West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Mar 1935, p. 1

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i t re vs bat* awk 5.00. lar* CircUlaHpgw the>̂ ̂ West Vancouver^Ambkside, HolfybuimyW^ Î̂ 'i $ i . o o ^ y ^ - CduifeiJd, Whytecliff, Etc. ' Be per copy a t newastanda. Vol IX HOliLyBtJilN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER. B.C, THURSDAY. MARCH 7th;.iV35 No. 45 BLINP ALLEVS \^'^laleve^ the:<>utcanae,aiid however 'ttiany- pf us may reirrel the initial attitude taken by the m aybr of V ^couver tow iids the bondhbldera, the fact remaina th a t Mr. McGeer hprt broutrht to a bead a question that.sdoner or l a t ^ m ust have been faced: Meanwhile the many le tters of protest in the- dailv from bondholders, '.obviOUsly men of average* means should correct the popular im |pression'that, taking it bv anil large, municipal bonds are chiefly owned by the wealthy. Which, of course, means tha t any subiatantial reduc­ tion in the bond iiiterest m ust result in many'bondholders sun'oriiiK privation';-and quite a number,' m ostly elderly people, nossibly starving, in order th a t the home/owner may be pro; lected.' And thereds .no Question'at ail th a t he m ust be pro­ tected. This is one of the blind alleys, th a t has made govern­ ments assume th a t .standpat attitude,"which has so annoyed and puzzled the man-in-the-street these days; ^ Again, insurance companies own large blocks o f municipal bonds, are paying'annuities and have baSed -their:premiums, relying on the.ihterest agreed upon beiiig.paid'during the, life of the bond. Any plan m ust realize what. may happen if the DANCE AND CARDS TOMORROW NIGHT LOCAL l i b e r a l MEETING COMING EVENl'S . Everything is ready for big dance, being sponsored the . - by the West Vancouver .School Band tomorrow night. The hall is .'being nicely , decorated' and . Barney RottS, well knOwn br- , chestra leader, can be .depended., on for the best in'dance rhythm. For.those who do not dance a ' room is being arranged for cards and already several tables have' been reserved. Any othei:s wish­ ing a table are asked to get in , touch with Mrs. Jupp, West 192L or . make up a party tomorrow night. Refreshments will be Eferved by the parents of the boys.. The entire proceeds will be uted in ; buying new music All Liberals and friends are reminded of the m teting qf,..ihe West Vancouver Liberal Associ­ ation at... 7:3Q.. p^m» tonight (Thursday) in Dundarave Hall. Kindly note the time--7:30, hot 8 p.m. Friday, March 28nd -- Dundai*^ ave Junior Dramatic Society in (ho Moose Temple. LEGION NOTES RATEPAYERS* ASSOCIATION fntei^sron such bonds is substantially cut; including the pos- . . .. and aiding the - work • of the sible danger of a general; financial collapse, ' Another phase .of * , School JBand. the .same blind alley.* ̂ ' - It is Ifardly necessary tb elaborate on the .effect of such cutting on Caiiada's future bond offerings,,-refunding'and. . otherwise, in the money markets. London's reaction to-Mr. McGeer's first announcement is a sufficient indication. Our elevators are, full -of wheat, '.the packing houses- of , meats, and the warehouses.of groceries;.'Yet many areiin- sull iciently fed. The goyenimeht coiild , commandeer all these^ , foodstuffs without paymtent .to feed, th e hungry:orrp.ay fo r" , what they take and so innate the currency. In the first case , the whole financial structure would crash owing to the ,-fac t. that the banks carry ' very* heavy, loans on these fobdstuffs. Don't forget the meeting to­ night . (Thursday)' of the West Vancouver Ratepayers' Associ­ ation a t 9 p.m., not 8 p.m., as foriherly, in - Dundarave. Hall.' ■Members and a ll interested are requested to be- present, as . a nuinber of important -mlatters will come-before the meeting. - The last Military Whist Drive and Dance was well attended; The prizes were won by Mr., and Mrs. T. Standing and Mr. and Mrs. W. Follett. The travelling prize was also won, by. Mr. Pol- lett. The canary and cage went to George Gray, X876 Clyde Ave­ nue, with ticket 218. Tomorrow (Friday) evening, a t 8 p,m. in the Legion Hall the fourth game of the, series Will take place with the usual orchestra, dance.,and refreshments. See advertise­ ment in th is issue. - , LEGION W. A. MASQUERADE ARBOR DAY FOR WEST VANCOUVER i*- In the second hypothesis ^ currency inflated to such p r^ o r - tions would ruin our whole, export trade in, wheaf,- etc. That