty_ King George. V. idea of a good tinne. The hairy ready w it makes him a popular Visitors are kindlV invited. ----- ---------------, . Special services will be held on Sunday at 8:45 and again at fO R . G, D. H. S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.^. \ DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marino Dr. O/fico liourdf 9 to 6 p.m. Evonlngfl by appointrnent, ~ Phono West 72 Sunday, May 5. HbOO a.m.--Suncbiy School and Adult Bible Class. ;7'ho KingPs Silver Jubilee . Tlimiksgivinf' Services , 11 a.m. and-Y;X5 p.m.-- P a s t o r w il l preach. Tue.sday at 8 p.m. Dr. C. C. -CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST " EVERLAS'TING 'PUNISH MENT", will' be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon; in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. ~ t FEED STORE \ C. SEA RLE Phono West 9 Fertilizers of AU Kinds Wood, Coal, - Builddrs* Supplies T • ̂ •!! • Golden Text is: "By , M c^urin \yij[|,gi-ve an illu.strated ' . mercy and truth , iniquity is p »x ty lv lecture on his Round the World purged: and"by the fear of the colebratehis death, which he ex- pictures taken by Lord men depart from evil." P^cted was about to come off. ,1 ,®, i.ol-- .(Priiveris..l6.4...&.L.-- -- -- -4_*..„_„_..._JI!h^„aILcj,me,_.huLLeJa&te sta tio n s whioh other year. A s a la st rajuest he Mi^ionJy^d#=ifl=rl4HH^--Stl%*et gentlemen who inhabit the hills speaker anywhere and his an- adjacent to the Khybe'r Pass alysis of th e agricultural situa- have the same sense of humoL tion and the jp r o ^ ed system of Chacun a son gout, which being subsistence agriculture was ex- interpreted means, "I f I like to tremely ' scathing.. The next take poison, it's none of your W hist DriVe will be held in the' blinking business." ̂ Headquarters on Wednesday. .* * * .. May 8th, a n d .th e next C.C.F: W. J. Graiit, a well k n o w n ex- CIlub m eeting is to be held on plorer, has :died, aged 84. A Tuesday, May 7th, a t 8 p.m. year ago, he invited hiis friends to a champagne dinner party to REPORT OF- c o m m it t e e TO AID RELIEF CAMP WORKERS The above com m ittee desire .to collection for missions. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer-ser-- vice. Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Choir prac tice. j Among tne citations which ne - t * ' - v .w n iu u u ^ e u e s ir e .t 5 comprisje the Lesson - Sermon is " "̂ ^^ently^equested his friends to ffPort to all who participated, in lR e" folJowing from the Bible r ^ t^ ? f^ ^ P ite r a -M ir = n ir tIr e ir ^ F ^ T O iB t= D r T O i 'gladTafiTS. That IS ATI Trifl'h wflv in the Oranov». .Wall rkn i\yrr.«rior.' 4? "For there fs nothing covered ,4^^ w a y ' in the Orange Hall on Monday it A •' » pf-regarding-itj-^also-whatshould":'®^^ning-that:the7netam ount 1*6-that~^shall-- not neither hid, tliat shall b̂e known." (Luke 12r2) revealed T not b< MAY DAY FUNDS r U s EstitbllNlu'd on North Shore 20 Yearn. (Lady .Asalstnnt) HARRON BROS. & f -1; ^V* - i, n WILLIAMSON i f u i i e r a l B i r e c t a r s J % i "r North® Vancouver. Parlors 122 West Sl.xth Str^'t Phone North 184 K'l? ■ Vancouver Parlors ' 65 Tenth Avenue East " Phone Fair. 134 The following are the mem bers o f the May Day Funds and Prize Conimlttee, by whom don-. ations will be received: Mrs. J. R. Patterson, Mr. L. D. Mr. T. E. Russell, Mrs. I. Meglaughlin. P.-T. A. Donations Received $10.00 St. John R.,.Wiis6n .,I ""! 10.00 THE TROUBLES OF m em orial to th e late be a Christian view, if we believe alized. was $53.40.. This.sum ^as - what we profess. In~fhis con- been handed over to the officers The Lesson - Sermon ir, " ®ction I am reminded of the «£ the Relief Camp Workers, eludes the following -passage woman inissionary ' The committee wish to ex-- from the Christian Scfen?e tex^^ ̂ appreciation to all book "Sciencp arid TTeaifL ■iiri+b ganger here for more persons- who in any -way con- ey to ScriPtoe?