West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Jun 1935, p. 4

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wltm rnmiiimimm «*!»» ft ------------ ; ""-------" r--- ! •P VTfl"'® „ ipf ̂ -" ' i l P w i i IM# iii l i i i i iiii •Wti 4 fSSi IH B WEST VAN NEWS Llfoiw sn, 1935, Phone W eit 4«9 . , Phone W(Mt 46 ALLEN -- DAVIDSON Gm m imm, i^ ro s and bas- Jceta of peoiiiea «nd dcdphiniuniH formed the aettinK for the mar- '■■riiige"C«rem«ny of'BlibM Patricia" Bunbar Ward PavitJson to Mr. Gordon Alien, which took plaw Wednesday evenin;^ at St. Steph­ en** Church. . The bride given in marriage by her bpothor wore a long graceful white satin gown with a yolk of lace, 'i'iie soft neckline was outlined with .sittin ro.settes. 7'he long full sh oves were close fitting in lace from the ellxiws Prices Good Friday Sc S atu rday« J u n e 28th Sc 29th lt«J a Whin? TKA, ............... Ib. 42e AUNT MAl«y*8 rO FPBE I Jb. hag ,...., . ............. .......2 f« i MONTKPKV CflKEHB. ea«b ...... 20e |{*Ni a WliU4« SOCKEVB HAI.MON '/i» ........................................ . tin liNc HKI.MB'r COItNEI) flEEF. 2 tfiu* 19« lO d A W blip CATHIJP, 12 ox. bot. I5e Nalwb New Park HTHAWBBlUiy JA.M, Pure ...................... 4 Ib. tin 69c (pJAKBK CORN F1.AKB8. lrmdl«t«d ruri(«iiiN Hunxhlne Vitamin 2 PjirkelN .......................... j/j- N A lton PORK A liBANB l.artre Nl/e ............................2 tlna 27c , HU!B A WlIiTK PKA8. Hfeve 4 Red A Wblle APRICOTS, inriji"" lln ..........................'................. 19- I'AI/I.rCKSH PINKAPPI.E COBBS. I!) «/. tin ............... ............ lo - I'Ki BAR, Small ulxe McCortiiIck'H Improved..... .Ili ,20c I.AOy 001)1 VA COMPLEXION ................... ......4 cokes I9c M eat! Phone W est 370 1)1 RNS' BAKED If AM, per Ib.... 46c PEPPER'S PORK SAUSAGE, Ib. 20c ' J e f f e r ie s * Government Inspected Only BEEF FORK VEALHAMS LAMB C O M ) M E A T S O F A L L KINDS -:■ DELICATESSEN 1 Store at Hollyburn, next Theatre l>HONE WEST 3 1)1 RNS' DEVON SAUSAGE, y-X"V..l A I i':. " 'and thî flarinK ui 'i r ■ fa' "kirt wag en train. The veil of ......... r." knots was worn in cap fashionDAIHV l/)A F , A Treat, per Ib. 28c DO.N EI.ESS CORNED BEEF, Ib. 16c WIIING BOILING FOWL, Ib.... 22c VEAL, LAMB, PORK, BEEF, iiiul Kmuked FImIi of all klnda. LUMBER ( lORTO, Fruit Pectin....8 ox. Jar 28c MiilteH oerfcN-t Jama and Jelliea. . |{(<l A Wbile MAR.MALADE I II). till ............................. 39c s o r r o A i jg Lust WednoHday a t Ambleside Park, In tonsdcfcated Stew art's Sheet Metal Works in a ten- WL'orc of 10-9. Willjngton & King did the hurl­ ing for 'IVitons.i There will be .an ; (Jm be and ...... team will be o u t lT a v e n g r th e three (lefeats handed them last year, HO a good game can be cx- ^pectea. Game is at 7 p.m. GamcH Next Week Monday, J u ly ]«t -- Trltdna vs. btew nrtd Sheet Metal Works at Mahon Park. Wednesday, July 3rd -- Tritons vs. Ketii's Grocery a t Amble- sit̂ Ie. U .(. SAITOTY LEAGUE RALLY and was held by tw'o .strands of orange blossonLs and a cluster behind each <>ar. The bride's bouquet was of Uapture roses and lily of the valley. The mat­ ron of honor*' Mrs. V. Smithson, wore a pale gncii gown with a wide brimmed white lace hat and carried a bouquet of pink cama*- tions and mauve sweet peas. Miss Lulu Ray and Miî s Hattie Young were the two bridesmaids. Miss Ray wore a pink gown with and a ll BUILDING MATERIALS W E S T V A N C O U V E R L U M B E R r O . L T D . * ' ' M. A - ■ -FOR REAL SATISFACTION -- Phone West 115 1497 Marine Drive n A rally is being held tomoi^- ro\v (Friday) at 7:30 p.m. in the' ]/iglcwoo(| Auditorium