West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Mar 1935, p. 4

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!' ** I , * ft f ; ̂( r ;;i'i ' ^ f . r ' "I ■#. i't 1ft' - i ".3ft ' tj< f ,:,'lir?Hi " <1/' } i"e '.T: j, *'f)' 'i '̂ ;?1" ftMii 4i ̂' 'W' ^ ..tiKfi/Vft j ̂4t̂ IK t!-3 * 4̂l̂ n U A ^ lB PRESENT SHOW ■Sm Price* Good Friday uid:.Saturday Kcd A W Ut* GOLDKN COHN * ....*................. OI/ALITY CORW» w fcltc ...x :.:tiii 4 i $m n§Bm̂ w m c n BEARS' * ' •]» ax. tin ^ ll«^ & W W taJ»ti/M s;2 tint.................... ..J fog. mm 49 Jb. KMk ................... ............. IIJJ9. SUGAR--«. C. Grnnul«t«d 10 Ibn. 58c **T S WMATO JfiJICBI•11 tin, iO>/i.ox............... ..... 5̂ Ned & Wh/te TOMATO CATSUR 12 ox. bottle................. ...... iiĵ Phone West 370 CHEF FICKU58, Urge b i« i Sweet or wur. Mn ̂byy V, aavMf t *rMm4»W P ¥ ' 1/ Croem; A ttUckwell >....'...... 2Se Ked A While SFAGIIE'm, 2 ilnd J9c SALMON, PnneyHockeye, */, |b. tin ̂ i«., k. jiiAh., v .« r i t i « k K r ' ■■■•' '** HKHHINBS, in T «m .t« " n <-'»*'CKEN HAbmÊ ^̂ ' ............■;................. . I9c , TIss'H e t t j^ rn Versatile Play.^ auspices of the -- -- -------------- c m u r 7 w .w : E rk Er «l#k we|« seen fn two very inl^r- M ar€H e O tn « o t n estfog; offerfngs last Wednesday ......'.."" ........' " .....' ond itiursdsy* evenings in the * Edwer Oilllif® Hall, playing to >«. e:iboth'. oc«asioif8.47^ comeify in one iujt ,*^ys^ a Worm will ' Turn," ap^ ? tl̂ <» second, *'Her Sacrifice," a dnima in three acts, were boti^ wi^ by Mra. Flor­ ence Bownmpj who is to be sin­ cerely conipratulate<l on her clev** er work. Tbe'^drania was partic- ,ularly good̂ ̂ as to plot and dialc^uey ahdrjis worthy of being plAyed oh thel^ofessional stage. The various members of the _ jEFFe?IES' COLD HEATS OF A l ^ l b l f i ^ ^ ^ .P I D ^ I B M E N 1 Store at PHONE W B8T E ]9e 20C tOc ON7 AlHO CUEE8B, eery tMMtyi MONTEREY ciifBii» BACON, y, Ib. pkg.. .............: , bwipj-h La k h ...... ..........i ibi. ^ YOUNG mifUNG FOWL I'rinli kiilMt .............. |>er Jb 2Qc LEG OK LAMB, Superior Quality por ll>. ............... ogf, SHOU'LIIEKS OF LAMJfl (white) ̂IWT lb.................................... 16c COoVlLLOTĤ ^̂ ^̂ 35* T*« v^ ous members of the IIADUIK FILLETS (Scotch Cure) both plays acted very well t f n Z J n u ..................................... ... Saving evidence of having put a ̂I4p̂ h deal , of bard work and All Mr.(» of Ih. Very' Flne.̂ 'Qo'Jiity h"iW- . .,. ____________ ' or tnem Jiad w niemoriise quite IM A WhiG. iiAarvn i>̂ urtA»J anipynf.of dialogue, but, gen- iz t . tlr, POWBER I erally speaking, all took their BKanh NUIIIII wMil....... o i.'" :. parts .naturally, and there was if. ,iVfi.i,„ ,1. -2 h><»- î c no.nervousne&8 and little, if any, 1% >*k <11 A-i#% Aef jeMira.. and a ll WEST VANCOUVEK P M I^ ITD. -T ---F p R lU iA L .SA T ISFA C T lbN _____ ! Pione West 115 ' ' - ' ;f4!l7iM»rtae Driver\V' VANCOUVER CITV SKI CHAM PIOSSHip$ * iVkIte CLBrNSER. 5 K \t S S r J. U. Holt as stage manager, ThiH tournament, the biggest on the program this season, had to be cancelled last week end on account of snow conditions, but w ill take place next* Sunday, 1 he citizens of West Vanedu- THE HUKNING BUSH By Subadar did good work, while the pretty scenery, executed by J. E. Dur­ bin, electrical effects by the B.C. Electric Company and the flow­ ers by courtesy of West Van. F lo n ^ t^ .