Circulating in the D istrict o f West VancoUmf^Amblesidcy Holhburnj.W ^mn-, Dundarave Cypress Park^ C aiM ild, WhytecW, Etc. "" ISc per copy at newsaUrtds.$1.00 per yemr* H Q L L Y B U R N P .O . , W E S T V A N C O U V E R , B .C .. T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 2 na* W 35 No. 1 Next Sunday imd Monday w e in ooinnion w ith that g a lW ' r «nAons knovm as the British Em pire-w ill celebrate the Silve/jubilee of our King, George V, And it is to hoped ?hat everyone of us will do so in a spirit o f loyalty and thank- Depression m ay be rampant in the land, but it is none nf the King's doing. In so far as government is responsible our ills, the blame is ours, since we are a sovereign poeple, IrH hi the last analysis we rule ,both, ourselves aad him, " " H i s is the m kit difficult position to fill of any Jn the Vŷ -nirp today. H e is bat the voice of his peoples, an influence, S u reh ead '^ if em^ will. And y e t . - - ,God help h m, tho realises it more than can any o f h is subjec^$, and the rJi* ns who fail to grasp it, -- he is the cornerstone of mrlrch of empire. W ithout a king the Britjish Ckimmonwealth of Nations would inevitably, disintegrate and lose their h en t- i e of fT eIdZ . For, taken singly, they are only small nations of as in the case of India, merely a collection of many races, bit all of them inhabiting lands containing much real and potential wealth, and, as such, each a rich prize for the other ^̂ "^TL"^Sng^ato6l t throughout his feign , has -had to ^ e more difficult tim es than have anj/ of his Great War came alm ost before his people had had tim e to Wrovv him But they learnt to know him then in those four S i c years, and how well he, a man not trained for kingship, a m f S g h that world catastrophe, which sw ept ^almost pv -̂v other dynasty out of existence, was shown w hen he lav â t d e S ' s door, worn out by the strain imposed upon him. ^ He has always "played the game." Had we, his su b je c t , o n ly played it half as r i^ n ly and honestly, we should not l̂ e hrthrthroes of the present depression. Yet there are th ^ e flmone-st us who laugh at him and. kingship, not realizing that it is their kingship as free men and not his w^hioh^s a t fault. The B iltish Enipire and to a lesser exten t France and the United States are the only true democracies le ft in the world today, however much We and they-inay have misused the rights of self-government: And there is a subtle poison , working in our m idst to place^upon oUr. necks a-form of dic tatorship misnamed Communism. How great the present free dom we^enjoy is attested by. th e fact that it is allowed to be ̂ >e^ch€d a m W s t us at all, in m any ^ a se s^ y Side by side w irifritas muchf first place by our enemties to % ^ ken us to our undoing"^ ^ carried on by man^ o f ou r some in^high- - t t o s , who do not r^ liz e Whither It is leadmg. - , _ ̂^ ^ ^ u r contihued.existence a s free men is in We can only keep it by being loyal to • not be loyal to ourselves unless we are firatJoyal to our In that spirit aiid yrith a great thankfulness let. us keep his =^^ubiieer^-- His Majesty King George V. YOUNG U B E R A L S ASS'N The Young Liberals Associa?* ■ Buy your flags Disabled Veterans. from the tibn-got- aWf^^o^ n good start ^BROWN & MUNTON when a large crowd o f young people; m et at th e ILegion Hall la st Wednesday night. Mr. Peck of the Vancouver Young Liber als, was elected chairman and did a fine job'by getting all busi ness m atters cleared up by 10 riVJock when a dance was sta.ri> RADIO STORte MAY QUEEJN ELECTION Dale Ericksen,'aged 13 years, daughter of Mr. and -Mrs.: V iggo Ericksen, Travers AVenue, was elected on Tuesday as W est Vancouver's May Queen, for 1935. Reeve Leyland had charge of the drawing a t th e schools. Other results were as follow s: Maids of Honor -- Dorothy Messinger, daughter o f Mr, and Mrs. C. R. Messinger, , 1590r Mar ine Drive; Doreen Kerley,daugh-* ter of Mr, and Mrs, . A. B. Kerley, 2836 Marine Drive., Both- J2 MUSHROOMS W est Vancouver residents can now purchase Iwklly grown .fresh m ushrw