West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Mar 1935, p. 4

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»?«(Wf̂ <■-<>11-•«' P h o n e W w t i iP h o n e W e e t 4 M a m *2" -- -- ------ --- --̂ ----------- ------ -- i m iRgmwom Auaiwnuwi wh P r i c e g G o g ^ ^ d a y e n d S a t u r d a y . M a r c h . 2 2 n d & m d in S t l t J t Jh W U U ju fV t I V I . - ___ t .1.*? 1 1 r n m m m L w v n m m m T - i» ■•«■ ̂ h%Wy suooessful vftar. th« Vandabaucoesaful year, the e » u u ^ baaketball team art* sponsorini? _ GfUBi* Tournament' a t Auditorium on Tuesday, March 26th. Sport I'T* » t'r* ' *l"\ IM a WhiUf JELLY l*OWI)BKfl Atwdrtfd flavora $ fm Me IM & Wl,Up SALMON, Vjh. FU»mt Northern II. C. gocltejre....... tin l ie IM & White FIX)IJK 7 lb. muk We 14 lb. Mtk, HSei 49 lb. »«ek |U 9 t;OLI) SEAL IfBltlUNG In Tomnto ' Sauce; M. C. |*wb. Large oJIS *'** ...............•••■■■*....lOe 1 ncked in H. C................... 2 tlnn 15e IM A White CLAM ClIOWOBft th i ..................... ........................... g- IM ^ White SPINACH, No. 2'/j tin ................. ............ iĝ . COLCMIllA PEAS. No. 2 tin Sieve 6; Large tender Pean 2 titiM .......23c ^*hUMH. l i c k e i i ^ C. h k ij l ij n d s m e a t i i A i i s r i 'a MKLOtHtAM HEALTH OATS ' it lb. nkt. ... '.,,..1...... ....... * 21f HOI)AS -- IM Arrow. Save the CouponH. I'limlly aize pkt........ 16c Meats Fhone West 370 H W irrS LAUD, per lb. .............. 16c FLEIdlEIPS LAltD, per Ib. ... 14c PEPi»EIPS SAUSAGE, per Ib.... 18c DEVONSHIKE SAUSAGE, per lb 20e ■ ■ ■ la VK' ' snia ̂ F,rm w t III a.i* II all LI mwz a m praise of the splendid technique of the local *'VandaIs" who, in spite o f their- first year in the Interinedlate A League, fought ■nv.Miae .«1 . «11 • • 4 iViriL filrvtlla aUI47̂ laf3MaiiM$ /% JUCCIKUCf AUU|5*iv their way doggedly to the finals when, a f te r a iinc di.splay, they 'J'l . J effer ies- Government Inspected Only* COLD MEATS OP ALL KINDS .; . DBUCATEMEN^^ 1 S to re a t H o U y b u m , next Theatre PHONE WEST S wjiviAi' OA vva Aa liJIv were defeated by P^ogg Motors of New Westminster. TuesdayHAc»AOE, per lb20c 01 New Westminster. Juesuay IIKEP SAUSAGE,..............2 Iba. 25c night they have arranged for an COHNKII iiiusKKrr (Boneleaa) exhibition game with the Mount i.kIS ok • a m " « " i £ T ~ r S i^a'm'S: i;;^ i t fL* f o ; s r 7 , ; o r « ; t q » " i . j « " might I'LNNAN IIADDIE K IL L l^ , lb. 20c ------------------- - ................. 15cFINNAN IIADDIE, per Ib. IIKHF, POItK, LAMK, VEAI Ail very flneat quality. IteiJ & Wbite BAKING POWDER 12 oz. tin • • J Oc " ll. ('. GRANULATED SUGAR 10 IhH........................................ 65c COI I KE -- IM & White I Ib. Vacuum Tin.......;........................................... 36c*..................... luc ( Aunt Mary'a......................................I Ib. bag 29c James Bros. Famous British Columbia ^ e d s ^.... . NOW IN S T O C K IV\,KCSt OfJUA Ir t;|ILIJUni660W0 have an opportunity to ffet bet­ te r acquainted with their home team. Two other excellent games are being, featured, prior to the Intermediate A game which are as follows: West Van. Senior High. School Girls vs. West Van. Junior High School Girls, and.. West Van. Baptists (Intermediate B Boys) vs. Rob­ son Memorial. Support your local teams and help create youthful enthusiasm and good Bport.snmnship. and a ll b u i l d i n g m a t e r i a l s WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER £ 0 . LTD. ------FOR UliAL SATISFACTION ____ Phone West 116 ............. M ?7 Marine Drive V ' *■ 1 i I , ' ■; i r»UPII>} OF MILS. AND.MLSS WILSON / IN RECITAL take part in order to warrant the money expended by the de­ partment of education, as also- DISABLED VETERANS' ASSOCIATION C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rate for Claasifled AdvcrtlMmenta Is 2 cents ner woril ,nSni» 25 centa. Except In case of tlione having regular icwuntSf'au'dJsii fieda are payable strictly in adraaeaul; i C-1 a ic y m j m u k % i po" < Remember Claaaifleds in the West Van Newa get immediate results. , :tn v4\||,it An interesting recital was given by the pupils.of Mrs. Clara Hilda Wilson, A .i.c.M ,, hist Saturday afte r­ noon a t thejr studio, 2.'JG7 Mar- f®. Wilson (ilso de- IlghttsUhc mothers pf the pupils and friends! present with two piano soloH, jlhe latter an encore number, Atfternoon tea waa . served followings the recital. io (jrove that a permaiienTgym- g o S tio n * ^ 2*1) West'̂ ancou LION'S GATE NURSERIES--Choice evergreen, flowering and rockery shrubs (The garden aristocrats). For sale a t city prices. 