West Van. News (West Vancouver), 28 Mar 1935, p. 1

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a e 'e ut) X)d ■ \ Iw .H Y ^ » * -rf .'̂■'■•1 < tY ifsii* " >* * f.',V( • « **«»Wj'®S>|ss**»B<i(i»'<" , ■=» - s Circu/aH ttg^ t h e e f W est Vam pm ^Am bleside^ H eik fie^ y fl.W V fii J» '.«*̂ [, Dundarate |i«r <N>py « t 'Hewitt*iHii«'"«H Vol. IX H O ^yB U ijtN P .g WEST VAKCOUy:l^p. B.C., THURSDAY, m a r c h 28& I935 No. 48 THE HdNTKpiAL CONVENTION MAY DAY Co m m ittee * The mayors of a]bout one h im di^/C anadian cities and towns met recently in M o n tr e a l to discuss t h e ir problems, the chief of which Is Unepiployment relief. Probably one of the greatest evils of the post-war period ■.................. * ' - ' :ina T h e f ir s t m ^ i n g of th e M ay D a y C o m n d tte e w a s h eld la s t w e e k in t h e i^ u n c il ch a m b er . CONSERVATIVES H EAR DR PATTERSON COMING EVENTS has been the habit of holding conferences, which originated rEurope among the political heads of the European nations. Talk was always cheap, so i t was altogether natural th a t a bankrupt world should indulge in an orgy of it. Most of these inferences, as we know: were, fruitful of nothing except the sfirrinff up of more, bad blood, chiefly because the majority of the representatives attended with the fixed idea of putting it over the other fellow in a diplomatic* way. A few useless nacts were drawn up, useless owing to the fact th a t either there was little o r no intention on the part of some of the signatori^ Xf keeping, th e ir word l(m e r than convenient, or they had not the power and knew a t the tim e they had not the ^^"^^Now*^^?mayors have m et in conference, and Gerry M< Geer has made the sam|e initial blunder as he n ^ e here denouncing the money lenders or in other words the investing There was as little common sense In the suggestion that the rate on all outstanding municipal debts be cut to 8 per cent. To do so, as every mayor knows or ought to know, would crash the whole financial structure,of Canada overnight. And apart from this such talk is d p tro y in g , the faith of the in­ vestor in the security offered by municipal: bonds, the very thing which chiefly induced him to buy. them. j , The crux of th e whole m atter is not bond interest or even unem ploym ent relief, .but the continued d rift o y e rjh e years of our population from th e land to rthe cities. In the figures of unenuployment re lief given to th e conference i t was revealed that the total POPulat»5Winnipeg. Calgary, Halifax, and Regma was 2,821,400, the total of unemployed 402,936. I t should be added th a t the total population of Canada a t , the 1931.. census was. officially given as only 10,876,786,"and thih total will be approiamately the same today." Aiid, if our seven largest cities contain be­ tween one-fourth and one-fifth of Canadas population, the addition of that of' the otKer, hundreds of sn^U towm Would probably show th a t the minority and 'iKrt th e m ajority of Canadians live on; the. landyU No wonder.< the unemployment figures have ^reached; tl^ .h flfid r^^ . o f of any country's prC^^rity* f l ■ " ' > ">/ 'Vy" It is only righ t th a t we should see "our ^em ployed have adequate food, clothing and shelter, but a t the present rate of spending on unemployment r^ ie f it wi not be many years before we days ago in an addre'sS Hon* H. Steves s t e ^ ^ a t C - adiH^savm W ^erO=fsst^pproacbing-~the--pom t~w neiL^ , , , ̂ _ ■ mu^ of loaiio la T.hPrft- ■ 'Doctor:? ' ------ ^----- ----------- president of the 1G|. C,. Conserva- The election of fofficers was de- tive Association, addressed a ferred until more representatives representative gathering of local were present. A resolution was Conservatives last 'Hiursdaj passed to be forwarded to the new com m ittee'that the differ- Friday, April 12th -- Military Whist ,and Non-Competitive Display of Daffodils by Horti­ cultural Society in Drange Hall. ent activities , be sponsored by the various organizations as previously.,, "fhe following org­ anizations and individuals were asked to act: T.