is another blind alley. - And there are other's. As a people we Canadians have yet failed to grasp that, -; truth which our pioneering forefathers knew to be fundanieh- , . tal, namely that everything hae to be .patd,for---some tirrie, in some way, "by somebody. In ou t country's _eariy .days the people of the scattered little districts.and towns,-which then - were Canada, them selves, b u ilt 'b r paid*̂ ̂fo r ih cash o r Tcind ' whatever they needed, or did without i t until they could do ' , so. Nowadays we all in our personal lives want, to live like wealthy men. Loaded down jVith debts . we; are, oû ̂ idea is still to run to the'gpveram eht for a' subsidy o r for what­ ever we may desire,: Torgetful th a t it is we individually a,nd -~collectiv€ly---whOrJivill-havP-:te^--o-'v en tea h y -^ y --th eJ ta x eS r-lev ied ~ -.i therefor. L. O .L . ANNUAL ST. PATRICK'S DANCE The St., Patrick's Day Mi^a- querade given annually by the Legiofi W. A., West Vancouver, will take place in the Legion Hall on S aturday,. evening^ Mateh 16th. The ladies of the W.; A. are going. to a great deal of What will prove to be one of -the outstanding dances of the season w ill be hpld on Friday, March 15th, in tl(e Orange Hall, UndPr.the auspices^M th e Orange .Lodge. The committee have en­ gaged one of Vancouver'̂ most popular orchestras for this oc­ casion, namely, the Cariboo Cowboys arid a really enj oyable^ time is assured all who attend. The- hall will Jbe decorated for : w th ""shamrbckst" going^. . _ trouble to make this Masquerade the biggest arid best they- have ever given, and' arrangerrients are well in hand for the-event. Prizes will be given for the best dressed lady and the best dress­ ed gentleman, also fo r the.ip^o^ijt, . original. and coniic costumes.^ There will be both old time arid modem dancing with the popu­ lar ' Black Diamond Orchestra supplying the mfusio. LIONS' GATE NURSERIES The golden eggs have, all disappeared frpni the nest, and we have already mortgaged all th a t the goose Will lay for a number of years.. Any system of government from capitalism 4-A the-other-wilLjwork. , -The Lions' Gate Nurseries satisfactorily, prov'idirig i t is-administered by honest and cap­ able men. But no govemmerit,' however honest and capable, can escape the paym ent'of these debts. We have got "to tighten our belts,, give up our extravagant desires and ideas of living while ceasing to demand further extravagances from 'ou r governments, and face a decade a t least of strict economy, both in ou r personal and government lives. That may involve and probably will, many of us for­ saking the cities-and pioneering FOR A LIVING on the land. The future may look grim, yet our forefathers faced worse situations and won; And,, if*we are w orthy'of the,blood tha t -is in-usr we shall win, too, incidentally gainihi^lnAhe process that contentirient which a t present is.so abseiit frorii our lives. the occasion etc.- Listen , for announcement , , , , , i* • over CJOE -every Tuesday, have on hand a large nuinber of Thursday and Saturday a t 5:15 choice evergreen and flowering to 5:45 p.m. This is, the first ap- shrubs a t 1053 Glyde Avenue, pearance'"of this Gowboiy-orches-* (corner o f~ lith -S tre e t) . They-- tra in West Vancouver,-and the. , are offering them for sale a t city ~ committee feels th a t those at-; prices, and request the patron- tending will- appreciate the age.of W est Vanceuver garden *. music to be supplied on th a t oc- lovers who are thinking of buy- .. casion; .-Watch paper fo r further, ing 'sh rubs. An advertisement announcement^ and 'advertise- relative to this appears in this rnent next week. " . A- • issuer i ' a West Vuncriuver will have an arbor day next month, when two hundred shade tre<)a from the Green Timbers Nur- .sei'y donated by the provincial forestry branch will bo plant­ ed by, the 2mi West Vancou­ ver Troop, Boy Scouts, under the supervistion of the nursdry .superintoiident. The neces- .sary permission has been ob­ tained from the reeve and council, who will attend the ceremony, and it is hoped that the schools band will be in at-^ tendance. This arbor day has been planned by the committeq^,of the 2nd Troop in an ort(J^ybr to' raise badly needed^ffurids, for the troop, to bring tq fb A ' attentiiin^^of the public thid'. Boy'HcoutiVIovement, to com*", momorate Lord Baden-Pow- ell's visit, anxi to beautify the park, now barren and unsight­ ly. , The method chosen.is to at- j ■tach to every tree, if possible, a tag bearing the name of every person or organization giving 25 bents to the fund, and in this connection the . committee is approaching the - various: local societies^ to can­ vass -their members to buy tags. A subscription list has also been opened in this paper, and subscriptions-will be received and acknowledged as in the case of the May Day and Santa=GlatrEFfirrrdsF V. % X ' ' a '4 1 ■ ( 1 f ' '■ j-M V' i The Boy Scouts have prob­ ably done more to inculcate in our children the fundamientals of good citizenship-than any "other single organization, and~ we ask the support of our k: * V- residents for this very tvorthy object. u : .'4 WORLD DAY OP PRAYER^ BUILDING PERMITS UP $1^345 The municipal hall last month ' FARQUHARSON'S SHOE 4 STORE TO OPEN . >. . : BRANCH HERE * issued eight permits for $8,220, . Farquharson's Shoe Store of being an increase of $1,345'oyer , .North Vancouver, are opening a for February, 1934,,of , branch on-15th March a t 1462 | 6,875. This was made, up' as , JMarine Drive. Mr-. Farquharson follows: four dA/̂ êllings, $7,670; . has been a long time in the busi- $50; one alteration, ■ nessri having conducted a 'la rg e ?o0; and two additions, $450. ; and successful shoe business on •LonsSale Avenue .for-over nine^ GLENEAGLES GOLF COURSE .-> teen years. He will em ry in the In spite. of the somewhat "in- :new branch here full lines of the clement weather; a f ^ numbef ■ : l a t ^ i boots and shoes fo r men, players made use o f tb e local, - womln .and. children, also cor- golf course on. Siiiiday,'afew.be- ".rective .footw ear/and .rubbers. _mg_outduring-the wee£ also. ' ' '. B vei^thing will be a t city prices. Further work on the second' Watch this paper fo r fu rther an- fairway has noticeably, improved -nouncements; fbis portion of-the course; the ' ̂ ^ ----- I The .World Day of Prayer, which is sponsored by the Inter­ board Conimittee of Woman's Missionary Societies o f?bhn^a, wiU be held tomorrow, March Stir, when a service will take place a t 3 p.m. in St. Stephen's Churbh. HOLLYBURN HALL HORSESHOE BAY the w^atefffont of which is to be sold *̂ough on the right-having b ^ n MOJjJ^Y EDWARDS' ' , , well cleaned up, , A ll' visitors "k ' ; ■ DANCE SCHOOL commented favbrablj?' oh"--the , --------- Changed appearance of th e Children and adult beginners' I t is understood th a t the wat- - public through the press in order erfrO ntat Horseshoe Bay is like-, th a t possibly some expression,of ly.to be broken up-and;.sold im -. ^opinion m ight be obtained on the mediately, but Captain C. J. m atter. ,Williain Rae will be the speak­ er a t the young people's service, illustrated with .lantern views, a t 7:30 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) evening in Hollyburn Hall, tak­ ing as -his ^subject *^The Good Shepherd." Sunday School and ' young men's. Bible class as usual a t 10 a.m. next Sunday. There will be a Gospel service a t 7 :30 . p.mi.' next Sunday, when the speaker will be Eric Hunt. Tues- , day a t 8 p.m. prayer and Bible study. ' ' ;• HI Archer has managed to have the sale held over fo r a sho rt time^' thinking, th a t possibly' West Vancouver residents m ight' be' interested in the formulation ofo n /th e cpsy^-atmo- classes in ballroom, acrobatic, spnere of the cluhhoute. . . ' tap, ballet, etc., are now being some means of purchasing it for , . / / ; ; / formed a t the Molly Edwards' a-publie park.^ He la id /tte facts b e a sailor's danM ter/Z.Danee ^hop l, corner 14th and , " sne knows th a t buoye-wili he' fWhime. For full information buoys. ' , . ' phone W est 436R1. • last night before the YSteve and counciL und i t wajs.-suggested th a t they be placed before the fo r all time. Under the circumstances it look-S as if the opportunity might never; occur again, and, as the waterfront has always been one o f . -West Vancouver's play-; grounds, it. would seem a pity that somcTsteps - could - not-be ~ taken to preserve it as a park , ' Doctor (inquiring afte r boy w ho : swallowed a half do llar): "How, is the boy today ?" Anxious Mother: "No change ye t/' ■ ,H;' I ■ n \ ■ Persbnal: "A young woman, to whom black is particularly be- ebming^ would like to m eet a gentleman in poor health ; ob- j e ............................... m recL yddowJiood.,'9 f 1 i ̂ f . it - "t- V f fi, . i ̂ A L I. 'I.""' ̂ » .r' / "i. ■ ̂ ny ..-v ̂ C i ' - 'T ■w