1053 Clyde Avenue, corner 11th Street. -- -- - GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your next shoe repaira. 2468 Marine Driv " i,' RI'XTlEATipNAL CENTRES COMBINED DISPLAY , %' i • Recre- ? r 9 Inglewood High School are requested to be on hand for a rehearsal a t 4 p.m y Stieet DriH JTall, Trainsporfa- Jfon has been provided ihroufrh the courtesy of the council. Sup- voi will be served to all the participants before the iinaLdis- play, which starts a t 8 CHURCHES OF CHRIST, iSCIENTIST "MAITER" will be the sub­ ject of the Le.ssop - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. 'rhe Golden Text is : Woe unto him that saith to the wood, Awake; to the dumb stone, arise, it shall -teach! Behold; it is laid over with gold, and silver, and there is no brealh a t all in the m idst of it.'l (Habakkuk 2 : 19),- Among the ^>ltations which ̂ comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from, the Bible: "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I .say unto thee, Except a man be born a- gahi, he cannot see the kingdom - w- TV.*** **VK*V« w**\,.** meeting a t their headquarters in the ferry rooms, Ambleside Dock, a t 8 p.m. sharp next Tues­ day, March 26th. The general business of the meeting will be the election ofofficers. A full attendance of members is re­ quested. HAYWARD AND PIIEBBLE--Radio Servicing, Patronise West Vancou­ ver. Guaranteed work,, Phone West 589. , FOR SALE CH EA P-K iU Juii Kai«. Dmin* Room Suite (Walnut) Fortune (3up Inn. ' Sewing Machine, IgJj^cost $65 one year ago. West BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR -- FOR SALE -- KitchAn 1 Expert advice. Plans drawn. F irst condition. Phone West 426?:'Expert advice. Plans drawn. F irst class workmanship. Phone West 481R1. W. C. T. U. The West Vancouver W. C. T. U: held the ir regular monthly meeting in the Vestry of the West V^ancouver United Church on Thursday, ' March 14th.' The president, Mrs. Hibberd, ^ c u p ie d the chair. Sick Visit­ ing and *'Y" reports were sub­ mitted. A fter the report of "teaV dommittfee it was decided to celebrate the seventh anni­ versary of the organization with a birthday tea in April. Mrs. D. Chapman gav e ' the sixth of the series of lessons on LOST -- $5 Bill between 16th and 14th,r Relief money. Phone W est" - ■487R.' ■ , , and - black, white marking on chest. Phone West 42R2. f o u n d -- Young Dog, collie strain, brown; on 22nd. Owner pay adver- tisement. Phone West 390Y. ^ 9*1 Hens,.-Rhode_ Island Reds. Tearce. 2.59 I9th St. LTHE DUNDARAVE "ORIGINAL" WOOL & KNITTING SHOPPE, 2446 Marine -- Best of Wools, Knitting Books, D.M.C., Pullskein, ,etc. Free instructions. Prop/ M. Busst. YO^UNG m a n w a n t s GENERAL , g a r d e n WORK, including lawns, rock work, etc. Good references. Inquire 2444 Marine, Handy Ann bnoppe. ^ ■afffiiik. FOR SALE OR RENT -- Cottage, modern, good location, close to _ ferry. Phone W est 64R. ■ BRADLEY & TURNER -- P a l i | Kalsominihg. and Papeniang: Phone. West 380X1. itlg. of God," (John 3 : 3). • li: .a Moml)<M*< ^ The Ivessoh .. Sem on also in- ®*xf;h of the series of lessons on te a t t i t A L fc - 'i " " "T® to eludes the following m ssaee Scientific Temperance. A t the •the S pfm. f m ^ tV o m \w ^ ^ ' *,̂ ® <^hri.stian Scfence tex^! S'®®® t^® meeting dainty re- able to Key to the Scriptures" b y M a r y l^ ^ e s se s .