-T. A., Dona- evening in the Legion Hidh J* T. W att, president of the West Vancouver Conservative Associ­ ation, as chairman, introduced COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY The West Vancouver branch of the Scottish Country Dance tions j sports, 'teachers; May Queen, I^ .D ,E , J parade, Canadi- the speaker. Society of B, C., weretlfe guests Dr. Patteri^n, whose subject the Misses Stevenson a t tljie was "The R. B. Bennett Admin- clachan last Saturday. Over - . , „ r. sixtv neoole reoresentir gave some particulars of tm» an L e ^ o n ; daiiite and children's successful organization work (tencbi Legion W.A.; grounds, now being.carried out in B. C. w«o ̂ Lyiacnan lasi otuuraay. uvur istration and the Piiture.Pmicy, laixty people representing Van- crfiv<» AomA narticukTA of the couver .branch and Vancouver Ladies Branch, North Vancou- high AssociatibI buttons, Ex- first aid. Dr. N ash; convenelr of publicity, Blair Clerk; decorations, Horti- cultuiral Societj^; ribbons, - Girl among the mjen and women also the younger generation. He s ta ^ ed Mr. Bennejit had been criti­ cized from a number of angles, but the fact remained th a t *ac- Guides; band,. j . E. Cdhdon; cording to the records of the chairman of donations and prize League of Nations, Canada committe^, ]\Irs. j . R. Patterson; under his leadership had niade scouts and cub^, grand stand, etc.; MaypolCj Miss M. Wilson; L.O.L., to bring children from Protestant Home. It was also decided to a8k,;jilis8 Molly Ed­ wards and Jerry Mathison to be present a t the dext meeting. a greater industrial recovery than any other nation. The Ot­ tawa Conference had resulted in much necessary outside trade and had been productive of ex­ cellent results. He reviewed :Mr. Bennett's reform legislation, H ie next will be held * atarting from the time he had in the cduncil chamber on Wed- been elected to power, and; said nesday, April 3rd. Organizations the premier had always been n eonbemed are asked to send del- ' reformer and had, always fougfit ver Ladies Brunch, and the local members had a thoroughly good time, as has always been usual on such occasions. To mlake it more enjoyable John Lawson, who cut and divided the cake on the eve of his 75th birthday, gave those present a few words of advice and recited a poem. Thanks are due to Mrs. R. Hast­ ings for providing the lovely cake and who acted as hostess of the evening, to the floor managjer J. Nyland, and to Mrs. Alexan­ der, who was responsible for the .musical part of the program. DOLLY VARDEN SHOP OPENS egates to this m ^tipg . WEST VANCOUVER b a d m in t o n TOURNAMENT the big interests. A vote of thanks to Dr, Pgt- terson was proposed by W. R. A total df 47 couples have entered the Ba<Wnton Touma- Mrs. Isabel Dollman, who has resided in West Vancouver for lASAovi* »»«o .. . -- several years, has opened the Hamilton and seconded by W. G. Dolly Varden Shop a t 2444 Mar- Blanchfield, J . Loutet a n d J , J- *;ine Drive, where she will carry Rutledge also speaking briefly. ' A i l i i M T i tr -week Off ^ ^ t li '>} full lines of the, latest in. Mlllin- hosiery^^dies' l̂arid child- would be exceed^* by bur debts. *^6 point fore, do we wish to continue as are doing for a few snort Auditorium during the • week s i April. 