to regis­ ter hiki'i-s in the Safety Club, a large picture hat bf pink mo hair and carried a bouquet of CLASSIFIED ADS [iss Young wore a gown of pale yellow with a lurg of mohair eh tone, ___ ____ _ a bouquet o f yellow ca and-mauvesweet peas. -- A pale pink organdy dress with matcjhiing bonnet wa^ worn Fniries will also , be re c e L ^ the flower girl, little Miss foi' the Grouse Mountain Hikers' Mitchell. She carried aicoJ, . Maj'athon to be held on 6th July bouquet of mauve dnd pink Oil the Grouse Mountain High- sweet peas. pihk carnations and sweet peas. Miss Young WOi e n gown of pale J)qj,lY VARDEN shop, Dumlarave *ge picture hat --Corticelli Ho.se*, Lingerie, Dresses fie, and carried and Beach wear. City prices. , It ..... ..... . ---- fh e rate for Claasifled Adrertisementa la 2 cenla per word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of those having regular accounts, all classi- Beds are payable strictly in advance. Remember Classifieda in the West Van News get Immodiato results WANTED--- ̂Man to saw wood. Close ) in. Phone W est 147D2. L()ST --- Child's (ilaKses, with silver rims, in brown case. Phone W est 535L, ' DOGS BOARDED A N D TRIM M ED- Fees-reasonable; clean-kennels; 30 years experience. E. Cargill; phone North 398(L1. LOST ^ Wire-haired Terrier, black, ' brown and' white markings--"Rod­ dy"--Phone West 197X, GIVE THE W IFE A REAL CHANGE --Take her to Hunter's'Coffee Shop. , Luncheons, teas, dinners. West GIO. wa V ;Mr. and Mra.A.'arl Staiger arid .son Hobhio, of Lo.s Angeles, are llu* guoHts of Captain and Mrs. Wm. Ui'<|ijhart, 1453 Fulton Ave­ nue, for a few weeks. P S T V A N C O U V E R M U N IC IP A L F E R R IE S Doiniiiion Day Schedule H a lf H o u r ly S e rv ic e T h r o u g h o u t th e D ay AM BLESIDK First Boat leaves at 6 a.m. Last Boat leaves at 11:30 p.m. CjITY DOCK -- I'Mr t̂ Boat leaves a t 6 :30 a.m. Last Boat leaves a t 12 midnight. -Buses-meet-aH-ferries^ Rev. F. A. R̂ iHLsey officiated at the service at which the guests were ushered -by Mr. Ross Forrester and Mi*. George Gray. The best man was Mr. William Dolmage. During the signing of the register Mrs. J. G. Hunt sang "0 Perfect Love." ■ A reception was held-at-the home of the -bride's mother, Mrs. W. A. Davidson and Mrs. M. Al­ len assisting the wedding partv in receiving the" guests. The former wore a rust colored silk g9wn, a black Gainsborough hat and a rosebud corsage. The lat- FOR SALE -- Wardrobe Trunk; bed; boy's bicycle; "ice box; rocking chair. West 463L. FRYING CHICKEN, 1>4 Ib. weight, 17 cents each. Mclntyi^e, West6C3Y I.O ST -- ̂ Ambleside Pier, parcel con­ taining lady's clothing, ■ Finder " please leave at Ambleside; Tea Rooms. ;r WANTED Boy over sixteen for .Service Station help. 1503' Marine Drive. . WOMAN will care for children after- .noons and evenings. Phone 'West 68 LAWN MOWERS "GROUND, called _ for and delivered^ Saws filed. Ellis 1442 Clyde. W est 616L. P'OR SALE Refrigerator, for cash. Phone west 24. Cheap WANTED -- Furnished Cottage near Ambleside, for July or August. Reasonable rent. Phone-Sey. 4823- WANTED FOR THREE MONTHS-- Daily help, housework and simple cooking. Phone W est 163L3; "7! Bange in g < ^ order, 1st. Phone$10,00; available Ju ly 1^ West 141 or Bay. 2136R. ter wore a brown ensemble with matching accessories and a pink rosebud corsage. Assisting in serving-were: Miss Mildred and Jean Lettner, Miss Wilma Don FOR SALE •-- Light Tweed Coat; never worn, size 18. Will sell cheap. :-- Phone-W est-663X___-------------------• GLASS for all building purposes. Broken windows replaced. Jim Holt, 1742 Marine, W est '141; evenings West 140R. WINDOW shades and awnings made to measurements or repaired. Esti- -roates free. Picture framing. E. S 189(r"]y[arine. Phone West 529. a tr ia l for your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. , aldspn, and, Miss WinniV .MrMiL ̂ ItENT--Furnished cottage, fully iTAnV̂ ---------- !!