^ BakCTEddy: "Jesus taught but ope (jod, one. Spirit, wĥ d̂ ̂ i a n d li keness of Spirit^ not of m a tte r .' LLOYD'S WOOL & KNITTING SHOP, 2474 Marine -- Complete line spring wools,' Free knitting seko^. Violet and Kathleen Clem­ ent, Proprietors. FOR SALElr--Quarter. Acre, improved ■ i^^lMing; rock garden;' 5>4ft . between 23rd and Craddock & Co., 509 Richards' • St., Vancouver. Second. I^epairs. City Prices 1456 Marine. West 472Y; asked to make a point of being in time for the display a t 8 p.m AS It i.s imperative that a large number from Wc.st Vancouver -- , "M ^T'HiBbera Mrs. Merrick. and G ^ . HAY, Notary Public -- Real ^-IJstete^sirid^TnruTra^^^ 21 or Seymour 1260. d r e s s m a k in g & ALTERATIONS Mrs. Robbins. W est 619R. ^ - I. 0 . D. E. ■ a ^N A D IA N PIONEERS h a d f a it h in J THE PRO O U ers OF SIXTY YEARS OF CANADIAN SERVICE MOULDS A REPUTATION AND CREATES A CHARACTER Modern women, when buying Washing and Ironing-Jquipme»L --Vacuum- Cleaners or Floor Polishers, merely ssk t . *iS IT A BEATTY?" T h e y W a n t to K f t ^ ^ 'fs It a BE A t t y ? " Direct Factory Branch , -aPd - t o . K. .B. Forster (law ny Owl), were alw ays'up to strength. The-Child Welfare and Ex- bem ce Men's report was read by Mrs Hayes under, three head-i mgs: (1) material help given to young people; (2)_ relief help soldiers, and <3) relief help, given generally.In _xVr. -r The annual meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, 1. 0 . D. E., was held Thursday evening, March 7th, in the drawing room HEADQUARTERS for All Pnnnia,. MACHINE CO. s A i l S M S ; era. Ambleaide Tea Booms.- 1439 M antm iY?"' " "I one H-iNDY.jlNN- SHOPPE, Dnndarave ^room co ttage ' near -7-Notions; S ta tio n e r^ Tnv<i'. ferry. Phone West 340 or West 143 of Beach House, where seventy- THE WELFARE A<3QnrrA'Pr/^%T five members and mio.sts hjmrrifive members and guests heard th e splendid reports of the vari­ ous se'cretaries.and conveners of committees. In the Memorial Arch report Mrs. Jackson, convener, told of the care taken of the grounds' dunng the yeair. ̂ Mrs. Mc'Tavish reported that regular visits had been made to giaughnessy"'Hospital by th e Hospital committee, when candv were taken ; t h ^ Hollyburn Versatile Players pro- T them. \ Mrs. Hii*st, Echoes Secretary, Chapter being ®P̂ ®<̂ *'̂ bers to Echoes, rtu Guide convener,"Mrs. Lhapman, reported great pro*- gress being made under the cap- taincy of Mrs. Russell, assisted by Miss E. Dickenson. The ̂ under the leadership _o_f_Mrs._ J . - Mclii tyre -(Brow n Notions; Stationery; Toys; Gar- Rakes; Shovels; Porks; Seeds; Hardware, etc. .dothTn^.' Phdh'e West. 87 and truck will collect. PUBLIC s t e n o g r a p h e r -- Mar-__garet Hobson. W est 427L. " s?/5 r ? ? f r : ̂ ®®' Radio 1473 MarinJ;* West 108. LAWN MOWERS s h a r p e n e d -- " '^akes. West Vaheou- _ ver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. PRINTING -- , For all kinds of printmg phone West Van News. W est gfi.8. CRAIG & ROLPiat -- Radio Service; 1" years' experience. Phone vvest o4oIi. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLE Phone. Wesf~9 Fertilizers of All Kinds W ood,-Co^- . Builders' Supplies m a r c e l s h o p -- New ThermiQue a^aam pem arient; Marcel, 50c; Ee-. 1 Finger Wave, 50c. Above Royal Bank., Phone West 304, SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best mat* workmanship at Fox's, 14th a t Ferry. C. J. a r c h e r LTDi -- List Propa- ties w th us jiow. We have direct = D ^ -^ ^ ^ -a n d active connections. ^P hone West 225 or Seymour 5954. WEST BAY LIBRARY -- 50 cents a Month. New books every month. L ett Us t e s t .y o u r t u b e s a n d YOUR RADIO The purchase price "of an un- '""® Wto r necessary repairs. ^ P l w n e call will brine 'a ' RADIO SERVICE 1473 Marine Dr. W est 108 _FURNISH^.AND-UNFURNISHBI Houses toT ten t. Houses,.lots,,m 4 f|Ef®as® for sale^ John Lawson, iP^th and Marine. Phone W est 65̂ R^NT TO RELIABLE TENANT Modem bunjgalow, centrally locat- R ' burner,--good--gardeiii-r> wU'iuer, gooa garucu. News^^^* West Van< N^^uus -work o f the chapter "*Betw 1 other day. Mrs. Gourlay reported that a p o li^ ^ study grouD had hw»n Poncy, Kastus." loca lly ., sah?®Ah : Ko, (Continued N ext Week) hom e^^it i / ' GORDON KOBSQN ®»niBter -- Solicitor * WEST "VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447, Marine J)rive Phone West 403. 10 to 12. V.^COUVER OFPK3B-- Hnite 601; 510 Hastmgs St. W. Phone;, Seymour 4199. 2 to 6.