m a in -W^est Van couver.: .They are delicious, inex- pimsive and nourishing and can be obtained from the Red & 1/^liite Stores or any local dealer. t e a A N 0 ^ |A L E ^ ^ BOOKING Messrs. Brown and Munton, i ^ o conducting Barraclough's Radio Shop for the past year at 15.42 nri€H-K wii«ii Marine .JDrive, announce they ■ a T t o ' W ^ W i f . T C e " B I a c r * « 7 n 8 k e r i - 5 W ^ Diamond Orchestra. Mr. Sargent ises, where they are featimmg a 6f Vancouver outlined' the aims complete list of Marconi, DeFpr- and objects o f th e association, est Crosley, and Victor radios. A vote was taken as to whether Convenient terms may be ar- N,West Vancouver-should start a ranged. They sta,nd ready to Young Liberals Club and was supply all electrical require- passed una:nimously.. The elec- ments from curling irons to re- tion of officers w as carried ou t _ frigerators and carry a full stock in a very business-like manner of lamjp globes, etc., also tne w ith the members nominatinig latest sh eet music.. their choice and tak ing a vote. TO OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS At this time, when we arc starting on the tenth con- secutive year of the. publi cation of this paper, we wish to thank all our adver tisers and renders for their Very loyal support. Nine years is quite a space of time in the life of our young niuniciimliiy, and we are sincerely thankful for the kind way in which our ef forts have been received. Our faith In W est Vancou ver and our liking for it have never faltered, and, having that faith and lik ing, we have done oUr best to forward what we consid- er/ed were its best interests. That naturally included the support of thpsc who ap peared to be working along those: lines. Our policy throughout the years h a s / been to boost whenever wV' ' could and only knock whe necessary, and not then ui less we had som ething coi -strucUve to offer. Fortun ately there has been very, very little occasion for ad verse criticism. For the rest, we have endeavored to treat all alike regardless of political creed, race or re1* • . . . . 1 4 ,. . . . . . _____ . ___ ;___* 1__________ I t X ' iigion; feeling, as we have^ always done, that our c o l umns belong to the, people of W est Vancouver and not ourselV^. T hrtttttffe is ill the lap of the gods> but we trust to receive p. continua tion o f the support- so far given us, as we h o p e ' to maintain these sam e poli cies for so long as we retain the sole control of this paper. F:TR A N C ISrtO V EG R 0V Bt .. . . . •• •• A i I ,4 , / : | i I. jiii-f. li■ ' 'j' L , i. . . ' ! 'P> i " V * V; n1" I H' "RATEPAYERS'=MEETING= l i i V*. years. ' Pauline Johnson Guards of H onor~R uth Par- num, Nancy Grieve, Freda Jen- :yey. ; . Flower Girls-- ^Betty Bradley, June Penn, . ' _ - v ' ' Hollybuni School Guards o f Honor -- Norma Minions, Kathhleen 'Lowdon, Dorothy Nejson. . Flower Girls -- Nancy. Falck, Velma BosHier. Crown Bearer (Pauline John* -son)7-Gwen"Jenvey." Chancellors -- Grordon Fletch er, Frank Kerley. Retiring Last year's Queen Margaret Curry, and Maids o f Honor Joan Thompson and Delwin B ^ fry . •: Th€ A nnual Bt^rd of the Inglewood Junior High Schw l are holding an A ftern ^ n Tea. and Sale o f Home C w k i n g ^ .Wednesday, May 8th, 1935. The tea will be opened at 3 p.m. A fine program is being arranged, and several comnuttees are :w6rlring! hard to make this an odtsfanding success. Tea is 25c. The proceeds are to be turned •over to the Annual funds to s u ^ ̂ piement the amount that is need- ,ed to publish the book. A plea is made to every parent and friend help in this first social event th e students have attempted. If anyone would be willing to help by donation of hom e-m ^e ca to ^ b rea d ,? pre^rves, e t c , please phone W est 696R2 after Provisional officers were elected TUBERCULOUS \ VETERANS^ to carry oh until the next m ass -- --̂7- meeting. The asspeiation signed The Tuberculous * Veterans The W est Vancouver Ratepay ers' Association .will hold a mieet- ̂ ing at- 8 p.m.' ton igh t in Dun darave Hall, when Lou Smith of the .C itizen's Progressive Asso ciation will be the speaker, tak ing as his subject "Higher Tax ation and Illegal Assessm ents." All members and those interest ed are asked to attend. ' ',5* . :m w ' I'. (.