S M f X K'l.i' . I , iJ « -,1, $ .............................................. .........................X ■ Wur. and M rs, T. K. Lightly, Mrs. D. HcSweyn, who WINDOWS doors SHINGLES VENEERS ROOFING b u il d in g p a p e r ' A * € o S i p l e t e ^ iS^rvice aUlCK, CEMENT TILE tlMIE SAND RANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Drawn up and esti mates given Free. _ _ _ voyi 2186 Gordon Ave., have m ov^ known in West Vancouver, hav- into the Crickmay house a t 2092 ing been a resident of Hollybum Gordon Avenue. for fourteen years, passed away • * last week a t the home of her Miss Audrey l is te r , 2874 nephew In the city. Funeral ser- Bellevue Avenue, who left here vices were held a t 2 p.m. Satur- ' " id ii '■■■•■ ■■..... ...... ■ • • / . ■ ■ •' .■■ ■.■•■'■ i,v ■ '? ^ Astbury's Builders' Supplies 16th and Marine Drive Phone West 199 last summer fo r a visit to Tient- day in Vancouver and interm ent sin, China, arrived back home a t was made in Ocean View Burial the end of last week. Park. Mr. and Mrs. Ogden and fam- Defeating Henry Sotvedt hy ily, 1167 Marine Drive, are mov- less than one point, Alf Johnn- ing shortly to Vancouver. sen was the winner of the com- * • * billed title and the Fletcher Mrs. E.| L. Howdle, 2046 . trophy in the Vancouver Ski Esquiniolt Avenue, gave a most Club.Championships last Sunday The co m in g o f sp r in g b rin gs th e c o m in g o f th e Dolly Varden Shop 2444 MARINE DRIVEO'.' , ■ • ̂ M illinery , L a d ie s a n d C h i ld r e r i 's W e a r H o s ie ry '8? ' P a r ty F a y o rs City Prices V r - IS A B E L D O L L M A N , P R O P R IE T O R Igleneagles g o lt ̂c o u r s e A fair number Of players 1 braved the elements on Sunday land were amply rewarded with a splendid afternoon's play. It was noticed that considerable progress had been made with the clearing for the new 5th tee, also the 6th tee and fairw ay way have been considerably (changed for the better. The non-players who made the [trip found the clubhouse cosy airi listened to the radio while I their friends were driving them ["fight down the middle of the fairway" or thereabouts. ' SWIMMING CLUB The annual meeting of the West Vancouver Amateur Swim ming Club. will take place on Thursday, April 4th, a t 8 p.m. ___________ _ the Clachan. It is requested ' The proceeds will be given in aid enjoyable dinner party last Thursday at her home in honor of the 21st birthday of her doughter Muriel. The room and table were beautifully decorated for the occasion, covers being laid for^ten. Later a number of other friends came in, and the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing and games. G. C. Grant has moved from Whytecliff to Sardis, B.C., where he expects to reside in future. The Dundarave Junior Dram atic Society are rep<^ating "Our View, Pj College S tar" under the auspices of the North Vancouver Lady Laurier Club on the evening of Friday, April 5th, a t the Horti cultural Hall, Lonsdale Avenue. on Hollybum Ridge. His total was 301 points to Sotvedt's 300.3, The latter took A Class with 142.3 against Johansen's 141, but in the 6 mile race the order was reversed, Johansen comipg home in 43 minutes, 56 seconds, with Sotvedt second in 44 minutes, 38 seconds, * 4< 4> Night School classes held, under the auspices of the W est' Vancouver P.