1st. In addition 34 child­ ren- fidveJentered the Doubles, competition under 16. This will be played on Friday,' March 29, beginning a t 7 :15 p.m. The_.:fellojri.ng_J)iayers^ are ren's" lyedr, party 'favo rs, etc. Mte?;:DdIIirm number o f e x p e r i e n c e in this line of business, solicits the During the spring term gymn patronage of the public. City classes will be held cornmencing prices. m o l l y EDWARDS' . DANCE SCHOOL years longer until the crsteh of l^ e whole fin^^cial forces us to abandehjthe^payements of grow nothing, fo r the land which w th a little hard w o ^ w yield us a t least a modicum, of fpod ^nd shelter; or do prefer to go in our thousands on thp land now, there to for a living and not-for profit? APd m th a t P ^ ^ m a g e t t o will have to be the many thousands who are fighting J battle, although having so fa r escaped th e ranks of the un- prnTvlov4̂ (̂ s . v ̂ s It is a Hobson's choice, bu t a l l th a t appears to be left us, if, disabusing bur minds of, a ll the fancy d r e ^ s put puj. hqnestly [or Sshcnestly to beguile. us, we examme the tacts from the light of cold reason. ? __ scheduled as detailed below: Monday, 7:20 p.m, -- Mrs. Makoski, Mrs. Parkes, Mrs. April 2nd as follows: 'SebboK"Girlfik----TuesdayA_nm TTiursdays a t 4 p.m. *, High School Girls --- Tuesdays and Thursdays a t 6 :30 p.m .; BEN EFIT WHIST & DANCE Mesdames S. E. Romans, M. Cunningham, T. G. Caudwell, Hardy, ifcs. Powell, Mra. Moyer, women's--Tuesdays and Thurs- William Green, and G. R. Shar Mrs. McNair, Misses E . H ^ p - nf. gtOO o.m. - nian are nutting on a benefil son, K. Hampson,..V^ & P? John- eox, Messrs. Henderson, White, Lidster, Kirk, Gentleman. . 8:00 p.m. --.M iss C. Wilson, Miss E. Millard, Messrs. Parkes, Powell, Makoski, Searle,* Dor- ' Chester, and Max Edgar, At- - wood & partner, Brooks. 8:40 p.m. .-- Miss'. K. Wilson, Messrs. J. Watt, Forsyth, John days a t '8:00 p.m. Fees are $1.50 pesr month. Dancing classes will continue including ballroom, on Friday evenings. Phone West 436R1. RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION nian are putting on a benefit whist drive and dance in aid of the* unemployed on Saturday of th is wbek, the 30th instant, in the Legion Hall, starting at 8 ;30 p.m. The Black Diamond Qr- chestra'will supply the muric for the occasion. iviaaQVQ I vviiLL tiviui The regular meeting of the S X ^ W n e r , F. I ^ r c W te r V a n o v e r LEGION SMOKER CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT The spring concert o f th e Wes^ Vancouver Choral y -will take place a t 8:15 p,m. liext Tuesday, April ^ d , in H i y- bum Theatre, when they will p re ^ n t the-Con(^rt version ot 4.1. - ____ ' _____ t* : nrtu„ IG ?lS ftfints. Jnar-the opera "Bohemian Girl." , The aSmission is 35 cents, ticulars are a s follows: ' ' . MiscellaneoHB - CHORUS-- "JKermesse Scene" ......................................... ... (From "Pauet" ) ■"Inteimezzo" .--..........i-............................. .MascagniORCHESTRA . ------------- -- ...... ̂ ." (From "CaveUerio I^usticana > CHORUSrr'.'f*isht Divine" -- .v-4^.............. - ' ,fFrbm?**CavelIerio Rmsticana") & partner. 10:00 p.m. -- Mi*. Smith. Tuesday, 7 :20 p.m. -- Misses V. Johncox, Searle,-W . Dor­ chester, Mrs. Falconer, Mrs. Morfitt, Messrs. J . Brown, Fal­ coner, Griffiths, Lopateoki, G. W att, Little, Morfitt, Mr. G. Mil­ ler and partner. ^ . - 8:00 p.m. -- .Mrs. Makoski, Mrs. Laiie, Mra. Little, Misses sociation will be held a t 8 p.m neict Thursday, April 4th, in Dundarave Hall. A full attendi- ance of members and those int Members and all ex-service, men are asked to remember the date -- April 9th, Vimy Day -- when veterans and their friends erested is requested, as import? will commemorate th a t day with J 1 L n, .