^ ^ e ria lly assisted inrhsai ____ n C LA SSIFIED A B S,1 . . i ' "7̂ The rate for Clkasifled AdTertisemente ia 2 ' cohta per word 25 cents. Except in the case of tluMO having r ig u ltr a ^ u n t e '«n T T fieda afe payable atrJetly in advance. . . ' ) • * *" *'*®"*' Remember Clasalfi^s In the W est V w NeHra -get .immediate results. ver will be well repaid by a trip • 1 iiave again awakened after thr'woridTMl*tthhnJ^^^^ ̂ ' ' ""S^Jsinaterially assisted inttic woiid just about, as big-a, the success of the evening, the bear garden as it was when I P^ack Diamond Trio filling ih the sank to slumber to get away .intervals very acceptably with from all the quarreling. The lat- instrum ental music.l-yst* f I i-k tk'VV ,* 4 ms. ts I.. _ ...1 . tYr . yru ry •« YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN Wahls g n n i i n v ^ A tn d /v a . . . housework of any kind. Child's -1.101 fhe best mat-. . eriai and workmanship at Pox's14th<at Fer^y. • - l/riw UX Miiy tklliu. V./IIUU B; nurse. Apply Box 3, West Van News. FOR SALE -- Furniture. Apply 161* 31st Street, • iir» tbi'u 1 A*......10 De as bad as -_r 18 week end to sec the lead- Most of the nniso in/>niiv *>»'pea^^ Mrs. W. B.,Small'on behalf of FOR RENT Warm', comfortably furnished camp near ferry. Phone W est 360X. ^ . I * t Proper, ties viath us now. We have direct ^OUirles -and 'active connectiJm Phpne West 226 . or Seymour 5954,' hig skiers of the Pacific North- West in action. There will, be racing and jumping in all class­ es, the snow conditiofis are ideal and the trail in the very best of condition. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST to be centred round Gerry Mc- Geer, but then there always was a noi.se in hi.s neighborhood. Like many of us he has missed hi.s vocation--the hoorah man in front of one of the sid^ shows at a cirous. rAll my friends and everybody else's friends are still in flcbt, but except w hen en- -..V. pxc&uijueu ivirs. cow­ man With a beautiful, bouquet of "OWers, the chapter also serving the players a fte r the fall of the curtain. ....------------------------------------------------- -WEOT B A Y , LIBRARY - : 5(1 cents . SHORTHAND TEACHER-- 15 y c a ii' ' N ew books every month, experience, Pitman or Greig. iSm®- ■ • . ; ■ -- - r----- --- --- - writing. Commercial course. 1186 ' FURNISHED ANDftUNFirRTtfTcrjpn Ducheffs, Houmpa. fA. Pan* r a n g e r s * f o o t b a l l c l u b LOST -- Between Gemmill'a Drug, ft* Store and Hollybuyn* Theatre, worn-„ The Rangers moved up an­ other step in the Con Jones ow«-e «uu xioiiyDurnvAneatre, wom­ an's silver gray cloth suit with fox' fur trimming. Reward. Phone West 52, - . ■ • ^ ^ ---- 'ViyruuisiSHED Houses to Rent. ^Houses, lots, and 17th and Merino. TJiene West 65 subject of the Ixjsson - Sermon in all of Christ, Scientist, on The Goklon Text is; "th e steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord; and ho deiighteth' in his way." fPsalm.s ;i7r -in his way." (Psalms 37: 23). Among the. citations which comprise.the Lesson - Sermon is from U he'B ible: bo God creeled rnan in_His o^yn lim p j iiTtTie image d? God cre- 41. uuut, uui except, When en- .step in the