< 61 applications for ra/embership Section through their^ adjust- ' f 1 4̂. f ' 5 ■ at the meeting, bringing : the grand totdl to; well over 75. Any person desiring to join the •Young Liberals please get in touch with Miss B. Savory, W est 143. Duly elected: President, C. Baldwin; Secretary, G. W edley; ------ ______ . Sports Committee, B.Grentleman Seyrhour 4205. Debates, Miss H. R itz; Enter- ment officers, , in Ottawa can handle all cases of veterans suf fering from any disability of the respiratory organs. These offic ers contact direct with the Pen-" sion (Commission; Phone North Shore Gut-Post, W est 367L1 or W est 629X, or Headquarters, Buy your flags Disabled Veterans. ' SPONSOR A TREE from the ' AS/ ̂ j »■/ 'V : : taiiiment. Miss L, R ay; Member- g l ENEAG LES GOLF LINKS ship, Miss B. Savory. ̂ MINSTREL SHOW ________________ . ______________ . The Kiwanis Club of the though the course was at no Sybil Chapman *25 North Shore, always interested time crowded. There was- a I. M. S herw ood ........................ 25 There was a good turnout o f■ players last week and on Sunday Already received . . . . . . . . . $33>75 Mrs. H. L. Salter.........................25 Anon, per V. F ............................. 25 Anon, per V. F .............. .............. Anon, per V,. F .............- -25 "Geo. Bulkley ......................... -25 Mrs. George Bulkley .. .. .25 Audrey M...... ^ ................... *25 Reid M........ .,........... -25. Joan Durbin ......... ...... - -20 Mrs. Gordon Gray -25 QtrKil Ŷ Vi'oTirviQn * • •. , 'f i'* r- f ' t •' >«• i' / *' -I in the welfare of th e youth, have steady strWm of golfers from Mrs. J. E. Durbin. /i* { J . L E G IO N W iA . The LegioiL W. A.; W est Vani. couver B r^ ch , held, their.resni- lar < m a tin g last-M onday after- _ncK)n J iL th e Legion. Hall. Mrs. OTcnnan was adm itted to mem bership; considerable , business was transacted, and there w as'a ° good attendance o f meinbersL NAOMI CHAPTER TEA iNadmi Chapter No. 26, ()rder of the Eastern Ster, ^h .hold ing their annual Spring Tea at ^ home of Mrs. Duncan 772 20th Street, o n /8 th May. Adm ission 25c. Ill uu; steaay stream 01 m i ». u. ii*. TadIy^onsented~to"'b rin g^ h eir ^ i t e early in ^the^mofning." B etty^ G fay....... minstrel troop, ^ t t e r known as There is no doubt that the im- Daphne & Chas. 'Graham the "Dusky Derelicts,'? to W est provements which have been R o b in & G e o ffr e y P a r t- Vancouver for a p e r f o ^ n ^ on have proved attractive ington, St. Stephen's both ito old and new habitues o f Cubs ........................... Mr. & Mrs. J, B. Leyland 25 725 .25 . 4 l IdBBKAL MEETING '.A general m eetin yriU be b ^ ' in the Dundarave Hah, M y, May 9th, at 8 p.m. A. . M w n , M .P , wUl «>ye cS the Ottawa situation. Menir bers and friends invited. Friday night in th e Inglewood School.' This show packed the K.P. Hall in North" Vancouver for two nights running and should prove very popular in W est Vancouver, The story is woven around a shipwrecked ~ crew o f darky sailors and con tains many popular darky songs and dialogues. ' ' The minstrel show will be pre ceded by a short band concert to welcome back the school band :stnd will be followed by a. d a n ^ .\. the local course. _ We; understand that the sev* Josie Leyland ...................... enth green is next in line for Jackie L ey la n d ................. attention: when completed th is ' G, D. E lg a r ..................... should make a very pretty Robert F ro u d ................ punchbowl Florence Parker ............... A number o f keen players Marion Parker-.............4,... have indicated their intention o f , ̂> ' playing golf on the .Jubilee holi** ______ ' diay. May 6th, in spite of nunier- ous counter attractions e l ^ where in th e Municipality. .25 .5d\ , (5 Sf- - ^.25\ .25 - • - - V, ^ .25 . ^ ,25 , / " If • 425 1 .25 Ci $39.75 , Buy your flajgs Disabled Veterans. from the