-------- ̂ age; good view, close to bus. West ~ H ave your set over- 306-X. u . webL hauled now; summer prices. Phone West 539. Later in the evening the young couple, left on the Miss Vivian |.9L.spgud_a..honfim O Q ^ ___FOR RENT--Partly furnished mod- s r n p w . o ___________ ing up the B.C. Coast. F orgo- ■ J m 2 ing up the B.C. Coast. For go­ ing away the br^de wore a light brown tailored suit with acces- ~Park. Redecorated throughout, gar­ age. Phone W. 306X. HOURS INDIRECT LIGHTING sories to match and a red fox DUNDARAVE Library and Gift Shop fur. th e 0'ift. n f fb/s -TVT-- - -2476 Marine Drive. Subscription*fur, the gift of the groom. Mr and Mrs. Allen will reside -in Minto City, New books, magazines! stationery, gifts. a r c h e r LTD. -- 5 Rooms, iprnace, fire place,, fu ll plumbing, attic; furnished, new range;-close to ferry, good buy, $1650. FUEL SUPPLIES No. 1 Old Growth F ir ................• $5.50 per Cord Nô 1 Fir Slabs - , 2 cords fo r ..............$7.00 Green- Akier* $4.00 per cord Residence Phone West 621L ROCK DRILUNG -- Walls built, rockeries made and planted. Day or contract. Phone W est 294.HEADQUARTERS for Ail PopularBrands of Cigarettes and Tobaccos; -------------- -------- -■ - _________ also wsmng Gadgits for local wat- SHOE REPAIRS 4̂1. 1. * ♦ . j r ^ m b l e ^ i d e Tea E „ „ „ s. ^ 14th at Perry. -WATERFRONT,'BelleVue Avenue -- 0 room bungalow, every modem convenience 'loveiv' ^ARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam furnished, garage no^hlldren^fr^^ fatigue facial September 1st W est 1 tired housewife' or business___ ___ |^ « ^ _ ^ t_ v v e s ^ L . woman. W est 304. 17th and Marine --------- over Royal Bank. Kegiatered S ' " "r i 'evmo,!L^Q^'"" ®*- t u r n e r ,. Builder and Con-couver. Seymour 8790. Alterations and repairs. Phone W est 679R. , HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave Stationery! iSl-dwarf^^^ furnished and one uniurnished 4-room cottage near Phone W est 340 or West 143 WELFARE ASSOCIATION re-. ONE CENT for electricity yiftil oper­ ate your indirect floor iamp for hours. WESUVAN S h e e t M e ta l W o rk s Phone West .3 9 Furnace . and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners Houses to Rent. H oTse^ lo ^ a n d , {or sale. John Lawson 17th and Marine. Phone West 55 ' quires discarded ■ • clothing. Phone West 37 and truck-will collect. Builder and Contractor ' advice. Plans drawn First ck sS i workmanship. l a w n MOWERS SHARPENED -- - Rop^^rs, all -makes. W est 'Vancou-- ver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. ELECTRIC SE RV IC E-- ALWAYS A BARGA IN ■ ■■ i S t i n m o r n i n g s ; - Sio n oon s^ 4199. after. WOOL & KNITTING SHOP, 2474 Marine -- Complete une spring wools. .Free knitting Violet and^Kathleen Clem­ent, VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone W est 9 Fertilizers oY AD Kinds Wood, Coal, Builderfi? Supplies Ge\ ) Proprietors. T ®̂** kinds of •p, / r a y . N otary Public' -- Real esta te and .Insurance. Phone West or Sevriinnr i gfin West Van ^AINTJWG, D e c o r a ^ g , Papei^-Hang- WS, West 363. ^ rst- C3ass work only. Phone -- ~ ------------- -- WiUiamsori, W est 418R. J. T. Wa t t , ' "'^?2^r,"A N C O yV E R r e a l t y w L w , 4 ^ . ° CO. jAII. details arranged Via Panama At -Airways, pus or Rail book your Passage locally. / U 4 In