#«««/) V>y>vVl/>/XV*f' VirVlI/lVl :AHfll 1an t m atters will come up before the meeting for discussion. HOLLYBURN HALL a smoker and concert which will^ include a good card of wrestling , and boxing bouts. A good at­ tendance is expected,' Watch next w;eek's issue for fu rther an­ nouncements. ......Mascagni . . BOHEMIAN Ĉ IRL OVERTURE .................................... ............. ' SCENE - A S tr^ t in' Presburg. 1. SOLO & CH O RU S^"saence,'Sil|nce."_ ' 2r~SOLO=^T"Dreamnt that I Dwelt'4n^rble Halls. : 3. DUET2j"The Wound Viron' Tny Arm." , 4. SOLO..& ,C(BiORUS--"Listen While I .Relate. ^ 5. GIPSY CHORUS--"In the Uypsy?s Life You Read. 6. sULO--"Love SmHes. But to Decisive." 7. DUET--*'This Is Thy Deed" Orchestra S a W ^ i S J i e M r i r - w i j r n s 'u n i n o k P a W Vickery, Eceleatona, iH u s tr a ^ g i th e r will be Jack Anderson, Sun- ---------- day school and young m ens D on't fo r in t the"Unemplpyedt- andMessrs. MacRae, Atwood" partner. ^ ; 8:40 p.m. -- Messrs* Condon, Searle, Brine, Leroy, Moriitt, J . W att, Britton, Moyen- r All contestants a re asked, to be bn time as the schedule calls Bible class a t the usual hour, W hist Drive and Dance, Friday,, a.m., next Sunday. Edwin Sm art ^ jarch 29th, a t the Legion Hall o f Victoria, y ^ ill-~ s^ ak -o n -th ^ -^^ ^ -g -™ _ 3̂ iug(e--b^ ̂ subject "The Gospel of God a t Orchestra. Refreshments and : F I b l , ft uiiiy,. j f fS [ '« ■'Vi' Kf' ' M h2 t |y A K d J23, R"' \ ■ r f i '•'AjSf-Lf I 4«' V '̂V . " ' ? I ■ v m 'k 'i ' 2 ; 'J 2 -H i '•iJ ' -i ! r ' 1 . . -p T f 'ii \ 1 r ^ ? i '.......... . "V-- £«■;»:-Jij be on tame as ino scueuuie cuu». . fo r the playingpf _ ^ w m in a te ly t t e ^ :f0 1"% novelties a s usual. 60 matches in 4 evemngs. Hills." ---- ................. . 'SCENE TL , . _ / _ . ' A Gratia Fair in J^esburg CHORUSi-'Tdfe Itself Is a t the Best." ' quartet , SOLO & CHORU^^Fromthe Valleys a^.^ ENSBMBLE-^"ShamelSb5n# ; •, r - s a ^ n i ; The H a ^ f Justice SOLO--"The Heart BiSj/m, Doirifc" ENSEMBLE--fTinale" INTRODUCnON J... " -----------urenestra WEST VANCOUVER ARBOR DAY dky, i i s t Inarch. Tuesday a t '8 p,m., prayer and Bible study. ; L. O, L. DANCE Previously-^know l^ged $12.50 ̂ Gerald Addy^-Mw. B. Hayes, Mrs- Langworthy, Mrs. Brittom Mrs. H. B. Gray, Jban, B. E. Harrison, F. D. W.; H. W. I^ n g , . The St. Patrick 's Dance was such a suotess and so many requests were received for a tu rn of the. Cariboo Cowboy^; Orchestra ih a t L.O.L, No, 2990 A good'tinie.is assured for all, Turn out and help'the boys. The regular m eeting of the W est Vancouver Unemployed Association will-be held tonight-- (Thursday) in the'Legion Hall. ■ 2 ' f 4 | BOXING DISPLAY 13. _______________ _______ 14,. SOLO--"When Other Lips." . \ th e ̂ p re s e n t." „ W e x "g ® H N T E T & " C f l O R U S - ^ « T h o t t g h ' E v e r y H o p e B e ifiea. ^ a m , R. Seeds, JvM ureh'-- 25c ^ f)- -"See atYour Feet." ̂ „ FJb^"When the Fair ^ n d of Poland.' „ ^^tJN ot the Heart fo r ^ ^ r o w s to ^ ' i CHORUS--̂ ^Oh,What FuIlUehglit. ' each. Woman's Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion, .^1.00. Total, $4.60. / Grand total $17,00.. th i mu the is orchestra supplying the amcjiejxt ^ d a y , April 5th^^n Orange H all This .The W est Vancouver Recre­ ational Centre are pattting oh a Boxing Display a t 8 p.m. %tur-* day night in the Orange Hall. '^ tinny" will be with the o re h e s? . L o ^ l boys who won in the t r a and all are assured of a good . championships will give exhibi- tim e. R tionhbuts. h -r ( t .... • •....f , *., ■ ;v ,.. ' H' -A >■ ' j4. Sj's§plil '"Hi" ,V. ̂ r % I . r ̂ '**A*̂ . h