Con Jones gaged in damning the banks and Shield when they defeated the all governments, are quite cheer- Renfrew Thistles 5 to 3 The ful about It. They inform nie Fame ended ~at full time 2 all p a t the frost this winter ex- the overtime started, the' tended to all the assets, and no- Thistles scored on a nice playing Paymg up, so w hy should attack. Things looked oreSv ^hQy / Ptu-sonally, I know noth- bad for th e . focal^but led bv ,n . . r ..u * ..f t . . Chapman they ^te&dd out bhes who sterted a efaedfing r a l l ^ the: H A Y W i^ D and PRBBBLE -- Radio Servicing. Patronize W est Varicoa- ver. Guaranteed work. Phone W est 470R. .. ■ . • *■ ' • 4 X Know notn- ing of being in .debt, because no one would ever give me credit. DUNDARAVE "ORIGINAL" WOOL & KNITTING SHOPPE, 2446 Mar­ ine --.^.D.M.C., Pullskein, 'Modess, , Kotex, etc. Prop. Maisie. Btisst^- One notes it - is proposed to tax all hands to educate the ated He himi; male and female created He them." (Genesis 1: ^ o * : , The U\sson - Sermon also in­ cludes the following passage from the Chriatiaii Scumce text­ book, Science and Health ivith Key to the Scriptures" by Mary : "Mnh reflects in­ finite Tnith, Life, and Love. The n a tm j af man, thus understood, ^ ild ren . When I fell asleep, al- fP ^ ^ tto ru n in two goals in .fast most no boy or girl, even a U.B. M«sterman,^Chapman and G. graduate, could get .a jo b fo r were the stars of the lqye--or-::nipn^,'nf«Rr'WlTy^^ --^Ame;- ' ^ pense, conditions being the BURNABY -- 5 n ic e ' rooms, jnear school and car (city fare),, good garden, fru it trees. Exchange for sm all place in W est Vancouver, not t ^ far <6ut.... Apply Box 20,-W est Van N e w s . ' . GORDON, HOBSON B a rr is terS o l ic i tor WEST VANgOUVER-- Office ^ .p i4 4 7 . Marin6 Driver- Phone West 403. 10 to 12. VANCOUVER. OPFICE--guite 601: Sld'Hastmgs St. W. Phone, Seymour 419^ 2 to 5. " same .ft And the cleverest ; and most successful man of mv acquaintance, extending over CAPETERLA SUPPER ̂ - - -- Mtui ui vMUUIl. inchidc.vall thnt is implied bv the terms fimage' and ^likeness' as used m %riptui^4.»» - UNEMPLOYED ASSN. 1 '̂̂ uraday the Association held Its monthly whist drive and dance Which was thorough 1 v eii^ 1 If till12.30, Mrs. Bibbs - won first *u;Huuiui,ance, extending over ̂ a npmber of peonle at I v i f V can . h a r d l y , tended the C afeterif SuppeV write his name. on; Tuesday evehing by f t ----------- : ' |^lPhen*s W. A. in the p ^ is h The crooners are still crooning' „ ' ladies had> prepared ,nnd they are still blue. Love is ? fine supper.of .oysters ndt going very well with the ®̂ {nu>n and shrimp" salads,-pan- t e f f i S f fiy them. S f ̂ «tc., and fulL justice The first th ing I heard on wak- *. fiune hy those wnoiat- ing was one of these yowlers oh the tables had the radio. ..„Tlie tom cats in the • cleared away, a social time moonlight usually do better, as Z l t '^ith cards and c ^ ! they put more variety into their *ucluding. ̂ the popular nie sick contest, fo llo^ng ̂ the Cl oeners,-not the cats;;-----------^ne--remaindei^--6f the ■ ♦ • • ^'^^"^ng Was spent in dancing. FOR SALE $3.50 new., brown ski- ... ".jacket or windbreaker, size 36: cost -- $6J)0^ihisfit.^.West--422R,-r-r--~:rr--------------------- . . . i-ir» A '• .1 ' t e n d e r s addressed to CRAIG & ROLPH'--t Radio Service: j"®,?ndersigned,,and.