t.' % If 4A14*̂ 'A ^ ( nte J s/ 'v i\iVi \'Hd i l i ' :^4i i t Aft' I mmr r m m m m m xtm t" i t r , am if Wfiffct, ittiirt*r l l '.U *.m„ 7:16 p4«. Stuukr School and Bfblo CI«m B '& '^ i tS i^ /v i r i t e r w a s j* SAFEST cauicil!' Kciidcnce; 1640 Hftjrwood Ave. Phone Weet 262B. Sumlay Servicea -- U lum, and Sunday School, 10:00 l l - We Spedalixe In Permanent Waving Difficult Heads o f Hair l i you have had unsuccettful Pennanenta call and aee ua and we win he iflad to jfive you a teat curl to prove we can wave bleached, dyed, white or flne hair aa aucccaafully aa any other halt with only 3 to 4 mln- utea ateaminfc, G w e n d o l y n B e a u t y S h o p p e 1646 Marine Prive For appolntmenta ____ PHONE WEST 117 « HOLLYBURIf HALL 14th A Dacheaa* FltllM Y EVENING, Mar. 2»th a t 7:30 Vounjf Peopic'a Service Illustrated by Lantern'Vievl'S Sp4*akcr; Mr, Jack Anderaott Hl/NDAY, March 31, at 10 a.m. Sunday School and YouriK Men's SIble Claaa SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 An Addroaa, Subject; *The Gospel of God." Speaker MR< EDWIN SMART of Victoria 'ITJESDAY -- « p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. W ^ V A H C O U V E B i J t t i i t i n r s c i f ic e Society Baqaiaialt, Holly barn thia Soekty la a Branch of The Mother Church The Flrat Church of Chriit, Beiontfif; In Boeton, Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, March 31̂ 1935 Subjeel: " REALITY " Sunday School at 10:00 a.ml Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in> vited to attend our services and meetings. . L A in m iT S B R v n x DAVE A N D E R SO N , Weyl? V w couver E ep r^n ta tiv® Phones--West 691L o r North 1810 ® W est Vancouver Ratepayers' Association In Dundarave Hall M E E T I N G IH U R S D A Y , A P R IL 4 t l . . t 8 1» . Members and all interested are irequested to attend. For the B a fiy ; UNITED CHURCH Minister; Rev. Hillis W right ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rector: Rev. P. A, Ramsey, L.S.T. Itigo nnd Pyrex BottloH Itigo Anti-Colic & Hiit'a Nipples . Johnson's & B. & B. Talcum Johnson & Baby's Own Soaps, etc. ■ ̂ Mead's Cereal Pablum and ̂ Lactogen AMBLESWE PflARMACY W. L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marine^ Phono: West 323 ______ FRKE DELIVERY March 31st -- dth Sunday in Lent "Mothering Sunday." 8:00 a.m. -- Holy Communion. 11:16 a.m. -- Matins and Ser mon; preacher the Rev. J. Brayfield. 7 :15 p.m. -- Evensong and Ser- . tvi r\n * RADIO REPAIRS AU Work Guorantced 'Experience Insures Satisfaction' BROWN & MUNTON 1542 Marino West 366 C. J. Overington P IO N E E R B A R B E R CLOSED Until further notice owing to sickness. - 14 th and Marine - Phone West 135 Services: 11:15, & 7:15. Sunday School a t 10 a.m. Subject Sunday morning •-- "Tho Christian Church and S i ' " f S w _ - D „ . " " g u a " ■ - » * " Trail " u u Z t " T "^ T A' P'™- - Service;N ii ,( .,1 7 .5r Tuesday Rev. W. Cooper. r a ■ u . St. Francis-in-the-Woods, ™ Wednesday night Caulfeild T 'ra y ir service Wtdnesday a t ®A m" Ung of^ £ c h ! ^ S M b a r 'H dgh^s,"'on ^-Sunday evening next, the W ̂ T t ^ f rT ■ R. to fh<' SI ^ Calgary. For transportation L iyathu l' And ews-WesIey org. communicate with Mr. DeMont, ■ who 8 iy or the rector.W h o M;̂ sh to c o m e , are asked'to be at the Ferry dock to catch the BAPTIST CHURCH ■̂ the'J - r iv iK 'a f*'®"®'* I**'®* D Coy- 15th and Duchess t h a t imII be a good turn-out. Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys at ST. ANTHONY^S CATHOLIC ^ 10:00^ a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ u n r /s ^ io o l and 23rd and Inglewood Ave. 11:00. a .m ^^ -M i^ l^^ w irsh ip . Rov. Millay, To^" ^ . J 5 M J ^ v e n I y _ Sunday Services m e n ^ e S ^ ® ®' _|̂ QJ!!̂ Maas-r=?...S-:-45-arm̂ ^-- -------Monday-p~7-n45"i)ym--* '̂'-R-Y '̂F>"T-T" High Mass & Sermon - 10:46 . Rally a t J a b k s o n ^ r a S Ambleside Sheet M etal U SPECK. m --\ --Proprietor^ ... ... 7 ' 1. ■ H '• Robert Reid wrote the council re the disbanding of the West Vancouver Scottish Society, the letter being presented by W. M^- Quaker as delegate, the latter also presenting three flags. The council in regretting that the society . had been disbanded thanked them for the gift of the flags and expressed their ap preciation of th^ excellent work the society had accomplished A suiprise party was held a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B., ,, , Greenwood, Duchess Avenue, on Monday evening, March 25th, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Allan of West Bay, the occasion being the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding. A mock wedding was held and was m,uch enjoyed by all present; During the even-^ ing Mr. and Mrs. Allan were presented with a silver entree dish and tall silver candlesticks. Among those present were: Mr.,, and Mrs. J. R. Allan, Mr; and* Mrs. C. B. Greenwood, Mrs. Robina Normand, Mrk Geo.: Payne, Mr. and Mrs. D. Barbour, Mr, and Mrs; L. T. Greene, Mr. and Mrs. W. Colvin, Mr', and Mrs. J. G. Rimmer, Mr. and Mrs. J. Neill, Mr. and Mrs; T. Mc Gregor, Mr. and Mrs. J. McGow an; Mr. and Mrs. A. Tuddenham, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs.'iA. Menzies," Mr. and J- M. Wilson, Mr. W Mrs. D. McMillan, J. Normand.: CHURCHES OP CHRIST . "BEAUTY" ivill be th^sub. j ^ t of the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist on Sunday. The Golden Text is; "Thou 0 Lord, shalt endure for ever' and thy remebrance- unto all generations." (Psalm® 102: 12) Among the citations which com pri^ the Lesson - Sermon is Bible; But blessed are your eyes, for they see ; a*nd your ears, for thev hear." (Matthew 13; 16). ̂' Lesson - Sermon also'in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science teirt- book, "Science and Health with Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy : "L et us learn of tlfe real and eternal, and pre- pare for the reign 'df Spirit, the Kingdom of heaven, -- the reign and rule of universal/harmony, which cannot be lost nor remain forever unseen." Make Use of Experience for Concrete Work FOUNDATIONS, SEA WALLS LILY PONDS & FISH POOLS TBAROE f̂t SON Phone W w t 84 1474 Marine Drive HOLLYBURN .GJFT SHOP B.C. LADYSHIP WOOLS j o i n Our Library..//................ r 25d~a~Mn7ifii Put your sales slips for March In n r ̂ ^ an envelope with name and U U T ( j r t f t S l O U S C O f f e raddress outside for Rosaryiiind Benediction -- 7:15 Wednesday, 6:45 p m __ Thp . P-m- Childron'. w ? ; . ' • Baptist Church; D R . G. D . H . S E A L E D.D.S.. L.D.8. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marino Dr. . Ofllco Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Lveninga by appointment. Phone West 72 Eatnbllshed on North Shore 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral SirrctorB Catechism and Bible History every Saturday -- 9 ;30 a.m. Week-day Services Mass, d a i l y 8 a.m.-------- I'Tidays r~ Rosary, Benediction, ^ Confessions -- 7:45 p.m. Saturdays -- Confessions from 7:30-p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Children's Hour. _8 p.m.---Mid-week P rayer Ser- vie©." Thursday, 7 p.m. --̂ Junior Choir practice. 8 p.m.--Sehior.,.Chbir practice. E v e r y h o d y * s D o i n g I t V *^Way.,March 29'tRat 8 p . n ^ Is *...... IS North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone, North 134 Tancouver I^ rlo rs --'r 65 Tenth Avenue E ast Phone Fair. 134 Musicaie. Proceeds w- wards Annual Sunday School Picnic a t Keats Island., LECiION ENTERTAINMENT_ - 1 " Last Pi'iday evening a most , P - T A tnijoyable time was spent in thp a a . Memorial Hall, the event being s p M t l l • the Legion serief K i c k M ra * T ,f ' pC. W hist Drives and Dances TSi/io!f« ' i Nelson, .on fhe M ilitary Whist was won bv entertained Mr. and U k and S G rLm S T b/ m ^«t^«sted friends and Mr. Lewis. Miss GraoS p^ t 1 t he also won the grand aggi»e<rate ^^^-?-®*^-Olasses,_wJiich - u m e - ^ j ; h € ^ a d - s e r i e ! ^ ^ ^ m duded^T he-stud^ season. advantage of th e oc-jf_. . - casion to r. ______ THE L>ason. ........ . advantage of th e oc- D on't forget to keep the date Mr^ ^ Presentation to pi>en fo r Vimy Anniversary W appreciation of April 9th, Smokei' and Concert,* years '^ e past two tem iy , w re s tl i i^ "etc7, "seeme of tickete ahead frdm .msembers of was Y O U R H D M t z L i J G H T I M O &M - - *n a - ---------- --------e<«ing, wrestling/ "etc7, "secure a ^ form of West Van News l°̂ riT m « .W B « „ . Tl.»™ u, . " "®h® 679R. - s h o T "® ® ' hOCAL/HESIOENT _ -- - S S c ^ l '--';® o f . such hsrf W„°®i M E A S U R E D F R E E I ■ J ^ O M H a life to Vancouvet. sndAom hbino -- JL^to-cWotna, the demand for mote effident „ home hffhtinc has laceH t... « -..t. --------- --Pabliaher------------- F , p . l o Ve g r o v b ^ Photi® WcBt 363 BaoJneM and Bdlt<»rlal Office: 17th and Marine > Drive . (Next to Hollybum P.O.) Phone West 363 Moil Addreae: F. O. Box 61, Hollyharxi, R C ra d io .DIRECTOR had b ¥ e ra o c o m p l& North VaincouTer Office: 123 IdOnsdale A ve. The David Spencer Noon-hour ~ over (MOR from Mrs. Kern S fh?P,. anck» 12:00 noon to 100 p.m. daily S A. FedemHon ^ -T . i now under the direction muf. Mrs also f f f Mrs. J. Bmiks' solos or accom panist Upon ®»on Classes ceivmg* t h ^ appointment as dir« terson, v ice -n ^ fi^^* ^ 5* ector o f David Spencer's p r ^ T, A; <>f the P.- C O U P O N ...M a il N o w ! Home lighting Department Boom 323, B. C JE ^ric Building t ^i??®.Phbne me ac____________ W oiatm ent» 1«« vName. Address. #1,00 « year by carrier: 12.00 a year ' to.' .'•'frTt-'*' ^ programs. . b e t t e r l ig h t ♦ BETTER SIGHT «ces. Who has resignied__ I' .1