^^^ I* « ^ood J n b u ted to the of the Baker Eddv: "Christian"^m'enf'o --When danger gets too and also o f the services commands'mian to master the our^rimimf ^nder of Sid. Jamieson who acted as our account; i t will look; better master of ceremonies. to God without cowardice stamp- --------________1-- - ed all over it." - S. Parkes -hâ̂^̂̂^̂̂^̂̂^ rp^--. t J . J ■ Mathers Avenue into fail house a t-J J th and Bellevue taiLover in Europei '^here inter- Avenue. . PG n p national conferences and flu rage ^ ' - - ES OF equally. Known as "the London 7^ ~ ~ -------- ------------- ---------- A MISSIONARY T^ct Cocktail," it is composed, of °®^^nds much of us. But the % onch Vermouth, Italian Turin•WlllA T?rir*»li«̂ lx . 4 u m n tu ixiasuer m e propensities,-- to hold hatred in abeyance with .kindness, to con quer lust with chastity, revenge with charity, and to overcome deceit with honesty." FRANCIS CAULPEILD Archdeacon Kirby, a former ' ' missionary to the Indians of B years bring their toll or mental decay, of THE W e s t Van N e w s Publialied B m y Thubiday English gin, Russian 4 ? ....... -TliflfnmiN./vr fu.. tuti Auuians 01 B. and Austrian mineral or mental decay, and PjirJitnS lessons-rry^t®^* A wicked combination ̂ T it to stancf aside ' for in a rock WflHmy ^he Commandments to a claSs"~^'but'non-explosive. This, might fo ta k e ' our place. As to the mem nri nf braves, all of be supplied by the addition^S Yield, th a t place up to the benefactor to Vhk w on" the war. - German nitro-glycerine,' which <ioes our face wear a P lJe^ or a sn eer? -T h a t is the profoun alarms. ■ Pubtl»h«r P. F, LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 B utineu and . Editorial Office: 17tl!i and Btarine Drlre (Next to HoUyburn P .O J Phone West 363 atatl Addresa: . P. O, Box 61, HoUybnm, RC. The work is being dofae under attention to the oornmandment the supen;ision o f Jiuncs Dun- "Thou shalt not kill" A tothe can, municipal engineer, iin (L it^ n i-o t .th e J c itso n -h p - i.sW -„ ii u sr-esp«ct^ tha .r7 h-e"p ara' will who had committed to be placed in position immediate- stand up, Only three S i Pilot Station Again he e-xplained th e To re about May 24th. so. com- BUILDING PERMITS $14,320 mandinenUto them; and again he made the request to stand. The same thi*ee did so. He was puzzled, for he knew, what they The idea then struck f Li® who had smile or a ____ _ The unsuccessful and those who have m issed the tide have Jearnt^hrough-the-yearsits-ftill- . *. b u t, .to_the_ successful. ously --/th a t is one o /th e^ a rd - ̂ not.a religi- est thin^iHiLHie^worid'^'S^^^ onu- whenever this Uinm ent o f T g r e a t position.iu f!!« success es discussed, the world in of̂ *eri" b u ^ l e reverent word^ of -deavour or to some local proml ,the__Baptist always North V an^aver 123 Lonsdale Ave. > to lA p W ? ? r^ ^ ^ t o m K e d T h e r i o t M o f ' | a . l 3-o1 o?"S I Nineteen-diUsm"- inence in a smaller circle means increase, a greater or less n a t i iS ̂ i««st decrease." A $1,(K> a year b^ carrier: 12.00 ayyear mail. same month a y e i^ ago. Particu- The members ae'lolW Ŝ'oXir SW ftPh '» ^ a t e r or less natural capacity hra, ̂ ™"5* decrease." A very and a steady application, ^ i c h sp o S there KING'S JUBILEE CANCER FUND ter, $ 100. Ao Mount Straoham . H ags By Disabled Veterans W « . v ----- Marino 'Drive. Sale"riow r̂,̂ *V *̂ *̂ ̂ *" Lionel Sayory ŝ AJI proceeds ga to fund, Larg;e selection of flags. - il