-endorsed "Ten- experience. Phone South Jetty Repairs and FourW e s , ^ TAf*OlViaW > . r ' w . • J.C 'W est 645L. /■■i' ft . -- •Wi l l . DC.. 12̂ o 'dlock .noon, Friday, New Ti i ermi que-- "repai r^ to the Marcel, 50c; Re- ■ (B) Wo<̂ - MARCEL SHOP -- *«t,nuiqm steam-permanent;-M arcel, 50c; Re- aik- - T"f-^-r-;r- -- * v,. set, 35c; Piiiger Wave, 60c. Above ®rtce, (B) Wood- Royal Bank. -Phpne W est 304. Extension, (C) --------- ' Noft '2ftAddition and (D) StevesBRADLEY & TURNER --l-Pnlni* Dam 'No,.-3 Ad^tion, a t Steves- ~ a n d speci- be-seen-and-form s ofL L (^ D 'S WOOL & KNITTING ĉani. b e-seen ^and -forms of SHOP,' 2474' Marine ~ Complete Department, line ■ spring- wool^ Free, knitting ' Engineer, s c h o ^ Violet and Kathleen' Clem? R N ew Westminster, ent. Proprietors., • . ' Exchange I, rah into a ,constable of m v -------' Acquaintance in the downtown n.'v • Rumfield, who was s'eri- thS! He-told me. S e n t ' i s "̂ f,fth a t ^ t w ^ n Cterry McGeer and ih fi?^ m® PJ^f^essing favorably bandits; things were hot w hat Vancouver Generalpm e, and Mrs; c S e X com i r n d M ; ^ ^ ^ ^nthe N^ ^ i" w h f .r i™ «t *hey w re ,, & in g V b a n 'd i t V iSt o r ^ f " ' • 'y "« t »« t o d h is stores ss f& r is t.s ts ,* '" A jicicgation wejit to the them can find out who I am " « "0ninK t o ^glitor knows., but he says to t te r . ^be- I'eevq and eouncil ^IM'csontations for a M increase in all relief nav- mente and giving figures of the V. Y. w . a t u . to4 W hw 4hl teM:* VERNON >FEED STORE A. a SBARLH Phpiie W w t • Fertili2em_ pf :A I|. COiidsJ, Woodj CpbV, Builders! Suppites H ^ D Q U A R T E R S for :AII Popular < ' C ii^rettes and Tobaccos; be considered un- ^ocal wat- bv on printed forms supplied ers, Ambleside l e a Rooms. UepM^ment and in at-fm-dance WAMTWI^ A-----r* "' ̂ ------- - ' rT se t forth',therein. ^uSurni^Faii forawhed and one ,® .ach lender-m ust be accompanietK unxumished 4-room cottage' near by a c e r f i f i o j - .j ferry.-Phone W est 340 oV wpm GIVE WEBB'S a trlfd fo r youf next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. ban If ,on a chartered nf ^ n a d d , payable to the order Piiwiî YYT Ibe Minister of tha to 10 per c§nt of ____________ B n n / f « r ^ J ? c Osft̂ -arer THE:W PLFAi?w Aaatsrrv of P^bunioiT o f Canada or ' .National Railway J e s t . 37 « ,d 1473^ M a S ;^ b o n ^ -a n d " a-- certified- 1473 Marine.. to make up an odd AWN MDWi^no __________ _ - -m o w e r s s h a r p e n e d -- afi. m Akes. . W est Vancou- ver Machine Shop. 1449 Marine; WESrVAl̂ V Sheet Metei Work* PhonA Weŝ ̂ 39 > ~ Fnmace an^ , B a i ^ Repair^ Sawdust Bniraeni . k 2" Mar-garet Hobson. W est 427L. - s nlv d®l?®rtwient will sup- tho specifications of S a sum of $20.00 n a v f l M a ® ceriified bank cheque of^nlkK^YT^ Minister relMcSi The dep6sit will be r e in e d on r e t ^ o f the blue printsBOYS AND GTRYq WAiuTnvn ̂ ' and^c^ of.the blue prints withte a month to Capil^o I f o f t e n d e r s . WATxm^ a-ktst _________ f t . : ■" . . -"ft-r.Yifti-iftft,. the SHOPPEk Dundarave loonier,. . N : DESJARDINS, Secretary. 'j. ' - ' f f t . f t ■' ft'ft •e Shovels; Forks: Seedc- ■, '* ' . . . . St H ^w ar^ etc. : , • : * of Puhlitr Works, . , I March-1, 1935. ^ /