-T. A. during the winter have now concluded. Mrs. Owen of W est iver, is a visitor, to West VancdUvei^hdr'is theri guest oKjmr sister, J^rs. J. R. Patterson727th and M a r i ^ '^ in th a t every member'kindly note the date and make an effort to be present. of the under-privileged child. This performance starts a t 8:15 p.m. , . V : Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Finlay, 14th and Clyde Avenue,-have taken the Mj[ller house a t 2012 Bellevue Avenue. .1 oii want a pound of :-ea. ochre for mak>- Grocer: "Yo jochre^' Is it re i ing paint." Small Boy: "No, it's ochre-for making puddings." INGLEWOOD SCHOOL The Annual Board is working very hard 'to get all the material fo r the Annual ready by the end of the month. I t is_a common . • "i " . sight to see the Editor-in-Chief, ̂ Mrs. H. Schnurle, a formiei] . Lila'Ray, pursuing a I sub-editor resident of W est Vancouver, to obtain the latest news" in th e gave a delightful birthday party ac tm ties of , their special work, last week a t her -home on,,Bid- ' The A rt Editqr Jias his s lav es well Street, Vancouver, in honor rolled up ,as he anxiously in- of the 21st birthday of her spects the newest lino cut. The daughter_M scilla,_also_that of TViQir ho coon i LUNCHES---------- Afteraoon Teas -- €AKE5-&rPffi^ The MARINA 1415 Marine Drive 'i Spoits editor may be seen wildly the Misses Irene McCrumb, Dona flourishing papers in the air. , Rivers and Evelyn Black. A vep^ Meanwhile the Club editor and enjoyable evening was spent in Personals editors look on wit^h, cards, after which dainty re- smjles of satisfaction, for- they freshments were served. Those have finished their work, and present were the M^ses Priscilla handed in all the write-up. To Schnurle, Irene M(^rumb, Dojis ^~suppl3r'arwider"choieerof="literary-^~^'^'iverst--'D'Velyn~r=Blackj'TerrIsabelbr w ork: the students of Grade 9 Black and Mrs. Schnurle. " have been asked to hand in ' ♦ copies of their oral 'oompositions ; Last Saturday»the Isf West which are heard 6nce a week by Vancouver Troop of Boy Scouts Mrs. Viola L. I.rOgan, who has been spending the w inter in Vancouver, has^ returned and is occupying a house a t Caulfeild, * ♦ * . Albert Cramb has moved from 1441 Bellevue Avenue into;-a house a t 1317 Bellevue Avenue. " , ♦ ■ ♦ 4i J. Burnfield, who a few weeks ago met-with an accident which necessitated his becoming a pati ent in the North Vancouver Gen eral Hospital, has returned to his home at 25 th 'an d King's Avenue. 7 . ' Â"No Host P arty was held a t the Clachan, March 21st, when the Hollybum Versatile Players and their friends spent the even ing in games and dancing; and dainty refreshments werfe serv ed. A presentation was made to Mr. Holt.hy the Versatile Play-- '^FsT'TfeThvited guests i^ i ia e d " Mr. and 'M rs. Tommy Turner, Mr. and MrsT' Holt, Mr. and K.W.SaTory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, W est 143 Listings Wanted the class. A limerick contest is in .progress; the prize to be a f r ^ Annual. Grade 7 lare enthusiastic sup porters in literary work, both in prose and poetry. On Saturday, March 16th, under the direction' of P. T. Hardman, deputy dominion game warden,, nailed twenty=five bird boxes on the tree^t in Mem orial Park. Some of these are already occupied. The boxes a committee visited a printing ing class of .the schobls, and the and Itthogfaphers to obtain council gave Mr. Hardman per- some estimates. An interesting mission for .their erection. Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. Bowman,, Mr. and Mrs. Powell, Peggy Patter son, Hazel W hittaker,--Mary Grieve, Jane- Beattie, Eleanor Lennox, Winnie Bowman, Violet McNair, K itty Clement, Nora Bowman, Vi Clement, Nora McNair, Phyllis W right, Betty were made by the.,man^^^^ ̂ Edwards, Edith White, Teresa Eerrison, M argaret Saunders, tim e was 'spent a t the litho graphers as the committee was shown the various processes by which engravings are made from pictures. ̂ / , It. is hoped to make this, the first, ̂ n u a l , a real success th a t Tuesday "in la ter years it may still be re- Shower. In honor of Miss Molly Kin- lock, an April bride elect, the Misses Violet and. Gladys Mc Nair were hostesses a t their home in West Vancouver on evening a t a China Music and contests Insurance garded as a treasured possession, formed the evening's entertam - mJent, the prizes for the la tter Joan Kerrison, Stam Lettner, Murray Watson, Alex. Grieve, B ert Bowman, Dick Bradley, Ted Beard, Rupert Harrison, Ted Hayward, Hillis Wright, Paul--Cushing,--^Alec--^Duncan,- Frank Prebble, Harold Turned Tom Lightly, Don Patterson, Sam Turner, Earle Phillips, Ray Lambert, George Turner, Jim" Turner, Norman Willington. .............................R ; ^ Your Prescription is in good htnds here. Huve your phyoidnn Phone W est 37 Gemmiirs Drug Store Tho Store of 8 ervlp% 1586 Marine Drive West 37 or Went 607 0 Emergency Phone Went 8S1 (After 10 p.m.) X Stratton's BAKERY Breud» CukeSf Pastries, ̂ ' BirUidny, Christening and Wedding Cakes ' Meat Pics, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes, Cinnamon Biins, Variety of Ten BrcAds, Fresh every morning. Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Hollybum Theatre rirUH.-.^FlU. & SAT. MAT. March 28th, 20th and HOth ZANEtJUEY'S 'West of the Pecos' 'Two Alarm Fire' (Fopoyo tho Sailor) Serial Newa, etc. > SAT. EVIL and MONDAY March 3()tli and April lai 'Anne of Green Gables' nlao CANDY and GENE AUSTIN "Ferry Go Round" Color Cartoon,-News, etc. WEDNESDAY ONLY, April S 'NowJPijLTell* ulao 'Operator 13.' NORTH SHORE BRANCH SALES - SERVICE RADIOS - RANGES OIL BURNERS FORST-S N orth 6S5 60 LoDsdulo Avo. W est 180N orth Vancouver Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, Autbmobile, Burglary, Accident and Sickness, etc. 2557 King's Ave. Phone W. 43Y3 V isitor: "Well,_ Joe, how "do you like your new little sister?" Joe: "Oh, she's all right, I giiess, but there arc lots of things we needed worse." His Grace, the Ang'lican Prim ate of All .Canada will speak in the Lonsdale Theatre, North Vancouver, a t 7 :30 Sunday even ing, and over th e radio in the afternoon. the w est VANCOUVER c h o r a l SOCIETY will give the C ^ c e rt Version of the Opera El . in the HoHybum Theatre . j On TUESDAY, April 2nd at 8.16 p.m. ------------ Admission 35c. being awarded to Miss Heleit Evans and Mrs. Kinlock, wljio also presided over the tea table, which was enhanced by pale green streamers intermingled with white, and matching tapers in silver sconces. - • The gifts from the guests, who included the following; were presented in a prettily decorated treasure chest in green and white, »the lid being gaily se t off with a huge bow Qf__tulle and a sheaf of rosebuds: Mrs. T. Ham ilton, Mrs. R. P. Allan, Mrs. T. ' Bell, Mrs. F. C. Rush, Mrs. E. Denton,, Mrs. R. Borthwick, Mrs. , A .^H Hibberd, Mrs. W. Swan^ son, Miss Muriel Bell, jMiss Elea- - nor Lennox,^ Miss Phoebe Pfs^_ cod, Miss Jean Kinlock, Miss Helen Evans, M iss.Nora Bow man, Miss Winnie Bowman, Miss Lucy McDougal, Miss Teresa Kerrison, Miss Lily Hedley> Miss Margaret Richardson, , Miss ̂ Grace Thomson, Miss Gertie Thompson, W est Vancouver Unemployed Association ^H IST DRIVE and DANCE FRIDAY, MARCH 29th, a t 8 p.m. Refreshments In theLEGION HALL Lowe's Orchestra Sm oker and Concert "wiirbe held in the Legion Hall ON TUESDAY, APRIL 9TH to Commemorate. Y | M Y A°ll Ex-Service Men and Prienda are Invited RErROOF NOW D U R O ip R O O F S E A S Y , T E R M S R . B . C R I P P S - R O O F E R , - W E S T 8 8 R G E N U IN E n"'il ^ W. ■ X "I h W! I : '?-V» (L 1 X...^ L .4,' V ' I ■ i n X ___ ' i M m & m . ;r 'j| V|si*| " ' '